Chapter 56 : CH 56
Around the time Cain started knitting in his room because he was under house arrest, the Queen and the Crown prince made a visit to the orphanage.
At the age of only four, he had shown a glimpse of the king’s capacity, and the public seemed to have a favorable opinion of him.
As a topic of conversation at dinner, his father Dismaya shared with the family what she had heard in the royal castle and in the city about the consolation prize, so Cain was able to learn about it.
Arundilano had stood next to the King and Queen during New Year’s greetings and festivals before, but this was the first time he had participated in official business outside the palace, where he could interact with the common people. Because of curiosity, there were apparently more spectators than usual who came to see what was going on.
Among the common people, ……
When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince visited the orphanage, he spoke kindly to the orphans.
He went down to the yard, held their hands, hugged them, and listened to their stories carefully.
He talked not only to the children at the orphanage but also to the children from the city who had come to watch.
He suggested a way for many children to play at once and was careful to make sure that no child was left out.
Thanks to the prince, the children of the orphanage and the children of the city, who normally kept their distance from each other and did not get along well, became friends.
And so on.
The response was generally positive.
Among the nobles, there were some who said that it would be a loss of authority and dignity, but they were in the minority.
It is rumored that Her Royal Highness the Queen and her retainers are now examining the details of the event to see if they can bring the Crown Prince to the next official event.
It seems that the popularity of the royal family is on the rise.
“I think His Highness Al will be spending more time with his mother in the future.”
“I mean, he’ll be working at the age of four. Is that good or bad?”
After supper, while knitting in his room, Cain expressed his impressions of the rumors.
He was tired of embroidery.
He was looking at the book on the book stand on the low table, counting the number of eyes.
“What’s this, bring the thread out through and put the needle back..? Knitting has its own peculiar phrases… I wish I had a video.”
“It’d be easier to understand if someone could show me the actual knitting in the background.”
“That’s right. Seeing it makes it easier to understand.
Before he died, Cain had bought a book called ‘The Basics of Japanese Cooking’ and failed miserably. After that, he watched a video on how to cook a dish uploaded by the head chef of a famous Japanese restaurant, and he made it on the fly without any mistakes.
From that experience, he often watched how-to videos when he wanted to start something.
Of course, there is no video streaming service in this world. Whenever he wanted to start something, he had to rely on books or ask someone who could do it to teach him.
So far, Cain didn’t have any contacts who could teach him how to knit, so he was struggling with the book.
“You’re not involving me this time, are you?”
Last time, Ilvalino had been forced to practice with him. He was a little lost beside his master who was struggling with his knitting.
“This is a hobby to pass the time,” Cain said. “If you want to do it, you’ll have to get your own tools. You can even knit gloves for your family if you want.”
Ilvalino’s home is an orphanage.
If you donate money or luxuries, the money will be used to run the temple and the children may not benefit from it.
“If you knit something with their initials on it, it’s less likely to be taken away…dang this is hard.”
Cain, perhaps having made a mistake with the knitting at hand, pulled out the barbed needles from his knitting and began to pull and unravel the yarn.
He’s been knitting three to four stitches and untying them repeatedly for a while now.
“I don’t think I can do it just by reading that book, so when you’re able to do it, please teach me.”
Cain replied ‘I’ll try my best’ to Ilvalino’s answer and started wrapping the yarn around the needle again from scratch.[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @]
“Then, while I’m knitting the scarf, you can knit my hair.”
Cain said, and this time Ilvareno replied, ‘I’ll try my best’ and took out a comb.
About a week after the crown prince’s first official duty, the day Cain’s scarf was completed. A messenger came from the royal palace.
He was the vice director of the Court Office, and his name was Vincenzo D’Innizzi.
Cain repeated the name three times in his head, thinking that it was difficult to call him by his first name or by his family name.
In the reception room, his mother Elyse and Cain were sitting side by side, and Vincenzo was sitting on the sofa across from them. Vincenzo took a sheet of paper out of his briefcase and laid it out on the table.
“This is a list of the royal family’s events for the next three months. There are other official duties as well, but everything that has been announced to the public is listed here.”
When Cain and Elyse peered at the list, they saw that it was indeed an itemized list of destinations and dates, like ‘New threshing machine installed at Evanne’s malting plant’ and ‘Visit to reconstruction areas in the flooded areas of Svend’.
The farm, the flooded area, and the orphanage the other day. Some of them were for diplomatic purposes or to visit neighboring countries.
There is also a list of greetings for the start of the harvest festival in a month, and events for the National Day in three months.
Cain looked at it with admiration, wondering how many places he had been to.
“What would be a good event to bring His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Arundilano to? Preferably something within a month. Mr. Cain.”
Cain rolled his eyes when he heard his name called. The royal family’s plans to visit outside the castle were of no concern to Cain. It is also none of Cain’s business whether or not he takes Arundilano with them.
“What, me?”
“Yes. I’d love to hear your opinion, and if you’re available for pre-training, I’d like you to lead the trip again.”
Cain thought it was a hassle, why me? He couldn’t believe an adult would ask a child to do such a thing. Is this person unskilled?
“I heard that His Royal Highness had visited the orphanage in advance of the recent visit, so he must have been familiar with the children’s ‘figure’ there and was able to respond calmly.”
“Is that so?”
Cain was offended by the way he referred to the children at the orphanage as ‘figures’.In the event that you’re a nobleman, the orphans may look shabbily dressed and unhygienic, wondering when they took a bath.
Cain was annoyed but managed to keep it to himself. It was a testament to Cersis education.
“I heard that it was your advice to accompany him to the orphanage and to familiarize himself with the orphans there beforehand. Thanks to your advice, the Crown Prince has a very good reputation in the city.”
The reputation of Arundilano in the city was of no concern to Cain! He thought that Arundilano’s slightly distorted view of love and affection was due to a lack of love and affection with his parents, so he suggested that he go to the orphanage as a way to spend time with his mother, who was busy with work.
If he was going to do this, it would be better to be praised by his mother, so he had the orphans interact with him beforehand. That was all.
“It would be a great honor for our family if we could contribute to improving the reputation of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. We are always praying for the development of the royal family. However, the other day, this child took the Crown Prince to ruin and put him in danger. We are in the process of putting him under house arrest and making him stop communicating with the outside world and going out so that he can reflect on his actions. Under those circumstances, I think it would be difficult for him to help you.”
My mother, Elyse, opened her mouth to decline.
I didn’t tell my parents that I advised Arundilano to follow your mother’s official duties. Fabian knows that I took him to the orphanage, so it’s possible that my parents have heard about it, but Cain hasn’t dared to tell them.
I heard about it,” he said. “However, the explosion was an accident, and it is common for children to long for a secret base, especially if they are boys. His Majesty the King and Her Royal Highness the Queen have decided to dismiss the matter as a children’s playground.”
The attempt of steaming the crown prince’s brain, the kidnapping, and taking him to a bomb site is dismissed and not being questioned? Please take more care of your crown prince… Cain protested without saying a word.
At first, Cain has been thinking that for the sake of Dianna’s happiness, he didn’t mind if Arundilano dies as long as he can make it look like an accident at worst, but lately I’ve been feeling sorry for Arundilano, and I hope he grows up to be a straightforward person who won’t harm Dianna.
What was the point of his parents simply ‘dismissing’ the matter out of hand, when even he thought it was a bit excessive? Cain couldn’t accept it.
“I can’t give a specific answer right away. I would appreciate it if you give me time.”
Because there was Ilvalino’s connection with the orphanage, he was able to do such a thing. It’s not easy to choose an event from a month in advance when you are suddenly asked to choose one that you are fully prepared for.
“Then, in three days, His Majesty the King and Her Royal Highness will have an audience with Mr. Cain. I want you to choose a candidate by then.”
Three days from now, His Majesty the King made time for me.
Cain can’t help but shout out at the unbelievable fact, and Elyse tries to restrain him. Elyse also looks puzzled, even as she admonishes Cain.
“Three days from now, I will send someone to pick you up in the afternoon. By then, please decide which official duties the Crown Prince should accompany you on next. It will affect the Crown Prince’s reputation in the future, so please be careful.”
After saying this, the man with the name that made me feel like biting my tongue left the place.