Chapter 552: A Learned Discovery
Dinner was a very, very bland affair.
Probably because I made it myself… clumsily… cluelessly… in a poor attempt to replicate Ash’s cooking.
I got cocky, underestimated the skill requirement, and so for my arrogance – what was supposed to be a delicious batch of fried chicken became more like a pile of charcoal I randomly scooped up from when Santa left it beneath a chimney or something.
Still served it anyway, being raised in an upbringing that was taught not to waste, I didn’t have the heart to chuck it all in a bit. But strangely enough… nobody seemed to have much of an appetite tonight, leaving me alone to chew and swallow on the bitter taste of my every mistake.
maybe I should have Amanda come over and teach a few tricks sometime… at any rate though, my bowels are gonna love me in the morning…
This keeps up, I’m gonna have to resort to eating store-bought and cereal again like last time. Oh, my dear lovely Ash – please do get better soon. My life depends on it.
Indeed, the whole house felt significantly more barren and isolated without her presence these past few days. Up there, stuck in her bedroom, confined to bed by illness… well on the bright side, it’ll only be a few more days until her body learns to adapt to her new environments. Or so she assures me at least… and wasn’t just assuring me for the sake of assuring me, which frankly, doesn’t seem that far of a stretch either…
I had an early morning ahead of me tomorrow, so I decided to call it a day after such an exotic dining experience. I brought a tray along on the way, served with a bowl of hot soup and a glass of warm water.
This world might not have the other-realmly tonics that Elves require to sustain themselves against the harshness of the crisp, wintry seasons… but hey, figured soup was the closest thing we have to anything, I suppose.
“Oh, shi – Sera!” I called out reflexively, screeching to a halt at once, both soup and cup swiveling, nearly spilling. “Didn’t see you there.”
Once again, her silence had rendered her completely invisible to my acknowledgment. It’s like the third time I nearly forgot she even existed. Maybe I should get her a bell, make her wear it, sorta like a cow perhaps. Merry Christmas.
Sera didn’t move, just stared, continuing to obstruct the hallway with her slender frame, despite me giving every indication that I needed to slip by in order to get to Ash’s room… leaving me to arrive at one conclusion.
“Alright, fine,” I conceded, pushing the tray into her baggy sleeves where her hands were buried beneath. “She’s all in your capable hands, then. Go feel good playing nurse.”
And that she did. Without even sparing a second glance at me, she marched into the bedroom and closed the door, then a faint click – guess the guestroom wasn’t to her liking then.
After a refreshing shower and a quick change, I laid neck-deep in the warmth of my blanket, Mr. Black curled asleep by my feet, the darkness illuminated only by the soft white glow of my phone screen, swiping and scrolling mindlessly ’till I fall asleep… pretty much my version of counting sheep.
I was lying on my side, the comfiest I’ve ever been, bleary heavy eyes fuzzing the text on the display – and that was when I heard it. A faint pattering on the floorboards that did not at all sound like paws.
Sleepily, my lips curved into a smile. “What did I say about scaring me before bed, huh?”
I set my phone down against the mattress, and there, lurking beyond the bedside, that vapid, distant, murky gaze staring back at me so close by.
“Jokes on you,” I murmured, holding my fingers up and forming them into a circle. “My heart skipped only this many times this time, hah. Better luck next time.”
“Feed… now…” a quiet voice whispered, then in the darkness, a tugging began pulling at my sheets. “Hun… gry…”
“Alright, alright…” without another word, I internally, but tearfully parted ways from the loving embrace of my pillows, sitting upright and pulling back the sleeve of my pajamas, yawning. “Be sure to still leave some for me, yeah?”
As my eyes gradually readjusted to the dark void all around me, Adalia emerged into view, hunching, her expression hidden in the grey-silver streams of her hair, and gently, she firmly coiled her claws around my arm, a second later, I felt the prick of her fangs effortlessly piercing skin.
“Should really start keeping some spare blood in vials,” I said, thinking aloud if nothing else but to break the silence. “What do you think – good idea?”
Adalia suckled for a good few more seconds, before she unlatched herself with a faint relieving breath trickling against my bare skin. A few more seconds after that, she rose back up to her feet, and spoke, “No…”
“Blood spoils… no effect… no flavor… can’t feed… can’t taste… won’t help me…” She explained, blinking blankly at me. “Must be only… through you… inside you… there’s flavor… I can taste… I can feed… only you…”
I let her words sink in first, allowing the night-shift neurons to process it completely before I spoke, “So say if there’s ever a situation where you can’t get my blood anymore…”
“I… will… frenzy again… in time…” Adalia responded, finishing the thought as stoically as ever. “I won’t be me… any… more… I will have… to die… someone must… kill me…”
Christ, now I regret trying to make some small talk. How the hell did things get so dark so fast?
“Alright, duly noted,” I said, ending it there. “You may go off now… you might just spoil my sleep otherwise.”
I shifted myself back into bed, lifting my legs and curling myself back into the folds of my blanket, back in the embrace of comfort, ready once more for a somewhat peaceful sleep – but Adalia was still standing there, and so slumber remained so close and yet so far away.
“Umm…” I looked at her, blinking bewildered eyes. “Good night?”
“I know…” She suddenly said.
I blinked even harder. “You know what?”
That’s when she spurred into movement, slowly placing herself at the edge of the bed, the mattress sinking under our combined weight, as she leaned over, her vacant expression creeping closer and closer.
“I know…” She whispered again, her words leaving her fanged lips so forebodingly as she finished her sentence. “about Christmas…”
Oh. Huh.
“Christmas,” I repeated.
“Christmas…” She nodded back, repeating after me. “I know… all about it…”
Okay, sure, but why does she sound like she just unveiled a major global conspiracy that threatens that shake the world at its core?
“You and everyone else,” I said, both amused and confused now. “Don’t tell me you just realized what it is now – how many years have you been here?”
Adalia ignored the question, opting instead to elaborate further on her major discovery. “I watched… I learned… on Christmas… people decorate trees… they put flashing lights… they give gifts…” and there she paused, gazing at me, her focus momentarily diverted. “Do you have… a gift for me…?”
Well, shit.
“Umm, guess we’ll see, huh?” I answered, then quickly before she respond, I spoke. “So what else have you learned?”
“On Christmas…” Adalia continued. “People spend Christmas… together… with the people… they really love…”
“Mmm,” I nodded, vaguely having an idea where this ultimately was about to go. “And…?”
“I love… Amelia…” She said, a faint fondness ringing in the quiet. “But my sister… won’t be here with me… on that day…”
“Why not?”
“Someone else…” Adalia said. “Someone else asked her… she said no… but I told her to go…” She almost smiled. “I know… she wants to go…”
Someone else, huh? I think I might have an idea who that just might be…
“Ash is not well…” Her voice went faint again, almost as if deep in thought. “Irene is… scary… Amanda is scared of me… Ria is asleep… I don’t know Sera well…”
And then she was staring again, unblinking, piercing, like her fangs, sharp but harmless, gentle… looking back at me, the only one left to be mentioned.
“And there… is also… you…” She whispered, creeping closer again. “I love you too… right…?”
Why did she phrase that like a question?
But that did that. She didn’t have to elaborate on the point anymore – I knew what she wanted… and she knew that I knew what she wanted.
Adalia crawled another inch closer, in the darkness, her hand gently falling atop of mine, and she folded them together, her claws slipping seamless between my fingers.
“We spend Christmas… with the person we really… really love…” She said, her prior claim now altered just a little slightly, a little exclusively, singularly. “So is it okay… to want to spend… Christmas with you…?”