Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army! Reload
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Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!: 386 You're a Good Dragon

Chapter 386 : 386 You're a Good Dragon


“W-Well, for now we shouldn’t adress such things. The day is quite good and peaceful and- Gah! Don’t make those faces! I was just saying something in my mind, it’s not as if the world is coming to an end or something!” Lucifer said.

We ended looking at him with eyes wide open, he really scared us there.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right… Maybe we should just concentrate in what we can do right now… Anyways, can you guys help me decide what to do with the Dungeon? I am honestly puzzled. I also have to tell Julia about this, right? The dungeon is property of the fiefdom and its literally hers. So I basically stole it from her… I wouldn’t feel bad at all, but she’s Julia, a friend. So I feel like I should tell her about it.” I sighed.

“Yeah, I believe we can trust her enough for that…” Lucifer said. “She’s a good girl.”

“Indeed. But for now, how about getting some meat? Meat is always sold very well everywhere. If we get a lot of meat out of the dungeon, we can sell it or barter it for other products such as oil, salt, and veggies and seeds to plant in our greenhouse.” Emeraldine recommended.

“Indeed, monster meat also is quite expensive too, especially rare monsters or strong ones. But what’s even edible here?” Lucifer wondered.

“Erm, wasn’t this dungeon like kind of garbage?” Asked Partner rather rudely. “The miasma it had boosted it up a lot, but now that it’s gone it should be weakened, right?”

“Yeah, it is. The strong B Rank monsters we fought before can’t be summoned right now, we can only summon up to D Rank Monsters.” I sighed.

[Most E Rank Monsters cost between 500 ~ 1500 MP to summon]

[Most F Rank Monsters cost between 3000 ~ 7000 MP to summon]

[Most D Rank Monsters cost between 15000 ~ 30000 MP to summon]

The System quickly showed me the cost of Summoned Monsters, it was quite shocking that they increased in cost so fucking much. From 500 to 30000?! And most E Rank Monsters were tiny little slimes and lizards the size of the palm of my hand, those won’t really do any good food, we need something big.

“Well, for now, we still got all of that monster meat inside my Inventory, and to boot, we got the dropped items. With that alone and Julia’s debt, we got ourselves a good enough fortune to last until the end of the year and maintain our ever-growing population.” I said with a nod.

My plan was to just support our little village, not build a Kingdom or something, I just wanted enough money to maintain things as they are until we can become independent and produce our own food and resources. Of course, it would be ideal if these people didn’t depended so much on me. But because I am an Undead I doubt I’ll ever go away, I am already dead after all, and I can divide into various tiny clones too, so I am always there.

My body is tireless so I don’t feel like it is a pain to aid them either… But I feel like if I help them too much, they’ll grow a bit too spoiled, after all they gotta do their job too. They’ll eventually help in the greenhouse and also are already helping at raising our Giant Rats cattle, but it would be ideal if we could get a more… appetizing cattle than fatty rats.

Although their fur is warm for the cold temperatures there so their pelt make good clothes, and their bodies have a lot of soft meat and fat they use to survive winter, so they have a slightly tasty meat that fills the belly… which we had already begun to extract into Oil.

Anyways, enough of talking about the rats. I really need to eat something more appetizing than that.

“Yeah, we can feed everybody with what we got, the hunt of monsters outside the village has become more active lately.” Catarina appeared behind us, as she had come all the way here. She had been helping the city by herself using her enormous physical strength to lift boulders and even shape the ground. “You wouldn’t want them to slack though, right? Giving all this meat for free will make them have life for granted. I get they were slaves and all, but these people still have to earn their keep.”

“Yeah, it is an ever-growing trouble for me. Well, they had known the harshness of the world, I just want a place where they can feel more comfortable. I guess we can introduce some little barter system where they can bring me something of value and I exchange it for food. Making clothes, sandals, or even furniture and anything, it would be useful. Also I can pay them when they work for us in the fields within the greenhouses.” I said while nodding.

“You’ve already been paying them a bit for their hard work, but also adding delicious non rat meat would be good. I mean, the rat can be mostly free, two kilograms a week for free usually, right?” Asked Emeraldine.

“Yeah, I guess if they want something tastier, they’ll have to work for it.” I said while nodding.

“You have too soft of a heart so I doubt you’ll go by your word. Well, we don’t need to take things so seriously anyways, our population is not so big either. There’s a lot of pregnant mothers recently.” Said Lucifer. “Hm, I want to go back and look at the kids as well, they must miss me…”

“Oh, they miss their uncle dragon?” I giggled.

“You’re really good with the kids compared with… literally everybody else.” Said Catarina.

“W-What?! Are you calling me heartless?! M-Maria, I am a good man, right?” Lucifer asked to me.

“Yeah, you’re a good man, Lucifer. Don’t listen to her.” I said while petting his head and giving him a kiss. Lucifer began puffing his chest pridefully.

Honestly, he was cute for a dragon.
