Although the both of us pointed at the other and ordered the girls to attack, no one moved. It seemed like the imposter’s ruse had worked too well. Everyone doubted that the other Deek was an enemy. I felt angry, although it wasn’t specifically at them. I felt angry about this whole situation. I had been gone for months, expecting to come home to girls who were worried sick about me, only to find that they barely even cared I was home.
This imposter had taken up residence in my mansion, somehow stealing all of the slave bonds in my absence, and then pretended to be me. Once the blessings had been lost, it would have been all too easy for them to systematically take the bond with Slave steal. After all, with me in another world and him looking just like me, the girls would have willingly let themselves be stolen. I had foolishly thought there was nothing to worry about and they’d all be fine, but I had a lot to worry about.
“Come, we’re leaving.” I finally dropped my hand and sent a Slave Order to all of the girls on my side.
Lydia and Miki cried out at suddenly being addressed, but after I gave them a look, they followed Carmine to my side. When the imposter saw this, his looks darkened. At that moment, his body started to change, revealing the female Deek. Lydia had mentioned that this Deek wasn’t a boy, but it took seeing it for me to truly realize it.
“Where do you think you’re going?” She coldly huffed in a feminine voice.
“Do you really think that is me?” I demanded, looking at each of the girls. “That’s not even a man.”
Her eyes widened, and then she grabbed her chest. When she realized she had changed back, she reached for her pocket, but after a second, she took her hand away, staring at me defiantly.
“Master… please don’t do this,” Celeste begged. “There are just two Deeks now. It’s okay.”
“There is only one Deek,” I responded. “And I am him. This… is something else. I know you’re all confused, but I need you all beside me. We’re going to retake Chalm, and stop Lord Aberis’s plan. Remember, this fool still thought it was just Lord Reign. I’ve fought him. I know what he’s capable of. I’ve even defeated him and escaped his dungeon. Victory comes through me. Will none of you come?”
The girls in front of me were Astria, Celeste, Terra, Shao, Raissa, Salicia, and Faeyna. Standing on my side were Lydia, Miki, Carmine, Bernice, Elaya, and Garnet. At this moment, I was slightly worse off, never mind the fact she had the support of Chalm. It was possible I could get Xin’s help, but Xin was trapped in the dungeon, so she wasn’t someone I could call on too easily.
“I am the real Deek!” The imposter said, her voice filled with ice. “I shouldn’t even need to have this conversation. You’ve all been with me all this time, but where was he? I’ve been by your side! You know it’s true!”
At that moment, the bonds changed again, and one of my slaves disappeared!