I’m Really a SuperstarI’m Really a Superstar

I’m Really a SuperstarI’m Really a Superstar

Followed by 2 people

Authors: Chang Yu, 尝谕



Genres: Uncategorized

Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)



Zhang Ye was originally a mundane college graduate with aspiring dreams to become a star, but unfortunately has below average looks and height. However one day, he woke up and suddenly found himself in a parallel world!It’s like the same world, but wait a minute…many brands, celebrities and even famous works from his world changed and are gone in this new world!Armed with the profound literary knowledge of his previous world and a heaven-defying Game Ring that gives him magical items, stats and skills, Zhang Ye embarks on a journey to pursue his life-long dream of becoming famous!Follow Zhang Ye as he takes the new world by storm, one plagiarized piece at a time, to hilarious reactions

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Chapter List

Chapter 1696 - 'Let It Go' debuts!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1695 - This is an animated musical?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1694 - Premiere day!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1693 - Frozen's production is complete!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1692 - The Hollywood directors are on steroids!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1691 - Zhang Ye's contribution to the global film industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1690 - The first showdown!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1689 - The miracle of the fake medicine!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1688 - Divine Physician Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1687 - The Heavenly Queen is sick?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1686 - Convincing the Heavenly Queen to come out of retirement?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1685 - Who exactly is the fastest draw around here?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1684 - The fastest draw takes to stage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1683 - Come on out, Frozen!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1682 - Zhang Ye gets into an argument with the Hollywood directors!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1681 - What kind of a director is this!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1680 - The animation film production is initiated!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1679 - Zhang Ye wants to make an animated film!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1678 - An animation studio?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1677 - Acquiring a Hollywood studio!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1676 - Taking on Hollywood!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1675 - Ascending to the International B-list Rankings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1674 - Ascending to the altar!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1673 - Zhang Ye's first English song!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1672 - I thought you people were vegetarians?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1671 - A Man vs. Wild Special!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1670 - Help me up, I can still take another bite!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1669 - Zhang Ye eats a shark!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1668 - Zhang Ye eats an alligator!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1667 - It's time to go wild!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1666 - The international viewership ratings are out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1665 - Premiere broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1664 - A shocking examination result!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1663 - The International Hosting Qualifications Examination!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1662 - Advertising abroad!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1661 - The first episode is out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1660 - The bear appears!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1659 - Man v. Food!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1658 - Shooting begins for Man vs. Wild!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1657 - Chenchen gets into a fight!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1656 - Zhang Ye turns survival specialist in double time!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1655 - Preparing to shoot Man vs. Wild!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1654 - I'll film it!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1653 - A television show that has yet to appear in this world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1652 - The first international brand endorsement contract!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1651 - The International Celebrity Rankings Index!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1650 - Wolf Warrior 2's final box office earnings!!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1649 - A first in the history of Chinese film!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1648 - Did you fly here?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1647 - Breaking yet another record!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1646 - Zhang Ye becomes famous with a single battle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1645 - Wolf Warrior 2 tops the box office!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1644 - The premiere’s box office earnings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1643 - On fire!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1642 - Wolf Warrior 2 premieres! (Second half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1641 - Wolf Warrior 2 premieres! (First half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1640 - Battle of the premieres!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1639 - The global premiere date is announced!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1638 - American film vs. Chinese regulations!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1637 - Zhang Ye, King of Posturing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1636 - Wolf Warrior 2 wraps up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1635 - A very scary Chinese film crew!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1634 - Who's the real special forces operator here!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1633 - A last-minute actor swap!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1632 - The cameras start rolling for Wolf Warrior 2!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1631 - Choosing the cast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1630 - The funding is in place!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1629 - Zhang Ye is going to make a movie!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1628 - Setting sights on Hollywood!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1627 - A brilliant reputation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1626 - The practical usage of spiritual tactics!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1625 - Rising in rank on the International Celebrity Rankings Index!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1624 - China’s spiritual military strategist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1623 - Meteorites that destroy carriers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1622 - Smog that stops lasers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1621 - Kelp that entangles submarines!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1620 - Is this something that a Nobel Peace Prize recipient should say?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1619 - Central TV International's invitation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1618 - A letter and a reply!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1617 - China's Troll Army stuns the world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1616 - Zhang Ye’s debut on the International Celebrity Rankings Index!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1615 - The people from the embassy arrive!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1614 - The entire world is made to laugh!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1613 - ‘I Have a Dream’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1612 - The Nobel Peace Prize is announced!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1611 - The people of the world fall to their knees!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1610 - The kick that shocked the world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1609 - The winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature is unveiled!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1608 - The award ceremony!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1607 - The live broadcast of the Nobel Prize

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1606 - Who is the one with the worst temper here?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1605 - The Nobel Banquet!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1604 - Why have you become a mathematician?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1603 - You’re a fucking nominee for the Literature Prize?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1602 - Zhang Ye gets nominated for the Nobel Prize!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1601 - Major international news!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1600 - A paranormal event takes place around the world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1599 - Zhang Ye’s heavyweight move!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1598 - Selling like hotcakes all over the world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1597 - Uproar!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1596 - Gone with the Wind sells like hotcakes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1595 - Gone with the Wind gets released worldwide!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1594 - The whole nation's citizens wouldn't have any of it!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1593 - The English version of Gone with the Wind!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1592 - A famed work from Zhang Ye’s previous world appears!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1591 - Zhang Ye wants to get the Nobel Prize!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1590 - The International Celebrity Rankings Index!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1589 - World news!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1588 - Your sister!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1587 - Zhang Ye barges into a livestreaming channel!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1586 - To see other summits dwarfed, and savor the scene!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1585 - The latest popularity rankings are revealed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1584 - The competition for first place in the entertainment industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1583 - A change is coming to the entertainment circle?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1582 - Three professorship titles!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1581 - The entire nation's citizens get shocked!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1580 - Zhang Ye’s acceptance speech!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1579 - A research fellow of the Two Academies—Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1578 - The awards ceremony begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1577 - The entire country watches!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1576 - Zhang Ye gets shortlisted for the country’s State Science and Technology Prizes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1575 - The number one person in the entertainment circle?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1574 - Martial arts master, Yang Shu!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1573 - In the Name of the People comes to an end!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1572 - The viewership ratings break 6%?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1571 - The fearsomeness of Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1570 - A crazy viewership ratings figure!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1569 - The viewership ratings get published!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1568 - An intense battle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1567 - In the Name of the People’s premiere episode!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1566 - A godly drama is about to appear!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1565 - The shit stirrer makes his move!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1564 - Years of Friendship' leaves the venue in tears!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1563 - Zhang Ye handles the matter!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1562 - Spring Garden wants to make a comeback?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1561 - That old song!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1560 - Fleeting Time'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1559 - Who will win it all?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1558 - The Same Moonlight’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1557 - Predicting the champion!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1556 - The eliminated contestant of the second round!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1555: A song called ‘Immense World’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1554: The contestant to be eliminated in the first round is

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1553: ‘The Ordinary Road’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1552: Taking to the stage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1551: The battle of the grand champions begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1550 - My spirit is still full of fight!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1549: The five contestants gather!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1548 - The list for the finale battle of the grand champions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1547 - An invitation from I Am a Singer!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1546 - In the Name of the People gets allocated a broadcast slot!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1545 - Wrapping up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1544 - The cameras start rolling for In the Name of the People!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1543 - Zhang Ye's daughter goes back to school

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1542 - As reckless as ever!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1541 - Dear Showbiz, I trust you've been well?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1540 - A group of old friends take on the industry again! (Second half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1539 - A group of old friends take on the industry again! (First half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1538 - Come on out, In the Name of the People!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1537 - An anti-corruption drama project?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1536 - The Heavenly King forgotten by the world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1535 - Zhang Ye announces his comeback!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1534 - Does Old Lian Po still enjoy his food?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1533: The team returns!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1532 - The most popular Internet celebrity currently?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1531 - The highest spot of the international entertainment circle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1530 - Shaking up the entire world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1529 - Return of the Heavenly King!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1528 - : That person who can beat it has returned!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1527 - Identity exposed?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1526 - I might just know who he is!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1525 - What kind of playstyle is this?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1524 - That person and his story

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1523 - Please battle on behalf of mankind!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1522 - The world is shocked!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1521 - PeterGo has lost?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1520 - Zhang Ye vs. AI!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1519 - Zhang Ye, the first-time dad

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1518 - Old friends

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1517 - Daughter!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1516 - The couple reunites!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1515 - I'm back!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1514 - You guys still can't beat me!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1513 - Three years later

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1512

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1511 - People from all over descend upon the research institute!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1510 - A nation's dream for an aircraft engine!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1509 - It’s born! It’s born!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1508 - Old Wu is almost due!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1507 - Zhang Ye's new project!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1506 - Zhang Ye’s path to science stardom!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1505 - The algorithm is complete!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1504 - This algorithm is too difficult!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1503 - Zhang Ye transfers out of prison

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1502 - Requesting Zhang Ye's help!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1501 - The Chinese Academy of Sciences' conundrum!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1500 - Receiving a rare item!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1499 - The game ring gets an upgrade!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1498 - Zhang Ye reaches the summit of Asia!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1497 - Zhang Ye's final song!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1496 - The legendary hacker’s true identity is revealed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1495 - Let me run wild on this stage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1494 - An email from Hacker 2!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1493 - Zhang Ye's 'Eternal Summer'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1492 - The concert begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1491 - Good night, Beijing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1490 - Investigating the suspects!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1489 - The world's most dangerous hacker in a hundred years!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1488 - The CIH virus is created!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1487 - The Great Hacker War!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1486 - The Final Concert (Second Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1485 - The Final Concert (First Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1484 - No worries, I'll start over again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1483 - Zhang Ye’s choice!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1482 - The legendary hacker's true identity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1481 - Something major is going to happen again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1480 - All 13 branches of Lotte Mart descend into chaos!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1479 - A disaster at Lotte Mart!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1478 - Lotte Mart, here I come!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1477 - Someone, help! Zhang Ye has fallen in a well!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1476 - The difficulty adjustment die makes its appearance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1475 - Dumbfounded!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1474 - Setting the Olympic Stadium venue!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1473 - Pulling off one last job!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1472 - One last step from reaching the top?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1471 - A phenomenal Chinese animation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1470 - Sweeping the Japanese cartoons aside!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1469 - Zhang Ye's new cartoon is released!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1468 - The voiceover talent for The Legend of Qin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1467 - Come on out, The Legend of Qin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1466 - Standing united against foreign enemies!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1465 - The deepest of the deep pits!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1464 - Zhang Ye gets another brain fart!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1463 - Zhang Ye wants to create a Chinese cartoon!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1462 - Moving up the 'Reach the Summit' plan!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1461 - Zhang Ye's latest popularity ranking!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1460 - Zhang Ye's 'Dead Cat Bounce'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1459 - A continuation for One Piece?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1458 - Face-smacking Zhang gets besieged!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1457 - Scoldings from all over Asia!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1456 - The world's number one eunuch is exposed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1455 - A hole has been torn in the sky this time!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1454 - Cas-trat-ed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1453 - Return of the Jinx!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1452 - Zhang Ye returns!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1451 - You can really fucking put out four chapters a week?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1450 - Zhang Ye's law!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1449 - There can't be a fourth lunatic!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1448 - This doesn't make any sense at all!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1447 - I choose you, Detective Conan!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1446 - Why has another national cartoon appeared!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1445 - POO Studios gets a surprise!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1444 - Come on out, Naruto!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1443 - The animated version gets released!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1442 - A stunning sales figure for the standalone volume release!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1441 - The comic gets very popular!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1440 - Zhang Ye turns househusband!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1439 - Old Wu breaks her leg!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1438 - The astonishing One Piece!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1437 - The serialization of One Piece!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1436 - Never has there been a celebrity who grows their popularity this way!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1435 - The evil can only be subdued by the evil!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1434 - I'll admit defeat, alright?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1433 - A champion of communism!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1432 - The hotel gets wrecked!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1431 - The Asakusa Hotel gets besieged again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1430 - Inviting the Devil in is easier than sending him away!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1429 - The Asakusa Hotel gets besieged!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1428 - Zhang Ye's underhanded tactics!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1427 - Zhang Ye's two demands!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1426 - Big news!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1425 - I will stay at the Asakusa Hotel!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1424 - The incident with the Japanese hotel's magazines!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1423 - The debut of One Piece!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1422 - The first comic series is decided!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1421 - Zhang Ye's rotten idea!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1420 - Time for the lottery!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1419 - Lee Anson gets sent packing as well!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1418 - National Buzz

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1417 - I want to smash ten more cars!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1416 - Zhang Ye smashes cars! (End)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1415 - Zhang Ye smashes cars! (Middle)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1414 - Zhang Ye smashes cars! (Beginning)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1413

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1412 - Going to be a father!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1411 - This is what you call an impressive person!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1410 - It can even be done like that?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1409 - A deep sense of malice from the Chinese people!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1408 - You must be doing this on purpose!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1407 - Park Jaesang gets scolded like crazy!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1406 - A huge success!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1405 - The crosstalk tour begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1404 - The three Japanese and Korean celebrities are crying!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1403 - Your sister!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1402 - Zhang Ye makes yet another move!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1401 - The tickets get sold like crazy!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1400 - The ripping off begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1399 - Anyone who comes will be sent packing by me!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1398 - Zhang Ye's crosstalk tour!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1397 - How did his popularity rise again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1396 - A vermin that only appears once every 10,000 years!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1395 - He lives to seize every minute of every hour!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1394 - Face-smacking Zhang returns again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1393 - 'Rivers Run Red' appears!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1392 - Digging up dirt on Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1391 - Throughout the ages, there has only been one!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1390 - Taking all of Asia by storm!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1389 - Creating a charity storm across Asia!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1388 - Zhang Ye the Great Philanthropist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1387

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1386 - The Asian philanthropic ambassador!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1385 - A crazy reception at the airport!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1384 - Zhang Ye's Asian Celebrity Ranking!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1383 - Zhang Ye's calligraphy ascends to the altar!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1382

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1381 - The world's best semi-cursive!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1380 - Preface to the Orchid Pavilion' debuts!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1379

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1378

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1377 - Who will walk away with the top honors? (Start)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1376 - Auction!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1375 - Zhang Ye's prepared auction item!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1374 - The charity banquet begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1373 - The news spreads back to China!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1372

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1371 - The encore finale: 'Ashamed'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1370

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1369 - Zhang Ye saves the day!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1368 - There's no heavy metal music in China?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1367 - Zhang Ye's legend in the martial arts community!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1366 - Taking a trip to Korea!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1365 - Target: The Asian S-list!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1364

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1363 - Competing for heaps of the highest awards!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1362 - A song called 'The Clown'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1361

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1360 - The birth of a new Heavenly King!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1359

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1358

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1357 - Into the annals of history!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1356

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1355 - The Spring Festival Gala's viewership ratings are out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1354 - Drawing tenth blood!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1353 - The Celebrity Rankings Index gets updated!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1352 - The Spring Festival Gala comes to a close!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1351

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1350 - Ringing in the new year!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1349 - 'Selling Crutches' (Second Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1348 - 'Selling Crutches' (First half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1347 - Who will come out for the finale?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1346 - The Spring Festival Gala draws to a close!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1345 - 'The Five Senses Claim Credit' gets sent into battle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1344 - Blooming in glory!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1343 - Attack of the 'Thousand-Hand Guanyin'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1342 - Restoring honor to the art of cross-gender acting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1341

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1340 - A stunning magic show!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1339 - Three songs in a row!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1338 - 'Because of Love' wows the audience!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1337 - This is what you call a skit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1336 - Skit: Dance If You Like!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1335 - The 'Flying Apsaras' amazes the audience!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1334: The longest act in the history of the Spring Festival Gala: ‘Time’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1333 - A magnificent opening dance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1332 - The Spring Festival Gala is really coming!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1331 - The Spring Festival Gala is coming!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1330: My name is Cao Dan, a girl who embodies both beauty and talent!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1329 - Just who the hell's sister is this?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1328 - Zhang Ye's post on social media!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1327 - Great anticipation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1326 - The approval board's shock!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1325 - The second approval session begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1324 - 40 acts are lined up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1323: What sort of a Spring Festival Gala will it be this year!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1322: The one and only successor to the art of cross-gender acting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1321 - The Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1320 - An entirely new program list rolls out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1319 - Zhang Ye resorts to cheating!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1318: Arrival of the five rip-off cards of fortune!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1317

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1316: An unprecedented sponsorship for the Spring Festival Gala?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1315: The Spring Festival Gala is timeless!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1314: The most powerful person in the entertainment circle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1313: How did this fellow get appointed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1312: Zhang Ye takes charge of the Spring Festival Gala!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1311: Who will the Spring Festival Gala's executive director role fall to?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1310: The Spring Festival Gala's executive director calls it quits!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1309: Returning to Central TV!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1308: The invitation from Central TV's Spring Festival Gala!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1307: The return, and a new high in popularity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1306: Doing a favor

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1305: Drawing second blood!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1304: Drawing first blood!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1303: To the bridal chamber!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1302: The big wedding (You're actually trying to hit me?!)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1301: The big wedding (If I don't finish you can beat me up)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1300: The big wedding (Guess I'm a scaredy-cat)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1299: The big wedding (If this doesn't end, I'm a scaredy-cat)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1298: The big wedding (End, Pt. 2)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1297: The big wedding (End)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1296: The big wedding (Middle)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1295: The big wedding (Beginning)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1294: At the venue of the wedding ceremony!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1293: The SARFT's son-in-law!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1292: Zhao Chipeng in tears!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1291: The wedding invitation gets revealed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1290: Calling for his head!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1289: An industry-wide boycott is ordered!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1288: So a pen really can kill a person!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1287: China's aunties make their move!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1286: Tearing a hole in the sky of the entertainment industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1285: 'A Madman's Diary' surprises everyone!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1284: Zhang Ye, the busybody!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1283: The matters of the entertainment industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1282: In the headlines again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1281: Zhang Ye designs the wedding dress!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1280: Turmoil in the industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1279: Zhang Ye is going for the S-list?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1278: 'The Great Truth' finale!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1277: Sweeping the server!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1276: Zhang Ye wreaks havoc on the Korean server!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1275: Zhang Ye streams a game!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1274: Zhang Ye gives a monologue!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1273: 'Drunk and Alone'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1272: The attack of the site's female streamers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1271: Zhang Ye starts livestreaming!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1270: Countdown to the big wedding!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1269: Be serious, we're showing off here!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1268: It's been hard on you!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1267: 'The King of Karaoke'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1266: Zhang Ye switches songs!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1265: Zhang Ye's shocking celebrity guest partner!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1264: Anyone can win, except me!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1263: The eve of the grand finals!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1262: The difference between a veteran and a newbie!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1261: The tenth episode begins recording!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1260: The founder imparts his moves!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1259: The father of plaza dancing?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1258: You call this a love song?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1257: The plaza dancing craze!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1256: 'The Hottest Ethnic Trend' sweeps the country!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1255: The eighth episode's knockout round!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1254: The eighth episode's knockout round! (First Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1253: Old Wu's big action!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1252: Reactions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1251: The replacement singer makes his appearance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1250: Ah, I've been hacked again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1249: What are you all looking at me for!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1248: Xiaodong can't host anymore?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1247: A sprint to the S-list!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1246: All the advertisements roll out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1245: We're only the porters of nature!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1244: The battle for the advertising field's top spot

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1243: The ad upgrades!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1242: Attack of the advertisements!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1241: The advertisements will roll out soon!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1240: A Heavenly Queen's agent genuflects!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1239: Fighting a Heavenly King for an endorsement!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1238: Isn't this advertising message a little too casual?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1237: The fifth step of the 'Reach the Summit' plan!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1236: I'll give in, alright?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1235: The second episode of I Am a Singer!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1234: The people of Central TV Department 1 are made to cry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1233: A viewership rating that would terrify anyone!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1232: The exciting premiere!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1231: Where'd that rapidfire host go?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1230: The seven starting singers are revealed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1229: How did I fall for your nonsense!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1228: Recording begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1227: We have never lost before!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1226: I Am a Singer's promotional video!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1225: The fight for advertisers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1224: The battle begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1223: Central TV Department 1 turns green with anger!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1222: The lineup of singers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1221: Signing the new show!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1220: Zhang Ye's new show is coming! (Second Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1219: Zhang Ye's new show is coming! (First Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1218: Skyrocketing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1217: Zhang Ye's works get selected for the national Chinese language textbooks!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1216: All of the Tsinghua University representatives meet with trouble!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1215: A great opportunity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1214: The pie that is the Chinese language textbook curriculum revision!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1213: Semi-grandmaster!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1212: A great harvest from the lottery draw!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1211: Another increase in popularity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1210: Director Zhang's creative process is particularly arduous!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1209: Ascending to the altar!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1208: How can such a person exist?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1207: Fortress Besieged sells like crazy!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1206: The release of Fortress Besieged!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1205: The Qilu Literature Prize Judging Panel

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1204: Zhang Ye's new novel!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1203: 'I died for Beauty—but was scarce'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1202: Project Proposal: Reach the Summit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1201: Those seven spots!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1200: The top few spots of the entertainment industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1199: 'When You Are Old'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1198: Officially engaged!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1197: Zhang Ye gives his first lesson at his alma mater!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1196: Good kid, beautifully done!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1195: The prospective daughter-in-law comes to visit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1194: Released!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1193: A pure heart!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1192: Zhang Ye gets arrested again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1191: Uncompromising through the years!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1190: Let us finish singing this last song!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1189: Starting a gang fight (Second half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1188: Starting a gang fight (First Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1187: An invitation to the Welcoming Ceremony!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1186: Earning rave reviews!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1185: A smashing release!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1184: Shooting the music video together!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1183: A song called 'To Youth'

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1182: The two extremes of the entertainment industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1181: Zhang Ye gets into another fight!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1180: Zhang Ye's first music video single?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1179: Zhang Ye commentates the Olympics (Part 5 of 5)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1178: Zhang Ye commentates the Olympics (Part 4 of 5)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1177: Zhang Ye commentates the Olympics (Part 3 of 5)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1176: Zhang Ye commentates the Olympics (Part 2 of 5)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1175: Zhang Ye commentates the Olympics (Part 1 of 5)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1174: Zhang Ye's Olympic commentary!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1173: The sports world's friendly attitude towards Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1172: A shocking statement from the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1171: International Buzz!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1170: The Leg of God!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1169: The surveillance footage gets brought to light!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1168: The referees get beaten up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1167: The crowd goes ballistic!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1166: Soaring in the Asian popularity rankings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1165: An Olympic theme song that astounds the world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1164: Because I'm his mother!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1163: Hello, fellow smoker!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1162: Before the opening ceremony!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1161: 'Beijing Welcomes You' makes its debut!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1160: International Superstar Lillian!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1159: Zhang Ye is going to the Olympic opening ceremony!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1158: The first big project!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1157: The studio officially opens!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1156: Hiring a bodyguard for the studio?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1155: Establishing Zhang Ye's Studio!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1154: Zhang Ye's Asian Popularity Ranking!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1153: Sitting firmly at the top of the A-list!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1152: The only dual faculty professor in Peking University!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1151: Can you be a little bit more mindful!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1150: A global mathematical conjecture proved!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1149: The Celebrity Rankings Index is updated!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1148: Love comes to fruition!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1147: The eternal line of defense for humanity's wisdom!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1146: How lonely it is to be invincible!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1145: A hero is born!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1144: Humanity wins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1143: Go can be played this way?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1142: You're done here, it's my turn!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1141: Playing all three of the most complex josekis!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1140: Zhang Ye plays the second of the three most complex josekis!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1139: The astonishing variations of the Great Slant Joseki!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1138: Zhang Ye plays the first of the three most complex josekis!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1137: New tactics?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1136: The press conference!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1135: Victory!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1134: Zhang Ye's Hand of God!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1133: Peter gets dealt a blow!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1132: An inconceivable way of playing: The Cosmic Style!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1131: A strange opening that dumbfounds everyone!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1130: The second game of the war between humans and machines!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1129: The Go masters from a different world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1128: Found its weakness!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1127: Face-smacking Zhang gets serious!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1126: Zhang Ye's Divine Move!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1125: Capturing race!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1124: Zhang Ye really knows how to play Go!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1123: The match begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1122: The final battle of the war between humans and the machines!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1121: An uproar at the press conference!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1120: For humanity's sake, I am willing to accept the challenge!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1119: The Go world's last line of defense!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1118: Approaching YE for help?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1117: Humanity vs. Artificial Intelligence (End)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1116: Humanity vs. Artificial Intelligence (Middle)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1115: Humanity vs. Artificial Intelligence (Start)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1114: Zhang Ye's contribution!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1113: Xiang Rong? I think I've heard of him before!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1112: An artificial intelligence issues a challenge to humanity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1111: Just who could this godly person be?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1110: YE appears again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1109: Who won?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1108: Who's playing?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1107: The world number one in Go makes his move!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1106: Sweeping China Qiyuan single-handedly!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1105: Zhang Ye vs. China Qiyuan!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1104: Zhang Ye vs. Xu Han 8-dan

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1103: Zhang Ye vs. Hu Liang 7-dan!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1102: Wu Changhe calls for reinforcements!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1101: Changhe 9-dan gets utterly demolished!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1100: The Internet Go server!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1099: Arranging a battle against his future father-in-law!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1098: I will give you a handicap of two stones!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1097: This is my boyfriend!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1096: Zhang Ye's blind date?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1095: The strangeness of the Lucky Halo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1094: Zhang Ye's request for leave!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1093: The Superstar's Crew!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1092: Celebrity Rankings Index maintenance completed! Zhang Ye's ranking!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1091: Please put your hands up and wave them for me!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1090: Singing three songs in a row!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1089: Do you guys really want to keep listening?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1088: 'Vast Horizons'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1087: The concert begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1086: Old Wu wants to attend the concert too?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1085: Piano playing coming from the room!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1084: The first concert of its kind in the industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1083: Zhang Ye's latest celebrity ranking?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1082: A national sensation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1081: The Clown takes off his mask!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1080: Gu Cheng's 'Life Fantasia'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1079: The grand champion is born!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1078: Shocking the world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1077: 'Exaggerated' brought to life!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1076: Wild Rose's mask falls off!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1075: The second round of the grand finals!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1074: The Clown loses his title chances?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1073: The Clown on the verge of elimination?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1072: I'm a newcomer!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1071: 'Love of a Lifetime'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1070: The Clown's turn to take the stage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1069: Out of control grand finals!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1068: Spinach in the lead!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1067: The live broadcast begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1066: The grand finals arrive!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1065: Mysterious partners!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1064: Convincing the Heavenly Queen!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1063: A candidate to be the celebrity guest partner!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1062: The grand finals approach!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1061: Victory for the musicians!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1060: A battle for music and dignity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1059: 'The Internationale'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1058: For dignity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1057: 'I'm a Small, Little Bird'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1056: The Clown sings a children's song?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1055: King of Masked Singers gets investigated!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1054: Rave reviews!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1053: 'The King Sent Me on Mountain Patrol'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1052: A Children's Day singing contest?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1051: Attention and speculation from the industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1050: 'Ms. Dong' is a hit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1049: Zhang Ye, you're The Clown, aren't you?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1048: Who is the Masked King this episode?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1047: Happy Birthday, Ms. Dong!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1046: Deciding the tiebreaker match song!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1045: An extra round!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1044: 'Strive Hard to Succeed' (Second Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1043: 'Strive Hard to Succeed'! (First Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1042: Flowing Time vs. The Clown!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1041: Winning!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1040: 'I'm Ugly But Tender'

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1039: Who is his opponent?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1038: An unforeseen situation at the venue!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1037: Recording the fourth episode!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1036: Hiring a female bodyguard!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1035: Teaching Taiji!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1034: Getting his hands on his girlfriend's house keys!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1033: Someone provokes The Clown!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1032: The Ugliest Celebrities Rankings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1031: The third episode is broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1030: Troublemaking fans!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1029: Double play!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1028: Professional face-smacking athlete!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1027: The Clown's Cantonese song!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1026: The Clown vs. Sunflower!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1025: 'I Really Hate You'?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1024: A sudden turn of events!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1023: The Clown admits defeat!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1022: 'Life's More Than the Grind'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1021: Petal Shower vs. Sunflower!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1020: Petal Shower…surpasses the gods!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1019: Showdown!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1018: Petal Shower gets mad!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1017: A Masked Singer's identity is exposed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1016: Zhang Ye proposes! (Second half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1015: Zhang Ye proposes! (First half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1014: Becoming famous!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1013: The Clown gets popular!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1012: The Clown's live rendition of 'Our Villagers'

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1011: I wanna walk from south to north!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1010: The Clown's second song!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1009: Voting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1008: Who on earth is this!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1007: A song without lyrics!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1006: The Clown vs. Petal Shower!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1005: The Clown's two songs!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1004: The Clown gets called out?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1003: Rankings and viewership ratings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1002: The King of Masked Singers is on fire!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1001: King of Masked Singers premieres!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1000: Hero and Zero!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 999: A few words from The Clown!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 998: Birth of the first Masked King!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 997: I am a beautiful, beautiful wild rose!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 996: A last-minute song change by The Clown!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 995: The Clown wins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 994: The Clown takes the stage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 993: The show begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 992: A madman!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 991: The first song has been decided!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 990: The name of Zhang Ye is worth a 150 million!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 989: Why are you guys so afraid of him?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 988: Martial Arts Master vs. Martial Arts Master!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 987: Why are they showing so much respect to Zhang Ye?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 986: Zhang Ye steps in!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 985: A female celebrity in trouble

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 984: You have the cheek to call others weird?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 983: As a fifty-year-old pro driver, I am all smiles!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 982: You want another song?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 981: Mask: The Clown!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 980: Stop pretending to be an oil worker, you!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 979: On fire even before the broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 978: The return of Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 977: King of Masked Singers attacks!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 976: A new job?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 975: Zhang Ye comes to the music industry?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 974: Tang Bohu's "Deathbed Poem"

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 973: Zhang Ye's apartment gets wrecked!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 972: Who in these lands don't appreciate you!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 971: Breaking 100 million views!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 970: Let's clear up this day a bit, just a little

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 969: Stay true to yourself!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 968: A never-before-seen documentary!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 967: Zhang Ye's Documentary on Air Pollution in China!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 966: The press conference begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 965: Let me bear the burden of these criticisms!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 964: Barred from broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 963: A subordinate in trouble!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 962: Gaining a junior martial sister out of nowhere!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 961: Zhang Ye vs. Rao Aimin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 960: Zhang Ye vs. Yang Shu!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 959: The second successor of Taiji Fist appears?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 958: Her name is Rao Aimin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 957: Jiang Hanwei frightened into turning tail!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 956: Zhang Ye's wondrous agent!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 955: Old Rao arrives!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 954: Car crash!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 953: Xiaodong's birthday invitation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 952: Old Rao, why don't you be my agent!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 951: Rao Aimin comes to visit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 950: A martial arts action star warns against Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 949: The battle of the agents!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 948: Hiring an agent!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 947: A man who strikes fear into the hearts of the martial arts community when mentioned!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 946: Take this one 'alive'!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 945: Old pal, open up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 944: Attacking Kunlun!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 943: Attacking Shaolin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 942: Taking it up with the various large sects?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 941: The large sects get annihilated!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 940: Let's see who has more people today!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 939: Ten thousand men pass out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 938: A single man guards the pass!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 937: Zhang Ye's speed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 936: The shit stirring duo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 935: The successor of Taiji Fist appears!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 934: How do you know Taiji Fist!?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 933: Zhang Ye's concealed power!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 932: The legendary grandmaster!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 931: Are 2,000 Taiji Fist Skill Experience Books enough?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 930: Rao Aimin's old flame?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 929: Deathmatch! Zhang Ye makes his appearance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 928: Is the legacy of the Taiji Fist actually lost?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 927: Then I'll listen to you people!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 926: Zhang Ye steps into battle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 925: Rao Aimin's appearance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 924: The Eight Trigrams School arrives!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 923: The National Martial Arts Conference begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 922: Zhang Ye, Enhanced Edition! (End)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 921: Zhang Ye, Enhanced Edition! (Middle)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 920: Zhang Ye, Enhanced Edition! (Beginning)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 919: The appearance of Rao Aimin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 918: The National Martial Arts Association steps in!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 917: Zhang Ye versus the Kunlun Taoist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 916: The shit stirrer of the Chinese martial arts world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 915: All-out brawl!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 914: Arriving at the conference venue!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 913: Grandmaster Rao Aimin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 912: Damn, we actually found her!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 911: Searching for Rao Aimin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 910: The Landlady Auntie's whereabouts!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 909: The Pollution Problem!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 908: What do I know of determination? All I rely upon is stubborn endurance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 907: The battle for the A-list rankings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 906: I'm Unfamiliar with this World!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 905: Zhang Ye's live interview!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 904: Becoming an A-lister even without a proper job?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 903: Becoming an A-lister!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 902: A-list?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 901: Aiya, I've been hacked!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 900: The spam flooding (crashing the bar) regiment goes on the warpath!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 899: It's fine, carry on scolding

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 898: The sporting world brings in reinforcements?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 897: Zhang Ye's combat strength shoots through the roof!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 896: Stop vilifying the national table tennis team, OK?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 895: The sporting world declares war on Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 894: The gratitude of Beijing Television's Spring Festival Gala!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 893: Skit: "Playing It Up"! (End)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 892: Skit: "Playing It Up"! (Middle)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 891: Skit: "Playing It Up"! (Beginning)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 890: The skit makes its appearance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 889: The three greenhorns finalize their act!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 888: Zhang Ye takes over for the skit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 887: Zhang Ye, why don't you take over the skit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 886: A Letter to Home causes a massacre!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 885: Getting on the Top Chinese Music Chart!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 884: Sweeping aside all the other provincial stations' Spring Festival Galas!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 883: A textbook crosstalk routine!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 882: This is what a real crosstalk is!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 881: From talking to singing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 880: Laughing like crazy!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 879: Crosstalk routine: Everything is Great!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 878: Beijing Television's Spring Festival Gala begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 877: The run-up to Beijing Television's Spring Festival Gala!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 876: Zhang Ye pokes fun at the Spring Festival Gala! (Second Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 875: Zhang Ye pokes fun at the Spring Festival Gala! (First Half)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 874: The crosstalk routine is confirmed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 873: A Bite of China ends! A shocking viewership rating!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 872: The astronomical price of the tea leaves!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 871: Da Hong Pao becomes famous!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 870: The courier gets a great shock!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 869: Gifting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 868: Indeed worthy of a legend!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 867: And the grand prize goes to!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 866: Winning 70 prizes in a row!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 865: Winning endlessly!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 864: Winning 40 prizes in a row!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 863: Winning 20 prizes in a row at the annual staff party's lucky draw!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 862: You can’t avoid seeing me today even if you want to

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 861: Banning Zhang Ye from the Central TV annual staff party!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 860: Winning again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 859: Voting for the most popular celebrity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 858: No one's ever been a match when it comes to scolding!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 857: Splendid!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 856: You're really saying whatever just because we said you could say whatever?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 855: Dress rehearsal in progress!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 854: Crosstalk routine: I Want to Get on the Spring Festival Gala!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 853: What a mess!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 852: Too much to drink!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 851: A class reunion

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 850: Invitation to the Spring Festival Gala?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 849: Zhang Ye's Talk at Media College!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 848: The dust settles!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 847: The SARFT's search warrant!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 846: What's that bitchy dowager doing here?!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 845: Let's see which door I'm not allowed to enter!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 844: Zhang Ye Enraged! (3/3)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 843: Zhang Ye Enraged! (2/3)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 842: Zhang Ye Enraged! (1/3)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 841: An old classmate in trouble!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 840: Fun at the exam hall

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 839: Appointed as Associate Professor at Media College?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 838: Appointed as the examiner?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 837: 10 million followers on Weibo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 836: Reactions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 835: A staggering acceptance speech from a different world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 834: The respected teacher of the alma mater

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 833: The Chinese Academy of Sciences' Invitation?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 832: Lei Feng's famous quote!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 831: Seeking Zhang Ye's help!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 830: Celebrity Chat Group

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 829: Making history again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 828: Celebration!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 827: Oh my god!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 826: Calligraphy, Spring in Qin Garden: Snow (3/3)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 825: Calligraphy, Spring in Qin Garden: Snow (2/3)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 824: Calligraphy, Spring in Qin Garden: Snow (1/3)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 823: An intense and close battle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 822: The second week's broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 821: They have Zhang Ye, isn't that more than enough?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 820: Zhang Ye and Old Wu get caught in action!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 819: The war between a documentary and variety show industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 818: Scoring 200 million RMB worth of advertisements!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 817: Celebration!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 816: Giving the entire world a slap!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 815: The entire world stills!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 814: The viewership ratings are out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 813: Broadcast! (End)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 812: Broadcast! (Part 3)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 811: Broadcast! (Part 2)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 810: Broadcast! (Part 1)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 809: This is a poem fit for a cultured civilization!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 808: Rotten Fruit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 807: Who can stop me!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 806: Waiting to make a fool of someone?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 805: The unveiling of A Bite of China!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 804: A starving camel is still bigger than a horse!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 803: It's getting boisterous at Central TV!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 802: Buying the Da Hong Pao parent trees!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 801: Meeting an acquaintance at the scenic area

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 800: Da Hong Pao doesn't exist in this world?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 799: Filming wraps for A Bite of China!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 798: I have not left yet!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 797: Filming in progress!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 796: The cameras start rolling for A Bite of China!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 795: The new show will be called—

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 794: Here's 10 million! Spend it all!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 793: Using the Lucky Halo again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 792: Oh, money!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 791: A documentary that could sweep away all variety shows?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 790: Designing a documentary!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 789: What sort of place is this?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 788: Central TV's documentary channel!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 787: Job reassignment orders have arrived!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 786: Director Zhang's Taiji Fist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 785: A legend of Media College!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 784: A rock in a privy, hard and stinky!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 783: No one can do anything about Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 782: Confrontation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 781: Director Zhang looks for trouble!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 780: Central TV Department 14?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 779: Feats or faults, leave it to the future generations to judge for themselves!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 778: His infamy spreads overseas!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 777: Johannes pays a visit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 776: Things are getting out of hand!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 775: Zhang Ye turns down the award!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 774: Something big has happened again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 773: Zhang Ye turns hostile!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 772: Awarded the Abel Prize!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 771: Marrying Old Wu next year?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 770: Inviting Old Wu home

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 769: The pirates piss their pants!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 768: Pirated copies start appearing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 767: Steamrolled!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 766: Selling like crazy!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 765: This guy…is actually a professor?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 764: Rave reviews!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 763: Launch Day!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 762: How lively it was!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 761: This game is a Zhang Ye creation?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 760: An instant hit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 759: The organizers are alerted!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 758: The debut of Plants vs. Zombies!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 757: The impending reveal of the new game!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 756: Back to the office for work!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 755: Going down into the annals of the Judiciary!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 754: The results of the National Judicial Examination are released!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 753: The National Judicial Examination begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 752: Zhang Ye takes the bar exam!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 751: From this day forward, I will no longer remain silent!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 750: Central TV Department 1 gets sued again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 749: Quatrain for a Summer's Day!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 748: Just who is the professional lawyer here!?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 747: The court's verdict!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 746: A flame war begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 745: The first person in this world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 744: Zhang Ye declares war!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 743: Silence can be very deafening as well!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 742: Taunting whoever comes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 741: Prove to me that your mother is your mother!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 740: Director Zhang flies into a rage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 739: Arguing with the leader again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 738: The new show will launch soon!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 737: A family full of wondrous people!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 736: This chapter is an enjoyable read!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 735: Chenchen copies Zhang Ye's poem!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 734: Chenchen catches a thief!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 733: The busy Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 732: The birth of Plants vs. Zombies!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 731: Meeting Wu Zeqing's family

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 730: A grand prize is drawn! (End)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 729: A grand prize is drawn! (Middle)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 728: A grand prize is drawn! (Beginning)

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 727: Skyrocketing popularity! Good preparation is the key to success!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 726: The Voice wraps up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 725: An urban legend of the entertainment industry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 724: Thick as thieves!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 723: Smash! Smash! Smash!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 722: Rage smash!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 721: Zhang Ye shows up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 720: Tsinghua and Peking University fight over the students!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 719: An independent woman!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 718: A hardworking comic!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 717: Zhang Ye, you've really won!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 716: Zhang Ye's Classroom is back!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 715: Meeting Wu Zeqing

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 714: The National Higher Education Entrance Examination Board wants to invite Zhang Ye too?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 713: The average scores of the Beijing examinees are published!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 712: Down with Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 711: A difficulty that brings the examinees to tears!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 710: The most difficult exam in history!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 709: The first day of the exam is over!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 708: The date of the college entrance examination has come!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 707: Marvelous, hidden palindrome poem!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 706: Husband Missing Wife!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 705: Little Zhang Unleashed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 704: A poetry duel?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 703: The teachers' friendly contest?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 702: Celebratory feast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 701: The difficulty of Zhang Ye's questions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 700: Operation Send Zhang Ye Home!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 699: Shocked examinees!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 698: Starting to set the questions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 697: The Chinese Literature team approaches too!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 696: The Higher Education Entrance Examination Board's Invitation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 695: The second episode's viewership ratings released!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 694: Zhou Danian! Zhou Danian!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 693: Grandpa, could you cut it out!?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 691 Broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 690 Controversy over the second episode’s viewership!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 689 The show’s second episode!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 688 The country’s citizens imitate!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 687 Highly sought after!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 686 Number 1 in the nation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 685 The viewership ratings that shocked the whole country!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 684 The End!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 683 The night that belonged to The Voice!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 682 Yet another record breaking high!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 681 Creating a sensation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 680 Into the ranks of the top hosts!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 679: Shocking the world with speed reading!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 678 I know someone in senior management!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 677 The first episode’s recording has ended!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 676 The selection battle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 675 Astounding the entire venue!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 674 A laborer contestant?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 673 Starring Qian Pingfan in the finale!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 672 The second contestant comes on stage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 671 A tug of war between the coaches!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 670 The tears of Luo Yu’s parents!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 669 A Four-chair Turn!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 668 The irreplaceable host!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 667 What sort of a tongue do you have!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 666 Setting the whole studio ablaze!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 665 Fighting with his peers again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 664: Zhang Ye’s Rebuttal: Admiring the Mountains!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 663 A shoddy program?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 662 The Voice starts recording!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 661 What do you do when you catch a cold?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 660 Blue-collar worker Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 659 A bold decision!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 658: The broadcast of the program moved up ahead of time!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 657 The unsellable advertisements

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 656 The “Little Leader” of the program team!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 655 The speed of Zhang Ye’s songwriting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 654: Arrival of The Voice‘s Theme Song!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 653 Countdown to the recording!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 652 The four “wonders”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 651 I teach physical education!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 650 Why’d you get an old man here for?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 649 An absurd voice!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 648 Open calls for The Voice begin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 647 Confirmation of the first-seeded contestant!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 646 These are the contestants you guys picked?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 645: On fire even before the broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 644 The most prestigious lineup of coaches in history!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 643 Zhang Ye’s name is worth 100 million!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 642 Dissolving the program team?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 641 Guest Coaches List!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 640 Coaches invited to join!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 639 The Voice’s Astronomical Title Sponsorship Fee!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 638 Would you believe it?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 637 Pulling for Advertising Sponsorships!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 636 Public outcry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 635 The show is approved!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 634 No Optimism for The Voice?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 633 The Speed of Zhang Ye’s Writeup of the Program Proposal!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 632 Entirely new program birthed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 631 The troublesome Little Chenchen!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 630 Executive Director Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 629 Return of the Jinx!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 628 Signing the contract with Central TV!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 627 The olive branch held out by Central TV!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 626 Playing the Lottery Draw again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 625 The Peking University math teacher also genuflects!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 624 Question after question, the math questions that made everyone vomit blood!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 623: Zhang Ye’s wondrous math lecture!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 622: Ticked off by the elementary school teachers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 621: Heated discussions about the wondrous math problem on the Internet!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 620: Witnessing a celebrity’s appearance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 619: Genuflecting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 618: Philosophy behind the math problem!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 617: Wondrous math problem from the Previous World!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 616: Chenchen’s guardian called to school for a meeting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 615: A short poem from Bingxin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 614: Reporters from nationwide clog the gates!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 613: Becoming a B-list celebrity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 612: Crossing Half of China to Sleep with You!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 611: Premiere episode of Do You Remember!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 610: Grandmasters’ box office earnings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 609: Day of the Premiere!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 608: Countdown to the movie’s release!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 607: You guys win!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 606: Now this is Taiji Fist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 605: Authentic Taiji Fist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 604: The consciousness of a teacher of the people is higher

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 603: Landing the Role!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 602: Zhang Ye’s Eight Trigrams Palm!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 601: Are you, like, a professional actor?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 600: Acting audition?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 599: Invitation from the crew of Grandmasters!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 598: The Upgraded Effects of the Lucky Halo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 597: An old classmate’s appreciation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 596: The Appointed Host!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 595: The host who never needed a script

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 594: Dong Shanshan and her family are shocked!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 593: Launch of a new program!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 592: Do You Remember

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 591: A Singing Program?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 590: Dong Shanshan has resigned!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 589: Beijing Television Station’s three visits to the thatched cottage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 588: Return to the television station?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 587: Soaking wet bush lily!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 586: Pandemonium!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 585: You guys are touring my house!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 584: The scenery is better over here!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 583: The Heavenly Queen Comes to Visit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 582: The Darling of the Advertising World!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 581: Why is it Zhang Ye again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 580: Scaring the whole country!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 579: I’ll have a smoke to calm my nerves!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 578: Petrified!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 577: This old lady is the Station Head?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 576: Ad finished!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 575: Tempting Fate!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 574: Unable to finish?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 573: The most frightening ‘Quit Smoking’ advertisement in history?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 572: To help or not to help?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 571: A new job arrives!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 570: The three greatest virtues of Old Wu!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 569: Charismatic as ever!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 568: Saying Goodbye to Peking University Again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 567: The students go on strike!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 566: Incident Details Exposed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 565: Leaving Peking University!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 564: Didn’t I say to not let me give the speech!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 563: The Peking University’s Students’ Epic Act!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 562: The whole audience cheers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 561: The speech that got to see the light of day once more!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 560: “Why Should I Forgive You”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 559: Wait a moment!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 558: Public outcry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 557: Changing the script?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 556: Teacher Zhang Ye is quite the interesting person!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 555: Shielding the helpless!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 554: Troublemaker Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 553: A big conflict!.

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 552: A small conflict!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 551: The country's sixth world-class mathematician!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 550: The Youngest Associate Professor in the Country!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 549: The most sought after elective class!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 548: New Lottery Draw!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 547: Upgrade unlocked for the game ring's system!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 546: The laurel of the Most Unpopular Celebrity Award!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 545: Voting begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 544: The Most Popular Celebrity Awards!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 543: B-list!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 542: New novel's contract!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 541: Settling scores!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 540: Return of the.....Jinx!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 539: The Difficulty Adjustment Die's ultimate power!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 538: Zhang Ye's retort!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 537: Zhang Ye's The Road Not Taken!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 536: Never, ever compromise!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 535: Unbanned?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 534

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 533: People across the country…are alright now!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 532: People across the country continued to be stunned!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 531: People across the country were stunned again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 530: People across the country were stunned!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 529

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 528: A token of love!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 527: Chinese is what I'm good at!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 526: I find that thumb ring to be quite attractive!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 525: A global mathematical conjecture has been proven!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 524: The proof, completed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 523: An Omni-directional shockwave!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 522: All the mathematicians were constantly feeling stunned!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 521: Zhang Ye the Mathematician!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 520: A shocking hypothesis!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 519: Zhang Ye Solving a Mathematical Conjecture!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 518: Never afraid of a big mess!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 517: Declaring war on the Mathematics world with "On Horses"!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 516: Fermat's Last Theorem!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 515: One of the world's Top 10 Mathematical Conjectures!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 514: Zhang Ye's nationalistic youth spirit!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 513: You must have calculated that with a calculator?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 512: The International Math Olympiad!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 511: Love Token

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 510: Holding hands!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 509: "I'm willing to become the stone bridge for 500 years"!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 508: Confessing to Old Wu!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 507

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 506: The year's greatest scolding war!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 505: Zhang Ye's wondrous way of cooking up publicity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 504: Well received reactions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 503: "I want for the sky to not cover my eyes!"

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 502: A new work!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 501: A traveler's necessity novel "Legend of Wukong"!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 500: Wooing Sis Wu!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 499: The crosstalk and skit competition gets called off!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 498: Champions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 497: I don't know speed recital?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 496: Wave after wave of destruction!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 495: Scolding and scolding. Scolding all the way!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 494: A compilation of Guo Degang's crosstalks!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 493: Arrival of the 3rd Crosstalk performance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 492: Voices of everyone!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 491: Whatever goes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 490: The Kings without a crown!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 489: Judges chased off by scoldings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 488: This is what Crosstalk is about!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 487: Disparaging Begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 486: Arrival of the Jinx!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 485: I will reject the Three Vulgarities!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 484: Second Work is Decided!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 483: This is what a man of God is!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 482: First!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 481: The first preliminary round has ended!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 480: Embodiment of Guo Degang!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 479: I am a Scholar!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 478: A crosstalk performance 7-8 years ahead of its time!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 477: The madness of Central TV!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 476: Got onto a live broadcast?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 475: Huge Blunder!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 474: Lowering Difficulty by Five Times!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 473: Zhang Ye's Big Move!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 472: Time for a counteroffensive!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 471: Let's go, off to sign up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 470: Fellow sufferers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 469: "If by life you were deceived"

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 468: Another masterpiece of Li Bai!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 467: Reputation actually grew!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 466: No matter where the winds blow!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 465: About to Drop out of the C-list Celebrity Rankings?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 464: Zhang Ye does not dare show his face?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 463: Where is the way out?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 462: Only so much!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 461: Notions of the People!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 460: Going to be dropped!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 459: The most stringent ban in history!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 458: A big prize!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 457: Leveling up in Taiji Fist again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 456: A terrifying amount of Reputation Points!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 455: Babysitter Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 454: My goal is the Sea of Stars!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 453: A Stunning tiny Blogshop!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 452: What does your brother do!?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 451: Septwolves' Advertisement Tagline!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 450: The despised comrade Little Zhang!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 449: Aunt's Family has a Problem

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 448: Wanted Globally!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 447: World Hacker Rankings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 446: The world's most dangerous computer viruses rankings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 445: The aftermath of the virus, a suffering of heavy losses!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 444: We do not accept your surrender!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 443: Extermination!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 442: Panda Burning Incense's multiple variants!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 441: The inexorable panda!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 440: The world's top 10 viruses!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 439: The virus rages on!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 438: I don't care!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 437: Red Alert at the Global Malware Protection Center!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 436: Attack of the Virus!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 435: Creation of the Virus Completed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 434: Famous virus — Panda Burning Incense!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 433: Whoever offends the mighty nation of China, however distant, shall be destroyed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 432: Zhang Ye Makes his move!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 431: Another round of battles!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 430: Legendary hacker!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 429: Display of Officer Fan's Awesome Prowess!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 428: Sino-Korean cyber warfare!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 427: You are Big Saber Bro?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 426: Officer Fan!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 425: An eccentric short haired beauty!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 424: How People Thought of Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 423: Zhang Ye gains even more popularity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 422: The power of the Lucky Halo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 421: Release of the single!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 420: A great harvest of Items!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 419: Lucky draw, X-ray vision eye drops!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 418: The privileges of being sick!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 417: This world's missing Taiji Fist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 416

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 415: Recuperating!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 414: I sacrifice my blood in the Yellow Emperor's name!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 413: Zhang Ye's "Personally Inscribed on a Small Picture"

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 412: Zhang Ye is Injured!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 411: A C-list Celebrity Ranking Obtained From Fighting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 410: Out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 409: How did I, Zhang Ye, deserve this?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 408: An extremely packed police station!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 407: We can do it too!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 406: Shouldering all Responsibility!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 405: Because "I love this land"!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 404: Today, it will be useless no matter who comes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 403: Beating up Three People Consecutively!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 402: Another Person Is Sent Flying!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 401: Zhang Ye's One Kick!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 400: Something Has Happened Again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 399: New Year's Goal!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 398: The Heavenly Queen's Clothes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 397: The Heavenly Queen Rescues the Situation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 396: A Stunning Scene in the Dressing Room!!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 395: Friend of Women!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 394: Who could have written this song?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 393: The never waning "Woman Flower"!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 392: Going Onstage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 391: The Song has been Written!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 390: New Song? I'll Write it For You!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 389: A situation at the Spring Festival Gala!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 388: An Advertising Proposal that Created History!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 387: Receiving an A-list Celebrity's Endorsement Fee!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 386: Brain Gold is Selling Like Hotcakes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 385: Completely Sold Out in the Supermarkets!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 384: The Brain Gold Advertisement that Gets Cursed Badly!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 383: Viewing ALL of the pictures!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 382: All Sorts of Things to See!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 381

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 380: Changing Costumes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 379: Taking photos for Old Wu!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 378: Staying over at Sis Wu's house!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 377: The continued rise of Zhang Ye's Talk Show!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 376: A Perfect Wife and Mother!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 375: Wu Zeqing Sending Him Home!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 374: Fighting to get Zhang Ye's works!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 373: "Ode of Mulan" is Born!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 372: Master Wei's Disciple's Provocation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 371: Old Wu's Birthday Gift

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 370: The last match! Couplets duel!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 369: Zhang Ye’s Great Capacity for Drinking and Poetry!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 368: Consecutively Winning Three Rounds!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 367: Two rounds down!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 366: "Missing You" — Part four of five!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 365: First question, a poem beginning with the word Ceng/Zeng*!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 364: One person is Enough!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 363: Calligraphy contest?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 362: The Calligraphy Association Anniversary Gathering!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 361: Wu Zeqing's Birthday!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 360: A series of shocking promotional bursts!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 359: The Brain Platinum's commercial copy has landed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 358: Signing the Endorsement Contract!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 357: Spokesperson for Brain Gold!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 356: Looking for Zhang Ye to be a spokesperson?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 355: Too Awkward!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 354: It's you?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 353: Meeting Water Lotus Moon!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 352: The difficult questions from Water Lotus Moon!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 351: Nearby Person—Water Lotus Moon!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 350: Almost a C-list Celebrity!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 349: Popularity Rises Again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 348: Going on People's Daily!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 347: "How the Steel Was Tempered" excerpt!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 346: I didn't scold the Old!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 345: Face-smacking Zhang shows his powers yet again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 344: "Ode to Young China" stuns the Four Seas!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 343: A Different Closing Speech!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 342: Zhang Ye's Closing Speech!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 341: Professor Yan's Opening Address!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 340: National Primary and Secondary School New Year Gala!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 339: What are you commanding me for!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 338: Water Lotus Moon’s appearance once again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 337: Lu Xun and Bingxin’s quotes were used!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 336: The university rankings are out!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 335: This Semester’s Last Class!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 334: Breaking New Ground Again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 333: What to talk about for the third lecture?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 332

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 331

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 330: The path of Peking University was the right one!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 329: How People Looked at Zhang Ye

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 328: The hope of Peking University’s Chinese department!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 327: Applause. Everyone Stands Up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 326: A Plot No One Dares to Touch in ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 325: The Redologists Strike Back?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 324: The Students Refuse to End Class!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 323: Answering Every Logical Error!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 322: I can explain it all!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 321: Unprecedented!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 320: ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’ only has 108 Chapters!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 319: The Second Public Lecture!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 318: The Anticipation-Filled Day!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 317: Senior Sis, You’re Hoodwinking Us Buddies!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 316: Compete with Zhang Ye in couplets?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 315: The Landlady Auntie on a Blind date?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 314: Curse Him Curse Him Curse Him Curse Him!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 313: Losing all decorum with the Literary world!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 312: Zhang Ye’s Response—Let the world laugh about me

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 311: Poked a Hornet’s Nest!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 310: The First lesson is over!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 309: This is the precursor of re-writing History!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 308: One bombshell after another!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 307: Speechlessness!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 306: A Lecture that Subverts All Understanding!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 305: The Later Parts of ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’ were not written by Cao Xueqin?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 304: Zhang Ye’s Dropping of Atomic Bombshells!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 303: An extremely packed public class!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 302: Blasted!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 301: There’s no need to thank me, Just call me Red-scarf Scout!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 300: Breaking! Zhang Ye is to become a Peking University lecturer?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 299: This World’s Misconception of Dream of the Red Chamber!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 298: The ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’ that No One Dares to Teach!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 297: A Different Peking University Teacher!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 296: Peking University’s Students’ Questions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 295: The Excited Peking University Students!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 294: Officially Joining Peking University!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 293: Chinese department’s Leaders are Stumped!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 292: Focus of the Party!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 291: It’s Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 290: “To The Oak” saves the day!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 289: Third Cousin’s Poem Stolen!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 288: Zhang Ye can’t write Love Poems?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 287: Joining 3rd Cousin’s New Year’s Party!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 286: Going to Peking University’s Chinese Department as a Lecturer!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 285: Peking University’s Invitation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 284: Top of the SARFT’s Blacklist—Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 283: “Zhang Ye’s Talk Show” Restored!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 282: Offering a Limerick!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 281: Revealed at roughly 8:20!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 280: Finally found Li Tao’s skeletons!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 279: Support Genuine Products!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 278: Hacker Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 277: Li Tao’s Reputation Destroyed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 276

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 275: Another War of Words with ‘Working Together’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 274: The Target of Scrutiny by the SARFT!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 273: One Scolding a Day!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 272: That “Sunflower in the Sun”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 271: A man answers for what he does!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 270: A Carefree Soul!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 269: Solidarity from Everywhere!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 268: “The Last Speech” of Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 267: That familiar Teacher Zhang is back again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 266: Zhang Ye’s “The Answer”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 265: During the Live Broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 264: The SARFT’s Press Conference!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 263: If the tiger doesn’t roar, do you think I’m an ill cat?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 262: Talk Show Gets Taken Off Air?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 261

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 260: Sneak attack on the school belle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 259

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 258: Which is the best in excavating technology?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 257: Numerous Television Stations Head-hunt Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 256: A change in schedules for the Talk Show!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 255: Great Victory!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 254: Scolding till the Skies Go Dark!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 253: Zhang Ye’s Cursing Time!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 252: Teacher Zhang begins Cursing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 251: Zhang Ye’s Continuous Saving off the Situation!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 250: WebTV’s First Historical Live Broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 249: A war of words begins again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 248: Live broadcast? Nothing I’m afraid of!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 247: A Program Staff Credit List that Shocks Everyone!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 246: Zhang Ye’s Ratings Legend Continues!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 245: Zhang Ye—Please remember this name!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 244: So a Program Can be Done this Way!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 243: The Airing of Talk Show!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 242: The Program that Shocks the World!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 241: The First Episode of a Talk Show Comes to a Successful Ending!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 240: The Live Scene Filled with a Volley of Laughter!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 239: Talk Show’s Recording…Really Begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 238: Talk Show’s Recording Begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 237: Fusing all Talk Show programs!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 236: Program Title Introduction, “I’ll Feed a Bag of Salt to Myself”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 235: Zhang Ye’s Fashionable Body!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 234: National Buzz!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 233: Promotional Advertisement Published!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 232: “I’ll Speak for Myself” Released on the Web!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 231: I am Zhang Ye, I speak for myself!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 230: No One is Optimistic!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 229: What is a Talk Show?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 228: Living with the School belle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 227: The Pioneer of Talk Shows in this World!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 226: Stuck in the Ladies’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 225: Using the Red String of Fate!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 224: The School Belle is also in the Same Company?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 223: This is the Legendary Zhang Ye?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 222: New House has been decided on

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 221: The Airport Holds an Appreciation Ceremony!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 220: Most Raffish Host in History!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 219: On Central TV News!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 218: The Kissing Bet with the School Belle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 217: The Applause for Teacher Zhang!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 216: The Hair-raising Landing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 215: Everyone’s attention on the plane that lost communications!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 214: You China Airlines are too much a bully

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 213: Bro, how do I get to Hong Qiao airport?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 212: Teacher Zhang, you really know how to fly a plane!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 211: Who Knows How to Fly a Plane?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 210: You can’t open the lock? Let me do it!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 209: Teacher Zhang Ye, I love you to death!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 208: Zhang Ye Appears

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 207

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 206: Game Difficulty Adjustment!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 205: School Belle!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 204

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 203

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 202: Extreme Boldness!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 201: About to Leave Beijing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 200: WebTV’s Invitation for Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 199: “Zhang Ye’s Compilation” Signing Event!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 198: You dare to believe Zhang Ye’s words?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 197: Conferring Words!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 196: Zhang Ye’s one gatha after Another!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 195: Zhang Ye Discusses Buddhist Verses with Monks!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 194: Zhang Ye’s Taiji Fist 1 vs 4!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 193: Fighting with Monks!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 192: Zhang Ye’s Real and Fake Kung Fu!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 191: Teacher Little Zhang joins the Film Crew!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 190: Prophetic Escape!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 189: Caught by a bunch of reporters?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 188: In the Same Bed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 187: Curtains!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 186: Heavenly Queen Zhang Meets Mystery Man Late Into The Night!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 185

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 184: The Misunderstanding of the Publishing House’s Employees!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 183: The Heavenly Queen is going to be Zhang Ye’s Wife?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 182: Zhang Ye is Publishing Another Book!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 181: Zhang Ye’s Taiji Fist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 180: Another Item Added to The Game’s Merchant Shop!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 179: Why care at all – be it winter, summer, spring or fall!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 178: Helping Zhang Ye Find a Job!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 177: The News’ Evaluation of Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 176: The Police Station Does Not Dare Arrest Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 175: Wang Shuixin gets Beaten Up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 174: The Shocking Poem at the Funeral Wake!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 173: Editor Wei’s Daughter’s Poem!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 172: Editor Wei’s Funeral Wake Begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 171: Receiving the Attention of Society!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 170: Zhang Ye’s Rage!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 169: Finishing the Recording of Every Episode of ‘Analysis of the Three Kingdoms’!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 168: Everyone Asks for a Song from Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 167: “Wishing We Last Forever” Turns Viral!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 166: The Heavenly Queen Behaves like a Scoundrel!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 165: Zhang Ye sings “Wishing We Last Forever”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 164: The Music Copyright to “When Will the Moon Be Clear and Bright”?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 163: The Fleeing Duo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 162: Does your House need to install Broadband?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 161: The Heavenly Queen asks Zhang Ye for Help!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 160: We Aren’t Issued with Bayonets!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 159: The Heavenly Queen gives Zhang Ye a “Like” on Weibo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 158: That Zhang Ye is Writing a Poem Again?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 157: Another “Prisoner’s Song”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 156: Fans Seek Justice for Zhang Ye!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 155: Zhang Ye’s “My Confession”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 154: Causing an Uproar!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 153: Zhang Ye has been Arrested!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 152: Beating the sh*t out of Wang Shuixin’s Son

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 151: Not Giving the Leader Face!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 150: The Amazing Fruit of Charm!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 149: If You Do Not Leave Me, I Will Always Be at Your Side Until the End of Life

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 148: A Celebrity Goes Broke to Save a Fan!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 147: Gathering the Surgery Fees!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 146: Zhang Ye Takes Care of the Surgery Fees!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 145: ZhangYeNumber1Fan is Jumping off a Building!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 144: A Fan is Diagnosed with a Terminal Illness!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 143: Establishing Zhang Ye’s Official Fanclub!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 142: Growing Success of “Lecture Room”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 141: Introduce a girl to Zhang Ye?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 140: Taking Advantage again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 139: Teacher Zhang Shamelessly Refuses to Leave!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 138: Zhang Ye’s Shows His Prowess!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 137: Meeting Thieves in Crime!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 136: The Difficulty of Getting One Live Ticket!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 135: Extreme Validation from Peking University’s Professor!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 134: An Alarming Rating!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 133: Waiting for the Rating!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 132: Unending Applause from the Audience!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 131: A Professor was Dumbfounded by Zhang Ye’s Questions!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 130: “Lecture Room – Zhang Ye’s Analysis of the Three Kingdoms”

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 129: Little Zhang Creates “Lecture Room”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 128: Let Them Get Lost. I’ll Lecture!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 127: The Recording of the Segment’s First Episode!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 126: The New Segment is Going on Air!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 125: Countless Lottery Draws!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 124: “Facing the Sea with Spring Blossoms”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 123: This Time, His Reputation has Really Gone Bad!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 122: Face Smacking Specialist is Back!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 121: This World has another Millennial Impossibility!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 120: Zhang Ye’s Millennial Impossibility!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 119: A God-Like Zhang Ye, Shocking Couplets!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 118: The Three Couplets of the Finals!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 117: Zhang Ye’s Reputation Crisis?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 116: A Situation During the Finals!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 115: The Buzz from the Live Webcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 114: Miraculous Couplet Matching Miraculous Couplet!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 113: Zhang Ye’s Second Half!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 112: The Last Question that No One could Match!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 111: The Preliminaries Begin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 110: Beijing Couplet Competition Begins!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 109: Calligraphy Skills Experience Book!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 108: Where did this Zhang Ye appear from?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 107: The Commotion Caused by the Advertisement!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 106: The Heavenly Queen Comes Again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 105: An Excellent Advertisement Exalted by the Masses!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 104: The Crisis for the Television Station’s Public Service Advertisement!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 103: Colleagues Realize Zhang Ye’s Glorious Deeds!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 102: Car Was Smashed by a Flower Pot!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 101: One Day at the Television Station

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 100: Buying a Car!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 99: The Five Million Copyright Fee has been Banked In!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 98: The Landlady’s Loss

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 97: Night!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 96: Face Smacking Specialist!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 95: You are Changing Persons!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 94: A Huge Discovery About the Lottery!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 93: The Outcome of the Interview?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 92: “This is also Everything”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 91: Television Station Interview – Literature Contest!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 90: The Chance for an Interview at the Television Station Has Come!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 89: Helping an Old Colleague!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 88: The Competition for the Rights to Ghost Blows Out the Light

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 87: Selling the Copyright to the Novel and Fairy tales!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 86: Little Zhang Seeks Employment!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 85: Could I Have an Autograph?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 84: You are That Zhang Ye?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 83: Zhang Ye Writes an Elementary School Composition!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 82: Zhang Ye brings the Child to School!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 81: The Absolute Unsparing Duo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 80: This World’s Celebrity Rankings!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 79: Zhang Ye — Synonymous with Notoriety!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 78: One of the Station Leaders Fainted!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 77: A Poem to “Thank” the Unit and the Leaders!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 76: Does this Award Count?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 75: Zhang Ye’s Miraculous Win!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 74: The Awardee’s Name has been Messed Up!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 73: This Time it’s Smacking the Leader’s Face!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 72: The Silver Microphone Awards’ Nomination List has been Released!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 71: You Really Think I’m a Pushover!?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 70: The Silver Microphone Awards Nomination

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 69: Little Zhang Reached the Top of the Literature Channel!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 68: Refreshing a New Historical Record!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 67: The Rookie that was about to Make History!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 66: The Olive Branch Held Out by the Television Station!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 65: The Amazing Effects of the Fruit of Charm!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 64: New Feature of the Lottery – Additional Stakes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 63: Can You Get Zhang Yuanqi’s Signature?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 62: Family Dinner

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 61: The Weibo Messages of the People from the Writers’ Association have been Deleted!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 60: Using Mo Yan’s Prize Acceptance Speech!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 59: A Shocking Vote Count!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 58: The Masterpiece that Shocked the Entire Hall!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 57: Zhang Ye’s Anger, “Shuidiao Getou“!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 56: One Poem After Another!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 55: You Don’t Meet Unless You Are Enemies!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 54: Mid-Autumn Festival’s Poetry Meet!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 53: Obtaining the Heavenly Queen’s Cellphone Number!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 52: Who Dares Say ‘Teacher Zhang Can’t Write Poems’?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 51: Comrade Little Zhang has been Cursed At Again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 50: The Heavenly Queen’s Personality Can’t Be That Bad!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 49

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 48: The Program Won’t Be Axed!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 47: The Parents Are Revolting!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 46: Another Crazy Surge in the Listenership Rating!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 45: The Serialization of “The Wizard of Oz”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 44: Will it really not be axed?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 43: An Insane Listenership Count!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 42: Deserving of First Place!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 41: Zhang Ye’s Troll Fan Army!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 40: Fairytale Essay Competition!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 39: Today it’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 38: Zhang Ye narrates “Snow White”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 37: My Segment Will Not Go Off-air!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 36: The Legendary Jinx!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 35: Hosting a New Segment!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 34: Rejecting the Leader!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 33: I Guess I Should Write a Self-reflective Essay!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 32: The Popularity Gained from Cursing!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 31: Every Cursing Sentence is Classic!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 30: The War of Words on Weibo!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 29: What is Your Most Expensive Dish Here?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 28: An Amazing Unscripted Performance!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 27: Getting a Big Prize in the Lottery!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 26: Encountering a tough problem!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 25: There are Advertising Sponsors!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 24: Giving You Another Poem!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 23: Becoming Slightly Famous!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 22: Appearing on the Newspapers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 21: The Person Who can Cure a Cultured Youth is Another Cultured Youth

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 20: That “The Furthest Distance in the World” Poem

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 19: Someone Wants to Commit Suicide During a Live Broadcast!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 18: The Channel’s Number One Girl Doesn’t Acknowledge Him!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 17: Little Zhang, Quickly Run!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 16: The Door Opened!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 15: Opening a Treasure Chest Again!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 14: A late-night Segment has Actually Turned Popular!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 13: The Listenership Rating for the Program Explodes!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 12: Tidal-like Good Comments from Listeners!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 11: Having His Own Program!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 10: ‘Ghost Blows Out the Light’ is Born!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 9: The extremely unlucky Tian Bin!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 8: Trying the “Unlucky Sticker”!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 7: First Day of Work

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 6: Laundry Day!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 5: Being Hired!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 4: A “The Song of the Stormy Petrel” to Shock the Masses!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 3: Dumbfounded Interviewers!

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 2: I Can Save?

Dec 06, 2022

Chapter 1: The World After Being Altered!

Dec 06, 2022

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