Fu Yu Sheng stared at the books before he crouched down and picked one from the floor and skimmed through it. Only a few glimpses were all it took before he threw the book down and fished out his phone to call the security guys of his team to ask, how in the world someone snuck inside his apartment with them on the guard and even left such —— such disgusting books, how can they let anyone leave them here? It was like written erotica! He didn’t even read erotica!
However, just as he called the head of the security team when it happened —— a marker pen that was sitting idly on the cabinet suddenly started floating in the air and then as if it was trying to make him believe that it was really floating it in front of him, it started to do a little wriggly dance before heading to the mirror that was on the corner of the room and then to his utter shock, the cap of the marker was unscrewed before it was thrown on the floor and then someone, he did not know who it was, started to write on the mirror.
It took a great amount of crossing out and a lot of hushed screechy whispers that Fu Yu Sheng counted as curses before the person whoever it was finished writing and him being the curious idiot he was, he started reading what was written on the mirror instead of calling Song Yan and asking her to take this thing away from him.
The note on the mirror read—- ‘ I brought these books for your self-study, read them properly and learn a thing or two so that your EQ will get a little better than it is at present, at least after learning these books by heart you will notmit the same mistake as this morning. Don’t need to thank me!’
‘P.S: Don’t tell Song Yan that I was here though.’
Then as quick as that thing could, it picked up the cap that was lying on the floor and then placed it back from where she has picked it up and then smooth and slick as butte, it —- whatever it was, walked to the French window to his balcony… Fu Yu Sheng thought it did because the window pane was slid open and then two seconds later, it was closed.
” Hello boss, is something the matter?” The head of the security team has been on line for a very long time but when he didn’t hear, Fu Yu Sheng say anything, he couldn’t help but call out to his boss. It wasn’t that he wanted to be nosy but the thing was that the silence was eating him, for two whole minutes he thought that something really bad happened to the boss and was now on his way to climbing the stairs to the seventh floor since the elevator was busy.
He even alerted the stand-by team to take a look at what was going on in the apartment.
Fu Yu Sheng finally snapped out of his daze and rubbed his face with his free hand before saying, “It’s nothing you all can go back, I am fine.” Then without giving a chance to the head of the security team to ask him any questions, he cancelled the call.
The head of the security team who finally climbed up to the fifth floor: “…” No wonder, Assistant Xu called Boss, the demon lord. He was really a demon lord who sucked the life out of his employees!
Fu Yu Sheng didn’t know that he was being cursed by his employee instead he walked to the mirror, and took another look at the words that were written on it, before sighing, ” Will you look at that? Other people get a dog or a cat maybe even a crocodile for keeping thempany and then there is my wife who is keeping ghosts to apany her.”
And then turned his head slightly to look at the books that were scattered all over the floor. ” Ghosts who are teaching me how to be a romantic husband with a better EQ.” Can there be anything more humiliating than this? He was being taught about how to chase after his wife by a ghost.
Amazing. For more chapters, please visit
Fu Yu Sheng was just pondering about whether, he should call the housekeeping service and clean the room when curiosity got the best of him, he shot another hesitating glance at the books that were lying innocently on his floor and then looked around carefully before bending down and picking one up.
He walked to his favourite reading spot by the window and took a seat before he started to read the book seriously. The more he read the more engrossed he became and after a while, he found out that the hero of the book was having the same trouble as him thus, he got even more interested and continued to read the book until three in the morning.
After he was done reading, Fu Yu Sheng put the book down with an expression that couldn’t be described as confusion or stunned disbelief. He stared at the book for a long time before picking it up and skimming through it again and then putting it down —— he could of course read what was written in it but he couldn’t understand what was it trying to say.
Albeit confused and a little excited to get an answer to his problem, he picked up his phone and then called Wang Yufan, given how that guy changed his girlfriends so often he would be able to explain it to him nicely.
Wang Yufan who was sleeping in his condo woke up with a start as —- ” I am Sexy and I know it” by LMFAO started to play in his room.
Seeing that it was just his phone ringing, he let out a curse of strings after looking at the time that ceased as soon as he saw who was calling him. ” B…Brother Sheng? What a pleasant surprise. Why are you calling me so late at night?”
From the other side came the sound of laboured breathing that was a heck lot weird for Wang Yufan who took the phone away from his ear and then placed it back after confirming the caller and the number. ” Brother Fu? If you called me to ask whether I sleep naked or not then the answer is——”
” If a man feels his stomach bottomed out and his heart being scratched by an unknown itch when he sees his woman with someone else what does that mean?” before he could finish, Fu Yu Sheng hurriedly interrupted him.
Wang Yufan blinked his eyes and then said, ” Can you repeat that but slowly?”
” Yufan!”
” All right, don’t get your contracts in a twist,” said Wang Yufan as he sat up straight. “It means that the man is jealous, doesn’t it? But why are you asking me that?”