67 Chapter 67: Power of a B rated guardian.
Seeing his golden feathers getting dodged, Angel frowned but he didn’t seem bothered.
More golden feathers detached themselves from his wings and rained down on the enemy without hesitation. The horde of Losts scrambled away in hopes of dodging the attacks but surprisingly the golden feathers chased after them. Just like that, Alex watch in horror as numerous Losts were murdered in a gruesome manner.
While he didn’t mind killing a Lost, his problem lay in the fact that these Losts are kids who were forced to wield beast gears they weren’t prepared for. Any other person would have screamed a spoken against the killing of these kids but Alex didn’t. He could tell from the expressions of everyone present that they didn’t enjoy this too but they just had to. It would e hypocritical for him to act holy at a time like this.
“We should focus on getting through this horde and reaching the academy… It is clear if we don’t move all the other students will go Lost too… Clear a path for me, Angel!” Alex said coldly.
“And me too…” Silver spoke up with a cruel smile.
“I don’t plan on letting you die anytime soon!” Silver added and Alex just shot him a smile.
Silver quickly tossed a bracelet over to Alex and made some strange gestures at him. Alex guessed he didn’t want to speak about it bracelet with so many people here so he paid attention to his hand signs and got a general idea of what Silver is trying to say. He simply put on the bracelet and walked through the crowd, towards the academy entrance.
The other guardians were still reluctant about what to do when Alex and Silver shot past the academy entrance.
Before Alex could react a bullet flew from an unknown location but before the bullet could reach his face a bright blue thin layer of shield emerged from the bracelet, blocking the attack!
<> Alex’s mind raced as s shot a glance behind him and he realized Silver was behind him, not moving!
Silver’s eyes lit up as he looked in a certain direction, meanwhile, his white armor moved around like some sort of liquid metal, gathered around his hands taking the form of what looked like a sniper rifle. Seeing this, Alex was stunned. Till today he could not tell what the Ainsworth ability is and seeing this made him even more confused. He couldn’t tell if this was just some sort of technology or his actual deviant ability.
Either way, he didn’t dare slow time. He was struck repeatedly by the bullet but none could penetrate the blue barrier around him.
Meanwhile, an impressive wave of golden feathers raced forward forming what seemed like a tunnel for Alex to pass. As long as the golden tunnel remained, no Lost dared go near it.
“Powerful!” Alex couldn’t help but comment as he ran forward.
Each golden feather from the golden wings was like a blade with terrifying attack power. Angel could summon hundreds of them and manipulate them in battle. With such immense attack power and versatility it was shocking he wasn’t at the peak of the B ratings amongst the B-rated guardians. What was more shocking is that these B-rated guardians can barely go against Tiger threat mutated beasts.
While people from the E to C ratings are considered humans with special abilities, those who make it into the B ratings are considered superhumans! People who have surpassed the level of humans.
As he ran, Alex noticed numerous gunshots aimed at him but they couldn’t get past the golden feather tunnel. He shot a glance back and noticed Silver was yet to make a move! He just maintained that position while the sniper rifle in his hands steadied.
Unlike the gun it was silent and the beam traveling at the speed of light. Alex didn’t bother checking if the enemy was killed or not, he had complete confidence in Silver’s skills, right now he was too focused on himself to bother with others.
This is a real operation and not some practical class or something. The golden ether tunnels may be powerful but there is a limit to how far they can go. It is surprising it has taken him this far already so Alex wasn’t expecting too much, the main problem now lies with how he plans to survive as soon as he reaches the end of this tunnel.
Each Lost has the strength comparable to a wolf threat level beast or maybe slightly lower but the numbers can cover for it. Alex without using his deviant powers can hardly win against a wolf level beast so going against this horde will be difficult but not impossible!
<> Silver’s voice echoed from the bracelet.
Alex jumped out of the other end of the tunnel and luckily he had already made it past the horde, right now he was at the assembly ground. Not too far he could see some academy buildings but strangely the Losts never moved near them. He guessed these people were using some sort of method to control the movements of the Losts then it will be really scary if they unleashed this power on the general public. What he didn’t understand was how they got their hands on something like this but he knew how terrifying they can be.
Maybe, just maybe if they truly have an unlimited source of beast gears they may be able to take down most forces of the country but Alex still strongly believed the big four is still out of their reach and that’s why he was confused.
If they have decided to go against the country it means going against the big four. In Alex’s opinion, this is no different from suicide.
What the hell is giving them such confidence?