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Perfect Superstar: Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Chapter 121 – Come In Waves

“SingingChina” is the first reality talent show launched by Beijing Satellite TV.It is divided into seven singing areas: Beijing, Shengjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou,Tianfu, Huacheng and Bihai. The total prize amount is more than 30 million yuan!

Such anamount of money has greatly exceeded that of Xiangnan Satellite TV, which isfamous for its wealth.

Althoughonly 10 million of the 30 million is the cash reward, the rest are gimmicks of contracttraining and packaging promotion, but the allocation is still not small.

The singing areachampion award reached 100,000, the runner-up was 50,000, the third runner-upwas 20,000, and the remaining seven contestants who advanced to the top 10 alsoeach had 10,000, all of which were post-tax bonuses.

After thebirth of the top 10 in the Beijing singing area, they will travel to the sixmajor singing areas for a tour of knockout competition early next month. Thewinners of the top 10 will have corresponding bonuses until the top 10 in thecountry is decided, and then return to Beijing for the final election.

The nationalchampion’s bonus is as high as 5 million, including 1 million cash awards and 4million new star training fund!

It isprecisely because the awards are so generous that “Singing China” hasbeen sought after by numerous professional and non-professional singers. Thecompetition in the seven major singing areas is in full swing, with risingratings.

BeijingSatellite TV has made a lot of money in advertising.

As the mostimportant Beijing singing area in the seven singing areas, the ratings of thetop 10 final on the evening of July 31 broke through 4%, reaching 4.76%, whichis as hot as 5%.

At present,the ratings of domestic TV programs are surveyed independently by the newcompany under the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT),and belong to the state-owned third-party authority. Therefore, theauthenticity is beyond doubt.

In the past,when the benefits of TV advertisement doubled dramatically, there were once asmany as a dozen domestic television program rating survey organizations. Becausethere were no fixed standards, and an endless covert operations and insidertrading, the situation was chaotic and disorderly.

Someorganizations didn’t even have any qualifications and dare to produce ratingslists.

Later,because the opinions of the industry were too great, the State Administrationof Radio, Film and Television personally set up a new company and swept allsort of bad elements into the garbage heap of history. Only then can thedomestic TV programs have reliable ratings data.

The audiencerating data collection of the new company is not limited to the TV screen, butalso includes the live webcast. And Beijing Satellite TV’s “SingingChina” Beijing singing area hadn’t gotten a rating of more than 4%.

Thisbreakthrough reached 4.76%, an increase of 1%, which is worth celebrating.

On theevening of August 1, the first national finals of Xiangnan Satellite TV’s”Super Singer” was broadcast live with a rating of 3.42%.

This result wasa big surprise. It should be known that in terms of variety shows, XiangnanSatellite TV has always been the authoritative leader, and has basically notlost in a showdown with other satellite TV. In the early stage, it also steadilysuppressed Beijing Satellite TV.

But thesituation has finally changed.

Although thespecific reasons need to be concretely analyzed, many people in the industrybelieve that the decline in the ratings of “Super Singer” has acertain relationship with Ling Xiaoxiao’s lack of follow-up.

In thatnight’s competition, Ling Xiaoxiao’s original work “Kaleidoscope” wasmediocre, and on the Internet, the discussion that his work imitated and copiedKDK, a former South Korean male group, has not quieted down.

By comparison.As Ling Xiaoxiao’s rival, Lu Chen, who sang at “Singing China” was fiercer andmore successful.

Lu Chen’soriginal work “Fly Higher”, which he brought out in Beijing singingarea’s top 10 final, appeared on the new song list of WeChat Music the nextday, ranking ninth, and the number of clicks and downloads increaseddramatically.

In Inspur Blog,Xiaoxiao’s support group was no longer arrogant. Facing Lu Family Army’sprovocation, they all pretended to be dead dogs.

With the risingratings of “Singing China”, Lu Chen finally broke through hisoriginal circle and initially gained his own status and reputation in the popmusic world or the big entertainment industry.

Although heis still a young new star, but as an independent artist, to be able to come tothis step is a small miracle, and in the foreseeable future, his starlight willbecome more brilliant.

Two daysafter the end of Beijing singing area’s top 10 final. A number of entertainmentmedia and agency companies have come to him.

They apparentlyfound out the details of Lu Chen and wanted to come over early.

Lu Chenpushed all these visitors to Lu Xi.

His opinionis very clear, that is, signing a contract is out of the question, but cooperationis not a problem, as long as the other side is sincere.

But hisso-called cooperation, to put it bluntly, is selling songs!

Do you haveany new idols who need good songs?

Then our LuChen studio can tailor-made one for customers. As for the quality of the work, pleaserefer to “In Spring”, “Reason To Be Strong”, “You WhoSat Next To Me”, “Fly Higher” and so on.

As for theprice, a song is 200,000, with no upper limit!

Lu Chenstudio’s offer scared away several people who came with the idea picking upbargain, but also made several other powerful companies feel very entangled.

Lu Chen’stalent is beyond doubt. The value of a single “In Spring”, not to mention200,000, even 1 million is worth paying. Such classic is really too rare.

Buying asong for 200,000 yuan doesn’t put much pressure on them, but if the song they buyis inappropriate or can’t produce enough benefits, the person in charge will definitelygoing to suffer a loss.

To say theleast, Lu Chen’s rise is too rapid, unlike the established big names, who aretrustworthy in both credibility and strength. In case he runs out ofinspiration, can he still write good songs?

Then, notonly the 200,000 yuan be thrown in the water in vain, but they will also belaughed at by their colleagues!

After all,Lu Chen has created a lot of works now. As a young newcomer, his accumulationis still shallow.

In addition,there are some rumors in the circle, saying that the songs “In Spring”,”Reason To Be Strong”, “I Want To Have A Home” and “FlyHigher” do not seem to have been written by Lu Chen himself, and there maybe a behind-the-scenes team working on it.

Similarmatters like this have happened before.

Nowadays,99% of the so-called grass-root stars are hyped up.

This kind ofrumor was described as if it was real, but also has a certain reason. Althoughit is true that people are not jealous of mediocre talent. Lu Chen, whoseemingly has no roots, is so popular that it might not necessarily begroundless!

Therefore,after talking to Lu Xi, these companies chose to wait and see for a while.

Lu Chen didn’tcare about this. He said to Lu Xi, “The next time they come back, raisethe price of a song to 300,000 yuan, not a cent less!”

Lu Xi smiledand said, “Isn’t that not good?”

Lu Chen wasconfident: “At that time, it will be them asking us, not us asking them.”

Lu Chen’sgreatest wealth comes from the countless classics in the dream world. He can’tpossibly sing them all by himself. He’s definitely going to sell many of them.

But if goodthings are taken out too much, then it is worthless. Lu Chen was very clearabout this, so he would rather have them rot in his own hands than sell themcheaply in large quantities.

Theentertainment media companies that come to their doors are clearly unaware ofthis, or they are aware of this, but dare not gamble on the power they have. Itis perfectly normal to continue to wait and see.

However, at thistime and until “Singing China” competition is all over, the situationis bound to be very different.

And at thattime, it won’t be three or two kittens knocking on the door. (TN: Kitten =weakling. Or in this case, small company.)

Lu Chen isfull of confidence in this.

He set uphis own studio and took the path of independent artists without thinking abouthow to compete with his peers in the industry.

Lu Chen Studiois entirely for Lu Chen’s own service. The studio will not sign people or digpeople. It will not scramble for resources, but create resources. It canundoubtedly carry out friendly cooperation with most of its peers.

For example,the Nirvana Studio, which is making an album for him.

At least nowLu Chen has no ambition to build an entertainment media empire. What he wantsis to become a superstar like Tan Hong. Even more than his childhood idol, tobecome a genuine perfect superstar.

He wantseveryone to remember his name and bring all the classics from the dream worldinto this world.

And it maytake a lifetime to realize such a dream!

Some peoplecame, walk away, and went back empty-handed.

There arealso people that came, and they won’t stop until they take something with them.

Lu Chenstill welcomes such people.

“Hello,Director Su!”

On August3rd, a day before Lu Chen leaves for Shengjing, Su Qingmei, director of lightrain media, came to the studio.

This younglady came with two assistants and Lu Chen personally received them.

After all,Light Rain Media is his biggest partner at present.

Su Qingmei wasdismissive of the small studio, and didn’t even show interest in it. She wentstraight to the point and said bluntly, “Lu Chen, we want the song “FlyHigher”, and we can sign a contract now!”

Wanderingband became a hit, and “In Spring” has been at the top of the listfor three weeks. As a signing company of light rain media, how can they ignore LuChen’s work?

So, Su Qingmeicame, even though she was still a little uncomfortable with Lu Chen.

Lu Chensmiled lightly and said, “This song is going to be the second album of theNorth Needle Band, right?”

Su Qingmeiwas surprised: “How do you know?”

This is nothard to guess. Originally, Light Rain Media first signed the North Needle band,but later signed the Wandering band, and because the latter quickly puttogether a small album, so they took the lead.

Nowadays,the wandering band is very popular. On one hand, Light Rain Media should strikethe iron while is hot, on the other hand, they also have to push out the NorthNeedle band, in order to enhance their position in the industry.

With theexample of the Wandering band, a single title song “Blue Lotus” obviouslycannot meet the Light Rain Media’s requirements for the North Needle band, andtheir appetite has been raised.

“Thematter about the copyright, talk to the manager of our studio!”

Lu Chen wastoo lazy to answer her question and solemnly pushed his sister out to the otherparty.

“Lu Xiis also my agent.”

He believedthat Lu Xi’s ability was enough to hold the young lady steady.

And will notbe taken advantage by Light Rain Media.

Su Qingmeiand Lu Xi met for the first time.

When theyheld each other’s hand, and look at each other, there was a faint invisiblespark in the air.