The day was fine and so was the lunch.
The chefs did great work and after that whole demon thing and using a spell beyond my capacity; the food tasted more heavenly than usual.
It was alright until we finished the lunch… then we stepped out of the room for a second and Rein gave me an earful about the whole harvest spell thing.
She was worried and all… anyway, we passed that.
The middle stage of the auction started after that wonderful lunch and I was looking forward to the bad talks about this lunch we served, if there were any.
That were some of the great simple techniques I learned from my master. There was no way I will let the ones who dare speak badly about this amazing work of flavorful delicacies go without any punishment.
I was sincere when I said the chefs would get a star for this great work and it would really be fun to meet them.
At least it would be for me. Don’t know much about you people.
Anyway, the second phase of the auction ended like the previous ones, and Rein bought some good stuff that some dumb nobles set for auction without knowing their worth.
Like… some dumb person actually tried selling a handgun without even realizing it was a specially engineered RTF-2206 modal made by a master dwarf craftsman.
The other two mysterious people weren’t interested in this one. From their perspective, it was a fine weapon, but not something to spend crazy money on, like my fanatic lady Rein.
They had to let it go for some hundred platinum. And she was happy to get such an amazing item for so cheap…
And she was actually amazing. I didn’t realize until later that we can track the maker of this thing… if he was alive, and request a better gun for myself.
Having a gun would be amazing too. I was even more familiar with them than with the bow and arrow.
‘I used to use those things after all…’
Anyway, the second part of the auction finished with me buying only a piece of rock.
Well, I fought with the headmaster and emperor again, but they didn’t go more than 1026 platinum for that very, very, very rare piece of Omium.
It was some of the most unique things in the whole world, if not nature.
It was a piece of rock from the outside look, but as a mage, a knight, or any person sensitive to a particular kind of energy, you would want to star at this rock unconditionally.
It was just a piece of rock, but even Zoe and Anna were interested in that one. I had to buy it even if I just use it as a paperweight until the right time comes.
But it was far more useful than some mere paperweight.
It was so important that I would compare it with a one-step-low material from the branch of the world tree that I had.
Even the emperor and headmaster didn’t know the actual greatness of that simple piece of rock.
‘If they even remotely knew that it could be used as… well anyway.’
It was the final and main event of the annual auction now. And there were going to be nine precious items up for the auction.
I wanted one of those things, Rein wanted two, Carla would want the best sword of today’s auction, and considering how she had bought almost every single one up for today, it was possible she would fight to get her hands on this one too.
Anyway, I knew she would have to fight with the emperor for that and she might also not get it, but it was fine.
She was good without that. I had plenty of good swords for her. They would be hers when she is ready.
Alright, so, this was going to be a bad war and the people who were here for entertainment were on the edge of their seats with excitement.
This last battle was going to be the legen—dary. The staff was just that much special after all.
The first one would be a mirror artifact that can be used to see through any illusions, after that would be three special herbs that can increase Mana capacity as well as affinity with elements related to them.
Then the thing I wanted… a piece of land on the northwest part of the continent.
It was a remote area near the main city Lagoon, the only city that is near one of the forbidden zones, (Labyrinth of Aroa).
It would be a good place to make a secret second base. And if we ever need to go into the labyrinth, we will have a base nearby.
So, I wanted that. Carla wanted the divine artifact sword, which she will definitely be able to handle in the future, but not now.
It would just be laying in her special space for the time being if she actually get it.
But… it would be difficult to handle the psychological pressure during the bidding, not the money. She had the support of the house and mom, she could buy anything she wanted here.
But the process of buying, the pressure, the mental processes while spending such a bad amount of money, and the usefulness of the bought thing, are factors that would decide the owner of that sword.
Rein wanted the automatic enchantment artifact production method, a special artifact that could put enchantments on any organic or inorganic thing by using energy cores as a power source.
It was a production method, meaning the rights to this particular artifact would belong to the buyer.
It was something she had to get. The fact that it could put enchantments on organic things meant that it could be turned into an automatic preservation spell enchantment artifact.
The last two were books. But one was the learning method of a secret sword technique, while the other one was a very, very, very, rare book on magical theory.
Something I have read and something I didn’t think I would see outside the tower library.
It was called (Raytick’s idea-Structures of building blocks).
It was an ancient book on the different fundamental particles of unique energies present in nature.
The book itself was maybe three to four thousand years old, so seeing such a good copy was a surprising thing in itself.
We already had seen the little details as well as their photos, so I could tell there was a powerful preservation and protection spell cast on it.
It was great, but I had already read it in my time with my master.
She even thought me further on the topic of (Creation particles) and I was able to create the basic foundation for ‘my’ magic.
This book was great, and I had no interest in it. I knew whoever buys it won’t even be able to read the language it was written in. The incredible illustrations inside the book would just reinforce their curiosity.
Learning that language from the ground up took me three months.
And that was after memorizing a few dozen books written in a similar language.
It was also some of the first ancient languages I learned, but now, after having a good grasp of the rune language, and looking back at my struggles with these languages looks… cute.
So, that was it. That were the nine things up for auction next.
I want to go into details like how Sarah’s voice was when explaining some small ‘visible’ details of the items, how the three empresses fought tooth and nail for the herbs, and how my ‘war’ with other rich people aside from the headmaster and emperor was for the land.
I would love to explain the silent moments, the cheers of excitement, the diverse expressions of people, and especially the fun time with my family, Anna, and Rein.
It would be fun to be detailed about these fun things but, maybe, it was fine without them.
I had fun in this auction. Had fun playing with the funny nobles. It was fun operating this big place and being in a higher position than hundreds of thousands of people.
It was also an amazing experience facing a demon noble and seeing the magic of the greatest mage. nov𝚕.𝚌om
It was fun seeing my friend in her gorgeous clothes, seeing her gorgeous smile, her cute blush, that bad anger, and her every aspect.
Still, we had a long way to go. We were still only friends and the day this status would change was still far.
It was alright though. She knew how to wait, unlike many people.
So… The grand annual auction of Hiraani ended with me and Rein getting the items we wanted. Though she couldn’t get that herb related to the darkness attribute.
Carla didn’t get the sword, and the emperor was really a petty bastard.
It was a bad experience for her, going against that bastard for a mere sword. But instead of placing higher bids to lower her morale, he played with her mentality.
It was bad and dirty, I would say, but she needed such experience early in her life.
She was fine… furious, enraged, sad, and almost on the verge of crying, but she was fine.
Her family, we all were with her so she was ok.
The auction ended on a high note, too. Many people wanted that ancient book.
Headmaster, emperor, his wives, the kings, mages, rich people, everyone fought tooth and nail for an old book that they might not even be able to properly decipher.
The book was a hot sensation. And it ended in the hands of the headmaster, the one who seeks the knowledge the most among people of this continent.
‘Probably after me. Hehe.’
I would have tried my best if it were some unique language or unique book but I knew about this, and there were already many chances that the headmaster would require my help in deciphering the text.
It would be fun if he did, but he was a great person. I shouldn’t doubt his capabilities.
So, that was the end of their long annual auction, but for us, the new employees, there was still the ball event to prepare.
I even had to first go with mom, meet the other staff, then go to the underground storage to pick up some useful items, and then… go to the special place to have dinner with the imperial family.
The first event of the day, which started perfectly, ended with the highest profits ever. It was an impressive feat and maybe it was somewhat because of me, but every other factor played a part.
The first event was just a rushed end to that good tale, but the tale of this day, the tale of today, wasn’t finished just yet…