Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling
Chapter 177: Comparison
Jiang Hai:“How did she get in if she doesn’t have a Master’s degree in urbandevelopment and architectural research?”
Ren Mengyu:“Yes, that’s right. I remember the time when Su Yuan only had a Bachelorsand applied to The Firm after she graduated, but was rejected.”
Feelingdepressed, Su Yuan’s mood plummeted even further. She flatly stated: “AMaster’s degree was one of the requirements needed to apply to the company. I simplytook the chance and since I didn’t fulfill those requirements, I was naturallyrefused.”
Quickly, RenMengyu spoke up to comfort her: “Anyways, maybe she only used her embroideredpillow talk to get herself in the door. Whoreally knows what the current state of Yu Rui’s design abilities are? Maybe hershortcomings would be exposed and she would have to leave after the internship.
Jiang Haialso followed up: “Yes. That’s true. A prestigious place like The Firmwouldn’t retain someone who didn’t have real talent.”
Silently listeningto the group’s conversation for a while, Bai Rui wondered: “Who is Yu Rui andwhy do you hate her so much?”
For amoment, Ren Mengyu was surprised at Bai Rui’s interest with their conversation.She immediately told the narrative of Yu Rui’s deeds in University throughout theyears with her. And thus, she speculated the real reason why she had aninternship at The Firm.
While SuYuan and Jiang Hai occasionally echoed a few sentiments, Zhang Siyi remainedsilent and only listened.
Not only didGu Yu dislike gossip, he also didn’t want Zhang Siyi talking about other people’sopinions in his presence. As a result of Gu Yu’s influence, Zhang Siyi stoppedgossiping about others people’s business. Once he remained silent, he realizedhow good of a habit it truly was because his thoughts were quite clear from outsideinfluence.
His ‘wake-up-call’wasn’t because he was confused before, but rather, he was able to think aboutthe situation clearly and was better able to determine whether or not a personwas biased.
Zhang Siyibelieved that Ren Mengyu’s remarks had malicious exaggerated elements. Perhaps sheused her phrasing as a means to comfort Su Yuan.
Thinkingabout it in detail, Zhang Siyi didn’t have direct conflicts with Yu Rui. Hisprejudice against her was in fact due to his group of friends gossiping about YuRui’s poor behavior several times.
Of course,there were indeed bad behaviors that she exhibited. As far as he knew, Yu Rui’sundergraduate design thesis wasn’t entirely her own. She had used her boyfriend’shelp to complete it. After Christmas last year, she came to find Zhang Siyi andtried to use him as a stepping-stone into Borderless. However, aside from YuRui’s style, one-point Zhang Siyi had to admit was that she was very ‘hard-working’.
Even thoughshe used a variety of men to help her get ahead with her designs, writtenpapers, and employment, she seized the opportunity at every chance to gain anadvantage. This task is no less difficult and as a result, she probably didn’thave an easier time then her classmates had.
Thinking ofhis work experience this past year, Zhang Siyi realized that peer relationshipsin the industry are far more complex than architectural calculations.
The factis, society can be cruel and dark and that lesson wasn’t taught in University. Sincethe environment at university was sterile and invigorating, Yu Rui actionsseemed to taint their learning experience. Since Yu Rui seemed to be doingquite well, the others felt resentful.
“Anyway,I don’t like her attitude and her usual way of doing things. Anyone in contactwith her would know she is such a bitch!” Ren Mengyu looked up at Bai Rui coylyand firmly stated: “Ah! I hope you never will meet that kind of women. Byeating men whole and leaving nothing, those types of women are like evil cannibalsthat will stop at nothing to get what they want!”
Bai Ruismiled and didn’t seem to be so concerned: “I’m not that stupid.”
Ren Mengyufollowed up: “How can you remain so calm after hearing the methods she used?”
Faintly,Bai Rui replied: “What’s so bad? She used her skills.”
Ren Mengyuraised her eyebrows in surprised and asked: “What skills? Do you think she didthe right thing?”
Bai Ruismiled a little and said: “There is an absolute right and wrong in thisworld. One only needs to be yourself.”
Ren Mengyu:“…”
Listening tothe slight sad, self-deprecating tone, Zhang Siyi glanced at Bai Ruisubconsciously and noticed Bai Rui was looking down, squinting in thought. Withhis face hidden, his thoughts were also hidden.
Su Yuan’s warmnature seemed to be in total opposite of Yu Rui nature in multiple aspects. UnlikeYu Rui, who wasn’t fluent in English as a freshman, Su Yuan studied English fortwo years before going abroad. Su Yuan is a kind hearted person that is willingto help others. Although she put some distance between them once she learned ofYu Rui behaviors, she maintained her connection with her. She even extended ahand when Yu Rui needed a place to stay in Haicheng.
Along theway, she was supposed to be better than any of them, but at the moment she feltcrushed by everyone else’s achievements. Jiang Hai’s good family background providedhim a leg up with the start of his career. In addition to having help fromfamily, Ren Mengyu also has a perfect boyfriend. Even the unremarkable ZhangSiyi has come from behind to be successful. Of course, the biggest blow to her psychewould be a person like Yu Rui who used questionable means to get ahead in life.
Su Yuansighed. Feeling jealous and useless, she felt trapped in a dark abyss. It wassuffocating. She was at her limit and the last straw was about to break herback.
Looking atSu Yuan’s despondent expression, Zhang Siyi thought of Lu Qiao when he wasdesperately crying under the tree in the garden of the inn in Kyoto.
Su yuanreached up to caress her forehead. She spoke to everyone revealing herquivering voice: “Although I know it isn’t something as simple as right orwrong, when I see how well her career is going, it has made me second guess myactions. I’m a little confused about whether or not it’s the way of the worldor it’s something about myself…”
Zhang Siyisuddenly interrupted her and cut her off: “You are not wrong!”
Su Yuan:“…”
Startled atZhang Siyi’s unexpected and sudden outburst, everyone turned to stare at him.
Immediately,Zhang Siyi followed Su Yuan: “If Yu Rui really relied on special means toget the job at The Firm, then she is not worthy of envy. She has a Master’s anda good job, but so what? How much of her effort was actually her own? Su Yuan,you are different. You are a hard-working down-to-earth person and from thebeginning, you were our role model in University. Fame isn’t measured by yoursuccess of failure. You have true friends and by this fact, you are alreadybetter than her!”
The groupremained silent at Zhang Siyi’s unexpected statement.
Knowing howcheerful Su Yuan normally was, Zhang Siyi was anxious to comfort her as he was afraidshe would become depressed. He continued: “One of my seniors told me, impulsivenessmostly comes from being unconfident and the root of the cause is not havingenough experience. I used to feel architecture was very hard and a difficult pathto pursue in life. No matter how hard I tried, there was someone else who wasalways better. The fact is, I don’t have to compare myself to anyone else.”
Zhang Siyilearned his lesson while working with Tao Fei. After finishing his drawings, ZhangSiyi thought he was keeping up with him. When the project was presented as awhole, the difference between their abilities were clearly evident. Zhang Siyi’ssense of achievement was crushed in a heart-beat. It wasn’t until he changed hisgoal from peer-to-peer comparison to an overall goal of being as good as Gu Yuthat his hasty decisions and outlook in life changed. Since then, his sense ofimpetuousness has gradually disappeared.
Zhang Siyisaid: “We only need to compare ourselves with our past performance. It hasnothing to do with others. As long as I am a better person them my past self,isn’t that all that matters? Su Yuan, I know you like architecture. I stillremember a time when you were up late designing and you told me that you gaveup two years of college in order to pursue your architectural dreams….. Haveyou forgotten?”
Under thestress of life, Zhang Siyi also forgot about his youthful dream. Gu Yu hadreminded him and now, he has been standing in the distance with open arms,waiting for Zhang Siyi to catch up.
Not only wasGu Yu his favorite person and eternal goal, he was also like a beacon, constantlyguiding him and leading him forward. No matter how many obstacles were around ZhangSiyi, Gu Yu didn’t let him retreat.
With determination,Zhang Siyi simply gritted teeth and exhausted all his energy to just struggle andmove forward. He didn’t allow setbacks and distractions to get in his way. Withsuch dedication and perseverance, he would achieve his goal. Then, when hisyouth was gone, Zhang Siyi wouldn’t need to complain about the injustice of theworld and the cruelty of fate.
“Iknow that the domestic construction market is also very bad at the moment. Wecan’t change the world, but we can stick to our own path. Life will inevitablyhave some ups and downs. When you hit rock-bottom and feel tired, take a break,then move on. It is better than giving up. Su Yuan, you also mentioned the yearsspent learning architecture. How bitter would you feel if you tossed it aside? Rememberthe original reason you wanted to study architecture and focus on it to propelyourself forward.
Caught inthe moment, Zhang Siyi’s serious lecture finally came to an end. When he lookedaround, everyone at the table was staring at him wide-eyed like they were noticinghim for the first time.
Feeling alittle embarrassed, Zhang Siyi shrunk back and said: “Um….”
Breakingthe silence, Jiang Hai spoke first. He exclaimed: “Wow, Siyi! Look at you!”
Withadmiration, Tian Yujing looked at him and spoke up: “So philosophical!”
Ren Mengyu:“When did you become so wise about life?”
Even BaiRui looked at him full of thought.
Feelingmoved, Zhang Siyi’s words reached her heart. Su Yuan looked at Zhang Siyi for along time and softly said: “Thank you, Siyi.”
Capturingthe moment in a playful manner, Ren Mengyu started clapping: “Ah! He deserves around of applause!”
Jiang Hai:“Ha-ha-ha” <clap><clap>
While theywere applauding, Zhang Siyi felt embarrassed: “I, I just mentioned…..”
Now feelinga little better, Su Yuan raised her soda cup and touched Zhang Siyi’s glass: “Ididn’t expect to be lectured by my little classmate.”
Zhang Siyi:“Well, I included some of my own feelings since working….”
Su Yuandrank from her cup and said with emotion: “As you said, I should really thinkabout my reasons for being an architect. Right now, the situation is draggingme down and I feel like dying. Whether it is temporary or not, a job changemight help me readjust my outlook and help me decide what I want.”
Zhang Siyinodded. Knowing his own words seemed to help his friend, he was really happy.He couldn’t help himself: “My company’s working environment and wages are good.In fact, I can also ask my company about employment. With your abilities, Ifeel like it would be a good match.”
Su Yuanthought her experience at her company was common among the businesses in thedomestic construction industry. Now listening to Zhang Siyi, she was curiousand asked him for details.
Zhang Siyi:“Currently, my wage is almost nine thousand, before tax.”
Except forBai Rui, in amazement, everyone else exclaimed: “Wow! It turns out, the richestman here is you!”
Su Yuan wasboth shocked and excited: “More than twice as much as I earn now!”
Scratchinghis head, Zhang Siyi said: “Well…. actually, the wages aren’t my main sourceof income. Project bonuses are.”
Jiang Haijoked: “Looks like you are treating tonight!”
When heheard Jiang Hai comment, Zhang Siyi quickly stopped bragging: “What! Why? Ithought we were guests of Ren Mengyu’s boyfriend! I don’t believe he earns lessthan me!”
Raising his eyebrows, Bai Rui looked at Zhang Siyi with a smile and asked: “Who said that?”