?The school suffered from the attacks of multiple beasts coming from all sides. Some of its students died even after the collective effort of the teachers to kill those beasts before an irreversible tragedy happened.
It was still not enough to save everyone’s lives, but the professors of Garmony Upper School fended the beast’s attack and give a moment for everyone to breathe.
Vanessa looked out for Damian. She thought she would have to enter the barrier and look for him inside the perimeter, yet he was right before her, near the barrier.
That made her job easier. After Vanessa made Damian fall asleep, she grabbed him by the shoulder and went to that secret room inside the library.
The other professors and students were busy trying to kill the beasts and also figure out where the attack came from and if there were others behind it, meaning Vanessa had a simple time to reach that secret room.
Once there, she opened up the secret passage inside the library, walking through a long corridor that lead to an open room with a double-door in it.
The double-door was golden with mysterious symbols carved on it. It was way bigger than normal door too, having at least 5 meters in height.
There, other masked people waited for Vanessa.
“Do you think he can open the door?” one of them asked.
“He has to! They are attacking the school, and we need to get this thing first,” Vanessa said to the others, and they all nodded their heads, agreeing to what she had just said.
Damian did not know any of that as he was sleeping like a rock, only waking up after 15 minutes.
“Where am I? Vanessa?”
“You are finally awake. I am sorry for this, Damian, but I don’t have enough time. You see this door? Open it!”
“Wait, what are you talking about?”
Everything was happening so fast it was confusing. Damian tried to assemble his thoughts back together, realizing what was happening.
“How can I open this?”
Vanessa wanted him to magically open the double-door, yet Damian did not know how to do it.
“You can move things with our mind, right? There is a mechanism inside the door that we cannot access with normal means. You can,” Vanessa said.
For the first time, Damian got to know his ability was rarer than he thought. Still, why would he open the door for them? Vanessa kidnapped him, meaning she was up to no good.
“And if I say no?”
“We will have to kill you so that the people who are attacking the school do not open this door.”
The more they walked, the more Damian understood the situation. There was something Vanessa and this masked order wanted, and that was the same thing that the assassin wanted too!
Whoever got it first would be at an advantage. So Damian had no choice but to help.
“Can you promise my safety? Also Magnus, Aurora, and Theo’s safety?” Damian asked.
“Yes. After we get the item, we will help the school eliminate the threats, and after that, I will leave the school.”
Damian did not know if that was the truth, but what could he do? Vanessa at least looked friendlier than the black-robed man who sliced a student to pieces.
So, after deciding, Damian walked toward the massive door and placed his hand on it.
He tried to feel the mechanism Vanessa talked about, but it was harder than he had imagined.
At first, nothing happened and the masked people were getting anxious, moving from side to side inside the room, afraid those assassins would appear.
“Can you please hurry?” they said, but then Vanessa told them to shut up.
She knew people buzzing in Damian’s ears would do more harm than good.
The silence last for a couple of minutes before the sound of gears moving came from the door, and it slowly open.
Damian had sweat all over his body.
“This was more tiring than I had imagined.”
Before Damian could try anything, Vanessa took the lead and pulled him away from the door. She was afraid he would try something funny, like stealing the item that was inside.
“Finally, it is ours…”
Vanessa walked inside the small room, gazing at a box on a pillar. She grabbed it, opened it, and saw its contents.
A rusty key! Damian was far from her, yet he still saw the key.
“Why does she want this old key? Should I try to steal it? No, that would be stupid.”
She stored it inside her robes, “everyone, let’s return and help the school. The mission is a success!”
All the masked people were content. Damian could not see their faces, but he could feel it.
He came back with them, returning to the library. Vanessa and all the others vanished, leaving only Damian there, completely lost.
“This was the weirdest day ever.”
The first thing Damian did was to leave the library and find the other students and teachers to explain what he had seen inside the test’s perimeter.
A voice came from behind him, and when Damian turned around, he saw all of his friends, all together!
Aurora, who had barely talked to him in the past days, ran straight at him for a hug. Theo and Magnus only tapped him on the shoulder.
“There is something strange going on, Damian, but I bet you already know that, don’t you?” Magnus said.
Damian wanted to share his experience with Vanessa, and the fact she got that old key, but there were more important things to do.
“Let’s go find the professors,” Damian said, and all of them agreed.
They strolled around the school and found everyone gathered inside the school’s kitchen, students and professors.
Damian did not look for any student or professor, but went straight to the person with an eye-patch and a sword on its waist. The rector!
“I have important information to share,” Damian said.
Darius, the school’s rector, looked at him and said, “follow me.”
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