Plane Universe

Plane Universe

Followed by 0 people

Authors: Void001



Genres: Sci-fi

Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)



Cheng Buyun got a story of the universe’s greatest treasures, traveling through the universe.“Big brother, what kind of gun is this, the pipe is old!” Li Yunlong said in the novel.Luo Feng said: “Brother, someone beat me, you help me kill him!”Xiao Yan said: “With my eldest brother, there is no problem with any fire.”Cheng Buyun said: “I’m here to occupy, of course, it’s still necessary to make friends and collect the younger brother. You can’t do everything yourself!”I’m here to grab things. All, including your dog, are mine.

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Chapter List

Chapter 2923: Highest sky

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2922: As I expected

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2921: Time and Space Sage

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2920: Canonization

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2919: Heaven's true strength

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2918: Another great event for the human race

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2917: The only qualified person

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2916: Territory Island

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2915: Lord of Heaven

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2914: Another massive unpaid contribution

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2912: I'm just telling a fact

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2911: Giant Axe likes surprises

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2910: Happy

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2909: Surprised and happy

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2908: Teacher, show you a big baby!

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2907: Ancient legend

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2906: Great God Origin

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2905: Yours is yours, no one can take it away, I promise!

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2904: Zhongtian Temple

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2903: Holy Master Class

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2902: Finally came back safely

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2901: leave temporarily

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2900: I don’t know my poverty without coming to Mengbaoge

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 2899: Very bad feeling

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1999: Ancestral Religion

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1998: Nebula White Jade Hall

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1997: Treasure open

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1996: Should have killed her long ago

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1995: Handover

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1994: Honor point resource contribution

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1993: The new universe overlord-Alice

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1992: Alice breakthrough

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1991: Sit down

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1990: Mentoring

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1989: Back to Chaos City

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1988: How to disguise

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1987: Identity exposed

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1986: Suspicion

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1985: Safe return

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1984: Post-war influences and doubts

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1983: Where to escape!

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1982: Roll easily

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1981: The foundation gap is too large

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1980: This is not playable

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1979: The storm

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1978: King of the Cloud

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1977: Sword River King vs. Black Shave King

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1976: Black Shaven King intervenes, Snow Horn King escapes

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1975: The Abnormal Power of the Silver Wing King

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1974: Siege of the River King

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1973: Only choose the most suitable

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1972: Luo Feng's excitement

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1971: Make wine

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1970: The gold mine flew

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1969: He is too mysterious, I want to stay away from him

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1968: Luo Feng

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1967: Star Tower recognition is complete

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1966: Back to earth

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1965: Learning of mysterious patterns

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1964: Four levels of mystery

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1963: The creation of the ultimate secret

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1962: The law becomes immortal

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1961: Cosmic embryo

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1960: Super assist talent

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1959: Is there such an effect?

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1958: Teacher, show you a big baby

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1957: Go, break!

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1956: tolerant

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1955: Share joy

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1954: Chaos Palace Encounter

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1953: Cheng Buyun broke through?

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1952: Open life

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1951: Blood Sea Expansion Limit

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1950: Avatar sea

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1949: Soaring consumption

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1948: Nine Tribulation Secret Code Completion

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1947: World Tree Doppelganger

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1946: Sprout growth

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1945: Soul segmentation

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1944: Start nurturing

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1943: Go back and get the cosmic crystal

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1942: High price

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1941: Target fulfillment

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1940: Yield to power

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1939: Really scary

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1938: Brutal battle of two giants

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1937: Venerable Thunder Meteor

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1936: The master gene of Nine Nethers is in hand

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1935: Join Ancestral Church

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1934: Advent of the Nine Serenities

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1933: Arrive at Huanghai

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1932: Power

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1931: No trace

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1930: Leisurely journey

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1929: Nine Nether Vortex

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1928: This request is not difficult

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1927: World tree species reach

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1926: Misunderstanding and rejection

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1925: Final goal

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1924: Negotiation defeat

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1923: Marvel

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1922: Collect special genes

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1921: World tree

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1920: Nine Nine Space Time

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1919: Dai Luofeng

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1918: Goal plan

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1917: The part after the red is thin

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1916: Change the Universe Crystal Project

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1915: Far-reaching

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1914: Sure enough, there was meat to eat with your highness

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1913: Made a fortune

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1912: Fortune-teller

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1911: Massacre

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1910: Ultimate ace

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1909: Unstoppable

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1908: Sturdy gluttony

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1907: You underestimated me

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1906: Hit you suspecting insects

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1905: Gap suppression

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1904: Warlords

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1903: Genius overflowing

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1902: Shock universe

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1901: I admit it is the goal you are looking for

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1900: Crush victory

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 1000: Revenge for the mother

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 999: The blood of the Lord God is so strong

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 998: The forces entered the peak level

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 997: Unacceptable results

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 996: The rules of the world come

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 995: The beginning of becoming a god

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 994: God of Warcraft

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 993: Xiong Er arrived

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 992: Doomsday disaster

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 991: For no reason

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 990: Cause and effect

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 989: Dragon Blood Warrior Transfiguration

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 988: Wandering home

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 987: Farewell

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 986: Time

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 985: Tremendous strength

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 984: Earth Bear

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 983: Shocked Lin Lei

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 982: Nine poles

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 981: Request treatment

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 980: Watch monkey play

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 979: Intercept

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 978: Both sides are bad forces

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 977: Accidental accident

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 976: Admit your mistake

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 975: I want to fool people again

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 974: Plane Envoy

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 973: Sanctuary also has circles

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 972: Number of lively and scary guests

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 971: Hogg's heart disease

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 970: Get together

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 969: Prepare to celebrate the banquet

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 968: Back to Finlay City

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 967: Huge wealth

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 966: Prestigious broadcast

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 965: Exasperated

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 964: The high priest summoned

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 963: The longing desire

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 962: Mainland secret

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 961: Closer relations

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 960: Life Kamiyama

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 959: Heart of light

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 958: Famous Earthquake (Part 2)

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 957: Famous Earthquake (Middle)

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 956: Famous Earth Continent (Part 1)

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 955: Battle of Sanctuary

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 954: Before the battle

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 953: Sanctuary gathering

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 952: Qualitative event

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 951: Magnolia Empire Conference

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 950: Sanctuary Ranking

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 949: Arthur the Great

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 948: Palace inner courtyard

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 947: Study room conversation

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 946: Scary facts

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 945: Duke of Lane

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 944: Adam's suggestion

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 943: Vanguard

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 942: Alchemy products

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 941: Magnolia city

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 940: Buy one get two

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 939: Ninth Level Thunder Eagle

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 938: The consequences of supersonic speed

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 937: Dawson Chamber of Commerce's Choice

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 936: Transaction

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 935: Worries

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 934: Deepen training

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 933: Magi of Sanctuary

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 932: The arrogance of the Sanctuary Power

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 931: Fearless Guards

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 930: Undercurrent surge

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 929: A word reminder

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 928: Magic Crystal Cannon

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 927: Cooperation reached

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 926: Super fat man

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 925: Conditions of the transaction

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 924: Big business

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 923: Michimori Shokai

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 922: Establishment of the college

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 921: Expensive secret

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 920: Angry Evans family

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 919: Add oil and vinegar

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 918: Holy Angel Alfonso

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 917: Need some preparation

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 916: so easy

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 915: Show strength

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 914: New mud seal city

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 913: Assurance of confidence

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 912: Make it out

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 911: Important information

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 910: Cardinal visit

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 909: Accident happened

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 908: Powerful card

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 907: The surprise came too suddenly

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 906: Accelerate cultivation and solve doubts

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 905: Ready to retreat

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 904: Generous rewards

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 903: The power of earth magicians

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 902: Hard mining

Dec 01, 2022

Chapter 901: False false

Dec 01, 2022

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