Chapter 27 “Another Legendary Item!”
Spirit and others directly got petrified at the reminder.
The flowers bloom all year round, but never do they last. This wasn’t normal, absolutely not normal! In fact, it’s a bit scary….
Sure, with modern technology it’s possible to forcibly trick a plant into blooming at certain times of the year, but that’s only done under controlled environmental conditions.
How did Chu Yun do it?
How can he go against common sense?!
“This, this…”
Fang Guofeng’s limbs felt cold and weak. As the chief detective of the security agency of the country, he’s seen a lot and experienced a lot, but never did he get this uneasy chill crawling up his back. It’s like something was strangling his mental fortitude and thrusting his body into a world of ghosts and mystery. Nothing was making sense anymore!
However, he wasn’t the only one having that idea. The viewers in the live broadcast also felt the same way and instinctively shrank back from the screen like they’re watching a horror movie.
Wang Teng also leaked cold sweat but spoke anyways: “Let’s calm down first everyone, I’m sure there’s a good reason for this. Let’s listen to Director Guo’s explanation before getting riled up. Jumping to conclusions and making wild speculation is unfitting of us.”
“I agree. We’re all educated people so let’s look at this scientifically. Maybe the nutrients in the soil are special and affecting the flowers to bloom at the same time?”
This speculation was very scientific, and immediately made many people nod.
However, Guo Mingda’s following words killed the theory right away, “The key factor isn’t related to the soil, but the tree itself!”
Making a shocked face, Gold Mine Zhou instantly objects, “Director Guo, what do you mean by that? How can a tree have such an effect?”
The mystery was an itch that everyone wanted satiated, and it’s driving them crazy not being able to know.
“This tree, it’s called the Millennium Sandalwood!” Guo Mingda threw the name down with strength as if proclaiming the discovery of the century.
Millennium Sandalwood?
Everyone imagined a rock flying over their head due to that unknown name. No matter how they wracked their brains, the tree just couldn’t come to mind.
“What kind of tree is that?” Gold Mine Zhou looked all confused and urgently wanted to know: “Hey, you can’t do this. I know I’m not educated in history and botany like some of you, but that doesn’t mean you can just throw some random name out here and say it’s valuable. Quit playing games and explain.”
The others also had similar looks due to being strung along. They didn’t like being kept in the dark, especially when it’s so important.
Smiling in gratification, Guo Mingda relished in the fact that only he knew: “Alright, alright, I will stop teasing you all. This is something I learned from an old text kept inside the National Museum. This Millennium Sandalwood is a special tree that takes a thousand years to grow. Until maturity, this plant will burrow itself underground until the timing is right. It doesn’t need sunlight or watering, only the nutrient in the soil and air. I had no way to confirm another detail, but rumors has it that the tree will constantly produce an everlasting scent of the four-season that never dissipates!”
In the historical records, there are too many wild stories about the Millennium Sandalwood so its impossible to say what’s true or not. But now they got a live sample in this underground portal into the unknown!
Did we get thrust into a novel book or something?
Is there really such a thing in the world?
Fuck, it’s made up, right?!
The live broadcast also flew into an uproar like the people currently standing before the tree.
“What is this Millennium Sandalwood? Why so mysterious?”
“Wouldn’t it have turned to carbon by then? A thousand years is an awfully long time.”
“Upstairs, didn’t you see what Director Guo said? It’s a special tree…”
“This… wouldn’t it be impossible for such a tree to fully mature?”
“I wouldn’t say that. You’re watching the stream are you not? At least its already done the evergreen part of four seasons.”
“If Director Guo hadn’t made it up, the value of these trees are beyond imagination!”
Wang Teng gulped, “Old Guo, are you sure you are right?”
“I’m eighty percent certain.” Guo Mingda sounded of confident in his voice, “In fact, the reason why the fragrance here makes us feel so comfortable is not from the flowers, but these trees!”
Everyone instantly got hooked on that last remark, which they promptly ran over to verify for themselves by sniffing the tree bark.
The next moment, their eyes invariably widened in surprise and they couldn’t stop their dog sniffing behavior.
Spirit and Coco were the most exaggerated in their action and actually pushed the flowers aside to get their noses right up against the tree. They’re literally sticking their faces against the darn thing!
“Huh? What is going on? Why are the girls doing that? Are they losing their mind?”
“Is it that fragrant? I also want to take a whiff!”
“My brothers, I have a bold idea. What if we keep a piece of that tree bark on our bodies like deodorant? Won’t it attract girls to come smell us?”
“My god, you are right upstairs! We need to get our hands on this tree, fight boys!”
“I call dibs on the first perfume production! Where can I buy a bottle?”
Fang Guofeng couldn’t control himself either and took a big whiff. It’s too tempting for the likes of him to ignore. “I understand now. The fragrance from these flowers isn’t meant to lure insects or animals, but a camouflage for the tree itself!”
This notion was extremely crazy. Who could imagine a tree would use a thousand flowers to hide its own scent? That’s unheard of, yet the truth in front of their eyes said otherwise!!!
Gold Mine Zhou reluctantly left the trunk and said infatuatedly: “I admit, I was wrong in doubting Director Gou. These trees are at the same national level as the Night’s Pearl!”
He’s a gold merchant in and out so he naturally loves the gemstones, but this tree was a treasure in itself. There’s no way the fatty businessman could ignore it. If possible, he would buy it all with his entire fortune!
Yet, Guo Mingda’s following reply brought even more shock to the room, “Haha, you think this tree is only good for its scent?”
The scalps of the crowd tingled and goosebumps rose from their skins again.
No way?!
Is there something else?!
This time, even Gold Mine Zhou’s tone was starting to tremble in unease for what’s to come.
“The old text I read also recorded this: those who wear such wood on their bodies will prolong their life and be protected from insects! A prized treasure for those seeking immortality!!!”