Chapter 514: The Greater Evil
Surreal doesn’t even begin to describe it.
It was like one of those insane fever dreams your mind cooks up when you’re deep, deep under… only it was real – this was all real.
Harry stared at me like a cornered animal, a feral beast gnashing stained, bloodied teeth – the rope around his ankle eating into his skin.
This desperation, this blind anger – I’ve only ever seen it one time, the first time… when Jay and I first met. Those loathing eyes, I remembered them all too well.
I don’t know it was… maybe it was the fact he was using Harry’s disheveled face as his mask, but that frail, bony figure half-hidden in darkness had an aura about him that permeated a frigid chill that nearly froze my blood.
Without even thinking, the question jumped out my lips like practiced instinct, “Is Harry still in there?”
Mom immediately followed my gaze, turning halfway, and glancing at him with a half-stare.
“Because of you,” She began, lips also in a half-smile. “Yes.”
Just as quickly, she looked back at me, her raven black eyes almost seeming to glow their own light.
“I watched you grow your entire life dearly wishing you’d never know the mystical side to yourself. A normal life, whatever that may be. But still, I won’t lie… I did have my private moments where I did wonder just how well you’d do if I had taught you more than just how to tie your shoes growing up, you know?”
When I graduated high school, standing up on that stage, hat and all. I remembered spotting Mom in that sea of smiling, sniveling parents; swelling with such pride and joy that’s still yet to ever be matched.
Until now.
“I was so sure when I first began the set up to that barrier all those years ago, back when I still could just hold you in my arms, that come what may, nothing was ever going to break it. Not to brag, but I am rather confident in my abilities. I knew that what I’ve cultivated was strong, very strong… but it seems that little boy in my arms was stronger. A lot more than I could ever have imagined.”
She says all this proud and ecstatic but all I could hear right then, as much as she tried to hide it, was the heavy strain in her voice.
“You did a fine job, dear,” She continued, blowing a little sigh. “But don’t do it again. If you had died… well… let’s not think about it.”
“I wasn’t planning to,” I heaved. “But like you said… I had to prove myself to you first, didn’t I?”
“And you did, loud and clear,” She nodded. “But I assumed that when it eventually came down to it, that in the end, you’d value your own life more over his….”
“Maybe,” I said. “But growing up, you taught me better than that, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did,” She closed her eyes, letting out another sigh. “My mistake.”
I decided to shift topics, scouring around a little more, and finding the barn far emptier than it should be.
“Where’s Adalia?” I asked. “I remember hearing that she’s with you.”
“Then it seems you’ve simply heard wrong, dear,” She said, before promptly explaining. “I actually sent her away, somewhere far away to get something for me. Matriarchs can travel great distances at great speeds, you see… so she’s perfect for the task.”
But her explanation only ended up springing up more questions for me to inquire, the most glaring of which…
“Get you what?” I furrowed my brow. “And from where?”
“Something that’ll hopefully help,” was all she had to say about it. “And until then, here I remain.”
Sammy, still maintaining her stance of silence, darted her eyes to the side, and upon glancing briefly at Harry, instantly put that stance on hold.
“So what happens now?” She asked, her voice with a hard yet brittle edge to it, careful not to meet with the gentle gaze in front of her directly. “I thought you’d have fixed him by now.”
Mom parted her lips again to speak – but then the voice that sounded in the drizzling silence was instead a raspy, derisive sneer.
“She can’t!” Harry shambled forward, the rope digger deeper as it tugged him back. “She’s tried! Over and over! Please, go on! Tell them! Give them the truth! How you tried, how you failed! Why you need the aid of that pale-faced bitch all of a sudden. Oh, the great and vile Terestra going soft! Can’t even silence me right! You’ve gotten weak!”
His words struck hard – like lightning to the veins. I looked to Mom for her response, but all I managed to catch was the inky flutter of her long black gown as she quickly turned, pacing forward.
“If you’re going to interrupt, at least relay something that matters,” She said calmly but firmly. “From threats, to insults, and now you’re spouting petty lies… frankly, you’re regressing. If you’re going to spite me, then I do wish you’d do better than that.”
“I’m lying? Really, now?” He contended, eyes wide and wild. “Since when does Terestra limp? Since when does Terestra cough? Something’s happened. You’re vulnerable now. You’re weak!”
“I’m sick, I’m not weak,” She corrected, before cocking her head to the side. “But then again, you’d probably know all about how it’s like to be weak and powerless, don’t you, Grieven?”
Grieven… that’s his name? Jay’s real name. Guess it was. The fury in his expression emboldening, the trembling of his eyes, he was shaking – it had to be.
“Yes, I know you – the real you, not this insignificant fragment of a spiteful soul before me now. I know what makes you laugh, what makes you cry, what you’ve loved, and what you’ve lost… I know it all. More than even you yourself, perhaps.”
I hate this dissonance, the way she carried herself right now… how she talked, walked… the sight and sound of my mother in every way, and yet all I could see and hear was someone completely different.
“And I know your hate too,” She continued. “And, oh how you hate me, don’t you? Not that I blame you, though. Perfectly understandable.”
“YOU DON’T GET TO TALK ABOUT IT!” He roared, lunging at her, spit flying, only to be stopped mere inches away from her by a continuously straining rope. “NOT LIKE THAT! LIKE IT’S NOTHING! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!”
“Unfortunately, it seems not everything,” She said, impassive to his intense rage. “You kept your life, didn’t you? And just how did you manage that? By threatening a poor Magus, abandoning your realm – yet is it not your pledge to the Divines that you will always uphold their decrees? And there you go violating the most cardinal one. You know, for a people that loved their Gods, you sure are awfully cowardly when it comes to finally meeting them. Is that not the very definition of hypocritical? Weak?”
That struck a nerve, in an instant, he shot his skinny arms forward at her – but then faster than I could blink, something forced them back down at his sides, keeping them there, as he squirmed, as he struggled.
“It’s weak to lie down and accept death?!” He shouted.
“It’s weak to abandon your friends, your family… wouldn’t you say?”
“I didn’t abandon them, you killed them!” He spat at her, his voice filled with utter disdain and contempt. “And now you’re here?! You’re happy?! Happy?! With kids, with a husband, living your life quietly, peacefully… after everything you’ve done?!”
“Yes,” She said casually, always gently. “It does seem a little unfair, doesn’t it?”
Suddenly, his bulging eyes darted away – and like a knife – piercing directly through mine.
“And you!” He yelled, baring teeth and drooling spit. “This is justice to you?! This is you doing what’s right?!”
“I’m saving this man’s life,” I firmly said back.
“And just who is this man?!” He snapped, chest frantically heaving, struggling with his breathing. “A cheat, a bastard, the owner of a large empty home! You’ll save his life?! You’ll help him, but I’m fated to die!? ”
“He’s innocent!”
“Is he now?!” He sniped again. “Why? Because I made him a victim?! Then what about me?! Her?!” He directed his gaze forward. “What about her?! She’s done more than me, longer than me, so why does she get to live?! Tell me, why is that?! Clearly you know your right from wrong, you should know the answer, so tell me! TELL ME!”
All of a sudden I found that I couldn’t shout at him back, not from a lack of strength, but from a lack of words… I didn’t know the answer…
That’s when Mom quickly stepped in, obstructing his invasive gaze from mine.
“I think that’s enough of that,” She said plainly. “Moral quandaries are a headache, and if you’re wishing for a true definitive answer – then realize that you’re simply asking the wrong question.”
“Then, tell me,” He asked her, “Is it right for my family to die, while yours thrives?!”
“A human question, see, you aren’t listening…” She said, shaking her head at him. “In turn, let me ask you, speaking as a God, is it really wrong for that to just be simply so?”
Jay… Grieven looked at her, his voice dropping to a low snarl.
“I’ll take it all away,” He said. “Everything you care about. Me, the real me… I’ll take them all away from you.”
She cocked her head. “Will you now?”
“I can’t kill you,” He continued. “But I can hurt you. Now that I know what I know, I will hurt you.”
“And what do you know?”
“That you can love, that you can care for others. In turn, it also means that you can lose.”
“You’ll hurt my family?”
“And more!” He bellowed. “So much more! In time, just give it time, you old wench… pretty soon, you’ll know to fear me.”
“And that’s where you’re sorely mistaken,” Mom said, realigning her head – her dark figure suddenly growing more imposing. “I’ve never feared, Grieven. I am fear – remember?”
A single simple gesture – her hand against his shoulder – and in an instant, he froze still, silent.
“Yes,” She nodded at him. “You remember. All too well, you do remember. You see? I knew you did.”
Her voice, in a whisper, amused… she’s enjoying this.
“Try not to forget it next time, alright? Because if you ever threaten my family again,” She told him politely. ‘I’m afraid I’ll have to give you a small reminder.”