Ten thousand taels? Even if he was to chop his limbs off, pay with his entire body and take customers day and night for the rest of his life, he would not be able to earn ten thousand silver! But when he heard that he only needed to pay five mus of land, he was relieved——wait, five mu? FIVE MU????
” Honourable magistrate, did you not say that it was just three mu?” Old man Tong asked as he looked at Magistrate Li with a polite smile curled on his face as he twisted his old waist left and right like a young mer.
Yu Dong saw him act like that and turned to look at her grandmother who was covering her face in embarrassment, even if they were no longer married, Old man Tong was her husband. The way he acts will always be related to her which was why every woman in the village turned to look at Old madam Yu with an expression that said, ‘ You really have a heavy taste.’
The source of this content is n0/v//el//bin[.//]net’
However, Yu Dong had to commend Magistrate Li’s professionalism since the latter did not even blink an eye and simply said in the most stoic voice, ” The extra two mu is because you yelled at the magistrate.”
Old man Tong was stumped he wanted to say something but was interrupted by another voice, ” I will suggest that you stop pushing your luck, she might look like she has a good temper but little Li is someone who will wring your neck without blinking if you upset her.”
As the voice echoed in the clearing a figure dressed in a red robe and flamboyant expression walked out and looked at the crowd that was covering the space, ” You guys are really something, I thought the villagers were hard working and honest,m who would have thought you all will be acting like the mers in the imperial palace?”
” Please mind what you say, Sha,” Magistrate Li snapped sternly as she looked at the woman next to her with a strict expression. ” Those mers are the imperial consorts and the husbands of her majesty, you are crossing the line by saying such things.”
Qiao Sha only rolled her eyes instead of replying scathingly to Magistrate Li she turned to look at Second Aunt Yu and smiled, ” So, is this how you were going to do a good job managing the mill?”
Second Aunt Yu was stunned when she saw the Marquis, she was not that surprised when she saw Magistrate Li but now —-
“Forgive me for showing such a foolish side of mine to you Marquis!” Second Aunt Yu immediately knelt down and this time she wished she could kill her husband, correction ex-husband. She was someone who did not wish to turn her hands red with blood but now she was truly enraged! A few weeks ago there was an election in the mill where she was working to choose the manager of the place, the decision fell under Marquis Qiao since the mill belonged to her family, back then when Marquis Qiao came to investigate she has said that she was going to do a good job managing the mill but now ——
‘ Damn that Qiu Bai! He ruined really ruined everything for me!’ Second Aunt Yu thought in her head as she lowered her head and bowed in front of Marquis Qiao.
When the villagers heard Second Aunt Yu call the woman in red Marquis, they were all shocked beyond their belief. They never thought that they will even see the Magustarte in their life but now they were seeing the Marquis!
” There is no need to apologise since you cannot even manage your house, there is no need for you to take the post of manager in the mill.” Marquis Qiao was a straightforward woman, she was willing to give a chance to the Second Aunt Yu because she thought that she was ambitious and knew what she was doing but now that she looked at her again, she realised that there was no need for to even think about it since having ambition was not enough one must have the wits and skills to manage such a high ambition as well.
Old Man Tong was a mer and his daughter did not tell him everything but he did know that his daughter was trying to get a promotion these days such that her salary will go from two silver taels to four but now that Marquis Qiao said this ——-
” YOU DAMNED BASTARD!” Old Man Tong roared like a bull and rushed at Qiu Bai, he pushed Shen Li and Ye Liu aside and started beating the mer who was already beaten up to the point where his mother won’t be able to recognize him and shouted, ” You ruined my daughter, why did I allow her to marry you? You damned mer!”
Back then there were a lot of options in front of Old man Tong but he choose Qiu Bai because he wanted to make sure that his son in law will be more beautiful and richer than the second branch daughter, which was why he ignored a lot of kind mers and choose Qiu Bai. Sure enough, the people were right, when choosing a son-in-law one must look more than just a pretty face! Even if there was no beauty as long as there was a good character the life of a family would be fine!
“Bring the mer with you,” Magistrate Li did not come with a lot of guards since she did not expect something like this to happen but she was certain that even with two guards, she will not have trouble since the criminal was a mer. ” Bring the mer to Yamen, since he needs to pay for intentional infanticide.”
The guards nodded and since Magistrate Li was not speaking in a low voice, Qiu Bai heard what he said as well which was why he immediately pushed Old Man Tong who was kicking him hard on the ground and started to limp away!\
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