Chapter 328: Tongue Tied
“Damn… fucking… tie…!”
Sixth time, sixth try. The man in the mirror was not a happy man, in fact, he looked anything but. Yet he wasn’t always like this, not too long ago in fact, he was as normal as normal would get.
Then he had just to scour his wardrobe for that damned suit vest, just had to read that accursed text to quote, unquote, “dress his best”. You see what fashion does to a countryman? The repercussions of grandeur?
It unravels him, undoes him – to the point of madness. Ties? Why ties? Why are they so easy to get wrong, yet so hard to get right? Why does the big part have to always be longer than the thin part? It’s still being worn, isn’t it? Why can’t I just wear it as is? Better yet, how about I tie a few more loops around, make a noose? I think I’d have a much better time and better odds of succeeding too.
Mirror man was getting crankier by the knot. Could hear him muttering under his breath, fogging the glass, swearing hand over heart that he does indeed know how to tie a tie. He’s done it before, he swears! He knows how to tie a tie, he doesn’t need a fucking tutorial telling him how – what is he, five?!
No videos! You hear me, no videos! I – he can do it… he can do it.
Seventh times the charm. It’s only taking this many times because he keeps distracted. So many things on the mind, how’s a man supposed to think?
Take Adalia for example, nearing seven in the evening, and yet she still hasn’t come back. It’s concerning, distracting… was I worried? A little… but not too much. She’s been out before, she’s come back before.
She’ll come back. That was that. Must just be a pretty long question she’s asking, is all. As for blood… well, she’s gone far longer without it before. Should be fine.
Then there’s also the Fey that was now currently dawdling around in the living room. For some Godforsaken reason, Sera’s made it ostensibly clear she’d rather spend the night here staring up at a ceiling and not underneath the twinkle of stars for a change.
When prodded for a valid reason, she refused to say… not that she could say anyway.
Was it a good idea to keep her for the night? Was it? Who’ll watch Ria? Just gonna leave her all night there at the park? Plus she’s scaring Mr. Black here. The moment he caught sight of her, he made a mad dash to my bedroom… and to this moment was still curled up underneath my bed no matter how many sardines I waved in his face.
Ash reassured plenty she’d keep an eye on things, that they’ll both be fine tonight, and she’ll even check up on Ria, while I’m out with Irene too…
Let’s talk about something else.
Like the fact that Amanda’s words were running its 507th lap around the endless track field in my head, how about that? Who the hell does she think is saying something so ambiguously non-ambiguous before driving off into the sunset leaving so many things unsaid.
Plop all these thoughts into one, then mix ’em, stir ’em, blend ’em, you can kinda see why mirror-man was having as much trouble as he was.
But I think he’s got it this time, actually. You loop this part here, you push down that part there, wrap it around, pull on the skinny pulley thing – done! Tie tied, suit donned like a mafia don, and might I add, mirror-man too looked mighty fine wearing that smile there.
Should mention that that’s just my opinion, though… and the last time I had an input on fashion sense, I got tutted and shamed by a millennium-old phoenix with a vendetta against my sense of style.
Meaning to say, perhaps I’d be far better off with a second opinion than just the initial one… don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of the Succubus, after all.
But who? Apart from the fashion phoenix herself, who among us readily available now knew damn well how to look their best so easily and effortlessly?
Is such a mythical being even known to exist? At such short notice? And at this late in the hour?
Mirror’s man eyes shifted subtly to his left, and as such, I mirrored him back, coming upon my bedroom door resting ajar… and beyond it, illuminated by the dying evening light, was a hallway leading to another bedroom doorway closed shut.
I met mirror man’s gaze once again, reflecting back hesitance, apprehension, then hearing Amanda’s words lapped its last, also a little touch of derring-do.
“Yes, there is,” He answered back, instantly disappearing from sight with a single step left.
I took my phone along with, giving another split-second glance at the latest update I received, <> before stuffing it inside my vest, breathing in deep.
The soles of my shoes pressed hard against the floorboards, squeaking already with only just the lightest pressure. Along the way, I peeked downstairs to the living room, where a cloaked figure sat on one of the couches staring mystified over the large rectangular black box in the wall, and just how the small contraption in her hand was capable of changing its voice and sound.
I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually, Sera.
Before I knew it, I’ve already reached… staring blankly at her closed door for a full second. I didn’t even notice how large my strides were. Was I really that much in a hurry? Was it because I didn’t wanna be late like Irene said? Was I really knocking on Ash’s door right now just because I wanted her opinion? Or was it because of something else?
Did I have another reason?
Too bad mirror man was nowhere to be seen right now… just one look in his eyes, and the answer would have been crystal clear. Just gonna have to make do, I guess.
“Ash?” I knocked again. “Are you… are you in there? Kinda need your help with something if that’s alright.”
Somewhere inside, I heard a scuffle… don’t ask me how I heard it, it wasn’t like I was pressing my ear up against the doorframe or anything, so don’t even start right now, alright?
No one will believe you. Tell no one.
Shortly after the scuffle came the scamper of feet, then, instantly freezing my joints rigid, a distant voice emerged through the narrow slit.
“I’ll be… I’ll be right there,” spoke the muffled voice through hardwood. “Just a moment, please.”
That moment was a long one, or at least it felt like it – stretched out to the point of agonizing – I don’t know what’s got my heart pounding, why half of me was yearning for that doorknob to stay untouched.
But like hell was I gonna cower. I didn’t just spend an entire afternoon of self-reflection just to shatter that mirror of change immediately right after. I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.
Talk the talk, walk the walk.
The door clicked, the knob turned. Slowly the close became open.
“Yes, Master?” Ash’s voice sounded out first, then the rest of her came after. “What have you need of me?”
I blanked out at that moment. It was only for less than a second, but I felt it greatly… and when I snapped back to the moment at hand, I realized my mouth was hanging wide open, and my eyes were burning from staring for so long.
Ash was… wet.
Long soggy silver hair dripping droplets to the floorboards. Her smooth white skin so shiny with dampness, a single white towel wrapped tightly around her slender frame, blanketing most of her… but certainly not enough of her.
I think it was the towel’s fault, really. The reason why my eyes kept wandering astray. Far too small to fit… all of her. That or perhaps she was just far too… well… big. She stood out, and she was standing out dangerously.
“Um…” I tried blinking it away, recouping my senses with a smile showing. “I’m sorry, is now a bad time?”
“When the matter concerns you, it never is,” Ash responded, curtaining away the loose strands of hair obscuring her moist, glossy face.
“Even for a shower, I see,” I remarked, addressing her less-than-modest appearance before me.
She paused briefly, looked away fleetingly, subtly adjusting the towel raising it higher, and when that didn’t work, made do with one arm running over her chest, doing her utmost to keep her face from doing anything more than just staring straight.
“The gown I was given, admittedly, is not the most comfortable of casualwear. I felt it best to change out of it as soon as I was able to.”
“Until I went ahead and interrupted that,” I said, finishing her tale. “My bad, sorry.”
“It’s no matter, Master, please, it’s alright,” She said hastily, wearing that kind reassuring smile of hers once again. “Now please, tell me, what am I able to do for you now?”