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Obey Me: Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The Tip of a Fork

Gladios barged in as soon as the late breakfast was over. It was when she had tea time after the meal.

“Kyrie! Miss Kyrie Buchanan!”

‘Yes, I’ve been waiting, you immature hero.’

A combative smile appears on Kyrie’s face.

“I was going to look for you, anyway.”

“Yes, were you?”


Surprisingly, Gladios flushed a little. How big was his imagination, thinking too deeply with the words ‘I was going to find you.’

Contradictory to his optimism, Kyrie was disgusted and stared at him sharply.

“Mr. Gladios.”

“Would you listen to me first, Miss Kyrie?”

No, but she was obligated to listen to him according to his rank. Still, Kyrie was a bit regretting last night’s outburst.

“Please speak.”

“Miss Kyrie… Yesterday I was in the wrong.”


“I wasn’t being considerate to your tender and modest self. I was also too reckless, wasn’t I?”

Kyrie snorted. ‘Of course. I didn’t expect you to know your fault.’

“If that’s what you think. May I talk to you as well?”

“Oh, I’ll listen to you!” Gladios shouted.

He eagerly wanted to ‘listen to the lady.’

Kyrie laughed, let’s see how much he will be willing to listen after realizing where this is heading.

“Please stop the serenading. It’s quite burdensome.”

“What…?” Gladios stumbled a little.

“As a member of Buchanan, I, of course, would like to maintain a good relationship with the Marquis of Vermont. However, it seems that you misunderstood the meaning between us as a man and a woman, so it is quite difficult.”

“What? Wait, Miss Kyrie!”

“Yes, that’s my name.”

It was because of her damn position as the prince’s fiancee that she had so far been overlooking Gladios’s persistent and discourteous approach.

Now that it had been broken off, she no longer had to hide her cynicism. Disregarding what the social circle will gossip behind her back, calling her a stone woman or a slut. Either high or cheap.
(T/N: High or cheap meant that some would admire/hold her up in high regards, while others will look down on her)

‘What are you going to do? I’m tired of meeting your expectations.’

“Stop, Mr. Gladios. Don’t you really know what the public thinks about you?”

Gladios’s body flinched at Kyrie’s cold-blooded remarks.

“Do you actually think it’s courteous to send a letter to an innocent lady anonymously? In addition to observing her daily routine, hitting an innocent servant with a scabbarded sword on a date with a lady to assert your masculinity?”

Whether that cynical smile acted as the trigger, the fire quickly rose from Gladios’s eyes, turning him into a bloodshot doll.
(T/N: bloodshot doll means his body turned red from anger)

“You… You’re honestly too much! I was going to give you a chance!”

“A chance?”

“A chance to apologize for insulting me!”

“Did I insult you, Mr. Gladios?”


Gladios shook, his face distorted in anger. The greatsword on his back rattled threateningly subsequently.

“Didn’t you say I was ugly!”

Kyrie calmly held the teacup, while looking right at him.

“Did I? I’m sorry. I think I’ve been observant these days, so I’ve become more honest.”


At that time, a peal of soft laughter intervened between the two.
Concurrently, Gladios, who raised his hand at Kyrie, who was drinking tea, turned to where the sound originated.

There was Nataniel giggling, all while holding a saucer and a cup of tea. After realizing the gaze of the two, he squinted his eyes.
(T/N: For Nathaniel Kyrie and Gladios are a pair of Jokers)

[Ah. Please don’t mind me. Keep going.]

That was Nathaniel’s first word. He had seen everything from the beginning, while sitting on the small tea table near them.

Now, bulging veins were clearly visible on Gladios’s neck.
(T/N: control your temper bruh)

“Did you just laugh at me?!”

‘Still, you are disrespectful.’

Kyrie felt strangely relieved.
(T/N: It’s because Gladioso’s mind was a bit distracted)

“Mr. Gladios, I believe we are still talking”

“Enough, get out of here! Even if you are a woman, you are just like a female wildcat… It’s futile being nice to you!”

She was bewildered. When did he treat her well? Who asked him to be nice to her?

A smile disappeared from Kyrie’s face.

“If I’m a female cat, then you are a male boar. Look at your own self before pointing fingers at others.”

[N: Kyrie is indirectly saying that he doesn’t know common sense nor respect. Especially how he looks down on other men, when he is supposed to look at himself first.]

She was quite embarrassed for her manner since it’s rather sarcastic. But she was confident and would not back down.

Nathaniel was insanely joyful and enjoying this, just by looking at his face.

Gladios, on the other hand, was outraged and raised his arms to his head.

(T/N: People like him need a good smacking on butt)

“How dare you!”

Kyrie shut her eyes tightly.

Ah, it would be great if this would be the end between the Marquis of Vermont and her.

However, the force she was waiting for did not come.

When she cautiously opened her eyes, she saw Nathaniel holding the tip of a fork against Gladios’s arm.

I repeat, THE TIP OF A FORK.

[Jeez. You can’t use violence against a lady in front of me.]

Nathaniel looked at Gladios with a relaxed smile.

[It’s upsetting when the person before you doesn’t know how to treat a lady. But of course, he wouldn’t understand the subject of manners and courtesy.]

“How dare you insult me!”

Along with the yelling, Gladios’s face roused with bursting anger.

Gladios took off his gloves and threw them to Nathaniel.

“Good! I challenge you to a duel!”

T/N rant:

Gladios is a shame on humanity.

Nathaniel. I. Want. You. Please. Bring. Me. In. Your. World

Well go read the chp 16. After translating the chp 16 I am worried about Kyrie.

Anyways a beautiful fanart for y’all~

Kyrie Buchanan

‘The perfect Aristocrat’