Chapter 113
Immediately after Dewitt-san’s signal, Raizel plunged straight towards me just as I thought . Whether it’s because he’s a beastman, his acceleration was faster that I imagined . But well, Allen and Elena are faster .
When I took a step to the side, Raizel passed by me . It seems that he is unable to change his trajectory midway because of the speed . If it was Allen and Elena, far from changing a trajectory midway, they would ridiculously change the direction they are going in .
Well, as expected wouldn’t comparing the two to Raizel be too pitiful for him?
「Hoo~ you dodged that? But, that was just a fluke, wasn’t it? It’s not over yet!」
Raizel who turned around had an expression of surprise for a moment, but thinking that it wasn’t my intention to dodge but just a fluke, he showed an unyielding smile and plunged towards me yet again .
「《Air Shot》」
With the intention of a test, I shot a light magic at the plunging Raizel .
「…… Huh?」
However, the magic I shot splendidly landed on Raizel directly and he got blown off backward . And then, he crushed into the practice ground’s wall and stopped moving .
I intended to burn a little bit of his skin, so I thought of driving Raizel into the corner bit-by-bit, but…… it appears I finished it in an instant .
Although it was noisy until a little while ago, the surroundings are currently wrapped in silence .
「O, oy!?」
Dewitt-san rushed over to Raizel in panic and confirmed his well-being .
He’s fine, right? He’s alive, right? Rather, I don’t recall shooting such strong magic!?
「…… He’s just unconscious . There are no conspicuous external wounds either」
…… I, I’m glad~
I was seriously relieved by Dewitt-san’s words .
「Victor, Takumi!」
Dewitt-san who confirmed that Raizel only fainted declared my victory .
He then called people over and had Raizel carried away .
Still…… how did it become like this? I really planned on using magic very lightly . I mean, I just tried to test it out .
And yet, a person with a considerable strength got splendidly blown away .
Even after trying to find out the reason, I can’t come up with anything~ Now then, what do I do……
「He insta-killed『Ash Wolf』?」
「…… Seriously?」
「Can someone be this strong!? It’s a trickery!」
「What was that magic just now!?」
「Uoーーー! I would have made a killing if I had bet on him~~~」
I heard surprised and confused voices from the surroundings .
Even though nobody predicted my victory, Raizel has been dealt with in an instant instead . There are several people looking at me with stupefaction .
But, the last person! Don’t you grieve about not making a profit!
「「Onii~chan, victory~!」」
Allen and Elena rushed over and jumped towards me with a great vigor .
「Hey, Takumi-san!! What was that? What just happened? Aren’t you tremendously strong!! Why didn’t you say anything!?」
Carna who rushed over a little later came with a barrage of questions .
「W, wait, Carna, calm down~」
「Calm down, you say? That’s obviously impossible, isn’t it? There’s no way I can calm down after seeing you defeat Raizel so easily!」
Carna is too excited as I can’t seem to be able to calm her down .
Far from that, she grabbed me by the collar and vigorously shook with me .
「「Calm down~!」」
「Allen? Elena?」
While a little bit troubled about Carna, Allen and Elena who were in my arms frowned a little and fired slightly stronger words . Carna was dumbfounded by the two’s words .
I also couldn’t hide my surprise at the two’s unusual behavior .
「「Calmed down~?」」
「…… Y, yes . I calmed down . T, thank you?」
When Carna calmed down, the two showed whole-faced smiles .
「Allen, Elena」
「What’s up with you two all of sudden?」
「「Onii~chan, troubled~」」
「Eh? Because I was troubled?」
「「Un!」」Allen and Elena told Carna to calm down because I was troubled?
Uwa~ I’m impressed a little, but~~~
「I see~ Allen, Elena, thank you~」
「「Kya, kya」」
I lowered Allen and Elena on the ground and patted the two’s heads with all my heart .
「…… Umm, Takumi-san, I’m sorry . The shock I received was too devastating, so……」
「Ah, yeah, don’t mind it . I didn’t tell you anything after all」
Thanks to the children, Carna has completely calmed down and regained presence of mind .
「Seriously . It’s me who got you involved in this strife, but I wouldn’t be this shaken up if you told me at least a little! I was really worried because I’m aware of Raizel strenght」
「Ah, sorry about tha――」
Just when I was trying to apologize to Carna, the practice ground’s door vigorously opened and a woman in her forties dressed in the guild staff member outfit rushed inside in a flustered state . After looking restlessly around, she walked towards us .
「Huh? Why are you so fluste――」
「Oh my, Carna . It seems it turned into something troublesome . However, we will talk later . I have no time to talk with you at the moment」
That woman seems to be Carna’s acquaintance . Well, she’s the guild’s staff member so it might be only given that they are acquaintances . But, the woman avoided talking with Carna .
And then――
「Are you Takumi-san? Were you perhaps in Bailey before coming to the Royal Capital?」
Nodding after taking a look at my and the children’s faces, she spoke to us .
She, for some reason, knew that we came from Bailey .
「You know about us?」
「Yes, I do . I was told to immediately bring you to Guild Master were you to come here . Therefore, would you please come with me?」
I have never been involved with the Royal Capital’s Guild Master, but…… why is a person I have never met concerned about me…… what is the talk going to be about?
「N~ It’s only natural for you to have many questions, but we can’t talk about that in here . Therefore, please!!」
I must have had a really curious expression . The woman put her hands together in front of her face and earnestly requested for us to come with her .
「…… Erm, you will explain when we move places, right?」
「Of course . Everything will be explained properly」
「I understand」
「Really? Thank you!」
When I acknowledged, the woman seemed very delighted .
「Then, shall we go!」
「Eh!? Do you really need to go right now?」
「Yeah . Then, Carna, I’m sorry but I will be borrowing Takumi-san」
「Ehh!? Wait a mo――」
「Now, Takumi-san, let’s go」
After the woman simply dismissed Carna, she urged us out of the practice grounds and brought us to the Guild Master’s office .