I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at PeaceI Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at PeaceI Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Followed by 10 people

Authors: Toudai



Genres: Uncategorized

Rating: 10/10 (3 votes)



It all happened so abruptly. After finally grasping my situation, I found myself in an entirely different world. Looking around, I noticed others in the same predicament… Could this possibly be one of those Hero developments?Was there a tyrannical Demon Lord needing extermination, or would I be tossed into the maelstrom of war? Whatever it was, I was afraid. I never wanted to be a Hero. I don’t want to harm another…… Ignore the nonsense I was spouting; there was nothing to fret over.The Demon Lord was slain a thousand years ago, and 800 years had passed since the last war. The nobles didn’t treat us summoned like tr*sh; instead, we were kindly cared for. The Demons have been on good terms with Humans for some time now. Dangers, such as monsters, were being taken care of by the Guild and the Order of Knights. What’s more surprising is the fact that I wasn’t even a hero! Instead, I was unintentionally summoned!It also turns out that this world was a world in which the three races, the Spirit World’s Magical Races, the Celestial World’s Divine Races, and the Mortal World’s Human Races, are kind neighbours. Here, everyone lives a peaceful and fulfilling life.In summary, this other world was――at peace.What’s my plan for the future? For my limited stay here, I will live this world to its fullest; going on a cultural exchange, sightseeing, then, after experiencing the festival that is only held once every ten years, …… I shall safely return home.However, despite my lust for a peaceful last year before returning, this planet’s heavyweights have begun amassing around me, and…

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Chapter List

Chapter 1942: Illness' Consultation ③

Jul 10, 2024

Chapter 1941: Illness' Consultation ②

Jul 09, 2024

Chapter 1940: Illness' Consultation ①

Jul 09, 2024

Chapter 1939: The Party is Over ⑧

Jul 07, 2024

Chapter 1938: The Party is Over ⑦

Jul 06, 2024

Chapter 1937: The Party is Over ⑥

Jul 05, 2024

Chapter 1936: The Party is Over ⑤

Jul 04, 2024

Chapter 1935: The Party is Over ④

Jul 03, 2024

Chapter 1934: The Party is Over ③

Jul 03, 2024

Chapter 1933: The Party is Over ②

Jul 03, 2024

Chapter 1932: The Party is Over ①

Jul 01, 2024

Chapter 1931: Ship Party ㊿

Jul 01, 2024

Chapter 1930: Ship Party ㊾

Jun 30, 2024

Chapter 1929: Ship Party ㊽

Jun 27, 2024

Chapter 1928: Ship Party ㊼

Jun 26, 2024

Chapter 1927: Ship Party ㊻

Jun 25, 2024

Chapter 1926: Ship Party ㊺

Jun 24, 2024

Chapter 1925: Ship Party ㊹

Jun 23, 2024

Chapter 1924: Ship Party ㊸

Jun 22, 2024

Chapter 1923: Ship Party ㊷

Jun 21, 2024

Chapter 1922: Ship Party ㊶

Jun 20, 2024

Chapter 1921: Ship Party ㊵

Jun 19, 2024

Chapter 1920: Ship Party ㊴

Jun 19, 2024

Chapter 1919: Ship Party ㊳

Jun 17, 2024

Chapter 1918: Ship Party ㊲

Jun 17, 2024

Chapter 1917: Ship Party ㊱

Jun 17, 2024

Chapter 1916: Ship Party ㉟

Jun 17, 2024

Chapter 1915: Ship Party ㉞

Jun 17, 2024

Chapter 1914: Intermission: First Contact

Jun 17, 2024

Chapter 1913: Ship Party ㉝

Jun 11, 2024

Chapter 1912: Ship Party ㉜

Jun 10, 2024

Chapter 1911: Ship Party ㉛

Jun 09, 2024

Chapter 1910: Ship Party ㉚

Jun 08, 2024

Chapter 1909: Ship Party ㉙

Jun 07, 2024

Chapter 1908: Ship Party ㉘

Jun 06, 2024

Chapter 1907: Ship Party ㉗

Jun 05, 2024

Chapter 1906: Intermission: At the End of a Long Journey - Part 2

Jun 04, 2024

Chapter 1905: Intermission: At the End of a Long Journey

Jun 03, 2024

Chapter 1904: Intermission: ●●●●● Part 3

Jun 02, 2024

Chapter 1903: Intermission: ●●●●● Part 2

Jun 01, 2024

Chapter 1902: Intermission: ●●●●● Part 1

May 31, 2024

Chapter 1901: Ship Party ㉖

May 30, 2024

Chapter 1900: Ship Party ㉕

May 29, 2024

Chapter 1899: Ship Party ㉔

May 28, 2024

Chapter 1898: Ship Party ㉓

May 27, 2024

Chapter 1897: Ship Party ㉒

May 26, 2024

Chapter 1896: Ship Party ㉑

May 26, 2024

Chapter 1895: Ship Party ⑳

May 26, 2024

Chapter 1894: Ship Party ⑲

May 26, 2024

Chapter 1893: Ship Party ⑱

May 22, 2024

Chapter 1892: Ship Party ⑰

May 21, 2024

Chapter 1891: Ship Party ⑯

May 20, 2024

Chapter 1890: Ship Party ⑮

May 19, 2024

Chapter 1889: Ship Party ⑭

May 18, 2024

Chapter 1888: Ship Party ⑬

May 18, 2024

Chapter 1887: Ship Party ⑫

May 18, 2024

Chapter 1886: Ship Party ⑪

May 15, 2024

Chapter 1885: Ship Party ⑩

May 15, 2024

Chapter 1884: Ship Party ⑨

May 13, 2024

Chapter 1883: Ship Party ⑧

May 12, 2024

Chapter 1882: Ship Party ⑦

May 12, 2024

Chapter 1881: Ship Party ⑥

May 10, 2024

Chapter 1880: Ship Party ⑤

May 09, 2024

Chapter 1879: Ship Party ④

May 08, 2024

Chapter 1878: Ship Party ③

May 07, 2024

Chapter 1877: Ship Party ②

May 06, 2024

Chapter 1876: Intermission: Ordinary People at the Venue?

May 05, 2024

Chapter 1875: Intermission: Ordinary People at the Venue

May 04, 2024

Chapter 1874: Ship Party ①

May 03, 2024

Chapter 1873: Intermission: Party Sideshows

May 02, 2024

Chapter 1872: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑫

May 01, 2024

Chapter 1871: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑪

Apr 30, 2024

Chapter 1870: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑩

Apr 29, 2024

Chapter 1869: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑨

Apr 28, 2024

Chapter 1868: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑧

Apr 27, 2024

Chapter 1867: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑦

Apr 26, 2024

Chapter 1866: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑥

Apr 25, 2024

Chapter 1865: Before the Ship Party Starts ⑤

Apr 24, 2024

Chapter 1864: Before the Ship Party Starts ④

Apr 23, 2024

Chapter 1863: Before the Ship Party Starts ③

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 1862: Before the Ship Party Starts ②

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 1861: Before the Ship Party Starts ①

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 1860: Trial Run of the Magic Ship

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 1859: Ship Party Invitations ⑫

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 1858: Ship Party Invitations ⑪

Apr 18, 2024

Chapter 1857: Ship Party Invitations ⑩

Apr 16, 2024

Chapter 1856: Ship Party Invitations ⑨

Apr 15, 2024

Chapter 1855: Ship Party Invitations ⑧

Apr 14, 2024

Chapter 1854: Ship Party Invitations ⑦

Apr 13, 2024

Chapter 1853: Ship Party Invitations ⑥

Apr 13, 2024

Chapter 1852: Ship Party Invitations ⑤

Apr 11, 2024

Chapter 1851: Ship Party Invitations ④

Apr 09, 2024

Chapter 1850: Ship Party Invitations ③

Apr 08, 2024

Chapter 1849: Ship Party Invitations ②

Apr 08, 2024

Chapter 1848: Ship Party Invitations ①

Apr 08, 2024

Chapter 1847: Golden Encounter ⑫

Apr 08, 2024

Chapter 1846: Golden Encounter ⑪

Apr 04, 2024

Chapter 1845: April Fool's Day Extra Chapter: 'Extended Extension'

Apr 03, 2024

Chapter 1844: April Fool's Day Extra Chapter: 'Extended April Fool's Day'

Apr 02, 2024

Chapter 1843: April Fool's Day Extra Chapter: [Title omitted]

Apr 01, 2024

Chapter 1842: Golden Encounter ⑩

Apr 01, 2024

Chapter 1841: Golden Encounter ⑨

Mar 30, 2024

Chapter 1840: Golden Encounter ⑧

Mar 29, 2024

Chapter 1839: Golden Encounter ⑦

Mar 29, 2024

Chapter 1838: Golden Encounter ⑥

Mar 27, 2024

Chapter 1837: Golden Encounter ⑤

Mar 26, 2024

Chapter 1836: Golden Encounter ④

Mar 25, 2024

Chapter 1835: Golden Encounter ③

Mar 25, 2024

Chapter 1834: Golden Encounter ②

Mar 24, 2024

Chapter 1833: Golden Encounter ①

Mar 23, 2024

Chapter 1832: Creating a Guest List

Mar 23, 2024

Chapter 1831: The Truth About the Lost Child ⑤

Mar 20, 2024

Chapter 1830: The Truth About the Lost Child ④

Mar 20, 2024

Chapter 1829: The Truth About the Lost Child ③

Mar 19, 2024

Chapter 1828: The Truth About the Lost Child ②

Mar 17, 2024

Chapter 1827: The Truth About the Lost Child ①

Mar 17, 2024

Chapter 1826: In Some Way, She’s Just Like Always

Mar 16, 2024

Chapter 1825: Memories on a Luxury Cruise Ship

Mar 13, 2024

Chapter 1824: God and Koppepan

Mar 12, 2024

Chapter 1823: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ⑩

Mar 11, 2024

Chapter 1822: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ⑨

Mar 11, 2024

Chapter 1821: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ⑧

Mar 11, 2024

Chapter 1820: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ⑦

Mar 11, 2024

Chapter 1819: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ⑥

Mar 11, 2024

Chapter 1818: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ⑤

Mar 06, 2024

Chapter 1817: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ④

Mar 05, 2024

Chapter 1816: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1815: The Hero and the Set-Meal Restaurant ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1814: The Hero and The Set-Meal Restaurant ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1813: Sea Bathing with Anima ⑩

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1812: Sea Bathing with Anima ⑨

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1811: Sea Bathing with Anima ⑧

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1810: Sea Bathing with Anima ⑦

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1809: Sea Bathing with Anima ⑥

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1808: Sea Bathing with Anima ⑤

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1807: Sea Bathing with Anima ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1806: Sea Bathing with Anima ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1805: Sea Bathing with Anima ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1804: Sea Bathing with Anima ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1803: Rest for the Hard Worker ⑫

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1802: Rest for the Hard Worker ⑪

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1801: Rest for the Hard Worker ⑩

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1800: Rest for the Hard Worker ⑨

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1799: Rest for the Hard Worker ⑧

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1798: Rest for the Hard Worker ⑦

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1797: Rest for the Hard Worker ⑥

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1796: Rest for the Hard Worker ⑤

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1795: Rest for the Hard Worker ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1794: Rest for the Hard Worker ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1793: Rest for the Hard Worker ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1792: Rest for the Hard Worker ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1791: Intermission: Three Ladies' Pleasure Trip ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1790: Intermission: Three Ladies' Pleasure Trip ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1789: Intermission: Three Ladies' Pleasure Trip ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1788: Intermission: Three Ladies' Pleasure Trip ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1787: Various Reactions to the New Brand ⑩

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1786: Various Reactions to the New Brand ⑨

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1785: Various Reactions to the New Brand ⑧

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1784: Various Reactions to the New Brand ⑦

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1783: Various Reactions to the New Brand ⑥

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1782: Various Reactions to the New Brand ⑤

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1780: Various Reactions to the New Brand ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1779: Various Reactions to the New Brand ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1778: Various Reactions to the New Brand ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1777: Love and Affection, A Wavering Heart

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1776: Intermission: The King and the Savior ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1775: Intermission: The King and the Savior ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1774: Intermission: The King and the Savior ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1773: Intermission: The King and the Savior ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1772: Tea Party with Illness ⑩

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1771: Tea Party with Illness ⑨

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1770: Tea Party with Illness ⑧

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1769: Tea Party with Illness ⑦

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1768: Tea Party with Illness ⑥

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1767: Tea Party with Illness ⑤

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1766: Tea Party with Illness ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1765: Tea Party with Illness ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1764: Tea Party with Illness ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1763: Tea Party with Illness ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1762: Original Blend ⑪

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1761: Original Blend ⑩

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1760: Original Blend ⑨

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1759: Original Blend ⑧

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1758: Original Blend ⑦

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1757: Original Blend ⑥

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1756: Original Blend ⑤

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1755: Original Blend ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1754: Original Blend ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1753: Original Blend ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1752: Original Blend ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1751: Launch of a New Brand ⑧

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1750: Launch of a New Brand ⑦

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1749: Launch of a New Brand ⑥

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1748: Launch of a New Brand ⑤

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1747: Launch of a New Brand ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1746: Launch of a New Brand ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1745: Launch of a New Brand ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1744: Launch of a New Brand ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1743: Memory Inheritance

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1742: Intermission: Bestowed Gift and Letters

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1741: Intermission: Stomachache from a Different Timeline

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1740: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑩

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1739: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑨

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1738: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑧

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1737: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑦

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1736: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑥

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1735: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑤

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1734: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1733: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1732: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1731: Nighttime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1730: Intermission: The Mountain that Appeared

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1729: Intermission: The Savior for Those with Stomachaches

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1728: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑪

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1727: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑩

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1726: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑨

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1725: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑧

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1724: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑦

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1723: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑥

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1722: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑤

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1721: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ④

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1720: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ③

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1719: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ②

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1718: Evening Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ①

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1717: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑪

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1716: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑩

Mar 04, 2024

Chapter 1715: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑨

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1714: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑧

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1713: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑦

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1712: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑥

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1711: Intermission: Evaluation From the Outside

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1710: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑤

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1709: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ④

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1708: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ③

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1707: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ②

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1706: Afternoon Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ①

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1705: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑫

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1704: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑪

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1703: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑩

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1702: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑨

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1701: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑧

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1700: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑦

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1699: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑥

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1698: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑤

Nov 24, 2023

Chapter 1697: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ④

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1696: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ③

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1695: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ②

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1694: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ①

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1693: And the Stomachache Continues......

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1692: Stomachache Direct Delivery

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1691: Stomachache Abates

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1690: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑫

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1689: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑪

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1688: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑩

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1687: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑨

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1686: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑧

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1685: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑦

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1684: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑥

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1683: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑤

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1682: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ④

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1681: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ③

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1680: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ②

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1679: Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ①

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1678: Re: Founding Festival ⑩

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1677: Re: Founding Festival ⑨

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1676: Re: Founding Festival ⑧

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1675: Re: Founding Festival ⑦

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1674: Re: Founding Festival ⑥

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1673: Re: Founding Festival ⑤

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1672 – Re: Founding Festival ④

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1671 – Re: Founding Festival ③

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1670 – Re: Founding Festival ②

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1669 – Re: Founding Festival ①

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1668 – Memories on the Beach ②

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1667 – Memories on the Beach ①

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1666 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ⑫

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1665 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ⑪

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1664 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ⑩

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1663 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ⑨

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1662 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ⑧

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1661 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ⑦

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1660 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ⑥

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1659 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ⑤

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1658 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ④

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1657 – In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ③

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1656: In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ②

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1655: In the Cottage Illuminated by Moonlight ①

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1654: Within the Night As It Grows Late ⑧

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1653: Within the Night As It Grows Late ⑦

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1652: Within the Night As It Grows Late ⑥

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1651: Within the Night As It Grows Late ⑤

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1650: Within the Night As It Grows Late ④

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1649: Within the Night As It Grows Late ③

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1648: Within the Night As It Grows Late ②

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1647: Within the Night As It Grows Late ①

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1646: Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ⑪

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1645: Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ⑩

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1644 – Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ⑨

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1643 – Hydra Kingdom's Founding Festival ⑧

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1642 – Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ⑦

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1641 – Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ⑥

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1640 – Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ⑤

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1639 – Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ④

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1638 – Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ③

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1637 – Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ②

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1636 – Hydra Kingdom Founding Festival ①

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1635 – Unexpected Invitation ②

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1634 – Unexpected Invitation ①

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1633 – Omens Before the Festival

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1632 – Lost High Elf ⑫

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1631 – Lost High Elf ⑪

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1630 – Intermission: The Sage of the Forest's Rumination

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1629 – Lost High Elf ⑩

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1628 – Lost High Elf ⑨

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1627 – Lost High Elf ⑧

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1626 – Lost High Elf ⑦

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1625 – Lost High Elf ⑥

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1624 – Lost High Elf ⑤

Nov 20, 2023

Chapter 1623 - Lost High Elf ④

Aug 25, 2023

Chapter 1622 - Lost High Elf ③

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1621 - Lost High Elf ②

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1620 - Lost High Elf ①

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1619 - A Reward for Lilia ⑫

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1618 - A Reward for Lilia ⑪

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1617 - A Reward for Lilia ⑩

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1616 - A Reward for Lilia ⑨

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1615 - A Reward for Lilia ⑧

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1614 - A Reward for Lilia ⑦

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1613 - A Reward for Lilia ⑥

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1612 - A Reward for Lilia ⑤

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1611 - A Reward for Lilia ④

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1610 - A Reward for Lilia ③

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1609 - A Reward For Lilia ②

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1608 - A Reward For Lilia ①

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1607 - Nebula's New Creation ⑧

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1606 - Nebula's New Creation ⑦

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1605 - Nebula's New Creation ⑥

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1604 - Nebula's New Creation ⑤

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1603 - Nebula's New Creation ④

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1602 - Nebula's New Creation ③

Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1601 - Nebula's New Creation ②

Aug 03, 2023

Chapter 1600 - Nebula's New Creation ①

Aug 03, 2023

Chapter 1599 - Ceramics and Crafted Sugar

Aug 03, 2023

Chapter 1598 - Events Hereafter ④

Aug 03, 2023

Chapter 1597 - Events Hereafter ③

Aug 03, 2023

Chapter 1596 - Events Hereafter ②

Jul 30, 2023

Chapter 1595 - Events Afterwards ①

Jul 30, 2023

Chapter 1594 - End of Stomachache Festival ⑩

Jul 30, 2023

Chapter 1593 - End of Stomachache Festival ⑨

Jul 30, 2023

Chapter 1592 - End of Stomachache Festival ⑧

Jul 30, 2023

Chapter 1591 - End of Stomachache Festival ⑦

Jul 30, 2023

Chapter 1590 - End of Stomachache Festival ⑥

Jul 30, 2023

Chapter 1589 - End of Stomachache Festival ⑤

Jul 30, 2023

Chapter 1588 - End of Stomachache Festival ④

Jul 21, 2023

Chapter 1587 - End of Stomachache Festival ③

Jul 21, 2023

Chapter 1586 - End of Stomachache Festival ②

Jul 21, 2023

Chapter 1585 - End of Stomachache Festival ①

Jul 21, 2023

Chapter 1584 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ⑫

Jul 21, 2023

Chapter 1583 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ⑪

Jul 21, 2023

Chapter 1582 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ⑩

Jul 21, 2023

Chapter 1581 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ⑨

Jul 14, 2023

Chapter 1580 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ⑧

Jul 14, 2023

Chapter 1579 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ⑦

Jul 12, 2023

Chapter 1578 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ⑥

Jul 12, 2023

Chapter 1577 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ⑤

Jul 10, 2023

Chapter 1576 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ④

Jul 08, 2023

Chapter 1575 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ③

Jul 07, 2023

Chapter 1574 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ②

Jul 07, 2023

Chapter 1573 - Stomachache-Filled Founding Festival ①

Jul 05, 2023

Chapter 1572 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ⑫

Jul 04, 2023

Chapter 1571 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ⑪

Jul 03, 2023

Chapter 1570 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ⑩

Jul 02, 2023

Chapter 1569 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ⑨

Jul 01, 2023

Chapter 1568 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ⑧

Jun 30, 2023

Chapter 1567 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ⑦

Jun 29, 2023

Chapter 1566 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ⑥

Jun 28, 2023

Chapter 1565 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ⑤

Jun 28, 2023

Chapter 1564 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ④

Jun 27, 2023

Chapter 1563 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ③

Jun 26, 2023

Chapter 1562 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ②

Jun 25, 2023

Chapter 1561 - Archlesia Empire Founding Festival ①

Jun 24, 2023

Chapter 1560 - Gifts for My Lovers ⑪

Jun 23, 2023

Chapter 1559 - Gifts for My Lovers ⑩

Jun 22, 2023

Chapter 1558 - Gifts for My Lovers ⑨

Jun 20, 2023

Chapter 1557 - Gifts for My Lovers ⑧

Jun 19, 2023

Chapter 1556 - Gifts for My Lovers ⑦

Jun 19, 2023

Chapter 1555 - Gifts for My Lovers ⑥

Jun 18, 2023

Chapter 1554 - Gifts for My Lovers ⑤

Jun 16, 2023

Chapter 1553 - Gifts for My Lovers ④

Jun 16, 2023

Chapter 1552 - Gifts for My Lovers ③

Jun 16, 2023

Chapter 1551 - Gifts for My Lovers ②

Jun 16, 2023

Chapter 1550 - Gifts for My Lovers ①

Jun 16, 2023

Chapter 1549 - Omen ⑪

Jun 11, 2023

Chapter 1548 - Omen ⑩

Jun 10, 2023

Chapter 1547 - Omen ⑨

Jun 09, 2023

Chapter 1546 - Omen ⑧

Jun 08, 2023

Chapter 1545 - Omen ⑦

Jun 08, 2023

Chapter 1544 - Omen ⑥

Jun 06, 2023

Chapter 1543 - Omen ⑤

Jun 06, 2023

Chapter 1542 - Omen ④

Jun 05, 2023

Chapter 1541 - Omen ③

Jun 04, 2023

Chapter 1540 - Omen ②

Jun 03, 2023

Chapter 1539 - Omen ①

Jun 01, 2023

1538 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Epilogue ~ ~

May 31, 2023

1537 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ⑫ ~ ~

May 30, 2023

1536 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ⑪ ~ ~

May 29, 2023

1535 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ⑩ ~ ~

May 29, 2023

1534 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ⑨ ~ ~

May 28, 2023

Chapter 1533 - Intermission: Baby Castellas' Beginnings

May 26, 2023

1532 - Extra Chapter: Maids' Omen

May 25, 2023

1531 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ⑧ ~ ~

May 24, 2023

1530 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ⑦ ~ ~

May 23, 2023

1529 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ⑥ ~ ~

May 23, 2023

1528 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ⑤ ~ ~

May 22, 2023

1527 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ④ ~ ~

May 21, 2023

1526 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ③ ~ ~

May 19, 2023

1525 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ② ~ ~

May 19, 2023

1524 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Future ① ~ ~

May 18, 2023

1523 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Present ⑤ ~ ~

May 17, 2023

1522 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Present ④ ~ ~

May 16, 2023

1521 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episodes ~ ~ Present ③ ~ ~

May 15, 2023

1520 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Present ② ~ ~

May 14, 2023

1519 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Present ① ~ ~

May 13, 2023

1518 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ⑩ ~ ~

May 12, 2023

1517 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ⑨ ~ ~

May 11, 2023

1516 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ⑧ ~ ~

May 11, 2023

1515 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ⑦ ~ ~

May 08, 2023

1514 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ⑥ ~ ~

May 08, 2023

1513 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ⑤ ~ ~

May 06, 2023

1512 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ④ ~ ~

May 05, 2023

1511 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ③ ~ ~

May 05, 2023

1510 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ② ~ ~

May 03, 2023

1509 - Extra Chapter: Isis Episode ~ ~ Past ① ~ ~

May 03, 2023

Chapter 1508 - After Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas

May 02, 2023

Chapter 1507 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑫

Apr 30, 2023

Chapter 1506 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑪

Apr 30, 2023

Chapter 1505 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑩

Apr 28, 2023

Chapter 1504 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑨

Apr 28, 2023

Chapter 1503 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑧

Apr 26, 2023

Chapter 1502 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑦

Apr 25, 2023

Chapter 1501 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑥

Apr 24, 2023

Chapter 1500 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑤

Apr 23, 2023

Chapter 1499 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ④

Apr 23, 2023

Chapter 1498 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ③

Apr 21, 2023

Chapter 1497 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ②

Apr 21, 2023

Chapter 1496 - Seeking More Possibilities of Baby Castellas ①

Apr 19, 2023

Chapter 1495 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑪

Apr 19, 2023

Chapter 1494 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑩

Apr 17, 2023

Chapter 1493 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑨

Apr 17, 2023

Chapter 1492 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑧

Apr 17, 2023

Chapter 1491 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑦

Apr 14, 2023

Chapter 1490 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑥

Apr 14, 2023

Chapter 1489 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ⑤

Apr 12, 2023

Chapter 1488 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ④

Apr 12, 2023

Chapter 1487 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ③

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1486 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ②

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1485 - Seeking the Possibilities of Baby Castellas ①

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1484 - Intermission: Other Immigrants around that time

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1483 - Visiting the Home of a Person from the Same Homeworld ⑤

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1482 - Visiting the Home of a Person from the Same Homeworld ④

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1481 - Visiting the Home of a Person from the Same Homeworld ③

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1480 - Visiting the Home of a Person from the Same Homeworld ②

Apr 11, 2023

1479 - April Fool's Day Extra Chapter : "April Fool's Day 2"

Apr 11, 2023

1478 - April Fool's Day Extra Chapter : "I etc Part 4"

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1477 - Visiting the Home of a Person from the Same Homeworld ①

Apr 11, 2023

Chapter 1476 - Thinking About Souvenirs

Mar 30, 2023

Chapter 1475 - Introducing the Kouhais

Mar 29, 2023

Chapter 1474 - Transformation of the Devotion Monster - Part 3

Mar 28, 2023

Chapter 1473 - Transformation of the Devotion Monster - Part 2

Mar 28, 2023

Chapter 1472 - Transformation of the Devotion Monster - Part 1

Mar 28, 2023

Chapter 1471 - Captivating Relaxation Room ⑪

Mar 28, 2023

Chapter 1470 - Captivating Relaxation Room ⑩

Mar 24, 2023

Chapter 1469 - Captivating Relaxation Room ⑨

Mar 23, 2023

Chapter 1468 - Captivating Relaxation Room ⑧

Mar 22, 2023

Chapter 1467 - Captivating Relaxation Room ⑦

Mar 21, 2023

Chapter 1466 - Captivating Relaxation Room ⑥

Mar 21, 2023

Chapter 1465 - Captivating Relaxation Room ⑤

Mar 19, 2023

Chapter 1464 - Captivating Relaxation Room ④

Mar 18, 2023

Chapter 1463 - Captivating Relaxation Room ③

Mar 17, 2023

Chapter 1462 - Captivating Relaxation Room ②

Mar 17, 2023

Chapter 1461 - Captivating Relaxation Room ①

Mar 17, 2023

Chapter 1460 - Competition Afterparty ⑧

Mar 15, 2023

Chapter 1459 - Competition Afterparty ⑦

Mar 14, 2023

Chapter 1458 - Competition Afterparty ⑥

Mar 13, 2023

Chapter 1457 - Competition Afterparty ⑤

Mar 12, 2023

Chapter 1456 - Competition Afterparty ④

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1455 - Competition Afterparty ③

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1454 - Competition Afterparty ②

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1453 - Competition Afterparty ①

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1452 - Final Race ⑥

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1451 - Final Race ⑤

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1450 - Final Race ④

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1449 - Final Race ③

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1448 - Final Race ②

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1447 - Final Race ①

Mar 11, 2023

Chapter 1446 - Flying Board ⑩

Mar 01, 2023

Chapter 1445 - Flying Board ⑨

Mar 01, 2023

Chapter 1444: Flying Board ⑧

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1443: Flying Board ⑦

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1442: Flying Board ⑥

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1441: Intermission: Visiting Audience

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1440: Flying Board ⑤

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1439 - Flying Board ④

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1438 - Flying Board ③

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1437 - Flying Board ②

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1436 - Flying Board ①

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1435 - Necromancer's Request ③

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1434 - Necromancer's Request ②

Feb 28, 2023

Chapter 1433 - Necromancer's Request ①

Feb 15, 2023

Chapter 1432 - Captivating Sukiyaki ⑦

Feb 14, 2023

Chapter 1431 - Captivating Sukiyaki ⑥

Feb 14, 2023

Chapter 1430 - Amusement Park Date for Three ⑪

Feb 12, 2023

Chapter 1429 - Amusement Park Date for Three ⑩

Feb 11, 2023

Chapter 1428 - Amusement Park Date for Three ⑨

Feb 10, 2023

Chapter 1427 - Amusement Park Date for Three ⑧

Feb 09, 2023

Chapter 1426 - Amusement Park Date for Three ⑦

Feb 09, 2023

Chapter 1425 - Amusement Park Date for Three ⑥

Feb 09, 2023

Chapter 1424 - Amusement Park Date for Three ⑤

Feb 09, 2023

Chapter 1423 - Amusement Park Date for Three ④

Feb 06, 2023

Chapter 1422 - Amusement Park Date for Three ③

Feb 04, 2023

Chapter 1421 - Amusement Park Date for Three ②

Feb 03, 2023

Chapter 1420 - Amusement Park Date for Three ①

Feb 02, 2023

Chapter 1419 - Captivating Sukiyaki ⑤

Feb 01, 2023

Chapter 1418 - Captivating Sukiyaki ④

Jan 31, 2023

Chapter 1417 - Captivating Sukiyaki ③

Jan 30, 2023

Chapter 1416 - Captivating Sukiyaki ②

Jan 29, 2023

Chapter 1415 - Captivating Sukiyaki ①

Jan 28, 2023

Chapter 1414 - Stall Opening Discussions

Jan 27, 2023

Chapter 1413 - Mysterious Letter ⑩

Jan 26, 2023

Chapter 1412 - Mysterious Letter ⑨

Jan 26, 2023

Chapter 1411 - Mysterious Letter ⑧

Jan 24, 2023

Chapter 1410 - Mysterious Letter ⑦

Jan 23, 2023

Chapter 1409 - Mysterious Letter ⑥

Jan 23, 2023

Chapter 1408 - Mysterious Letter ⑤

Jan 23, 2023

Chapter 1407 - Mysterious Letter ④

Jan 23, 2023

Chapter 1406 - Mysterious Letter ③

Jan 20, 2023

Chapter 1405 - Mysterious Letter ②

Jan 20, 2023

Chapter 1404 - Mysterious Letter ①

Jan 20, 2023

Chapter 1403 - A Night Spent with Sieg ⑥

Jan 16, 2023

Chapter 1402 - A Night Spent with Sieg ⑤

Jan 15, 2023

Chapter 1401 - A Night Spent with Sieg ④

Jan 14, 2023

Chapter 1400 - A Night Spent with Sieg ③

Jan 13, 2023

Chapter 1399 - A Night Spent with Sieg ②

Jan 12, 2023

Chapter 1398 - A Night Spent with Sieg ①

Jan 12, 2023

Chapter 1397 - Connection Event ⑨

Jan 12, 2023

Chapter 1396 - Connection Event ⑧

Jan 09, 2023

Chapter 1395 - Connection Event ⑦

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1394 - Connection Event ⑥

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1393 - Connection Event ⑤

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1392 - Connection Event ④

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1391 - Connection Event ③

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1390 - Connection Event ②

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1389 - Connection Event ①

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1388 - The Decisive Battle Between Supreme and Maid ⑥

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1387 - The Decisive Battle Between Supreme and Phantom ⑤

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1386 - The Decisive Battle Between Supreme and Phantom ④

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1385 - The Decisive Battle Between Supreme and Phantom ③

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1384 - The Decisive Battle Between Supreme and Phantom ②

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1383 - The Decisive Battle Between Supreme and Phantom ①

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1382 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ⑪

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1381 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ⑩

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1380 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ⑨

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1379 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ⑧

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1378 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ⑦

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1377 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ⑥

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1376 - Maid Olympia Maid Competition ⑤

Jan 08, 2023

Chapter 1375 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ④

Dec 19, 2022

Chapter 1374 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ③

Dec 19, 2022

Chapter 1373 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ②

Dec 17, 2022

Chapter 1372 - Maid Olympia Main Competition ①

Dec 16, 2022

Chapter 1371 - The Maid's Challenge ⑩

Dec 15, 2022

Chapter 1370 - The Maid's Challenge ⑨

Dec 15, 2022

Chapter 1369 - The Maid's Challenge ⑧

Dec 14, 2022

Chapter 1368 - The Maid's Challenge ⑦

Dec 13, 2022

Chapter 1367 - The Maid's Challenge ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1366 - The Maid's Challenge ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1365 - The Maid's Challenge ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1364 - The Maid's Challenge ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1363 - The Maid's Challenge ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1362 - The Maid's Challenge ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1361 - The Festival Proposed by the Black Wing

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1360 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1359 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1358 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1357 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1356 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1355 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1354 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1353 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1352 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1351 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1350 - Camping Under the Starry Sky ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1349 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1348 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1347 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1346 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1345 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1344 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1343 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1342 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1341 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1340 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1339 - Garden of Myriad Flowers ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1338 - Mamonaka Alyssa ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1337 - Mamonaka Alyssa ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1336 - Mamonaka Alyssa ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1335 - Mamonaka Alyssa ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1334 - 〇〇〇sa ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1333 - Mamo〇〇〇 ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1332 - ? ? ? ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1331 - ? ? ? ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1330 - Founding Festival - Night ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1329 - Intermission: Super Maid of Heart

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1328 - Founding Festival - Night ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1327 - Founding Festival - Night ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1326 - Founding Festival - Night ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1325 - Founding Festival - Night ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1324 - Founding Festival - Night ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1323 - Founding Festival - Night ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1322 - Founding Festival - Night ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1321 - Founding Festival - Night ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1320 - Intermission: Otherworlders in the Founding Festival

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1319 - Founding Festival - Noon ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1318 - Founding Festival - Noon ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1317 - Founding Festival - Noon ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1316 - Founding Festival - Noon ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1315 - Founding Festival - Noon ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1314 - Founding Festival - Noon ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1313 - Founding Festival - Noon ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1312 - Founding Festival - Noon ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1311 - Founding Festival - Noon ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1310 - Bonus SS : "A Little Before the Beginning"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1309 - Founding Festival - Noon ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1308 - Founding Festival ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1307 - Founding Festival ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1306 - Founding Festival ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1305 - Founding Festival ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1304 - Founding Festival ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1303 - Founding Festival ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1302 - Founding Festival ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1301 - Founding Festival ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1300 - Founding Festival ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1299 - Founding Festival ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1298 - Intermission: The Tea Party of Black and White ~ ~ Shiro's Provocation ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1297 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ⑫

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1296 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1295 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1294 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1293 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1292 - Preparations for Setting up a Stall ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1291 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1290 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1289 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1288 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1287 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1286 - Preparation for Setting up a Stall ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1284 - Extra: Pleiaaadesuuuuuu~~☆

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1283 - Sixth Star ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1282 - Sixth Star ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1281 - Sixth Star ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1280 - Sixth Star ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1279 - Sixth Star ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1278 - Ten-Tailed Fox ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1277 - Ten-Tailed Fox ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1276 - Ten-Tailed Fox ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1275 - Ten-Tailed Fox ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1274 - Ten-Tailed Fox ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1273 - Ten-Tailed Fox ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1272 - Ten-Tailed Fox ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1271 - The Founder's Invitation ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1270 - The Founder's Invitation ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1269 - The Founder's Invitation ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1268 - The Founder's Invitation ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1267 - The Founder's Invitation ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1266 - The Founder's Invitation ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1265 - The Founder's Invitation ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1264 - The Founder's Invitation ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1263 - Wedding Participation ⑫

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1262 - Wedding Participation ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1261 - Wedding Preparations ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1260 - Wedding Participate ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1259 - Wedding Participation ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1258 - Wedding Participation ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1257 - Wedding Participation ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1256 - Intermission: Kaito's Influence

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1255 - Wedding Participation ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1254 - Wedding Participation ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1253 - Wedding Participation ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1252 - Wedding Participation ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1251 - Wedding Participation ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1250 - Night Market ⑫

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1249 - Night Market ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1248 - Night Market ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1247 - Night Market ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1246 - Night Market ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1245 - Night Market ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1244 - Night Market ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1243 - Night Market ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1242 - Night Market ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1241 - Night Market ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1240 - Night Market ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1239 - Night Market ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1238 - Preparing for the Participation in the Wedding Ceremony ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1237 - Preparing for the Participation in the Wedding Ceremony ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1236 - Preparing for the Participation in the Wedding Ceremony ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1235 - Preparing for the Participation in the Wedding Ceremony ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1234 - Preparing for the Participation in the Wedding Ceremony ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1233 - Intermission: The Connection between the Compatriots - Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1232EX - Extra: RINGTOSS

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1232 - Intermission: The Connection between the Compatriots - Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1231 - A Moment with Dr. Vier - Part 3

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1230 - A Moment with Dr. Vier - Intermission

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1229 - A Moment with Dr. Vier - Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1228 - A Moment with Dr. Vier - Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1227 - Intermission: My King

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1226 - Encounter with a Compatriot ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1225 - Encounter with a Compatriot ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1224 - Encounter with a Compatriot ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1223 - Encounter with a Compatriot ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1222 - Encounter with a Compatriot ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1221 - Encounter with a Compatriot ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1220 - Encounter with a Compatriot ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1219 - Intermission: Weaving Fate

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1218 - Consignment of Processed Items

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1217 - Best Friend and Lover - Part 3

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1216 - Best Friend and Lover - Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1215 - Best Friend and Lover - Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1214 - Duke-Rank and Maid-Rank ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1213 - Duke-Rank and Maid-Rank ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1212 - Duke-Rank and Maid-Rank ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1211 - Duke-rank and Maid-Rank ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1210 - Duke-Rank and Maid-Rank ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1209 - Duke-Rank and Maid-Rank ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1208 - Duke-Rank and Maid-Rank ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1207 - Duke-Rank and Maid-Rank ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1206 - Duke-Rank and Maid-Rank ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1205 - Riverside and God

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1204 - Dream Team?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1203 - Rumors of a New Project

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1202 - The Royal Familys Shadow

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1201 - A Moment with the White God - Part 3

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1200 - A Moment with the White God - Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1199 - A Moment with the White God - Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1198 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1197 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1196 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1195 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1194 - Intermission: A Small Tea Ceremony and A Swaying Flower

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1193 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1192 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1191 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1190 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1189 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1188 - Black Wings Invasion ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1187 - Tea Partys Conclusion and a New Invitation

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1186 - Bonds Deepened at the Tea Party ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1185 - Bonds Deepened at the Tea Party ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1184 - Bonds Deepened at the Tea Party ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1183 - 'Teach me! Shall-tan-sensei!!! Authority Chapter'

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1182 - Bonds Deepened at the Tea Party ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1181 - Bonds Deepened at the Tea Party ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1180 - Bonds Deepened at the Tea Party ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1179 - Bonds Deepened at the Tea Party ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1178 - Bonds Deepened at the Tea Party ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1177 - Black Wings ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1176 - Intermission: Understanding Person

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1175 - Black Wings ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1174 - Black Wings ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1173 - Black Wings ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1172 - Tea Party ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1171 - Tea Party ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1170 - Tea Party ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1169 - Tea Party ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1168 - Intermission: The Death King and the Necromancer

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1167 - Tea Party ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1166 - Tea Party ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1165 - Tea Party ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1164 - Harmonic Symphony Part 3 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1163 - Harmonic Symphony Part 3 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1162 - Harmonic Symphony Part 3 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1161 - Harmonic Symphony Part 3 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1160 - Harmonic Symphony Part 3 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1159 - Harmonic Symphony Part 3 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1158 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 V2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1157 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 V2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1156 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 V2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1155 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 V2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1154 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 V2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1153 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1152 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1151 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1150 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1149 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1148 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1147 - Intermission: New Participants

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1146 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1145 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1144 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1143 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1142 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1141 - Harmonic Symphony Part 2 ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1140 - Intermission: Earth Bound Star Part 3

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1139 - Intermission: Earth Bound Star Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1138 - Extra Chapter : The Martyr of Death Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1137 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1136 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1135 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1134 - Intermission: The Two Dragons in the Music Festival

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1133 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1132 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1131 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1130 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1129 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1128 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1127 - Harmonic Symphony ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1126 - The Day Before the Harmonic Symphony

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1125 - Intermission: Unexpected Fate

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1124 - Invitation from the World King ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1123 - Invitation from the World King ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1122 - Invitation from the World King ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1121 - Intermission: A Little More Later - Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1120 - Intermission: A Little More Later - Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1119 - Intermission: Founder and Shopkeeper ~ ~ A Little Later ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1118 - Founder and Shopkeeper ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1117 - Founder and Shopkeeper ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1116 - Founder and Shopkeeper ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1115 - Founder and Shopkeeper ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1114 - Founder and Shopkeeper ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1113 - April Fools Day Extra Chapter : "Inv etc Part 3"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1112 - Intermission: Black and White ~ ~ The Unity of the Triforce ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1111 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1110 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1109 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1108 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1107 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1106 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1105 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1104 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1103 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1102 - Founder Olivia ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1101 - Intermission: Lunamarias Teacher

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1100 - To the Friendship City ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1099 - To the Friendship City ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1098 - To the Friendship City ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1097 - To the Friendship City ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1096 - To the Friendship City ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1095 - To the Friendship City ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1094 - To the Friendship City ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1093 - To the Friendship City ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1092 - Tea Revolution ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1091 - Tea Revolution ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1090 - Tea Revolution ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1089 - Tea Revolution ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1088 - Tea Revolution ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1087 - Date with Vier ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1086 - Date with Vier ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1085 - Date with Vier ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1084 - Date with Vier ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1083 - Intermission: In the Backyard

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1082 - Date with Vier ?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1081: Date with Vier ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1080: Date with Vier ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1079: Mission ⑨ : Develop your Relationship!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1078: Mission ⑧ : Confess your Feelings!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1077: Mission ⑦ : Head Towards the Place You're Emotionally Attached to!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1076: Mission ⑥ : Go Shop for Clothes!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1075: Mission ⑤ : Settle the Bill!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1074: Mission ④ : Finish your Meal!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1073: Mission ③ : Head Towards the Designated Restaurant!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1072: Mission ② : Initiate the Date!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1071: Mission ① : Head towards the Designated Location!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1070: Intermission: A Gift of Gratitude

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1069: Trip with Fate ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1068: Trip with Fate ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1067: Intermission: The Stars Began to Gather

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1066: Intermission: Celestial Blade Star Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1065: Intermission: Celestial Blade Star Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1064: Trip with Fate ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1063: Trip with Fate ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1062: Trip with Fate ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1061: Trip with Fate ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1060: Trip with Fate ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1059: Trip with Fate ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1058: Trip with Fate ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1057: Intermission: Immigrant ③ ~ ~ Mizuhara Kaori ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1056: Intermission: Immigrant ② ~ ~ Okura Shigenobu ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1055: Intermission: Immigrant ① ~ ~ Mikumo Akane ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1054: Near Miss ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1053: Near Miss ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1052: Near Miss ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1051: Near Miss ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1050: Rose Princess' Visit ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1049: Rose Princess' Visit ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1048: Rose Princess' Visit ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1047: Rose Princess' Visit ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1046: Rose Princess' Visit ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1045: Rose Princess' Visit ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1044: Rose Princess' Visit ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1043: Rose Princess' Visit ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1042: Letters and Travel Plans

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1041: Intermission: Neun ~ ~ Consultation ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1040: Samurai Princess of Cherry Blossoms ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1039: The Samurai Princess of Cherry Blossoms ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1038: The Samurai Princess of Cherry Blossoms ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1037: After the White God Festival ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1036: After the White God Festival ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1035: After the White God Festival ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1034: After the White God Festival ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1033: After the White God Festival ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1032: White God Festival, Night ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1031: Intermission: Blessings to your Future

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1030: White God Festival, Night ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1029: White God Festival, Night ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1028: White God Festival, Evening ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1027: White God Festival, Evening ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1026: White God Festival, Evening ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1025 New Year's Extra Ch : "The Castle of Smiles"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1024 White God Festival, Evening ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1023-ex Second Popularity Poll ~ ~ Results ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1023 White God Festival, Evening ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1022 White God Festival, Evening ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1021 White God Festival, Evening ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1020 White God Festival, Evening ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1019 White God Festival, Evening ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1018 White God Festival, Noon ⑫

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1017 White God Festival, Noon ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1016 White God Festival, Noon ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1015 White God Festival, Noon ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1014 White God Festival, Noon ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1013 Around that Time ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1012 Around that Time ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1011 Around that Time ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1010 White God Festival, Noon ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1009 White God Festival, Noon ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1008 White God Festival, Noon ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1007 White God Festival, Noon ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1006 White God Festival, Noon ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1005 White God Festival, Noon ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1004 White God Festival, Noon ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1003 The Encounter with the Rose Princess ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1002 The Encounter with the Rose Princess ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1001 The Encounter with the Rose Princess ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 1000 The Encounter with the Rose Princess ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 999 The Encounter with the Rose Princess ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 998 The Encounter with the Rose Princess ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 997 White God Festival, Middle-level ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 996 White God Festival, Middle-level ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 995 Intermission : The Rose Lady

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 994 White God Festival, Middle-level ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 993 White God Festival, Middle-level ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 992 White God Festival, Middle-level ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 991 White God Festival, Middle-level ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 990 White God Festival, Middle-level ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 989 White God Festival, Middle-level ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 988 White God Festival, Middle-level ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 987 White God Festival, Middle-Level ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 986 A Very Old Special SS 8

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 985 A Very Old Special SS 7

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 984 A Very Old Special SS 6

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 983 A Very Old Special SS 5

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 982 White God Festival ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 981 White God Festival ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 980 White God Festival ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 979 White God Festival ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 978 White God Festival ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 977 White God Festival ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 976 White God Festival ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 975 White God Festival ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 974 White God Festival ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 973 Intermission : Each Place's Night before the Event

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 972 Intermission: Ignorance is a Bliss

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 971 The Day Before the White God Festival

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 970 Deepening Bonds and A Promise

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 969 Festival Date with Alice ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 968 Festival Date with Alice ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 967 Festival Date with Alice ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 966 Festival Date with Alice ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 965 Festival Date with Alice ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 964 Festival Date with Alice ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 963 Festival Date with Alice ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 962 The Three, To The Bazaar ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 961 The Three, To the Bazaar ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 960 A Very Old Special SS 4

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 959 A Very Old Special SS 3

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 958 A Very Old Special SS 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 957 A Very Old Special SS

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 956 The Three, To the Bazaar ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 955 The Three, To the Bazaar ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 954 The Three, To the Bazaar ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 953 The Absolute's Day ~ ~ Midnight ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 952 The Ultimate's Day ~ ~ Night ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 951 The Absolute's Day ~ ~ Evening ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 950 The Absolute's Day ~ ~ Noon ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 949 The Absolute's Day ~ ~ Morning ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 948 The Ultimate God ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 947 The Ultimate God ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 946 The Ultimate God ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 945 The Ultimate God ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 944 The Ultimate God ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 943 The Ultimate God ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 942 The Ultimate God ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 941 The Ultimate God ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 940 The Ultimate God ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 939 The Ultimate God ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 938 The Ultimate God ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 937 Intermission : Alice ~ ~ The Meeting of the Two Best Friends ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 936 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 935 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 934 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 933 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 932 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 931 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 930 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 929 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 928 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 927 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 926 A Long Day in the Life of Miyama Kaito ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 925 Looking at the Same Thing, Side by Side

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 924 Dragon Carnival ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 923 Dragon Carnival ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 922 Dragon Carnival ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 921 Dragon Carnival ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 920 Intermission: The Six-Armed Sword Oni

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 919 Dragon Carnival ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 918 Dragon Carnival ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 917 Dragon Carnival ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 916 Dragon Carnival ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 915 Dragon Carnival ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 914 Dragon Carnival ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 913 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Seven Princesses ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 912 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Seven Princesses ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 911 Meeting with the Six Kings' Executives - Seven Princesses ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 910-ex Mama Makina's Overflowing Love

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 910 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Seven Princesses ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 909 Meeting with the Six Kings' Executives - Seven Princesses ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 908 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Seven Princesses ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 907 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Seven Princesses ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 906 Event Announcement

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 905 Resort for Two - Final Part

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 904 Resort for Two - Second Part

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 903 Resort for Two - First Part

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 902 Extra Ch : Tre and Vier

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 901 The Sun Named 3 ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 900 The Sun Named 3 ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 899 The Sun Named 3 ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 898 The Sun Named 3 ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 897 The Sun Named 3 ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 896 Intermission : Cento & Cien ~ ~ The Change of their World, Together with the Sun ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 895 In the Demon Realm's City ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 894 In the Demon Realm's City ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 893 In the Demon Realm's City ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 892 In the Demon Realm's City ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 891 In the Demon Realm's City ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 890 In the Demon Realm's City ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 889 In the Demon Realm's City ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 888 In the Demon Realm's City ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 887 In the Demon Realm's City ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 886 Portcullis' Giant Soldier ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 885 Portcullis' Giant Soldier ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 884 Portcullis' Giant Soldier ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 883 Portcullis' Giant Soldier ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 882 Luxury Time

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 881 Unknowing Improvement of Workplace

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 880 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons II ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 879 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons II ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 878 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons II ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 877 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons II ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 876 Ristia Asmodeus ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 875 Ristia Asmodeus ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 874 Ristia Asmodeus ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 873 Ristia Asmodeus ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 872 Ristia Asmodeus ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 871 Ristia Asmodeus ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 870 Happiness, Together with You

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 869 Intermission : Martyr of Death

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 868 The Flower Dancing in the Skies ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 867 The Flower Dancing in the Skies ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 866 The Flower Dancing in the Skies ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 865 The Flower Dancing in the Skies ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 864 The Flower Dancing in the Skies ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 863 The Flower Dancing in the Skies ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 862 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 861 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 860 Intermission: God Realm ~ ~ Progress ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 859 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 858 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 857 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 856 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 855 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 854 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 853 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 852 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 851 Meeting the Six Kings' Executives - Ten Demons Arc ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 850 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑫

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 849 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 848 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 847 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 846 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 845.2 Extra - Transcendentally Fused: Alice-chan Robo

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 845 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 844 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 843 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 842 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 841 Intermission: Kujou Hikari ~ ~ The Friendship Between the Hero and the Chivalrous Thief ~ ~ Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 840 Intermission: Kujou Hikari ~ ~ The Friendship Between the Hero and the Chivalrous Thief ~ ~ Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 839 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 838 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 837 Rookie Adventurers and the Legendary Chivalrous Thief ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 836 The Two who Returned ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 835 April Fool's Day Extra Ch : "Invaders etc Part 2"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 834 The Two who Returned ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 833 Intermission: The Flower of the Earth ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 832 Intermission: The Flower of the Earth ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 831 Intermission: The Flower of the Earth ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 830 The Two who Returned ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 829 The Two who Returned ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 828 The Two who Returned ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 827 The Two who Returned ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 826 The Two who Returned ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 825 The Two who Returned ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 824 Freabell Nidzveld ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 823 Freabell Nidzveld ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 822 Intermission: The Traveling Blue Flower

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 821 New Year's Extra Ch : Six Kings' Executive Vacation ~ ~ Underworld King & Deat

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 820 New Year's Extra Ch : Six Kings' Executives' Vacation ~ ~ World King & Phantasmal King ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 819 New Year's Extra Ch : Six Kings' Executives' Vacation ~ ~ Dragon King and War King Camp ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 818 Freabell Nidzveld ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 817 Freabell Nidzveld ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 816 Freabell Nidzveld ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 815 Freabell Nidzveld ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 814 Freabell Nidzveld ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 813 Freabell Nidzveld ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 812 Freabell Nidzveld ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 811 Beach Swimming Final Part ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 810 Beach Swimming Final Part ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 809 Beach Swimming Final Part ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 808 Beach Swimming Final Part ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 807 Beach Swimming Final Part ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 806 Beach Swimming Final Part ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 805 Beach Swimming Final Part ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 804 Intermission: The Path the Red Dragon Took - Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 803 Intermission: The Path the Red Dragon Took - Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 802 Beach Swimming Middle Part ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 801 Beach Swimming Middle Part ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 800 Beach Swimming Middle Part ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 799 Beach Swimming Middle Part ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 798 Beach Swimming Middle Part ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 797 Beach Swimming Middle Part ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 796 Beach Swimming Middle Part ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 795 Beach Swimming Middle Part ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 794 Beach Swimming Middle Part ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 793 Beach Swimming Middle Part ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 792 Beach Swimming Middle Part ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 791 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ⑫

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 790 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 789 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 788 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 787 Intermission: Far North Star ~ ~ Fangs of the Tyrannical Beast ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 786 Intermission: Far North Star ~ ~ The Head of Death King's Subordinates ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 785 Intermission: Far North Star ~ ~ She Who Transcends Ordinary Talent ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 784 Intermission: Far North Star ~ ~ The Girl Reaching Out for the Moon ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 783 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 782 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 781 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 780 Intermission: God and Clown ~ ~ Win: 1, Loss: 1 ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 779 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 778 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 777 Commemorative Extra Ch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 776 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 775 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 774 April Fool's Extra Ch: "Invaders from the Afterword"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 773 Intermission: Lilim ~ ~ Benefactor and King ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 772 Beach Swimming with my Lovers ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 771 Accidental Makina-chan

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 770 The Tale of the Mechanized God ⑫

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 769 The Tale of the Mechanized God ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 768 The Tale of the Mechanized God ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 767 The Tale of the Mechanized God ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 766 The Tale of the Mechanized God ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 765 The Tale of the Mechanized God ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 764 The Tale of the Mechanized God ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 763 The Tale of the Mechanized God ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 762 The Tale of the Mechanized God ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 761 The Tale of the Mechanized God ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 760 The Tale of the Mechanized God ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 759 The Tale of the Mechanized God ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 758 Let's Go Fishing with Anima ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 757 Let's Go Fishing with Anima ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 756 Let's Go Fishing with Anima ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 755 Let's Go Fishing with Anima ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 754 Let's Go Fishing with Anima ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 753 Let's Go Fishing with Anima ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 752 Let's Go Fishing with Anima ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 751 Intermission: God Realm ~ ~ Festival Project Meeting ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 750 Christmas Extra Ch: A Starry Night Part 2

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 749 Christmas Extra Ch: A Starry Night Part 1

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 748 Intermission : Iris ~ ~ Solicitation Starts ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 747 As a Retainer, As a Family, As a Lover......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 746 Attracted to the Strong You, Desired to Serve the Amazing You...... Fell in Love for the Person You Are

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 745 The Wish of my Beloved Retainer ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 744 The Wish of my Beloved Retainer ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 743 Intermission : Isis ~ ~ The Dream that Started Moving Forward ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 742 Midnight Snack with the Retainer ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 741 Midnight Snack with the Retainer ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 740 The Power of a King ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 739 The Power of a King ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 738 The Power of a King ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 737 The Power of a King ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 736 The Power of a King ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 735 The Power of a King ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 734 God's Growth ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 733 God's Growth ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 732 God's Growth ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 731 God's Growth ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 730 God's Growth ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 729 God's Growth ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 728 Extra Ch ~ ~ Lunamaria's Episode ~ ~ ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 727 Extra Ch ~ ~ Lunamaria's Episode ~ ~ ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 726 Extra Ch ~ ~ Lunamaria's Episode ~ ~ ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 725 Extra Ch ~ ~ Episode : Lunamaria ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 724 God's Growth ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 723 God's Growth ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 722 God's Growth ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 721 Summer Extra Ch 「Two Days and One Night! Journey to the Sea of Stars (with Eden) 」③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 720 Summer Extra Ch 「Two Days and One Night! Journey to the Sea of Stars (with Eden) 」②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 719 Summer Extra Ch 「Two Days and One Night! Journey to the Sea of Stars (with Eden) 」①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 718 Intermission: ? ? ? ~ ~ 4 Billion Years and 20 Billion Years ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 717 Introduction ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 716 Introduction ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 715 Intermission: Lunamaria ~ ~ The Biggest Crisis Ever ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 714 Introduction ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 713 Introduction ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 712 Intermission: The God's Scheme

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 711 Housewarming Party ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 710 Housewarming Party ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 709 Housewarming Party ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 708 Housewarming Party ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 707 Let's Have a Housewarming Party ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 706 Intermission: Anima ~ ~ The Friend She Acquired ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 705 Let's Have a Housewarming Party ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 704 Let's Have a Heartwarming Party ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 703 Let's Have a Housewarming Party ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 702 Intermission: Illness ~ ~ The Person who Changed Everything ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 701 Let's Have a Housewarming Party ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 700 Drinking with Illness-san

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 699 Let's Have a Housewarming Party ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 698 Let's Have a Housewarming Party ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 697 Let's Have a Housewarming Party ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 696 Let's Build a House ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 695 Let's Build a House ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 694 Let's Build a House ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 693 Let's Build a House ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 692 Let's Build a House ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 691 Let's Build a House ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 690 Let's Build a House ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 689 Let's Build a House ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 688 Let's Build a House ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 687 I'm Home

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 686 The Love Sung by the God of the End ⑪

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 685 An Early April Fools' Day Extra Ch ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 684 An Early April Fools' Day Extra Ch ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 683 The Love Sung by the God of the End ⑩

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 682 A Really Early Mother's Day Extra Ch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 681 A Few Days Late Valentine's Day Extra Ch ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 680 A Few Days Late Valentine's Day Extra Ch ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 679 A Few Days Late Valentine's Day Extra Ch ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 678 The Love Sung by the God of the End ⑨

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 677 Intermission : A Certain Demon's Timidity

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 676 The Love Sung by the God of the End ⑧

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 675 The Love Sung by the God of the End ⑦

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 674 The Love Sung by the God of the End ⑥

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 673 Intermission: Maid

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 672 The Love Sung by the God of the End ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 671 The Love Sung by the God of the End ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 670 The Love Sung by the God of the End ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 669 The Love Sung by the God of the End ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 668 The Love Sung by The God of the End ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 667 Welcome Back, Kaito ⑤

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 666 Welcome Back, Kaito ④

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 665 Welcome Back, Kaito ③

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 664 Welcome Back, Kaito ②

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 663 Welcome Back, Kaito ①

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 662 At Peace

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 661 "The Day of Miracles"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 660 "And Thus, The Goddess Laughed"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 659 "Diverted Future and Different Present"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 658 "On the Palm of the God of Creation"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 657 "The Final Ordeal"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 656

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 655 "She Definitely Existed"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 654 "Hoping Heart, Rainbow Light"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 653 "6 vs 7 Billion"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 652 "Black Gatekeeper"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 651 "To The Place I Need to Go"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 650 "Wings of Bonds"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 649 "The Second Stage"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 648 "Although The World Isn't His Ally......"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 647 "Distortion"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 646 "Distorted Love"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 645 "The Clown Who Deceives the World"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 644 "The Blades of Each Person's Heart"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 643 "Gathering the Fragments of a Miracle"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 642 "Ultimate Power"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 641 "A Future That Would Never Come"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 640 "Wavering Emotions"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 639 "Feeling Out of Place"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 638 "Lab Members"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 637 "Peaceful Times"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 636 "Unequal"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 635 "She who Stands at the Beginning"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 634 "Critical Point of Fate"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 633 "That God's Name is......"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 632 "The Power of a God"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 631 "The Red King of Battles"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 630 "Hero"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 629 "Battlefield"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 628 "Absolute Ice"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 627 "Three Battles"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 626 "The Clash of The Beginning and The End"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 625 Main Story Final Arc : Shallow Vernal ~~ The Time for the Beginning and the End ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 624 I'd Like to Know What Kind of Power It Has

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 623 "The Strong People Making Their Move"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 622 My Knees Didn't Bend and I was Able to Stand Up

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 621 I Feel Like She's Quite Feminine

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 620 I Think This Might Be a Good Opportunity For Us to Get to Know Each Other Better

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 619 Still Within Me

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 618 Intermission: Chris ~~ Awkward Mother and Child ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 617 When She Finished Doing Her Work

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 616 I Think It's Thanks to Her Blessing

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 615 It Doesn't Feel That Bad

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 614 The Existence of the Powerful Weapons......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 613 I Felt More Proud Than Ever

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 612 Intermission ~~ The Agony of a Certain Demon Part 3 ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 611 The Emotion I Felt from Within my Heart

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 610 I Feel that We're Getting Closer

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 609 I Think This is Going to be More Frantic than I Imagined

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 608 Will Bring About a Change

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 607 Fate-san is Alright, Isn't She?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 606 "Self-Awareness and Anxiety"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 605 "Awakened Feelings"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 604 Why Is It That I'm Always Compared to Slimes?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 603 She Has the Best Techniques in the World

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 602 I Feel Unbearably Happy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 601 Eden-san is the Most Terrifying

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 600 I Guess That is What People Call Bonds

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 599 Isn't There Anyone Decent Among Phantasmal King's Subordinates?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 598 She's Your Subordinate, Quickly Do Something About Her

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 597 Short End of the Stick

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 596 One of the Two Most Dangerous People in the World is on the Move

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 595 Intermission: Lilia ~~ Her Other Mother ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 594 I Knew She'd Faint

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 593 Please Go Easy on Me

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 592 Can't We Just End This Without Me Singing?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 591 That's the First Time I've Heard That Though!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 590 I Wonder What Kind of Conditions She Gave Her?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 589 She's Too Much of a Cheat

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 588 It's Not Like They're Bad Singers or Anything Like That, Right?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 587 The Karaoke Battle Had Begun

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 586 Let's Stop Scolding Her About the Seesaw

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 585 Why Did You Have to Get so Serious About It!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 584 Extra Ch: Happy Birthday ~~ Razelia ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 583 I'm Definitely Going to Scold Her Later

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 582 Intermission: Kaito? ~~ Three Worlds in Motion ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 581 She's a Wonderful and Thoughtful Lover

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 580 She's Just Like the Holy Mother

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 579 She Was a Count-level, High-ranking Demon

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 578 Settled Down to a Great Conclusion

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 577 Am I Overthinking Too Much?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 576 If I Would be Overwhelmed by Her Talking Skills

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 575 "What the God of the Apocalypse Wanted"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 574 It was a Shocking Event

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 573 I Can't Help but Think that This is Fine

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 572 Intermission: Six Kings Festival ~ ~ The Agony of a Certain Demon Part 2 ~ ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 571 I Think That Part of Her was Cute

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 570 Could it Be that Shiro-san Planned to Go Through Them One After Another?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 569 She's Being Very Aggressive

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 568 It Seems Like She's Excited

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 567 I Feel Like They're Something I Shouldn't Forget

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 566 She Sounded Like She was About to Cry

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 565 "Diverted Future"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 564 "Kuro of the Beginning, Shiro of the End"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 563 "Those Who Are Prepared"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 562 "Ten Demons Meeting"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 561 Intermission: Pandemonium ~~ Gratuitous Love ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 560 Devotional Lyrics

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 559 I'd Be Lying if I Said I Wasn't Happy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 558 Intermission: Unsung Hero

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 557 I Just Want to Make Sure I Won't Miss a Single Bit of Her Warmth

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 556 I Think It's a Lover's Privilege

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 555 I Don't Think the Term "Disappointing Beauty" Fits Anyone More

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 554 I Can't Stand This Restaurant Anymore

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 553 Intermission: The Lurker

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 552 I Want to Savor it to My Heart's Content

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 551 Where the Heck Did it Come From?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 550 The Doors Leading to Baby Castella Hell Opens Yet Again......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 549 I Felt Happy More Than Anything

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 548 "The Stories Converge on That God"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 547 "The Phenomenon Called Shallow Vernal"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 546 Let's Give Her Plenty of Scolding

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 545 It Doesn't Go One-way

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 544 I Guess That's Part of Alice's Charm

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 543 The Uneasiness Lingering in my Heart Still Remains

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 542 I'd Like it if She Enjoyed Herself More

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 541 I Feel Like I'm Falling in Love with Her All Over Again

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 540 What about my Human Rights?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 539 It's my Complete Defeat

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 538 The Game Has Just Begun

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 537 I Started my Motorbike

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 536 I Dived into the World I'm Yearning For

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 535 It's Bound to be Fun

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 534 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ I Want Nothing But to Love my Child ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 533 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Proclamation: Maid Prohibition ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 532 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Dance Beneath the Moonlight Once More ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 531 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The God of Creation Wants to Pamper ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 530 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Isekai Trip for Two : Wedding Rehearsal for Two ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 529 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Isekai Trip for Two Part 2 ②: Lock On - Hawaii ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 528 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Isekai Trip for Two Part 2 ①: Lock On - Hawaii ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 527 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Isekai Trip for Two Part 1 ⑤: Amusement Park ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 526 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Isekai Trip for Two Part 1 ④: Amusement Park ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 525 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Isekai Trip for Two Part 1 ③: Amusement Park ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 524 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Isekai Trip for Two Part 1 ②: Amusement Park ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 523 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ Isekai Trip for Two Part 1 ①: Amusement Park ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 522 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 3 ②: Beneath the Radiant Sun ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 521 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 3 ①: Beneath the Radiant Sun ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 520 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 2 ③: The Birth of the Phantasmal King ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 519 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 2 ②: The Birth of the Phantasmal King ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 518 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 2 ①: The Birth of the Phantasmal King ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 517 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 1 ④ : Encounter ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 516 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 1 ③ : Encounter ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 515 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 1 ② : Encounter ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 514 First Anniversary Extra Ch ~~ The Visitor's Beginnings Part 1 ① : Encounter ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 513 I Want to Grow to Become Someone Cool

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 512 It Seems Like It's Going to be a Difficult Relationship

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 511 I Ranked Up

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 510 Rejected Content ③ : "Extra Ch Without Any Particular Reason"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 509 Can I Get a Take-Two?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 508 I was Completely Confused

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 507 Isn't This Being Too Overprotective?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 506 She's Glaring at me Like Crazy......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 505 She's the Type of Person Who's Soothing to Talk to

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 504 I Feel Like My Happiness is Growing Greater

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 503 I Feel Ticklish

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 502 Hope Awaits in the Future

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 501 It's Alice After All, So She Should be Alright

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 500 White Rice......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 499 Intermission: Lindwurm ~~ A Wish for the Future ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 498 Rejected Content ② : "April Fool's Day Extra Ch Part 2"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 497 I'll Just Wait for Lynn to Tell Me

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 496 Rejected Content ① : "April Fool's Day Extra Ch"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 495 Magic is Quite Deep

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 494 She's Quite Scary

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 493 Will She be Okay After This?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 492 She Had an Astonishing Ability

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 491 This Isn't Really What I Expected

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 490 Please Let me Draw Something That Will Make Sieg-san Happy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 489 It Ended in a Draw

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 488 Quite Nervous

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 487 Felt Refreshing, Making me Glad

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 486 She Feels More Like a Teacher Type

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 485 Is That Person Really That Scary?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 484 Started an All-Out Attack

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 483 Really Powerful Monsters

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 482 I'm Pretty Sure That's Alice

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 481 Ignorance is Bliss

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 480 Extra Ch ~~ Peaceful Sky Ozma Doesn't Reveal ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 479 Can't We Just Use Recognition Inhibition Magic or Something Like That?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 478 Even Worse Than Her

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 477 She's a Mad Scientist

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 476 She Was Once Her Comrade

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 475 I Wonder What Kind of Monster She Will Buy?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 474 One After Another......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 473 I Wish I Had Kept One Sooner

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 472 First Anniversary Extra Ch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 471 First Anniversary Extra Ch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 470 First Anniversary Extra Ch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 469 First Anniversary Extra Ch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 468 First Anniversary Extra Ch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 467 First Anniversary Extra Ch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 466 I Think It Made Me a Little Stronger

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 465 I Feel Like I'm Getting Closer to Neun-san

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 464 It's Something that I Couldn't Just Easily Forget

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 463 Don't You Think You're Too Heavily Equipped?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 462 Intermission: Miyama Akari ~~ Believing in Victory ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 461 The Heaviness in my Legs Disappeared

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 460 The Fact is That they are Different People

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 459 Why is it That You Resemble Her That Much?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 458 Please Wake Up Already, Lilia-san!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 457 It Seemed that She Pushed Herself Too Much

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 456 She Looked Even More Lively

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 455 The Food Brought to Us Looked Familiar

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 454 Let's Keep it a Secret that I Thought She was Cute

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 453 I Guess a Relationship Like This Isn't so Bad

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 452 We've Taken a Step Forward Towards Such a Future

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 451 Intermission: Six Kings Festival ~~ The Agony of a Certain Demon ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 450 My Depressed Heart was Cleared Up

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 449 They Looked Exactly Alike

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 448 Our Perceptions Didn't Match

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 447 I Think We Need to Have a Good Talk About This

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 446 It's Already on the Level Where I Can't Show my Face Anymore!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 445 Seems to be an Everyday Occurrence

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 444 Tasted Sweeter than Usual

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 443 Something that Can't Be Replaced by Anything Else

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 442 It Feels Like She's on a Whole Other Level Already

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 441 Something Filled with Love

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 440 Lilia-san, Please Come Quickly!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 439 Accumulating Memories

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 438 Extra Ch: Tanabata ~~ Her Small and Cute Wish ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 437 Let's Firmly Take the Lead on our Date

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 436 Their Assessment Towards Me is Turning Strange, You Know!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 435 It Might be One of Her Charms that is Second to None

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 434 Looked So Radiant

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 433 They're Certainly Family

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 432 The One who Created the Prototype of the Current Demon Realm

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 431 Intermission: Lillywood Yggdrasil ~~ To the Ordinary and Special You ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 430 It Seems to Indicate that It was True

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 429 I Realized that I was a Blessed Man

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 428 I Feel Something Like Fondness Towards Her

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 427 I Look Forward to Seeing What It's Like

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 426 It Tasted so Bad that I Lost Consciousness

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 425 Seemed Very Womanly to Me

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 424 It Doesn't Seem Like It Will Go the Way I Want it to

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 423 This isn't Going to be Easy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 422 Could it be That I Really am Under the Curse of Mixed Bathing?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 421 That was the Most Dazzling Scene I've Ever Seen

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 420 The Taste of the Wine of Victory......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 419 Apparently, There was a Battle That Happened Behind the Scenes

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 418 That's my Black History, You Know!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 417 I Think It's Because I Was Able to Grab it With my Own Power

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 416 "The Weak Sharpen Their Fangs in Silence"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 415 This Match Isn't Going to be That Easy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 414 There's a Secret that Megiddo-san Didn't Know

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 413 This isn't Just on the Level of Going Against the Creator's Intentions, You Know!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 412 I'd Like to Request a Change in the Live Commentator and Analyst

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 411 I'm Just Going to Do my Best

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 410 "The Black Beast of Tyranny"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 409 "Fortress"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 408 I Have a Feeling this is Going to be a Great Fight

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 407 Alice's Best Friend

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 406 I Think We Could Get Closer to Each Other

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 405 Extra Ch ~~ Peaceful Sky Ozma Doesn't Tell ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 404 It was a Cute Request

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 403 This Feeling Doesn't Feel So Bad

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 402 I Don't Think It Would Be So Easy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 401 I Think I Should Also Fight

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 400 It Strangely Fits Just Right

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 399 If You Don't Enjoy It, It Will Be Your Loss

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 398 It's that So-Called Unlucky Day?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 397 Bacchus-san, Run Away!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 396 I Felt Proud

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 395 The Six Kings Festival is About to Begin......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 394 I'm Sorry

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 393 You Can't Just Turn Anything to Baby Castella, You Know?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 392 They're Melting my Reasoning at a Frightening Speed

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 391 I Think She's Actually an Angel

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 390 I'm Falling in Love with Her All Over Again

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 389 I'm Completely Cornered

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 388 My Reasoning will Completely Disappear

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 387 In the End, What the Heck is a Maid!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 386 I Have a Feeling That Another Upheaval is Coming

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 385

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 384 The Starry Sky with You

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 383 This May be the Beginning of the Hardest Battle I've Ever Had

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 382 I'm Pretty Sure I'll be Receiving a Really Outrageous VIP Treatment

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 381 A Problem Appeared Just After Another Ended

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 380 Does the Words "Weak are Those Who Fell in Love" Mean This?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 379 I'll Scold Her

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 378 We Finally Arrived at the Venue

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 377 Intermission: Caraway ~~ What was Lost and What was Gained ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 376 It Will be Held Soon

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 375 We Had a Very Enjoyable Meal

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 374 About Time I Think About How I Should Use my Money

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 373 This Kind of Date Exists huh......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 372 I'm Suddenly Really Tired

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 371 She Came Up With a Good Way to Make Money

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 370 I'm Afraid of What Happens Later

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 369 I'm Going to Live in this World

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 368 I'll Continue Writing After I Get Home

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 367 It's Hard for Me to Say that She's Sickeningly Frightening

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 366 I'm Really Sorry for Everything

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 365 She's a Passionate Woman

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 364 "After the Battle"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 363 She Has Quite the Business Acumen, Doesn't She?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 362 Feels Strangely Jittery

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 361 I May Have Been a Bit Hasty

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 360 "Welcome Home"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 359 "The Place Where it Started and Ends"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 358 "W H I T E J O K E R"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 357 "Confrontation"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 356 "The Wish of a Friend, The Awakening of the Hero"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 355 "Someday and Today"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 354 "It's a Blessing for the Chosen One"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 353 "Crossing Swords: Hero vs Valkyrie"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 352 It Seems Like They've Become my Allies

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 351 Reassuring Reinforcements Come to our Aid

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 350 I'll Just Push my Way Through

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 349 The Legendary Hero

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 348 Intermission: Vier ~~ The Beginning of Redemption ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 347 It was About How She was Once the Demon Lord

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 346 A Secret that has Always been Hidden......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 345 They're Hiding a Big Secret......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 344 I Left the Happy Memory of Today with its Own Form

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 343 I Wanted to See Lilia-san Fighting Seriously

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 342 Big Breasts are Weapons

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 341 Quite Feminine

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 340 Receiving Kuro's Feelings, I'm Honestly Happy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 339 Evil Has Been Vanquished

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 338 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Happy Valentine's Day: Alice ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 337 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Happy Valentine's Day: Lilia ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 336 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Happy Valentine's Day: Sieg ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 335 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Happy Valentine's Day: Isis ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 334 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Happy Valentine's Day: Kuro ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 333 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Anima, Eta & Theta ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 332 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Chris & Laguna ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 331 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Ein & Eval ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 330 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Chronois & Life ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 329 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Shea & Megiddo ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 328 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Vier & Neun ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 327 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Isis & Lillywood ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 326 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Kusunoki Aoi & Yuzuki Hina ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 325 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Eden & Kaito ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 324 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Razelia & Kaito ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 323 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Lilia & Sieglinde ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 322 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Alice & Fate ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 321 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Lunamaria & Noir ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 320 Valentine's Day Extra Ch ~~ Kuromueina & Shallow Vernal ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 319 Because our Hearts are Connected

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 318 They Have Distinctive Ways of Expressing Their Affection

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 317 Her Love is Too Heavy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 316 A Familiar Angel

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 315 I Felt a Tug at my Heart

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 314 This Battle Against the Warmth that Whittles away my Reasoning

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 313 My Reasoning has Collapsed

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 312 It Seems Like This Day Hasn't Ended Yet

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 311 I Gave Up on Resistance

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 310 I Was Caught Up in a Grand Self-Destruction

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 309 I Didn't Have Any Privacy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 308 What Could This Reward Be?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 307 It Seems Like I was Becoming Aware of Alice as a Woman

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 306 How Long Will This Last?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 305 Apparently, an Organization Called Underworld King Adoration Association Exists

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 304 I Think that the Mouth Really is the Source of Disasters

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 303 She's Feeling Embarrassed

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 302 We've Decided to Redo our Date

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 301 I Won't Let You Be Alone

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 300 Intermission: Alice ~~ A New Light of Hope ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 299 She will Continue to Shine by my Side

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 298 The Desire to Receive Her Feelings

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 297 They Had a Completely Different Impression

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 296 Probably Because of Her Laments

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 295 Can't You Be a Bit More Serious!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 294 The Door to Her Heart was Quietly Opened

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 293 I'm Going to Push Her as Hard as I Can

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 292 I'll Go Face Alice

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 291 I Think I Need to Know

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 290 "Even if my child bares his fangs at me, I will still love him"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 289 "The Power of Bonds, The God's Expectations"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 288 The Great Heart of Bonds that Pierces God

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 287 "The Invading Menace, Unsheathing Her True Power"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 286 Intermission: Earth God ~~ The Evolving Underworld King ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 285 Apparently have Similar Personalities

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 284 Reporting is Important

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 283 An Ability She Shouldn't Be Able to Have

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 282 I was Able to Say "I'm Home"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 281 Shea-san is a Kind Person

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 280 They were Automatically Translated to a Wrong Direction

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 279 I was Surprised at Her Thanks at the End of our Date

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 278 I'm Glad She Liked It

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 277 I'm Going to Have to Suffer Through this Penance Again

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 276 The God Realm Recruited Me Again

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 275 Fate-san's Bad Habit Came Out

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 274 It was So Spicy, I Feel Like I Can Breathe Fire

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 273 I Guess It Can be Said that I'm Also Weird

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 272 In a Way, Alice is the Only One Staying the Same as Always

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 271 We Were Swallowed in an Explosion

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 270 It Seems Like my Talking Skills Isn't Worthy Enough Yet

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 269 I Don't Dislike Her

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 268 He's a Diligent Hard Worker

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 267 What Kind of Person is She?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 266 He Turned Into an Ikemen

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 265 Let's Make a Note

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 264 Is the God Realm Okay?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 263 She's Quite a Handful

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 262 Can You Listen When Someone is Speaking!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 261 I Have to Overcome this Hellish Heaven

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 260 Intermission: Human Realm's King ~~ Recovery and Trepidation ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 259 Intermission: Fear ~~ Selfish Wish ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 258 The Situation Has Been Peacefully Settled

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 257 Without Hesitation, I'm Sure

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 256 Let's Go Splurge

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 255 I'm Really Looking Forward to It

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 254 Several Memorabilia That Made Me Doubt my Eyes

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 253 I Think She's Someone Fun to Hang Out With

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 252 The Greatest Among the Fairies

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 251 A Couple

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 250 Intermission: Six Kings ~~ Preparations for the Six Kings Festival ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 249 There's Something Cute about Her that I just Can't Leave Alone

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 248 I Finished Giving the Music Boxes

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 247 I Feel Like I Got to Know Lillywood-san Better

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 246 I Conveyed my Gratitude

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 245 Have I Shown Her my Manly Side?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 244 Christmas Extra ~~ A Present for You ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 243 Christmas Extra ~~ Operation: A Christmas for Two ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 242 Christmas Extra ~~ The Miracle in the Christmas Eve ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 241 Christmas Extra ~~ To You who Became Honest ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 240 Christmas Extra ~~ A Blessing to my Beloved Goddess ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 239 Christmas Extra ~~ Passion of the Mysterious Goddess S-Senpai ~~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 238 Because I Think that This Way, We Can Build Up Memories

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 237 I May Not be Able to Sleep Tonight

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 236 Isn't it That my Baths are Cursed?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 235 I Think Lilia-san Really is Cute

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 234 I Feel Like the Future Would be Filled with Troubles

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 233 I Guess I'll Go to a Summer Resort

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 232 The Song of Blue Blessing, In Hardships and Happiness, Together with Youo

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 231 To Lilia Albert, Words of Blessings and Love

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 230 My Happiness Only Grew

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 229 It Would be Great if I Could Give my Thanks to Everyone Even a Bit

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 228 I Feel Like...... I've Acquired my Sixth Sense

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 227 Let's Do Even Better than Today

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 226 I Think It Definitely is One Step Forward

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 225 I Think I'd be Able to Finish It

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 224 I've Decided to Carry Out "Operation: Present"

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 223 I Had a Feeling that Things would Drastically Change

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 222 Did I Just Got Kissed by Lilia-san?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 221 It Ended with Lilia-san's Complete Victory

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 220 Just Around the Corner

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 219 It Seems Like the Last Boss will be Shiro-san

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 218 I Want to Continue being a Person who is Upholding Chronois-san's Expectations

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 217 Life-san is Very Bewitching

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 216 I'm Starting to Think that They're Also Part of Fate-san's Charm

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 215 Lots of Trials Await in Front of Me

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 214 Wouldn't that mean I Achieved Enlightenment?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 213 It Seems Like She's Usually Asleep

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 212 Fate-san is Still the Same as Always

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 211 We Headed Towards the Upper Levels of the God Realm

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 210 I Think it's Shiro-san's fault

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 209 Intermission: Six Kings ~ A Plan in Motion ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 208 I Think She's Cute

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 207 It Seems that Lunamaria-san's Mother is Coming

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 206 I Fawned on Kuro to the Fullest

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 205 I Thought of Visiting Again

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 204 I Feel Like I Won't Be Able to Bear It

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 203 They Were Very Soft

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 202 Even Though He Would Have Been a Good Father...

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 201 I Think Our Relationship Became Deeper and Closer

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 200 She Confessed

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 199 It Feels Peaceful

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 198 I Think She's a Lovely Woman

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 197 Smiling

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 196 It Seems Like We're Going to be Staying in the Same Room

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 195 They're Still the Same as Always

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 194 A Happier Event

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 193 I'm Really Looking Forward to it

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 192 I Flipped a Switch

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 191 I Think She's a Person Worthy of Respect

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 190 She's a Splendid Doctor

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 189 Seems to be Very Compatible

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 188 I Have Encountered Someone New Again

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 187 Happy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 186 It Seems That It Isn't Over Yet

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 185 I'll go Invite Alice to Eat Yakiniku......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 184 I Want to Protect that Smile

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 183 Confessing to Isis-san

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 182 All That's Left is to Convey These Feelings

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 181 It's About What Kind of Relationship I Want to Have with Isis-san

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 180 I Now Know Who I Should Be Talking To

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 179 I Think It Would be Overflowing with Bliss

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 178 I Hope We Can Have a Deeper Relationship

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 177 Feeling Happy

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 176 What do Lovers Do on their Date!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 175 Intermission: Kuromueina ③ ~ All I Wished was Just Some Happiness ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 174 Intermission: Kuromueina ② ~ The Heart that Sprouted ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 173 Intermission: Kuromueina ① ~ The Divided Power of the Almighty ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 172 The moment I held out the golden fruit I received from Alice, Kuro's mood clearly changed.

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 171 Telling my Feelings to Kuro

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 170 Everyone's Wishes

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 169 All of Them were Kuro's Baby Birds

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 168 1 Million Page Views Commemoration: "What if" Extra Chapter ~ Isis Remnant ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 167 Something Big was About to Move

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 166 Lilia-san Scolded Me

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 165 Neun-san Looks Strange

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 164 She Likes Dragons

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 163 I Feel Sorry For Lillywood-san

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 162 I Think the Six Kings are Close Friends

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 161 I Asked the Wrong Person!

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 160 Someone Like Her

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 159 Gratitude from Our Strange Connection

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 158 She Knew It

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 157 I Think She Has Become Someone Important to Me

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 156 For Some Reason, I Ended Up Promising to Have a Date

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 155 He's an Older Brother who Thinks of His Little Sister

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 154 His Majesty, the Emperor has Come to Visit

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 153 High Specs

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 152 He's a Little Different From What I Had Imagined

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 151 I Asked Kuro out on a Date

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 150 I Think She's a Really Kind Person

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 149 An Event Occured

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 148 I Think She is a Very Attractive Goddess

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 147 Isn't your Guard Too Loose!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 146 Chronois-san is a Pitiful Person

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 145 We Went to the Beach

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 144 Is a War About to Start?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 143 Might be an Eccentric Person

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 142 1 Million Page Views Commemoration: "What If" Extra Chapter ~ Kuromueina ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 141 Intermission: Alice ~ The Thoughts Dwelling within the Shadows ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 140 Alice is Still the Same As Always

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 139 Phantasmal King, No Face

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 138 Phantasmal King, Are You That Bored?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 137 It may just be Under her Expectations

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 136 What the Heck is this Person Talking About?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 135 It was Out of Embarrassment

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 134 A Being Filled with Mysteries

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 133 I Enjoyed it from the Bottom of my Heart

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 132 Filled with Happiness

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 131 There's Polygamy Here

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 130 Can't We Just Somehow Not Do This?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 129 My Head is Going to Short-Circuit Though!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 128 I Thought I Didn't Have the Lucky Pervert Syndrome!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 127 He Might Be the Most Kingly of Them All

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 126 A Gigantic Dragon Taller than the Skies Appeared

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 125 Stepping Foot in the Lands of the Demon Realm

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 124 Just About Everything is Too Absurd

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 123 Still Don't Know at All

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 122 The Deal have been Settled

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 121 The Next Trouble Appeared

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 120 Everyone's Astounded

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 119 Very Uncanny Being

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 118 A Party Began

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 117 Isn't it Fine if Chronois-san is the Protagonist Now?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 116 Uncanny Being

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 115 The Strongest Appeared

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 114 Change

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 113 The Battle Has Begun

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 112 It Seems that She Got that Information from Somewhere

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 111 It Seems Like She Loves Animals

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 110 It Seems that My Information has been Spreading

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 109 It Seems that Being Called the Wise Emperor Isn't Just for Show

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 108 Who the Heck is She?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 107 I'm Reunited with Someone I Didn't Expect to Meet

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 106 I Got a Pet

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 105 I Made a Huge Bet

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 104 I Guess It's my Lucky Day

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 103 She d me to a Game

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 102 What Happened?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 101 Chronois-san Looks Like She's Having a Hard Time

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 100 She was the God of Fate

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 99 I Met Someone New

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 98 She's a Lost Cause

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 97 I'm Getting Closer to Kuro......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 96 She Came Along

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 95 As I Thought, Lilia-san Fainted

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 94 I Think I Helped Sieg-san

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 93 A Shura was There

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 92 I Think it Had Turned to a Tremendous Result.

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 91 Intermission: Phantasmal King ~ The Secret Maneuvers of the King of Abyss ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 90 I was Warned

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 89 I Encountered the World King

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 88 There's an Outrageous Amount of Spirits Here

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 87 I was Chosen as a Potential Winner!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 86 Intermission: Sieglinde ~ Her Voiceless Thoughts ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 85 I Guess We're Getting Along Better, Right?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 84 I Received the Affection of a Spirit

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 83 Intermission: Symphonia Kingdom ~ The World King's Visit ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 82 She Seems to be Absolutely Obedient

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 81 It's Shiro-san's Fault

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 80 I Think it was Restored

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 79 Her Over-Seriousness is Also a Problem

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 78 "KILL THEM ALL"

Dec 11, 2022


Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 76 I Confronted a Gigantic Beast

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 75 They were Childhood Friends

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 74 I'm About to Know About Lilia-san's Past

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 73 We'll be Exchanging Letters

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 72 Something Complicated May Have Happened

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 71 I Remembered Them

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 70 I Met Sieg-san's Parents

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 69 I was Scouted

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 68 It Seems that I will be its Patent Holder

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 67 I'm Going to Try to be Proactive

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 66 Strangely Stayed in my Mind

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 65 She Seems to be Hopelessly Lacking in Business Abilities

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 64 She was Quite the Weirdo

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 63 I Encountered a Strange Shopkeeper

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 62 I Feel Like I'm Getting a Little Closer to Kuro

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 61 I've Learned a Lot About Another Side of Kuro

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 60 I Couldn't Believe It Immediately

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 59 Isn't it Alright if I can Show her my Cool Side for a Bit?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 58 It Seems that Neun-san was the Hero

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 57 Lilia-san Fainted Again

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 56 It's Going to be Another Rowdy Day

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 55 It Seems that I'm Getting Along with Sieg-san

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 54 Looked Scared

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 53 Intermission: Isis Remnant ( 2 ) ~ The Being that She had been Waiting For ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 52 Intermission: Isis Remnant ( 1 ) ~ The King Clad in Death ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 51 We've Become Friends

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 50 Fell in Love

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 49 The Underworld King is Too Strong

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 48 I Can't Taste it at All

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 47 Sounds Like a Flag to me

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 46 My Date with Kuro has Begun

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 45 I've Been Invited on a Date

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 44 We're Probably Getting Along

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 43 I'm Really Tired

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 42 She is the God of Creation

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 41 Shiro-san was Still the Same

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 40 I Probably Climbed the Stairs to Becoming a Riajuu

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 39 They're Totally not Getting Along Though!?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 38 It might be a Cheat Ability in some way

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 37 It Seems Like my Magic Power had Awakened

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 36 She was a Very Homely Woman

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 35 She's Really Having a Hard Time

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 34 Intermission: Tea Party of Black and White ~ The Supplier of Incorrect Knowledge ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 33 It Seems Like She Saw Through Everything

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 32 She Really is a Zealot

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 31 Sightseeing For Some Reason

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 30 An Outrageous Being

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 29 It Seems Like I'm No Match Against Her

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 28 How the Heck Could this Happen?

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 27 It Seems Like I'm Attracting Trouble

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 26 She was an Interesting Person

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 25 Blessed by the Goddess

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 24 She's an Outrageous Natural Airhead

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 23 It's a Floating Garden

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 22 Intermission: Kusunoki Aoi ~ The First Love Inside a Birdcage ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 21 We Got to Know Each Other a Little Better

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 20 It Seems Like I'm One Foot Away from Having a Personal Connections Cheat

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 19 I've Made some Friends

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 18 Intermission: Kuromueina ~ The Kind Monster Born from Nothingness ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 17 Intermission: Miyama Kaito ~ a Cowardly and Indecisive Heart ~

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 16 Being Able to Depend on Someone......

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 15 They were Family

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 14 It's Probably the Maid

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 13 As Expected, The Absurd Demon's Friends are Absurd As Well

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 12 I Received an Invitation from an Outrageous Place

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 11 I am Not a Lolicon

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 10 Saying Different Things

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 9 She was a Fighter

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 8 The Story Began

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 7 Baby Castella Fell from the Sky

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 6 I Met a Mysterious Demon

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 5 The Hero was Really a Great Hero

Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 4 The Demon King was just a Small Fry

Dec 11, 2022


Dec 11, 2022

1285 - Extra: Pleiaaadesuuuuuu~~☆ - Chapter 2

Dec 11, 2022


Dec 11, 2022


Dec 11, 2022

Chapter 0.13 - Volume 13 Illustrations (may contain spoilers)

Dec 11, 2022

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Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat

Durian Shield


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Chapter 320: candid

They Are Not Human!


8.75/10 2

Chapter 90: Crazy Zoo 28

Otome Game Mob Villain



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Chapter 116

The Gate Of Good Fortune

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Chapter 1052



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Chapter 15.9

Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Guan Qi


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Book 07 Chapter 020.2: Spy Causing Unrest, Part 2

Delicate Flower



0/10 1

Chapter 18 : : Extra 18

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