Upon seeing that scene, I immediately rushed toward Douglas and tripped him with a leg sweep to physically cancel out his magic by disrupting his concentration.
“Hebu—!? You b*****d, what the h**l are you doing!?”
“I should have asked you the same thing. You were practically announcing your intentions with your magic sword shining like that, saying, ‘I’m about to use magic now!’ Did you not realize how stupid that was, especially in a battle? It was embarrassing to have you as my brother.”
“Kuh. Shut up and let me go!”
Douglas, who had dropped his magic sword when he fell, tried to reach for it while sitting on the ground, but I stepped on his hand.
“For how much longer were you going to make a fool of your older brother? Did you seriously think I would just hand back your weapon after you had let go of it once in battle?”
“Ack! That hurts, that hurts! Get your foot off of me, you b*****d! You won’t get away with this!”
“Fine, I’ll take my foot off. But I’ll crush your hand instead.”
“Huh? W-why? Arghhhhhhhhhh!”
“Why? Obviously. Anyway. Don’t worry. Big bro is kind enough to heal you.”
Why do I have to release him empty-handed despite catching him?
His head must be in the clouds.
Since I could easily imagine that he would have done the same thing if it had been me, I stomped on his hand without mercy, and he screamed with his filthy voice.
It was so noisy, but as a gentle big brother, I healed his hand.
“Here, I’ll give it back. You can’t do anything without it, especially since you’re already weak, right?”
Being so kind, I released my brother and returned the magic sword to him.
My brother had snatched the offered sword and quickly distanced himself from me, displaying no manners.
“Hey, little brother. Don’t you have anything to say to the person who treated your crushed hand and picked up your magic sword for you? Even a word of gratitude? If you can’t even say that, I think you should start over from infancy.”
I taunted him, but he seemed to have finally become wary of me after having his hand crushed earlier. I could see him trying to remain calm and restrain his anger.
However, it was already too late now that the duel had begun. And just like a cat playing with a tortured mouse, I advanced toward my brother.