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Chapter 260: Bait too? Shirakawa's worries
10/10 1
Chapter 690: Help Mrs. Cheng lose weight
2/10 1
Vol 3000 Chapter 4231: Time and Space Mountain Lord's Thoughts
It was a problem from the first meeting.Ji-han started playing an RPG game, another game named ‘Zenoris’.But the newly founded guild master is strange.[Yoo Chae: If you want to be in your guild, Change your name. If not, then leave.] [I’m sleepy: Do you know me? Why half talk?]Guild master ‘Yoo Chae’ asks Ji-han to change his nickname, leading to a one-on-one confrontation.In the confronting, Seriousness quietly leaves.[Yoo Chae: Nim (Dear), but by any chance, the ID in other games is I’m sleepy
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Chapter 260: Bait too? Shirakawa's worries
10/10 1
Chapter 690: Help Mrs. Cheng lose weight
2/10 1
Vol 3000 Chapter 4231: Time and Space Mountain Lord's Thoughts
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