Ignoring the enchantment’s drawbacks, Seth almost laughed out loud when he read the weapon’s effects and how they played together. This sword was just unfair, especially in his hands. On the other hand, it was completely useless against him and people similar to him.
The most special effect was probably Ixion’s Bind, the main effect of the olympian enchantment. It was quite literally the effect to restrict the movement of those who were affected by the “burning” status ailment after an attack with the sword. They would be bound for the whole duration they were on fire.
It was useless against someone like Seth who was immune to fire damage. He could get the status ailment, but to anyone else, this could turn into a nightmare. Being forced to endure being burned alive without being able to do something against it actively?
Especially when many of the other effects played into elongating the duration of burning and strengthening the damage of fire. Nergal’s Burning Heat for example added the cursed effect of increasing the duration of burning effects while the fire could not be extinguished by simple water.
The Flaming Sword was responsible for adding not just a basic Fire Damage to every attack when activate, it also improved the chance to set a target on fire by 75%. While Edward had no fire skills, the sword came with two fire skills, that also profited from the effect of that strengthened skills. was a directed attack that shot a wave of fire straight forward with a swing of the sword. It was most likely the result of a synergy between , which gave a basic buff to attacks with a sword, and the White Hilt Enchantment. The second active skill, , on the other hand, seemed to be the result of the Dullahan’s Soul and the demon’s power.
burned the wielder’s mana to shoot flames straight into the air. They would rain down in a circle around the caster. The area at roughly a radius of 10m with the wielder in the center. Both skills had a fixed 50% chance to set enemies on fire.
Lastly, Loyalty was one of the most simple effects, as it improved attack and defense when protecting or fighting for the target of the wielder’s loyalty. A useful effect for any good knight.
Testing the sword, Seth could feel the connection to the flames on the blade. If someone like Seth, with the trait “Kin of Fire” were to wield in, it was just unfair, since all the fire effects would be strengthened to the max. Although the binding effect only counted for burning caused by the sword, using the blacksmith was sure he could do some shenanigans.
However, just like with Yatagan Mim, hoarding ALL the good stuff was not the solution. It would do well in Edward’s hands. Especially since the Faer had a tremendous amount of mana because of his strengthened soul.
He would have to caution him though, since using up all his Mana would sharply weaken a Faer, since regeneration and movement enchantments would stop working, resulting in slower movement.
It was already late, but there was one more thing he wanted to make. It was a spontaneous idea. Originally Seth had planned to make a weapon, or an armor for Link, but seeing him in the kitchen today changed his mind.
A single bar of was now heating up in the furnace.
Although leveling was important, it was obvious where the man’s passions truly lay. The initial idea of making legendary items for everyone was to help them stand out while many gods were still looking for champions so they could gain their protection.
The bard of metal was glowing brightly when Seth pulled it from the fire and started forging it with Charon’s Obol. A dark hum filled the smithy as dark runes flowed into the bright silver, giving it a dark purple sheen.
Were Seth to make a weapon or armor for the gourmet hunter that was optimized for battle, Link was more likely to receive the attention of a god of hunt, or archery. However, this wasn’t in his best interest. With Link’s passion, he was more fit for something else.
The ballad that Seth was chanting in dark voices was categorized as a lesser ballad of gluttony. Obviously, one of the first things he had done when he became an infernal scald was to look for demonic ballads of the seven sins. It seemed clear to him, that those would be the strongest.
Despite looking for a long time, he didn’t find any that would have made his heart flutter. There was no Ballad of Lust, that could make charm any target, nor was there a ballad of gluttony that could just infinitely and unfairly grow by devouring enemies.
The only ballads he had found at the time were some that were categorized by the seven sins, but they would always be “lesser” or “inferior” this and that. Just like there were many gods with similar domains, there were also many demons who shared the domains of the seven sins.
Under the influence of the demonic tunes, the piece of metal in his hand slowly turned into a long chef knife.
This ballad he was currently using was dedicated to A’petit, one of the demons of gluttony. He was also known as Gourmet Demon and was known to give blessings that made food more delicious, increase damage against ingredients or increase their quality. Absolutely useless for a weapon, but a godly advantage for a kitchen knife.
The price for the gluttony demon’s power was that the knife would absorb a small percentage of the ingredients it was used on, or the chef could also sacrifice a finished meal for the item instead.
Once the overall shape was forged, Seth stepped back to the grinding wheel. A kitchen knife had a different edge geometry than a dagger or a sword. He arbitrarily left a pattern of hammer marks along the spine of the blade for aesthetics.
For the other enchantment, he used ones he had learned a long time ago, but never used, since he prioritized other enchantments. One of them was the simple circuits that allowed the knife to become self-cleaning, also corrosion resistance, and the complex circuit of purification.
The latter being able to detoxify water and ingredients. They were standard enchantments for high-grade cooking utensils, which was another explanation for why Seth seldom used them on weapons.
Since this was a spontaneous product, the soul he had previously prepared was not fitting. Looking through the souls he had in his inventory, his eyes fell on the two souls of the cultivators that had attacked him a while ago.
They were only big and rare-rated, but they both had something called innate blade talent. He didn’t quite know what effect it would have, but it seemed to be in tune with wielding knives. As for the enchantment on the soul knife… there were no deities among the enchantment that had anything to do with cooking.
Maybe Tantalus, who killed and cooked his own son to feed him to the gods… However, his punishment was the exact opposite of eating or cooking.
Instead, his attention went to the enchantments he unlocked when he reached the master tier in . Olympian Sharpness or Olympian Durability was the most likely candidate and he chose the former.
Sharpness seemed more appropriate for a chef knife. It wasn’t like Link was going to fight and block with the knife, also legendary was already extremely durable. There was nothing to worry about even if Link got into a fight.
The only problem was that Seth was already quite tired from the White-Hilt enchantment and the Olympian Sharpness was not any less complicated… The blacksmith seriously deliberated about finishing the knife at another time.
Looking at the knife and soul armament in front of him, the decision was not as hard as he thought. Taking a deep breath and loosening his limbs, he began engraving the circuit on the soul knife. Although he was tired, thanks to and was able to successfully engrave the olympian enchantment into the soul and finally fuse the soul and vessel together.
The blacksmith was about to cry tears of blood. He had been convinced he would be able to level up to master with the knife, but the proficiency bar had stopped less than a hair’s width away from filling up.
It would have been really poetic if the item that made him a master was not even a weapon made for fighting. But it shouldn’t be, he could only shrug and check the knife.
Legendary, Ego
Phys. Damage: 2300
Durability: 9000
1. Blessing of Wind
2. +200% Power on Skills and Spells
3. Appetite Demon lv.1
4. Item is immune to weak and medium Corrosion Effects
5. Self-cleaning
6. Purification
7. Olympian Sharpness
8. Passive Skill: Innate Blade Talent
A terrifying kitchen utensil from the smithy of Craftsman Smith in collaboration with the first Master Enchanter of Urth, Master Smith. Divine sharpness coupled with a demonic blessing can make even the most mediocre chef shine like a diamond.>