They don’t need him to tell them how bad things are but he did. He is considerate that way.
“Can you feel it?” He asked them.
“I can. I can feel it. It is in the air. I can smell the dank odor of defeat and also taste the sweet taste of victory.”
His voice settled down into their minds like an anchor. And like an anchor, it weighed them down. They became heavier emotionally and mentally. They can’t hold on anymore after being pressured constantly. One of them failed to activate their divine ability so they were unprotected.
He swooped in like a shark. He bared his sharp teeth at them and took a large bite out of them. His blade flashed several times in a second. They faced a barrage meant for 5 as a consequence of that mistake. The 3 fell at once. They can’t defend against his barrage of attacks after becoming weakened so they were shredded.
“Five down and none left.” He remarked at the devasted ruins of their battle.
There are several large and smooth craters everywhere with several thin cuts on the surface of the ground. The rocky ground has been smashed, ground into dust, torn, and stripped to create a scene of destruction.
Most of the damage is not his fault. He didn’t do much damage to the environment compared to them. His attacks were sharp and targeted. He ripped grooves into the ground to create the thin cuts but their divine ability demolished the ground with craters everywhere.
He would be hard-pressed to survive a full-on blast of their destructive wave. Despite their formidable divine ability, they lost because they couldn’t bring it to bear against him. His eyes see more than others do so he can counter abilities and plans even before they are executed. It is another situation in which information trump’s raw power. They were ignorant. So they became enemies to be toyed with.
He turned his back on the ruins of their battle and began making his way to the pyramid. The fight has ended and it is time to reap the benefit of his hard work. The rainbow pillar shined brightly on top of the pyramid. He looked at it with a smile as it thrummed audibly.
Something happened behind him. The three that he killed last were respawned. One of them has 3 feats while the others have 2 feats so they have an extra chance.
Respawning is a tricky business. You can’t know who can respawn and even if you do, it won’t be helpful because there is no strict rule that determines when someone that dies must respawn.
If you die, you can’t respawn immediately. You have to wait for at least a minute. You will be in an ethereal form on the battlefield for that period of time.
You will be aware of what’s going on around you but you won’t be noticed or be able to interact with the world. Once one minute is up, you can choose to respawn or not. You can decide to wait for an hour before you respawn. It is up to you.
Some use this opportunity to catch people unaware. For example, you can wait for when they have let their guard down and turn their backs to you. Then respawn to deliver the coup d’etat grace on them. How do you know when they have let down their guard? If they say something like “five down and none left” then it is an indication that they have let down their guard.
The 3 of them were respawned with renewed vigor. Their armor is in tatters and it is laid at their feet. It didn’t disappear with them when they were saved by their brand so they will have to pick them up and equip them again if they want to use them. They didn’t bother with them anyway. They have been given another opportunity and it is one that they can use to catch their target unprepared. They couldn’t be bothered with weapons or armor. Their divine ability is more than enough for them.
“We separate now and nail him from every direction at once. He won’t be able to escape us. I’ll take the center. You take the left and you take the right.” Their appointed leader informed the other two.
The others nodded in agreement. It is a good plan. They will corner him and nail him from every direction with their divine ability. They can’t use their previous plan because it has been proven that it won’t work. Their number has also been reduced for their previous plan to be effective. They have only one chance now and they intend to make good use of it.
If only wishes were horses, then even justice nutjobs can ride. They wish to kill Soverick Ghastorix. It is clearly a wish because they are not putting in the necessary work needed to bring it to pass. It is also a stupid and unrealistic wish. What will their attempt change even if they succeed in killing him once? He has more feats than them so he can always come back. Are they hoping to kill him again and again? What will they use to achieve it?
They are clearly just wishing for his death and downfall. It is simply wishful thinking. Thankfully, reality has a way of drowning dreamers. Their wish was not fulfilled. In fact, they didn’t get to move before they died again.
Soverick “somehow,” noticed them despite being out of divine range. He attacked them as soon as all 3 of them respawned without turning back. They prepared to defend themselves only for translucent blades to tear into them from every direction again. They didn’t have armor and they were caught unawares by the attack. They died quickly.
They yelled at him before they were killed. “You have not seen the last of us. You haven’t seen the end of justice. “
“We may have failed but the world will move to punish you. Others will do what we couldn’t do.”
“Retribution for your crimes and sins is coming to you soon. You will regret what you did.”