The use of Flak guns against the makeshift British Armor had stopped the Allied Advance within the Alpine region, protecting the sovereign borders of Austria, and in doing so presented an opportunity to retake what had been lost.
But the wise man did not press his advantage when his army was designed with defense in mind. There would be too many problems if the Austro-Hungarians and their German allies pushed forwards into the occupied territory which Italy was currently in control of.
No, they maintained the line of defense, digging in further, and enhancing their fortifications as well as their capabilities. All the while Bruno made moves in the east. With the Royal Bulgarian Army smashed along their borders by the 8th Army an opportunity presented itself for the Austro-Hungarian forces to march through the gap that had been created for them. Meanwhile, Bruno focused his own attention towards the Bulgarian capital, hoping to force them to surrender before the Ottoman Army or what remained of it within Eastern Thrace could be mobilized to aid them.
Quite honestly, Bruno believed that the overwhelming majority of the German Reich’s armored units were currently in the Balkans beneath his direct authority. There were hundreds of armored vehicles, either of the Panzer I, or of one of the two Spähpanzer varieties.
These vehicles were lined up in ranks, standing as Bruno walked past them, gazing upon their guns pointed in the direction of the Bulgarian capital which was not far away. Rain poured upon the landscape as he inspected each and every armored vehicle with his keen eye.
Gazing upon the overwhelming force of armor that he had already mobilized, Bruno suspected that by the time the war came to end, the 8th Army would be a fully modern combined arms army. No longer having to rely on lightly armored transport trucks to bring their troops into battle but instead make use of perhaps even armored personnel carriers. If such a thing came to be, then the push into Paris would be unstoppable when the time finally came for it. But now was not the time to think of such things. Instead Bruno spoke to those battle worn tankers who were ready for the advance into the Bulgarian capital.
And he did so with a bit of a lament within his tone. Almost as if the idea of fighting the Bulgarians and bringing them to heel was too much to bear.
“The main contingent of the Royal Bulgarian Army has been broken by the brave men in this Army. As we speak our allies advance from the north and to encircle what remains of our enemy. Fate has found us at odds with the men who would otherwise be our allies.
It was not my choice to march into Bulgaria’s lands with a line of Panzers, but each and every one of you should know that you are the spine of the 8th German Army, and without you we would falter. So, when I say to advance forth into the enemy domain, without regard to the price of victory, you must do so.
For what stands behinds you is our entire civilization, culture, and people! Glory to the Kaiser, Glory to the Reich and those who spill blood in their name! For Blood and Honor!”
The engines of the line of tanks and armored cars roared to life as Bruno got out of their way. Allowing them to press forward with the motorized infantry shortly behind their advance. After doing so he shook his head and sighed, before walking back over to Heinrich, who was staring at the army as it began to move.
The man had a dumbfounded look on his face as he saw Bruno acting highly irritable, no doubt because he had compelled himself to quit smoking out of sheer will, and he was now beginning to suffer through the drawbacks of such a choice.
“You alright?”
Bruno’s tone was short, and snappy as he did not even dignify Heinrich’s question with a glance, simply walking past the man as he responded.
“I’m fine… What about Erich, has he been recalled from Berlin yet?”
Heinrich nodded his head with a look at that said his thoughts for him. Bruno continued to walk towards their own vehicle as he assured this was for the best.
“Erich is now in command of the forces left behind to maintain gendarme operations within Sarajevo, or should I say he is attached to the Austro-Hungarian officer who has taken over your previous responsibilities as an advisor.
Whatever that bastard does there, it will fall on the heads of the Austro-Hungarian Army and not us. So you needn’t concern yourself with potentially being held to blame for what Erich does…”
Bruno simply nodded his head after hearing this and continued on his journey to their personal vehicle. Which upon opening the door, he was quick to gaze at his watch, his began a countdown as he climbed in the backseat as the driver waited for him and Heinrich to enter.
“And a 3…2…1…”
Heinrich had just approached the door when he heard an explosion in the distance. His glance quickly was sent in the direction of the blast, which was soon followed by another, causing him to clutch his helmet and duck nearby.
Bruno responded to this by mocking the man, informing him exactly of what was happening at the moment that had caught him so unawares.
“Relax you fucking idiot, that would be our bombers leveling what little defenses Sofia has in preparation for the arrival of our army. Bulgaria will either capitulate before the weekends, or we will be in for a much harder campaign than either of us expected.
Either way it is in god’s hands now, and all we can do is fight like hell to gain a favorable outcome. Now, are you going to get in the fucking car or not?”
After taking a few moments to process his commanding officer’s words, as well as to examine the situation in the distance, Heinrich scurried into the vehicle like a frightened rat, before it took off after the Army which had already gained some distance ahead of them.