The guy with a surprisingly British accent called himself Salem Ali, and just after a short introduction took us to the car, waiting outside.
– Since not every participant expressed their will for friendly cooperation and sportsmanship in the competition we had to place some of the hunters in different hotels. In yours, there will be some people from the Hungarian gate, as well as the other hunter from Arc – he informed me, as we approached the vehicle.
– Ok. I don’t have a problem with that. It’s actually good… Are they here yet?
– No, but they are on their way. As a matter of fact, you are the first one to arrive.
I nodded and opened the door for myself to get in the car, and then I realized that there are no freaking reporters around.. Salem had to notice me looking around, and he connected the dots quickly.
[0)ᴠᴇʟ – The local paparazzi got warned by the government to not disturb you – he said. – We don’t want to ruin your preparation for the event in any way, although there is a list of people from various media from all around the world, that expressed a will to hold an interview. If you wish to do so, I will provide the list to you, and organize the rest.
– No. I’m fine – I said, and my eyes caught Vikram on the other side of the car, smiling.
There was something in this whole situation that he clearly found funny. I ignored it and just got inside the freaking car. He did the same. Then we departed.
Our place was located on the banks of Nile and was massive. From the outside not as beautiful as the hotel, I was accommodated in Bombay. Inside, though, it was amazing.
The ceiling was quite low and supported by massive columns of white marble. On the floor, they had big plates with rectangular shapes in browns and grays. Polished so much, that they were reflecting the light coming down from the chandeliers. The registration was ahead of us, but first, we had to pass a little crossroad, with both paths on left and right, leading to waiting areas/coffees with the view of the river.
We went ahead, and without any issue, a beautiful woman working there provided us with our key cards. Then she attempted to lead us there, but Salem stopped her, saying that he knows the way.
There were paths to pass on left and right to pass by this area, and we took one of them, to arrive at a massive hall with a way higher ceiling, a piano in the middle, a restaurant, and a bar all connected. There were quite a number of chairs and tables there, waiting for us, but not so many guests.
– For your comfort, most of the hotel guests got their stay canceled – explained Salem. – There are only a few businessmen and women staying that have a close tie to the upcoming event. They won’t be bothering you. As well as the other participants, obviously, and whomever they will bring along.
– Thank you for this explanation – said Vikram.
Maybe it was me, but for some reason, I could swear that my assistant found this whole situation unbelievably funny.
Our guide led us to the elevator, and then to our rooms. We both got a place next to each other. I immediately went in to check out how it looked.
The floor was covered by a blue carpet with a white pattern. There was one bed big enough for two people, but not giant, rather of normal size. Two obligatory bed cabinets with lamps, two tables, both dark brown. One a bit bigger, squared, with a pale green chair. The other one was very small, round and had an armchair and a footrest.
There was also a giant window with a door, leading to a terrace with two armchairs and another table waiting there. You could see the river from there.
Another door, white, was leading to the bathroom.
I immediately went outside, to check the view, and I have to say, it was mesmerizing combined with the nice weather, and wind, a bit stronger than what I was used to in Arc. It was strangely making me feel at home.
After this I went down, to find a spot from where I would be able to see the incoming quests and check out the competition. Down in the main hall, I found out that Vikram had the same idea in mind, and was already waiting there with a cup of coffee, and a local newspaper.
– What are you doing here? – I asked him.
– I’m pretending to be a businessman, obviously – he replied, still seemingly reading.
– Very funny.
– I’m doing what you were planning to do, and you know it, so why ask? – he said, as he turned the page.
I sighed and sat down on the other side of his table. The waiter immediately appeared out of nowhere.
– Would you like something, sir? – he asked.
– Yep. I want a fancy drink. How about vodka? In glass.
– Of course sir – was a response I got, and the guy vanished just as he appeared.
My assistant chortled behind his newspaper cover.
– How classy of you.
– It’s my Slavic style, you have a problem with it?
– No, as a matter of fact, I love it. You are not like others who try to pretend they are classy. You have your own style. That’s actually great.
– Thank you… I didn’t know you could speak Arabic – I pointed out in the newspaper.
– Oh, I don’t.
I rolled my eyes.
– I wonder how long we will have to wait for other people to arrive… – I continued the strange conversation, as it didn’t really seem to stick.
– You will have to ask this question to our friend.
Just as he said that I noticed Salem Ali walking with intent towards our table.
– Might I join you? – he asked.
– Of course – replied Vikram.
So the man took one of the chairs from another table in the vicinity and joined us. The first minute or so was a bit awkward.