Small office.
Dong Xuebin followed a sulking temper and followed Zhou Changchun into the house. If he was a former one, he certainly said nothing and Zhou Changchun complained about it. Let Director Zhou know what kind of goods Guo Shunjie is, but now Dong Xuebin will not. If he understands some people's feelings, he certainly understands that if he and his leader sue, no matter whether things can be solved or not, this "small report" attitude will make the leaders look down on you and will feel that You can't use it.
"Xiao Dong, is not feeling well?" Zhou Changchun looked at his face is not good, he cares about one sentence.
Dong Xuebin quickly cleaned up his mood. "I didn't sleep well yesterday, thank you for your leadership."
"That can't be done, pay more attention to rest." Zhou Changchun squatted down and sat down. "Come on the chair and sit on my side, open the plate soon."
Dong Xuebin screamed: "Nothing is ok, I stand."
Zhou Changchun’s pretense is not pleasing: “Let you sit and sit, where is so polite.”
"Hey, thank you, Director Zhou." Dong Xuebin is now paying attention to the posture. Even though he is such a round stool, he only sits half an ass.
Looking up, the time in the lower right corner of the computer showed that at 9:15, the auction bids of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets began. The so-called collective bidding is a test of market funds before the official opening. To put it bluntly, there are more people buying, the price of buying is higher, and the stock will open higher.
"Xiao Dong, have you been trading stocks for a few years?"
"Three or four years." Compilation.
"Do you have any flaws? Otherwise, how did Hainan rubber buy that day?"
Dong Xuebin’s glimpse, I want to say that there is no embarrassment, but that may make the leader feel that he is hiding and not wanting to tell him, Xu will recruit and hate, and then make up the chaos: “It’s not awkward, look at this day. Line, this kind of transaction volume and this kind of up and down line, generally have a higher probability of rising, but also have to look at the daily average line, K line, the direction of MACD and the cross trend of KDJ and so on."
Zhou Changchun didn't know how to read and understand: "Well, it's good, you have to look at these lines." His mood is very good. Although Hainan Rubber didn't make much money at the end, you have to admit that Xiaodong is just right. The short-term vision, and later fell can only be attributed to the overall diving of the market, the luck is too bad.
The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets opened a little lower, and short positions took advantage.
Zhou Changchun has been a computer monitor. "Come, help me choose another stock."
"I have a little confidence in the ultra-short line, the other is... um... if it doesn't go up well, you..."
"Haha, super short-term is enough for cattle, nothing, you don't have a psychological burden, let go of the stock pick!"
Dong Xuebin agreed, touched the mouse and opened the "radar prompt" of the trading software. This is a new feature he found in the morning with the stock software. It shows the stock market prompts at the time, such as which stocks have The banker's big buy order, such as which one is rising rapidly, is a good use of tips, with it, do not use Dong Xuebin's headless flies to find.
At this time, the information of several railway stocks suddenly appeared in the small frame of the radar current affairs reminder in the lower right corner of the stock software.
Daqin Railway - sold in large quantities.
Guoheng Railway - a big dip.
Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway - sold in large quantities.
Daqin Railway - Interval volume is 6.018 times.
Daqin Railway - a big dip.
"The dealer has shipped it." Because the Daqin Railway was bought a few days ago, Zhou Changchun is very concerned about it. "The railway stocks are over, and they have risen too much in the past two days. But it is coming."
Dong Xuebin also thinks that this is the reason, but he does not pay much attention to it, but looks at other stocks.
One old and one young are aiming at the pharmaceutical stocks sector. Suddenly, the stock radar in the lower right corner has a line of information that makes Dong Xuebin and Zhou Changchun extremely incomprehensible.
Daqin Railway - Sealing the daily limit.
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes and thought he was wrong!
gosh! Just sold it! How to limit the board! ?
BACK! ! !
The first moment of time to retreat, entering the sight of Dong Xuebin is the message of “Da Qin Railway sold out big”.
He hurriedly took the mouse and opened the daily chart of the stock - it is in the position of -0.78%, not to see how much it has fallen, but it is also compared with yesterday, when it opened today, it is The high opened a lot, the result of the banker all the way to kill the shipment, and now the stock price is "jumping" like the downward trend, according to this trend, the limit is not impossible!
"The dealer has shipped it." Zhou Changchun smiled bitterly: "The railway stocks are over, and they have risen too much yesterday, and they have gone up. I don't think it will be slow for half a year."
"Zhou Director!" Dong Xuebin no longer hesitates, "Da Qin Railway will go up! You have to buy as soon as possible!"
Zhou Changchun stayed, "Da Qin Railway? Up? Isn't this going down?"
"It should be the main force to induce the empty, want to give the retail to the shock!"
Zhou Changchun shook his head: "The railway stocks are not working. You see, you still fall!"
Dong Xuebin said quickly: "You believe me, ultra short-term must be bullish, and will rise a lot Really!"
"This..." Zhou Changchun hesitated and hesitated. Maybe he thought that the two previous directors did not say that they missed it. They bite their teeth and quickly find out, "...good! Listen to you! Buy!" Don't look at Zhou Changchun's cerebral thrombosis. The legs and feet are not very good, but the old stock fans are quite agile on the hand. Hey, knocked on the keyboard a few times, because Zhou Changchun himself is not optimistic about the prospects of the Daqin Railway, only conservatively bought 3,000 shares.
Can it really rise? Zhou Changchun will be suspicious.
Dong Xuebin is also not very convinced. After all, from the position that is still in the decline to the daily limit, the volume of transactions required is not as large as usual. Before I had time to look at it, Dong Xuebin also stared at the disk of the Daqin Railway and saw how the main force was pulled up.
Hey, isn't the radar prompt giving the wrong information?
Thinking of this possibility, Dong Xuebin was cold when his hands and feet, buddy! Don't be! I can't help but toss!
The stock price has fallen a bit!
Dong Xuebin sweats in the palm of his hand, Qin brothers! You are going up!
Suddenly, this is the whole green plate, which was replaced by a piece of red!
Dong Xuebin and Zhou Changchun just blinked, and then they saw that the Daqin Railway was directly dragged by the main force from a position of tens of thousands of hands to a gain of 3.58%!
Pull the disc at all costs!
Instantly limit! !
Zhou Changchun took a breath of cold air, this excitement, even shot three thighs: "Good! Good! Good!"