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Assistant Architect: Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Assistant Architect by Xi He Qing Ling

Chapter 196: Discovery


Before tastingthe chocolate, Zhang Siyi felt the tip of Gu Yu tongue against his own and as aresult, his heart quickened. Too late to chew, in the warmth of his mouth, thechocolate lay beside his gums slowly melting.

Tentatively at first Gu Yu probed Zhang Siyi mouth with his tongue but soon, as their tongue entwined, their kissing intensified. Gu Yu held Zhang Siyi close their passionate kisses became one with the melted sweet taste of chocolate. A strong taste of alcohol spread between their lips and teeth, intoxicating the heart.

Until thechocolate was melted completely, like the pairing of the chocolate and liquor,the two were intertwined; you have me and I have you. Gu Yu withdrew his lips andnot forgetting the last drop of chocolate, he licked Zhang Siyi’s lips clean.

Completelyforgetting about his worries, now hot and bothered, Zhang Siyi stared at Gu Yuexpectedly.

Gu Yu placedhis forehead against Zhang Siyi’s forehead and whispered: “The taste isvery good…”

Helpless inthe hands of Gu Yu, Zhang Siyi forgot he was eating chocolate and as a result,the sweetness of the chocolate was instead the sweet taste of Gu Yu.Unconsciously, as if the end of the treat was unsatisfactory, Zhang Siyi lickedhis lips.

Although ZhangSiyi dazed action ignited Gu Yu’s desire, he looked at him in the eye and afterGu Yu sucked on Zhang Siyi’s lower lip one last time, he said: “It’s just apainting. What are you so worried about?”

Lookingaway, Zhang Siyi turned slightly: “From the start, you didn’t seem to careabout his presence.”

Not lettinghim hide, Gu Yu held his face: “I do not care about him. I only care aboutyou.”

Zhang Siyi:“…”

Gu Yu sighedand said: “You are too easily influenced by others. Bai Rui teases you andyou get angry. Then, with one emotional story of his, you break-down and talkto him frankly. Why do you care? On the other hand, including everything BaiRui is doing now, no matter how much he prods, it doesn’t affect me. In myopinion, it’s just another one of his schemes to affect you.”

Thinkingabout it more carefully, Zhang Siyi was tongue-tied. Indeed, it seemed to bethe case.

“If youare his goal, I can help you out. But, if I’m the goal, what can I do? I can’t makehim disappear.” Feeling helpless, Gu Yu sighed softly. “He is verypersistent and has found your weaknesses. Not only will he test me, he willalso test Tao Fei.”

With Gu Yu admission,Zhang Siyi was surprised at Gu Yu insights. Now remembering what transpired inthe elevator, was Bai Rui testing Tao Fei or who was he really concerned with?

Gu Yu pinchedhis nose and asked: “Now do you know what to do?”

“Yeah!”Zhang Siyi eyes flashed bright. He raised his pointer finger and exclaimed: “I’llshow some concern over that Fat Peach!”

Gu Yu:“…”

Even thoughGu Yu gave him some food for thought, Zhang Siyi decided the answer was to payattention to Tao Fei. Gu Yu’s mouth twitched a bit. He flicked Zhang Siyi’sforehead.

Zhang Siyiguarded his forehead with his hands: “Why are you hitting me!”

Stroking hisear, Gu Yu was both angry and cheerful: “Just as I only have you in my eyes, Ihope you only look at me. Be yourself and try to ignore him. In this way, no matterwhat Bai Rui does, it won’t be a problem.”

Hearing thephrase ‘I only have you in my eyes’, with a warm heart, the blood rushed to hisface and Zhang Siyi instantly became flush. Sure enough, a thousand words can’t match thetruth spoken by a lover! He looked up at Gu Yu with adoration and said: “Ok.”

Just as hewas going to say something else to Zhang Siyi, he suddenly saw the shadow of a personstanding outside the frosted glass door of his office.

Heimmediately retracted his smile and whispered: “You should go back to yourdesk.”

Afterturning the knob to open the door, Zhang Siyi saw Be Lele standing outside holdinga stack of printed paper with her hand raised as if she was about to knock onthe door. In a good mood, Zhang Siyi faintly smiled at her then left.

When Bi Leleentered the office, she felt the lingering sweet emotions between the two inthe environment… Yes. She heard it.

From thetime when she saw Zhang Siyi’s cell phone in Gu Yu’s office a few days ago, sheconsciously began to pay attention to the movements of the two men.

One night, shecovertly followed Zhang Siyi on a whim and found him meeting Gu Yu at thesubway station. Watching them meet each other, she almost screamed excitedly. Unexpectedly,after two stops, Zhang Siyi got off without Gu Yu. At that time, she wonderedif she was over thinking things.

In the nextfew days, since nothing happened between them out of the ordinary, Bi Lelestarted to doubt her instincts. However, today she confirmed her suspicion.After printing the documents for the new project, she needed to Gu Yu to lookthem over.

Gu Yu’soffice, which was separated by frosted glass, doesn’t have good soundproofing.In addition, there was a visible gap between the glass door and wall whichallowed one to see inside if they looked closely. When she went to his office,she vaguely saw someone else inside. She was about to leave and come back laterbut the voice she heard made her pause: ‘….why are you hitting me….’

She snuck apeak and saw Zhang Siyi’s back. In the next moment, she saw Gu Yu hold him inhis arms. Witnessing the scene before her, Bi Lele froze momentarily. Her heartjumped wildly and couldn’t stop herself from peeking. The soft voice flutteredthrough the crack in the door: ‘I only have you in my eyes…’

She couldn’thear anything else, but Gu Yu’s actions were enough to explain everything!

Is it normalfor a male boss to hold his same-sex subordinates in his arms ???

Sitting infront of Gu Yu, pretending nothing happened, Bi Lele calmly handed over thedocuments to Gu Yu: “Boss, this is the final design for the ElementarySchool. Take a look.”

Looking ather sharply, Gu Yu watched her hand him the papers. She remained quiet as Gu Yuflipped through the documents. Returning to his normal calm tone, he spoke toher firmly with constructive feedback on a few details that needed revision. Inthe face of Zhang Siyi, he was like a different person.

Not able tolook directly at Gu Yu, in response, Bi Lele kept her line of sight down at hernotepad while she wrote the necessary memos for accurate changes.

Afterreporting, Bi Lele stood up and prepared to leave his office when Gu Yu suddenlycalled her: “Wait.”

Sweating, BiLele became nervous: “Yes?”

Gu Yu handedher another document and said: “Bring this to Ji Feiyu and tell him thereweren’t any problems.”

Feelingrelieved, she took the added folder and left.

…… Oh,my God! Such a rigid boss… Is he really in love with Zhang Siyi!? Ahhh…..!

Watching BiLele leave the office, Gu Yu also sighed with relief and let out a long breath.

Since shewasn’t acting any differently, he didn’t say anything about it. Gu Yu hoped shedidn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Gu Yu hadn’t been impulsive at workin a very long time. When he noticed how anxious Zhang Siyi was with a hesitantexpression on his face, Gu Yu couldn’t help himself. He wanted to hold him,kiss him, comfort him….. Hey, it’s really difficult to do nothing!

Drinking histea, Gu Yu ruefully pressed his temples, then began to focus on his work.

Sometimelater on one afternoon, feeling very motivated, Zhang Siyi was absorbed withhis work. He reached up and took a moment to stretch. Looking up, he noticed BiLele across the room staring at him with a grin. He asked her: “Do you needsomething?”

Bi Lele:“Oh, nothing…”

Zhang Siyi: “…”
