— Kat —
“Um… well… if you don’t mind the questions can we ask some more?” asked Kamiko.
“I am open to your questions as long as they are not blatantly disrespectful,” said Hunter. “It will give us time to cement some surface level comradery for the mission,”
“Oh… um… that’s great?” said Kamiko. “Hmm… I… hmm… I guess I’ll ask what you think of those other people in your clan that don’t properly follow the rules?”
Hunter 23HX443 gave a slow nod and answered in what was now her standard monotone. Kat and Lily were starting to wonder if she just sounded like that, or if it was taking some effort to maintain. “To answer with the most honesty I would have to say… that I do not have fully formed opinions on most of them.
“The children at least, are young. They know only that they are under restrictions that other children their age are not. They reach for things they do not have without understanding why they may be restricted. I have seen plenty of children reach for sharp knives, avoiding getting cut only because someone was watching over them.
“Despite the clan’s isolation we do allow the children somewhat more freedom. We need to be able to function in the rest of society after all. Yet regularly the children taken to those meetings make request for things without understanding why we do things. Of course, I willingly admit I do not understand many of the rules, yet I do not seek to break any of the ones I do not understand either.
“Then there are those who are older. Engaging in their little bits of rebellion. I know in the past that sort of behaviour would be swiftly punished but we are in a period of softness. Many in the clan are allowed to push the boundaries of the rules significantly, keep many secrets, and generally ignore the rules. As long as it is kept quiet of course.
“Then when they cross the line, speak of these things too publicly or perform some extreme act of rebellion and they are punished? Then they cry about how restrictive the clan is, how they are given no freedom. They whine about how awful they have it. This behaviour disgusts me.
“Now. To ensure clarity of my meaning I will elaborate. Not all teenagers within the clan are like this, I would not even say the number reaches twenty-five percent. Still, you asked specifically about those who do not properly follow the rules. For the teenagers? They disgust me as I said.
Perhaps I should clarify why.
“It is… difficult to do so. These are not questions I have been asked. Others simple accept my answers without questions, while those within the clan usually understand the feeling without having to be told. It makes articulating the answers difficult for I have no contemplated the matter sufficiently. I am not a philosopher or a poet, so this does not usually cause issues.”
Hunter took some time to wet her lips again as she cast her eyes around the room as if she was searching for something before locking them back on Kamiko. “I believe at least some of my disgust comes from the disrespect these teenagers offer the clan. They receive training that easily ranks amongst the greatest of the Hub, if not further beyond.
Their needs are provided for, and no expense is spared when it comes to training expenses and weapons.
“Even once we reach adulthood, before we earn our name we are entitled to keep anything we receive on jobs while the clan STILL provides training, facilities, and weapons of the highest quality without complaint. We have rules yes, but the clan provides a number of opportunities for us to grow in power as we age that is simply not offered anywhere else.
The clan gives us a chance to be GREAT and to do that, they push everyone.
“Of course, I do not wish for you to think I am blind. I understand that some individual break under the strain, and they are given leave of the training. Allowed to retire from the clan’s practices… but they do not earn their name. They are shamed yes, but not in any truly major way.
“What I consider important about this fact, is that you can also earn your name simply for living a sufficient number of years. It means that you were correct to find another path. That power was not required for you to live a fulfilling life and the clan accepts this. Sadly, not many people appreciate this fact,”
Hunter took another break to scan the room. “I have more words to say about the adults of the clan that rebel without earning their names, but I realise I have talked for some time. Are their details of my recount that you wish for clarification on?”
Kamiko looked nervously over to Kat who shrugged, so Kamiko turned to Lily who… also shrugged. It was Kamiko’s question after all, and they both found Hunter to be quite clear in what she meant. So Kamiko eventually turned back to Hunter and said, “Um… no I think it’s fine. I understood most of that,”
“I see, your lacking confidence requires that you do not elaborate on the questions you do have. That is ok, I understand that shyness is something that can be difficult to overcome. Many of my clan suffer from that issue and it is a known quantity to me.
If you have some sort of signal you wish to supply me with to inform me of when you truly require rescue from social situations, please inform me,” said Hunter 23HX443.
*Holy shit that’s adorable. I mean, Hunter has the social skills of a particularly literate steamroller… but that doesn’t seem to mean she’s oblivious. She just… hmm… I guess it would be ‘most correct’ to say that she read the social contract and didn’t find it to her like so she wrote up her own personal one.*
[I hate how much sense that nonsense your spouting makes Kat. Like, I want to say that’s not how it works… but it does seem to be correct in this case. Though I agree, the fact that she recognises Kamiko is shy and is willing to help is ADORABLE. Makes me want to hug the snek.]
*No lewd comments about the mostly naked snake girl?*
[Obviously not. She has no legs!]
Kat had to cover her mouth to stop the laughter sneaking out. She… probably succeeded but Hunter’s eyes did dash over towards Kat for a split second before slowly wandering back to Kamiko. “I suppose I shall speak of the adult insurgence in my clan.
“Now, one thing I must make clear. Once you earn your name and pay off your debt to the clan you are much less limited in your actions. You can actively rally against the clan as you wish. You are seen to have earned the right to act, almost, as you see fit and criticise the clan heavily.
“At the same time, many adults simply go for quiet rebellion. They intentionally make small mistakes. They blow of jobs. They cause problems for the clan in little ways they can get away with. I pity these people. I have no more disgust for them.
Not only should they know better, but instead of being upfront and intentional with their feelings they instead resort to pettiness of the highest order.
“At least the teenagers are clear in what they do. They may try to hide what they are doing, but it is an honest hiding for the most part. They wish to avoid punishment, rebel, and express themselves. Most adults without names have given up on that. They just want to damage the clan in any way… they can get away with. With the ‘get away with’ part being the main concern of theirs.
It is… disappointing. They are a wounded animal that’s too stupid to notice they’re already bleeding out. Their drive is gone, and they will amount to nothing,”
*Well damn that escalated quicky.* “Oh… well… I see that’s quite serious then,” mumbled Kamiko. “Are they truly so bad?”
Hunter 23HX443 nodded slowly and answered, “I do believe so. I would not proclaim them the worst thing I know of, but they are a persistent problem. I see them as dishonest parasites that cannot work up the courage to rebel properly. Instead, they simply show me that they will amount to nothing… and is a failure not something to be pitied?”
“Well… um… I mean… I’ve failed quite a lot…” mumbled Kamiko.
“Ah yes but you are not a failure, yes?” stated Hunter. “You continue to try. You face your fears regularly and have clearly not yet given up. You are on a trip to save a world and yet you believe yourself to be a failure for some reason?”
Kamiko looked thoughtful at that statement, her mouth opening and closing a few times as she tried to think of an answer but all that she could come up with was “Huh…”