Fin happily described her experience with Bes and the powers she gained. Her primary class of Battle Cleric had changed to Guardian Twerp, which improved her skills in melee combat, protection, and healing.
“Fin now also has an incredible way to constantly increase my power,” she boasted proudly.
It seemed she was already back to her usual self. When asked what that way was, the fairy took a deep breath to talk about it but stopped mid-sentence with a little blush.
“Err, it’s a little embarrassing, so Fin would rather not talk about it.”
Something Fin was not comfortable talking about?! Everyone was shocked.
“Fin, if it’s something weird, or uncomfortable, you don’t have to do it,” everyone reassured her, just making her look even more uncomfortable. Facing the group’s encouragement, Fin became more and more flustered.
“Stop, please! It’s really nothing weird! It’s just… I can grow stronger by having fun and celebrating. I didn’t want to tell you for your own sake!” she finally exclaimed.
She added the last sentence when she saw the dismayed faces of everyone around. Other people had to work hard, but the fairy had to go out and have fun. How was that fair? However, a burst of roaring laughter quickly lightened the mood.
“Isn’t that great? We will have to celebrate a lot more when we get back home then! Everyone wins.” Seth laughed happily.
There was no celebrating alone. Of course, they ALL would have to do their best to help Fin grow stronger. If that meant they had to sacrifice themselves for day of partying, then this was a sacrifice they were willing to pay.
Next to explain were Faenys and Mina. Faenys had been chosen by Phobos, the Olympian god of fear in battle. Her first class had become Threatwalker, while Mountain Brigand became her secondary skill. The class came with a lot of skills pertaining to the fear of an opponent and mixing illusions based on it into battle.
Mina had gained two blessings. The first was the Blessing of Sekhmet, which improved her combat prowess and granted her a skill that could passively add plague effect to her magic. The second was the Blessing of Menhit. It had a similar effect to the blessing of violence on Mike’s sword and would grant her power with every kill in battle.
Now all eyes were on Jonah. The man had been rather silent, with his hand covering his face the whole time.
“Ah, hey Archer, didn’t you say you were also chosen?” Jonah changed the topic. A shiver went down their spines when they heard the melodic, androgynous voice. Was this still Jonah?
“Hmm? Yes, the goddess of archery, Satet granted me her power,” he explained.
Previously Archer had reached the class of Bow Demon with a secondary class of Emerald Scout. Now the Bow Demon class became his secondary class, while his first class became Divine Archer, which flat-out improved all his archery skills across the board and added divine magic into the mix.
“I still need to look through everything that was added,” he ended his lackluster explanation of his gains.
All eyes went back to Jonah.
“Don’t look at me. I really don’t want to talk about it, ” the man in question said depressed, still covering his face since the mask was broken in exchange for saving his life from the surprise attack.
“If you tell me, I will make you a new mask~” Seth whispered to him mischievously.
Jonah, who had been covering his face the whole time, slowly lowered his hand. He wore the detecting full beard and it was drenched in tears. Despite that, a gasp went through the crowd when they saw his face.
The vampiric swordsman was not just terribly handsome anymore, he had become drop-dead gorgeous with a face as smooth as marble and long, blonde eyelashes he looked like a teenager’s wet dream that jumped right out of a romance comic.
At the same time, he was the embodiment of sorrow, with his big, deer-like eyes glistening with tears. Even Seth was silent, feeling his heart resonate with the aura of tragedy Jonah emitted. Just what happened? How much had his personality attribute increased for him to look like this?
A face that men and women alike would fall for, it reminded him of some Olympian myths. Although Seth felt his heartache and the urge to comfort the pitiful creature in front of him, he didn’t. Because he knew. The blacksmith knew that Jonah didn’t appreciate this turn of events.
He had not known Jonah before the apocalypse, but according to him, he had been a bulky hunk with pride in his voluptuous beard. It had already been a hard hit when the class of vampiric swordsman had turned him into a slender pretty boy.
Somehow, he had drifted even further from his ideal of a big, muscular man. When Seth looked at him now, he got the impression that he had become even more slender and petite. The blacksmith had to acknowledge that his physique had become a work of art.
With just a brief glance Seth could see that although his muscles had become very lean, they were defined and well-balanced. They seemed to have become fully specialized in quick, agile combat. It was a brief glance, but it was already all he could glean from it. Maybe a sculptor would have been more interested than him.
“I’m hideous! Stop staring!” he cried out pitifully and covered his face again before he started to explain.
He had become the chosen of a deity called Munara, the Goddess of Gruesome Beauty in battle and his personality attribute went through the roof. Personality was an attribute that had many variations from charisma, to charm, to intimidation. Obviously, in Jonah’s case, it was an overwhelming charm.
Previously his classes after his advancements were Sanguine Swordmaster and Blood Abbot which evolved from Blood Monk. After becoming the chosen of Munara, the Blood Abbot class turned into Munaras Apostle and became his primary class.
Jonah also gained all kinds of special combat skills that were merciless, elegant, and was supposed to be able to confuse and charm enemies in combat. Or so said their descriptions. It didn’t quite work on the general he was fighting, which indicated that the power of the skills was also reliant on the target’s sense of aesthetics and not just how charming Jonah was.
While Seth managed to keep the conversation going, the other were mostly staring in awe. The blacksmith could only pity and envy Jonah. This was probably what Adonis had to suffer through.
“Monique, what about you?” he suddenly asked the salivation second-in-command.
“Ah! Me? I..erm..” she stammered embarrassedly, being caught staring.
“Yes, well, I got the blessing of a goddess called Athena. ” she said with an awkward smile.
“S-So, what did you gain?” Seth asked her, staring at her in shock. She had been blessed by one of the main gods of Olympus.
“Ah, well, aside from an improvement in spear arts and my physical attributes, I got the skills , , and ,” she listed her gains.
The first was a spear-throwing skill she had used to kill the fleeing Mantidae General. The last meshed in with her class as Turtle Warrior and her defensive fighting style, as it allowed her to block damage easier and gave a low chance to petrify an enemy that was blocked.
Monique described as a skill with a passive and active component. Passively it allowed for a clear mind in combat and gave assistance in planning ahead while keeping their surroundings into account. Actively, it would slightly buff troops under one’s command.
“Ah, Jonah, Lydia could you show me your weapons for a moment?”
He asked the three to stay back because they had the surviving angel equipment. Seth had gotten the notification that one of his items had grown to become a legend, and even got a reward for it, but he doubted any of his relics had done anything to do so.
The only thing he could think of was that the system had finally finished observing the angel items and acknowledged one of the as legendary, so he wanted to take a look. He already knew that it wasn’t Bulko’s helmet, so the only ones in question were the weapon that Lydia and Jonah had put in their inventory.
It wasn’t surprising when he say that Jonah’s sword had finally gotten a full description. It already had the most readable appraisal information thanks to the empire’s experiment.
Damage: 2175
Durability: 4000
1. Enslave
2. +75% Damage against the Divine
3. 75% Chance to cause Silence on hit
4. 50% chance to cause Paralysis on hit
5. 25% Chance to cause local Metallification on hit.
6. Active Skill: Divine Chains
7. Active Skill: Control
A divine weapon filled with the power of the God of Chains. Created by Master Smith, the first blacksmith of Urth, from the body of an archangel.>
It didn’t have the greatest basic damage, but the effects made more than up for this. Enslave had a 5-15 chance to enslave an opponent that had lost the will to fight. It was a 100% chance on people that showed no resistance at all.
allowed the wielder to force someone to follow their order, as long as the sword threatened their lives. This was the effect that the researchers of Chrona described as the ability to make someone tell the truth if the sword was pointed at their throat.
was an area of effect snare that allowed the wielder to summon literal chains to bind enemies in the surroundings. Seth explained the effects to Jonah and the others which were followed by a wave of congratulations to Jonah. It also helped cheer up the depressed swordsman.
They kept talking about what to do from now on for a while before they finally split up so everyone could go get some sleep.
“I will have the golems stand guard. Everyone deserves a good rest.”
Seth sent Mina ahead and stayed outside for a moment longer after setting up the golems. The blacksmith wanted to check his own gains from this battle.