Leaving the light dust book, Ling Jingxuan went to Xinyuan Restaurant and said to the shopkeeper, and bought some meat and vegetables, and the butcher gave it as always. He had several pig bones. When they returned to the village, several responsible persons of the engineering team had arrived. In the morning, about 30 workers brought by Liu Baoren started work. The outer isolation line was dug out and was responsible. The person in charge of the engineering team who built the courtyard wall went back to find someone after the scene, and promised to start construction at noon. Others also saw their respective parts under the leadership of Yan Ruirui, although the construction of the corridor needs to be dug out after the fish pond is dug out. However, they can first build the so-called factory building of Ling Jingxuan. As for the thatched cottage they live in now, because it is basically backed by Yuehua Mountain, in the initial planning of Ling Jingxuan, there will be a duck shed in the future, so no matter what the front is. Construction does not affect their lives.
Such a large-scale action is also related to Lingjiao Village’s most notorious Ling Jingxuan. The villagers who have no land at home or have been temporarily busy with farming have come to watch. Some people have tried to go forward with Ling Chenglong’s father and son. I want to know if Ling Jingxuan is How to make a fortune, but unfortunately, Ling Chenglong is always a smirk, and the Ling Jinghan brothers are more slippery than the mud. They can’t ask anything at all. The villagers can only stand on the outside and point to the hot scene. Envy and hate the argument.
"Hey, did the monk buy the cellar without you?"
In the crowd, the same is true of the singularity of the lively father and son. But everything in the village, regardless of size, must go through Lizheng, but Ling Jingxuan’s action is quick and fucking, and it’s late than the villagers. I know, no matter how he thinks about himself, the outsider seems to be playing his face in sorrow.
"Shut up, don't scream at the future, he is not the same as him, and our family is also??"?"
Looking at my son, I thought of what happened in the big room yesterday. Ling Qiyun was deeply sighed. Although this matter is strictly speaking, there is no direct relationship with him, but they are the same. Ling Chenghua and Ling Jingwei **** have undoubtedly hurt his face, and now they have any face 骂 Ling Jing Xuan people?
"Hey, the big man?? What are they going to do?"
Knowing what his father said, Ling Qicai’s eldest son Ling Chengyu was also looking down. Now it’s all over the place. The patriarchs and elders on the side of the ancestral hall sent people to intervene in the morning, if they can’t give it as soon as possible. If the solution is to be solved, I am afraid that it will be out of control, and it will be incestuous. It will still be estrus in the public. If anyone gets insulted, the impact is too great. It is impossible to suppress it only by the uncle and his sister.
“What can I do? I will follow the rules.”
According to the rules? Isn't that going to drive Lingcheng Hualing Jingwei out of the Ancestral Hall? The uncle will be willing? Ling Chengyu expressed doubts. Regardless of the love of Dabo Niang for Chenghua, it is the talents who are also responsive to the defending. They are not the Jackie Chan of the year, can they mess up?
"Li Zheng and Ling Uncle are also there, just that I have something to look for, save you a trip."
Suddenly, Ling Jingxuan’s voice was clearly inserted into them. In the meantime, Zheng Ling’s uncle decisively opened their relationship, and Ling Qicai’s father and son’s face could not be said to be ugly, and there was no way to refute them. They were originally grandparents, and they are now but? ?
On the other hand, Ling Jingxuan Yan Ruirui took one of the construction leaders and came over. When he came back, the other responsible persons have already left, and only this is called Wang Da. Ling Jingxuan simply told Yan Ruirui the idea of road construction. After the two hit it off, they immediately took Wang Da to survey the terrain, specifically to repair the road to connect the village, or to bypass the village to the outside market, they must go through the Lizheng, they originally wanted to bring Wang Da Li Zhengjia asked, I did not expect to actually run into it.
"Oh... Jing Xuan, you can make this move big enough. Is this ready to open up the land or build a house?"
Efforts to sway the heart of the heart, Ling Qicai raised a stiff smile to face him, compared to Ling Qiyun's stubbornness, self-esteem is very high, Ling family can not be a lifetime, as Li Zheng is only more savvy, but also will judge the situation.
"Let you see a joke, this is not my brother-in-law who went out of the house. My few thatched cottages are definitely not enough to live, so I bought a piece of land and wanted to build two houses."
Stopped at a distance of up to one arm from them, Ling Jingxuan and Yan Ruirui slowly smiled after talking, and then the words can be ridiculed in the Ling family, whether the day when the mother was driven out of the house or asked to go out, It is a fact that they are going out of their homes. It is wrong for Ling Laozi to treat his son to Xiaoxiao. In the future, regardless of what Ling Chenglong did, Ling Qiyun would not want to contaminate them one and a half points in the name of a close relative.
Li is not stupid, understands the meaning of his words, busy frowning: "Jing Xuan, the second grandfather knows that you are angry with the things of the year, have complaints about the behavior of the big brother, they are also against you. It is indeed a bit too much, but they are always yours?
"Don't, you can't tie us together, you are us, the old show has a very right sentence, we have each and every one, life and death, each is irrelevant, today I am Something I want to tell you, if you are willing, let us continue. If you don’t want to, then I will save my tongue."
But Ling Jingxuan simply did not give him the opportunity to finish. The smile that had been hung on his face was instantly replaced with a strong coldness. Even if he had to ask for him, he must ask him to nod, but he would not use it. Once again, I will change the relationship with Lingjia. If he is too big, he will bear it for a while. When he buys a lot of land, he will go directly to the county magistrate and say that it is a good thing to benefit the country and the people. I believe that the county magistrate will also oppose.
Pointing at his deep sigh, Ling Qi knows that he will never look back again, and that Big Brother will regret it in the future.
"Well, you don't want to listen to me, don't you say it, you want to tell me something?"
At a few moments, Ling Qi was once again raised his head and changed into the face of an office.
"It's like this. I want to bypass the village and repair the road to the outside market. I don't know if you might be the master?"
Just now, he has decided how to build a road. After that, the child will pass the road every day. He does not want someone to point to them or pass by the village. When he stops, it is undoubtedly the only choice to bypass the village. Although the amount of money that needs to be spent is even greater.
"Trouble the village?"
Is he planning to even give up the village? Ling Qi can not help but frown again. Today, although he is superficially a member of Lingjia Village, when he was expelled from his home, the family did not give him a new door. Simply put, their father and son were not in the middle. Within the Zongzong, they are equal to the outsiders living in Lingjia Village. They are even worse than the foreigners. If you let him bypass the village to build roads, it is to let him completely detach from the village.
"Well, you know that our father and son have never been seen in the village. Now my son is studying in the town. Every day, he has to go back and forth several times. If you go through the village every day, do you look at it? ”
Ling Jingxuan is superficially good for them. In fact, anyone can hear the naked irony. Yan Yanrui, standing next to him, smiles funnyly and secretly gives him a thumbs up in his heart. It is worthy of their home Jingxuan. Seek to be so different.
"Where do you want to go around? Almost all the land that can be planted in the village is planted and planted. There is no extra space to make roads. I think you should build a road to connect the village."
Ming knows that he is ridiculing them. Ling Qicai can only say this. Today, the land he bought is not far from Zhao Dalong’s home. It is not far from the village. Instead of being hard with him, it is better to buy him a face, he always I feel that Ling Jingxuan is afraid that it is more powerful than he imagined. Maybe the entire village will depend on him in the future. He must not let him completely break away from the relationship with the village.
"Is there still no open space over there? The inner sea basin is not born all the year round, and there is no private land nearby. Is it not right to repair a road from there?"
With a finger pointing, Ling Jingxuan said faintly, just after he bought half salt in the future, he did not need to mention the road repairing. He relied on a semi-salt to repair a straight road.
"You, Jingxuan, you can think about it. If you build a road from there, the amount you spend is not a small amount."
Ling Qicai almost didn't let him get sick, and the emotional family had long been optimistic about the route? Have you gotten out of contact with the village? "Oh... this doesn't need to worry about me, don't know what it is?"
Since he mentioned it, would he still be afraid to spend money? Ling Jingxuan can't help but laugh, how much more money can have the future and psychological development of his little buns? Not to mention that he had planned to buy half salt land, and sooner or later he would build a road there.
"So such a big thing, I need to negotiate with the patriarchs and elders."
Ling Qicai also knows that it is a good thing to build a road. He is refusing to do it. Once it is passed out, others may say how to say him. He needs time to think about it.
Wen Yan, Ling Jingxuan's unrecognizable frown, is he planning to take delaying tactics? Dan Feng couldn't help but climb a little cold, and was preparing to continue to persuade. Yan Yanrui, who was next to him, said: "There is a respect for Jingxuan. It is a matter of doing things. It is just a township official. How can I be a master?" The last time we went to the drugstore, the treasurer did not say that Hu Xianling was looking for you? Let's change our minds and go to the county town. I think Hu County is the parent of this generation. It should be the master. ”
Yan Ruirui looked at Ling Jingxuan, but said that he was listening to Lizheng and the villagers who came over. He told them all the words, Ling Jingxuan had already taken Hu’s order, and he found him in Ling Qicai’s face. If he refuses blindly, they will go straight to him just like buying land.
"Oh... you don't say that I have forgotten it. I helped him so much. He shouldn't refuse my request. Then I said, I personally paid for the road and didn't use the village." No, he has no reason to object."
Ling Jingxuan will not understand his intentions? Twilight circulated with him to sing together, Ling Qicai and the villagers were shocked and dazzled, they did not dream, Ling Jingxuan actually had a relationship with the county magistrate, at first he bought the land to buy cattle to buy When they were in the carriage, they thought it was the money given by the man around him. Would you like to explain that he was developed overnight? I didn't expect "I have counted Jingxuan. Don't disturb the county magistrate. I don't worry that you don't have that much money. Since you are so firm, you can fix it."
After the speech, Ling Qicai turned and left the crowd, he could not stop it.
"Oh... Wang Da, let's go see the geology over there."
The purpose was achieved. The husband and wife looked at each other and ignored the villagers who were under pressure from the black. They took Wang Da to the wasteland, and Ling Qi wanted to fight with Ling Jingxuan. It is estimated that there will be no end to the next life.