Super Spender

Super Spender

Followed by 2 people

Authors: Nalan Lingfeng



Genres: Uncategorized

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You’re Reading “Super Spender” on WuxiaWorld.SiteMission: Cultivation of aristocratic demeanor, first side quest: Spend 20 million within 2 hours in this mall in front of you, and the items purchased must be something you can use yourself. Mission reward: 200 points and ownership of the items purchased. Consequence of mission failure: Unknown punishment. When the alien read out the mission, Finn Lewis was completely stunned. Are you sure this mission will cultivate an aristocratic demeanor, not a nouveau riche mentality? Finn Lewis, targeted by the alien, looked at the mission given and the list for exchanging numerous advanced items, with an utterly speechless expression on his face.

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Chapter List

Chapter 210 - Chapter 210: Chapter 205: Where is the Tail Light?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 209 - Chapter 209: Chapter 204: A Gift? Hehe

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 208 - Chapter 208: Chapter 203: This World Belongs to the Rich

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 207 - Chapter 207: Chapter 202: New Product Launch (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 206 - Chapter 206: Chapter 201: New Product Launch (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 205 - Chapter 205: Chapter 200 Jason Wells

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 204 - Chapter 204: Chapter 199: Everything is Ready

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 203 - Chapter 203: 198

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 202 - Chapter 202: Chapter 197 (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 201 - Chapter 201: Chapter 196 (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 200 - Chapter 200: Chapter 195 (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 199 - Chapter 199: Chapter 194: What is a Movie-Level Image? (Part Three)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 198 - Chapter 198: Chapter 193: What is a Movie-Level Image? (Part Two)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 197 - Chapter 197: Chapter 192: A Chin on the Ground

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 196 - Chapter 196: Chapter 191: But The World Changes Fast

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 195 - Chapter 195: Chapter 190: It’s Not That I Don’t Understand

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 194 - Chapter 194: Chapter 189: Killing in Minutes and Seconds (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 193 - Chapter 193: Chapter 188: Killing in Seconds (Middle)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 192 - Chapter 192: Chapter 187: Killing in Minutes and Seconds(Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 191 - Chapter 191: Chapter 186: Making a Move

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 190 - Chapter 190: Chapter 185: Human Favors

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 189 - Chapter 189: Chapter 184: Touching Speech

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 188 - Chapter 188: Chapter 183 Stubborn Child Part 1

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 187 - Chapter 187: Chapter 182 Press Conference

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 186 - Chapter 186: Chapter 182: Don’t Believe in This Evil• – Part

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 185 - Chapter 185: Chapter 181: Don’t Believe in This Evil – Part 2

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 184 - Chapter 184: Chapter 180: Don’t Believe in This Evil – Part

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 183 - Chapter 183: Chapter 179: We Need a Spokesperson

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 182 - Chapter 182: Chapter 178: Using a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 181 - Chapter 181: Chapter 177: Use a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut! (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 180 - Chapter 180: Chapter 176: The Thing in the Bag (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 179 - Chapter 179: Chapter 175: The Thing in the Bag

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 178 - Chapter 178: Chapter 174: Things in the Bag

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 177 - Chapter 177: Chapter 173: Money Enables Willfulness Below

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 176 - Chapter 176: Chapter 172: Being Capricious when Rich

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 175 - Chapter 175: Chapter 171: The Caprice of the Rich

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 174 - Chapter 174: Chapter 170: It Finally Arrived.

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 173 - Chapter 173: Chapter 169: Not in Control of One’s Own Body

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 172 - Chapter 172: Chapter 168: Kay Lee is in Trouble

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 171 - Chapter 171: Chapter 167: Plans Can’t Keep Up with Changes

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 170 - Chapter 170: Chapter 166: Reeducation – Part 2

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 169 - Chapter 169: Chapter 165: Reeducation

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 168 - Chapter 168: Chapter 164 Reeducation – Part 1

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 167 - Chapter 167: Chapter 163: A Serious Illness Requires Serious Medicine – Part 2

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 166 - Chapter 166: Chapter 162: A Serious Illness Requires Serious Medicine

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 165 - Chapter 165: Chapter 161: Severe Illness Requires Potent Medicine

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 164 - Chapter 164: Chapter 160: Astonishing

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 163 - Chapter 163: Chapter 159 Night Scene – Part Two

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 162 - Chapter 162: Chapter 158: Nightclub Scene

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 161 - Chapter 161: Chapter 157: Uncomfortable

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 160 - Chapter 160: Chapter 156: A Harmonious Family Makes Everything Successful – Part 2

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 159 - Chapter 159: Chapter 155: Family Harmony Promotes Prosperity

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 158 - Chapter 158: Chapter 154: This Generosity

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 157 - Chapter 157: Chapter 153: I Want Them All – Part 2

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 156 - Chapter 156: Chapter 152 1 Want It All

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 155 - Chapter 155: Chapter 151: Filial Piety

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 154 - Chapter 154: Chapter 150: The Journey!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 153 - Chapter 153: Chapter 149: The Old Man’s Decision

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 152 - Chapter 152: Chapter 148: Decision, Next

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 151 - Chapter 151: Chapter 147: Decision – Part 1

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 150 - Chapter 150: Chapter 146: Simplicity

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 149 - Chapter 149: Chapter 145: The Other Side of Finn Lewis

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 148 - Chapter 148: Chapter 144 Two Extremes

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 147 - Chapter 147: Chapter 143: This Feeling is Super Cool

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 146 - Chapter 146: Chapter 142: Don ‘t Overthink

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 145 - Chapter 145: Chapter 141: Panic

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 144 - Chapter 144: Chapter 140: Going Home

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 143 - Chapter 143: Chapter 139: In Hand

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 142 - Chapter 142: Chapter 138: Gather the Courage to Ask for Her Number

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 141 - Chapter 141: Chapter 137: Praise Me

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 140 - Chapter 140: Chapter 136: Politeness?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 139 - Chapter 139: Chapter 135: It needs dedication

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 138 - Chapter 138: Publication Testimonial and Next Month I s Update Explosion Explanation (Readers please enter)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 137 - Chapter 137: Chapter 134: The Rhythm of Flight

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 136 - Chapter 136: Chapter 133 Silly and Cute

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 135 - Chapter 135: Chapter 132: Aura!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 134 - Chapter 134: Chapter 131: Undermined

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 133 - Chapter 133: Chapter 130: Seriously Considering Everyone’s Suggestions

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 132 - Chapter 132: Chapter 129: Dominating Gang Fight

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 131 - Chapter 131: Chapter 128: Remember Today

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 130 - Chapter 130: Chapter 127: The Operations Team is Stunned

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 129 - Chapter 129: Chapter 126: A World of Wealth You Don’t Understand – Part 2

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: Chapter 125: A World of Wealth You Don I t Understand

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 127 - Chapter 127: Chapter 124: The Real Change in Wind and Clouds

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 126 - Chapter 126: Chapter 123: The Reappearance of the Tycoon

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 125 - Chapter 125: Chapter 122: When a Child Travels a Thousand Miles, the Mother Worries

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 124 - Chapter 124: Chapter 121 Parents

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 123 - Chapter 123: Chapter 120 Future Technology

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 122 - Chapter 122: Chapter 119: The Cost of Humiliation

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 121 - Chapter 121: Chapter 118: God-level Marketing

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 120 - Chapter 120: Chapter 117: Is this a Marketing Strategy?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 119 - Chapter 119: Chapter 116: Don ‘t Know Whether to Laugh or Cry

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 118 - Chapter 118: Chapter 115: I Never Abuse Power to Bully Others

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 117 - Chapter 117: Chapter 114: Is This Car Worth 1.1 Billion?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 116 - Chapter 116: Must Read for Readers

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 115 - Chapter 115: Chapter 113: Domineering

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 114 - Chapter 114: Chapter 112: Impressive

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 113 - Chapter 113: Chapter 111: Accidental Advantage

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 112 - Chapter 112: Chapter 109-110: The Car from the Future

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 111 - Chapter 111: Chapter 109: Cultivating Noble Temperament

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 110 - Chapter 110: Chapter 108: Surprise

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 109 - Chapter 109: Chapter 107 Shocked

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 108 - Chapter 108: Chapter 106: Excitement

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 107 - Chapter 107: Chapter 105: I’ve Never Seen Such a Bidding

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 106 - About the Update Instructions

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 105 - Chapter 105: Chapter 104: No Need for Courtesy

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 104 - Chapter 104: Chapter 103: Really Acquired?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 103 - Chapter 103: Chapter 102: Negotiations

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 102 - Chapter 102: Chapter 101: It’s That Simple

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 101 - Chapter 101: Chapter 100: Poaching

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 100 - Chapter 100: Chapter 99 Brother Fei to the Rescue (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 99 - Chapter 99: Chapter 98: Prodigal Son

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 98 - Chapter 98: Chapter 97: Acquisition!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 97 - Chapter 97: Chapter 96: Harvest

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 96 - Chapter 96: Chapter 95: Successful Face Scanning

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 95 - Chapter 95: Chapter 94 Face Swiping

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 94 - Chapter 94: Chapter 93: The Hidden Master in the Country (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 93 - Chapter 93: Chapter 92 The Domestic Hidden Great God (Part I)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 92 - Chapter 92: Chapter 91: Another Side of the Prodigal Son

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 91 - Chapter 91: Chapter 90: Flirting is a Skillful Task

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 90 - Chapter 90: Chapter 89: First Meeting

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 89 - Chapter 89: Chapter 88 Fear of Zero

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 88 - Chapter 88: Chapter 87: The Ways of the Prodigal Son (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 87 - Chapter 87: Chapter 86: The Ways of a Prodigal Son (Partly)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 86 - Chapter 86: Chapter 85: The Ways of the Prodigal Son (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 85 - Chapter 85: Chapter 84 Opportunity

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 84 - Chapter 84: Chapter 83 Expensive Ice Cream

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 83 - Chapter 83: Chapter 82: This Is Prodigal

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 82 - Chapter 82: Discuss the Update Issues! Must-read for Readers!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 81 - Chapter 81: Chapter 81: Is my attitude clear enough?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 80 - Chapter 80: Chapter 80: Now Let’s Talk About It

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 79 - Chapter 79: Chapter 79: Seeking Death!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 78 - Chapter 78: Chapter 78: Cruel World (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 77 - Chapter 77: The Cruel World (Part one)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 76 - Chapter 76: Chapter 76 The Governor Takes Action

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 75 - Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Cleaning Up Trash

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Trash Should Be Prepared to Embrace Being Trash

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 73 - Chapter 73: Chapter 73: Don’t Be Too Greedy (Adding more for the alliance leader)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 72 - Chapter 72: Chapter 72: Haha, I am Happy

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 71 - Chapter 71: Chapter 71: You’re the One Being Bullied

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 70 - Chapter 70: Chapter 70: If You re Upset, Then I’m Happy

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 69 - Chapter 69: Chapter 69: Furious Anger

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 68 - Chapter 68: Chapter 68: Disappearance (End)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: Chapter 67: Disappearance (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 66 - Chapter 66: Chapter 66: Home (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 65 - Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Home (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 64 - Chapter 64: Chapter 64: Dare to Dream, Dare to Do

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 63 - Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Planning Long-Term Tasks

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 62 - Chapter 62: Chapter 62 System Maintenance

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 61 - Chapter 61: Chapter 61: Young People, Be Humble

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 60 - Chapter 60: Chapter 60: The System Also Brown-Noses

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 59 - Chapter 59: Chapter 59: Grandfather’s Life (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 58 - Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Grandfather’s Life (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 57 - Chapter 57: Chapter 57: Powerful Potions (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 56 - Chapter 56: Chapter 56: Powerful Potions (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 55 - Chapter 55: Chapter 55 The Emotional Journey of a Fulltime Female Assistant

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 54 - Chapter 54: Chapter 54 Duties of a Full-Time Female Assistant (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 53 - Chapter 53: Chapter 53: The Duties of a Full-time Female Assistant (Part One)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 52 - Chapter 52: Chapter 52: That’s How Amazing It Is (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 51 - Chapter 51: Chapter 51: That’s How Awesome It Is (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 50 - Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Recruitment Begins!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 49 - Chapter 49: Chapter 49

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 48 - Chapter 48: Chapter 48: The Restart Task with Upgraded Difficulty

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 47 - Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Unfortunately, You ‘re Not the Impressive One

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 46 - Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Is it you?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 45 - Chapter 45: Chapter 45: The Godly Hacker, Overwhelming

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 44 - Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Shut Down the Server?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 43 - Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Still a bit troublesome?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 42 - Chapter 42: Chapter 42: If You Don I t Appreciate Being Given Face, Then Just Throw it Away

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 41 - Chapter 41: Chapter 41: The Forum Exploded!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 40 - Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Lose Your Last Bit of Dignity!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39: Chapter 39: You Won ‘t Die If You Don’t Court Death (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 38 - Chapter 38: Chapter 38 – You Wouldn ‘t Die If You Didn’t Look for Death (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 37 - Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Scum

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 36 - Chapter 36: Chapter 36 This is Service!

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 35 - Chapter 35: Chapter 35: As Expected

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 34 - Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Awesome Plus Pitfall Zero (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 33 - Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Awesome and Frustrating o (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 32 - Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Branch Mission 2

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31: Chapter 31 Finalized

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Bought

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29: Chapter 29 Buying a House

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: A Powerful Smartphone

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 27 - Chapter 27 – Long

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: Chapter 26 Task Completed

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Spending Money is Also a Physical Activity

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: Chapter 24 Cultivating a Noble Temperament (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23: Chapter 23 Cultivating a Noble Temperament (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 22 - Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The Fabulous Failure of the Mission

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Hiring a Full

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 20 - Chapter 20: Chapter 20: The First Task?

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19: Chapter 19: A Gentleman Must Always Repay His Enemies

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18: Chapter 18: This Pleasing Rhythm (End)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 17 - Chapter 17: Chapter 17: This Pleasing Rhythm (Middle)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: Chapter 16 The Wonderful Rhythm (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Unexpected Turn of Events

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Knocking Your Jaws Open (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – Shocking You All (Part Two)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Knock Your Jaws to the Ground (Part 1)

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 11

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 10

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 9

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 8

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 7

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 6

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 5

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 4

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 3

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 2

Apr 22, 2024

Chapter 1

Apr 22, 2024

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