Nooo…! Not my most fervent subordinate! This is a horrible backstab that was a hundred times more painful than Selene’s spell which burnt me alive. I’ll have to remind Blossom of the pecking order tonight once I pin her beneath me in the sheets.
“Oh, the Whale Humper? I haven’t met him yet, but he is most certainly right.” Blackjack decreed while accepting the health potion that I summoned from my storage ring.
“Alright, that’s enough. Instead, tell us about your connection to the Vesper Consortium.” I said, turning the topic more serious.
The high-tier healing potion had some effects on him, but it could never replace a talented healer’s handiwork like my Sera’s, and this burned, poisoned, and severely beaten man definitely needed her attention. However, the potion had enough effect to stabilize his condition, thus he was no longer in danger of dying, but he was still a charred human who looked like a prop for a horror movie.
“Brother, I got no clue.” He said that while looking at me with eyes that clearly told me that he thought of me as a dumbass for even expecting him to know the answer to this question.
I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. “Aren’t you the boss of the Wraithclaws?”
“I am.” He nodded.
“What about your deal with the Blackthorn baron family?”
“Brother, I got no clue.”
“None at all.” He nodded confidently once again as if being this badly informed was completely normal for a gang boss.
“How can you not know?”
“My buddy Specter did the thinking. I just fought our enemies.”
A vein bulged on my forehead. “Do you at least know how much misery your organization brought upon the barony and its citizens?”
“We sold them drugs, right? I guess that wasn’t very cool of us, but I also tried the drugs and they were kinda tasty, it couldn’t be that bad.” I could tell that he had no clue at all what sort of horrible fates his bandits had caused.
“Man, you’re level 28 with nearly 100 Vitality. The drug you found ‘tasty’ caused crippling addiction in all civilians you sold them to, and in some cases it even resulted in immediate overdosing.” I was in a state of complete disbelief while heavily debating beating him up all over again.
“Oh. Didn’t think of that.” He shrugged his shoulders as if it was a small mistake anyone could make.
“I’m going to lose brain cells if I keep listening to this retard.” Selene announced as she turned around on her heels with a scoff and walked away haughtily as if she were a noble’s pampered daughter, which in a way she was according to her words.
“Alright, you’ll have no responsibilities besides killing my enemies.” I came to the decision very swiftly. “Lead us to this Specter guy.”
We began making our way through the horribly misplaced courtyard of his mansion. Everything was in tatters. I’d officially reached the stage where if I fought against a similarly strong opponent, our battles would greatly terraform our environment. I didn’t want to imagine how much destruction my fight with a strong mage would cause to our surroundings.
Moving on to this aide called Specter, who was the brains of the Wraithclaws, I was hoping that his connections would be useful in the future. I didn’t know how the Divine Nectar faction would react so some friends on the inside could definitely be useful in helping them peacefully move on from losing their business partner.
If he had good friends high up in the drug department that could even help us greatly in the long-term.
Once we reached the location where the scuffle was still ongoing between the two forces, I shouted followed by Blackjack. “Cease fighting! The battle is over!” “Drop your weapons! I’d been defeated, there’s no point in dying now!”
“Mercy, mercy mercy pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!” A man screamed in an embarrassingly high-pitched tone.
“No mercy for evil! Time to die! Greet the Goddess and tell stuck-up bitc- woman that my lover is not a bad man but the best one! Ahahaha!” Lucille shrieked with orgasmic joy while bringing her severely buffed axe from all the blood she’d shed down on his neck, severing his head from his body effortlessly.
“… That was my buddy.” Blackjack murmured.
“… Don’t tell me. Specter?” I asked painedly.
He didn’t reply but walked up to the corpse and kicked the head so that it turned around and looked right up at him. “Yep.”
… Fucking amazing.
“Lucille, dear, the fight is over.” I murmured dejectedly while glancing at Seraphiel with eyes full of desperation, but she only smiled at me wryly while gently shaking her head, letting me know that it was a no go.
I knew it was hopeless, for not even Arch-Priest classed individuals could bring the dead back, let alone Healers… but hope dies last…
Well, hope had officially died.
My beautiful caramel-haired Berserker’s chest heaved up and down with both ecstasy and exhaustion. She glanced between the corpse and me numerous times before giggling embarrassedly and asking in an awkward tone, “did I do something wrong?”
“… Let’s just move on before I start tearing up.”
The soldiers of the Wraithclaws cried out in alarm as they saw the charred leader of theirs.
“It’s me. I lost.” He revealed with a pained voice. Blackjack’s ego was definitely greatly damaged by his defeat.
“But the boss never loses!”
“… I just said I lost, dumbasses! Does it look like I won?! Look, even my pecker is charred black!” He screamed while gesturing at his charred skin all over his body.
<Should I?> Seraphiel inquired into my mind, but I shot her offer down. If I wanted to heal him she would already be in the middle of casting her spells.
I planned to hold a victory parade all over the stronghold to let everyone know that there had been a great change in leadership, and the previous leader being burned to a crisp while walking behind me with his head hung low while I impaled Specter’s head onto my saber would send the perfect image.
It was time to sort everything out, including the slaves of Kai, the treasury of Blackjack, and holding the aforementioned procession among other things.