Hmmm~ hmm~
Riding on the winds, flipping my beautiful wings, I strolled the new forest master, sister Zoe, and I were thrown to.
Master was worried about this new person that used magic and a powerful weapon and killed many creatures in this weak forest.
And even though I had said countless times that I was now stronger, he would still worry over nothing~!
Master did believe that I was strong but, he worried a lot.
He worries a lot, and he worries a lot, lot, lot.
Even if we were against some little bunny or powerful dogs, he worries a lot.
He thinks too deeply about situations like this but, I couldn’t blame him.
I knew about his past after he told me and after knowing those heartbreaking things, I could finally feel what that emptiness, coldness, and darkness deep inside him were.
But all that was towards others of his own kind.
I didn’t know what type of beings these humans were, and from the looks of the situation, this one won’t be a typical human.
So, I was thinking of sending some of my parts to disguise and play around in human domains.
I needed to do my own research to help him even more. I knew he would like it, too.
I felt useless every time he locked me in my mark to protect me and my little heart would break every time I felt that soul-piercing pain he would suffer.
I knew just how he had worked to become strong enough and I knew how he feels after our master become one with mother nature.
I was his partner and I could feel his emotions.
When I was born in that deep forest with vitality that I could never compare to anything aside from our home garden floor, I believed I would never find the right being to serve.
I was on the verge of death and in my final moments; I met the one that was far more than just a small word like ‘perfect’.
The moment our eyes met, I knew it was him and so was our journey until now.
We had played all the time we could, and he was the best creature I had seen.
And maybe that was the very reason even sister Fern liked him.
My master was the best, and I knew I could have never found anyone as good as him.
He was best, at the very least, for me.
As a master, my partner, and my best friend and family.
I even loved sister Zoe. She was a cool person.
And this creature of master’s race, I knew there was something like me with that person.
And so, because we could sense our kind, the origin beasts or natural born, it was easy for me to find the one that killed those weak babies in this forest.
Floating in the sky, riding on the air currents, I reached an open area with many roads at the end of this one.
There was a natural circle position and someone was fighting in this place.
But before I looked that way, I felt a powerful presence just behind me.
[[ Oh? A young butterfly like me. Such a rare sight to see… oh, you are older than newborns.
An extremely rare crystal butterfly like you being here like this, you must also have a master, right? ]]
This was an old voice, and before I could even react, a crow appeared in front of me.
[[ Hohoho. Young one. Looks like your master was interested in my master’s work.
Worry not, she is just playing for now.
It is really difficult to find something when you desperately need it, right?
Let’s go down and watch her for now. You look interested anyway. ]]
I knew this old crow grandpa was powerful, maybe as much as me from the movements just now.
He was right, though. I did want to watch this new human playing with that cute teddy-like creature.
And I could feel admiration rather than any kind of hostility from this creature.
[[ Yes~. Let me tell my master and we should watch her play with that silver teddy bear~! ]]
I answered like I always do and this reply made this pure black crow with beautiful pink eyes smile.
His eyes looked somewhat like my master’s Aura but, his version was far better and furious than this one.
I can call this one a baby dark pink compared to his beautiful fairy pink flame Aura.
With a nod, we flew down and set on a branch and watched her fight the teddy bear with her special scythe.
I knew that kind of weapon and it looked precious.
From the weapon room in our home, there were some scythes like this one too, and the master had said they were something called (Level-12) artifacts.
The highest level of artifact one craftsman could make.
It looked beautiful too, and I liked that moon-like blade.
Looking at this weapon instead of the fight, I called my master and shared the scene I was seeing.
[[ Master, this was the one to clear all those small beasts. I’m with this old crow grandpa who also is an Origin beast like me and he called that person master.
So, it looks like that person fighting the teddy bear is also someone with an Origin skill.
And she looks to be playing with that bear, so that person is definitely strong~. ]]
With that, I showed master the view of this whole place through the different clones in the air.
He called these abilities of mine [High surveillance] but I had no idea what that thing was even pronounced as.
Well, I didn’t need to know that useless stuff.
[[ “Hmmm. It is surprising to meet another origin user in these woods on the same day we came out of that hell.
Well, this is actually a good thing.
Making acquaintances with strong and probably influential people is always a good thing.
Her mastery over her weapon is definitely well taught, and she has practiced diligently.
I can tell even from here that if she wants it, she can kill that weird-looking teddy with ease.
Well, I should have some fun too.
Celes, let’s just wait until she takes her sweet time to finish that one.
We are still far away so it will take a bit of time for us to reach there.
Well, I like those professorial movements of hers. She definitely has an attractive fighting style. ]]
It was my first time seeing the master compliment someone other than us, and it was definitely not because this was the first human he had seen.
It was my sister Zora’s first time seeing something like another human, not his.
And I knew just how high his standards were for all things.
His complimenting her in those normal words definitely meant she was a very strong person.
But… 𝐞𝗻𝐨𝘃𝗹.𝐜𝐨𝗺
Were humans different from person to person?
Why does this person who master surprisingly recognized as a female feel so different from him?
I do not think it should be like this or were humans really that much different from each other?
[[ What are you thinking too deep about, little child?
If it is about my master, then what you feel is right.
Not everyone can be like her. She is a special one among humans. ]]
The crow grandpa’s answer was heard by not only me but my master too, so it got him thinking all of a sudden.
But before we can go too deep into things, we heard a rower of this teddy that strangely attracted some smaller teddies of different colors in the area.
[[ Oh shit. Celes looks like she will need help after all. ]]
Master worried a lot, and this was one of those times.
[[ Okay~ master. Just tell me what I should do. ]]
These all teddy bears were just big.
They weren’t even as strong as the brown rabbit master once faced or the piggy we fought a while back.
Well, my master was a strong one and with the addition of little Asta and big sister Ronna, he was far stronger than this lady.
Well, he was still not strong enough to use big sister Ronna but, for weak beings that lived in this weaker vitality land, his normal bow and arrows were enough to obliterate them.