[Ice Direwolf]
Affinity: Ice
Level: ???
Grade: D
STR- 980, DEX- 900, VIT- 950, INT- 600, MYS- 780, CHA- 800, LUK- 750
Health Points [HP]: 8,800/8,800
Mana Points [MP]: 9,300/9,300
[Active Abilities:]
[Remark: A powerful Ice Wolf with leadership qualities and aura.]
One look from a distance and Legolas knew which one of the 3 Direwolfs was the big brother and was the strongest, it was the massive white Ice Direwolf.
This was no mere Grade D Direwolf as the qualities of this wolf made it on par with Akela, even exceeding Akela in some base attributes.
It’s strength surpassed Akela’s which meant a lot in beast battles.
Akela still had the speed advantage though which was expected of a Wind Wolf. Their other attributes were basically equal including their luck attribute.
As for the other 2 Direwolves, one of them with blueish white fur was also an Ice Direwolf like their big brother while the last was a Wind Direwolf.
As soon as Bran saw the 3 Direwolves, Legolas relayed the information to his student as he urged Predator to sprint forward the next moment.
Christensen followed closely behind on top Leo.
While they still feasted on the Hyena’s meat, the massive White Ice Direwolf that was bigger than the others raised its head as its sensitive ears detected noise.
As soon as he was seen, Predator roared loudly to verify his presence.
The loud roar startled the last 2 Direwolves as they left the Hyena rapidly in preparation for battle, but Bran was a step ahead of them as the Void Raven rode the wind as smoothly as water flowing down a fountain.
Before they arrived, Legolas already gave Bran the permission to attack.
And just like its master, Bran enjoyed something similar to infinite mana due to his Void Lord passive ability. This powerful Void Raven didn’t have to think much before attacking, it simply attacked as its instincts led.
By activating its Rapid Speed ability, its speed increased exponentially.
Before the 2 Direwolves who were at the back of the wolf formation could react, he already descended close to them as he activated his Iron Feathers ability.
Bran’s black and golden feathers turned as hard as iron in an instant.
At a ridiculous speed, they were launched at the Direwolves who were not fast enough to dodge. The iron feathers dug into their skin, injuring them as the 2 Direwolves howled in pain, attracting the attention of their brother.
Previously, their eldest brother was focused on Predator who was charging from the front but with their howl of pain, he turned to look.
Angered on seeing his brothers’ blood flowing, he pounced at Bran.
The massive Ice Direwolf was fast but Bran was faster, he activated Blink.
Like he was just an illusion, Bran disappeared a fraction of a second before the Direwolf’s deadly teeth dug into its skin.
Instantly after he disappeared, he appeared behind the eldest Direwolf as he fired even more iron feathers at him. Angered, the 3 Direwolf brothers pounced on him but through his blink ability, he evaded all their attacks.
Bran successfully toyed with all 3 of them.
By distracting them singlehandedly, the Direwolves’ opened themselves up to Predator who finally made it to their position excitedly.
“Roar!” Predator roared and pounced on the nearest Direwolf.
The blueish white Direwolf tried to struggle but Predator was too tough for it, this Nightmare Beast’s incredible strength was untouchable, Predator toyed with the Direwolf until he left it in a pool of its own blood.
Akela arrived and added salt to injury, with his incredible speed, he was like an invisible phantom as he harassed the Direwolves, frustrating them more.
Leo arrived and the battlefield turned even more rowdy and one-sided.
In 5 minutes, the 3 Direwolves were left in a pool of their own blood.𝗈𝑣𝗅𝒩xt.𝗇𝓔t
Exhausted and weak, they lay on the floor in defeat as they looked at the 2 humans and beasts that surrounded them. The 2 smaller Grade D Direwolves looked at them in fear, but their eldest brother was still angry.
Legolas could feel the rage on the Direwolf’s eyes as it glared at them.
The next moment, Akela stepped forward and howled loudly before them.
He successfully communicated his intention to them as the 2 smaller Direwolves cowered in fear but the eldest Direwolf was not having it.
He howled back at Akela amid aggressive growls.
Both wolves kept on growling at each other as they communicated, then the next moment, Akela turned to face Legolas and communicated the Direwolf’s intentions through their telepathic connection.
‘He would rather die than submit to me’.
‘His only condition to submit is if we fight a Vrka yuddha’.
Legolas was perplexed. ‘What is a Vrka yuddha?’
‘It’s an ancient ritual between wolf packs to determine the Alpha. The 2 strongest wolves fight a decisive battle which is called the Vrka yuddha to determine who will be the Alpha of the pack’.
‘…’ Legolas was surprised. ‘I didn’t put this in the game, is this a variation?’
Despite his thoughts though he paid attention to Akela. ‘He believes he can beat you, what of you? Can you beat him?’
Akela looked one last time at the Direwolf then at his master. ‘I can try’.
‘Do it then’.
“Christensen, order Leo to shift back, we’re giving them space”.
As soon as the humans and the other beasts started shifting backwards, the 2 smaller Grade D Direwolves understood as they also gave distance, leaving their eldest brother and the Wind Wolf at the center.
Looking at the Direwolf’s state, Legolas accessed his storage ring and brought a potion that he concocted some time ago which he threw at the Direwolf.
The Direwolf was not suspicious at all, this was an honorable Vrka yuddha.
As soon as he ingested the potion, his injuries started healing slowly. As he regained his strength, he finally raised his massive body up again as his sharp brown eyes glared at the Wind Wolf who also glared back at it.
The Direwolf didn’t even deem it right to thank Legolas for the potion, Legolas twisted his mouth a bit in displeasure but he kept his silence.
With the Direwolf up, a standoff started.
The tension in the air increased as both massive wolves started circling each other. As they sized each other up, they both arrived at a conclusion, they were matched in battle experience and literally everything.
The outcome of this battle was not set in stone.
The Ice Direwolf attacked first.
A massive icicle materialized in the air directly beside Akela as the icicle shot towards him at point-blank range, it was fast but Akela saw it.
Even before the icicle materialized, when the atmosphere around him suddenly dropped, Akela reacted as he activated his Wind Claws ability.
With one wind energy-empowered claw attack, he swatted at the icicle, shattering it to pieces as he also finally made his move.
Instantly after Akela swatted the icicle, his body turned into an afterimage.
After activating his Speed Demon active ability, his speed increased so much that he left an afterimage behind as he charged towards the Ice Direwolf.
Akela was superfast but since he already knew that he was facing a Wind Wolf, the Ice Direwolf’s battle experience made him wary of his opponent’s speed. Instantly after Akela parried his icicle, he erected an ice wall.
Akela collided against the wall with a loud sound as it shattered into pieces.
Before he could recover from the collision, the Ice Direwolf’s lethal claws coated with cold ice energy already descended as it clawed at his face.
Blood flowed as the Ice Direwolf drew first blood.
Akela did not back down, he retaliated aggressively.
By lunging forward for the claw attack, for a brief moment, the Ice Direwolf’s neck became exposed. This exposure time was very short, very few could take advantage of it, only powerful Wind Wolves like Akela could.
Akela ruthlessly activated his Bite Force ability as he bit aggressively.
The Ice Direwolf detected the danger but he was too slow to react. He barely saved his neck but Akela’s deadly teeth found his jaws as he bit deep into it.
Blood flowed as the Ice Direwolf struggled.
The next moment, from its body came an icicle that pierced straight into Akela’s body, injuring it further. At such point-blank range, Akela could not dodge and knowing this, he had no intentions of dodging.
Akela gritted his teeth to ignore the pain as he continued his attack.
After getting his opponent on the jaws, Akela did not let go.
His teeth dug deeper into the Ice Direwolf’s jaws as he growled in pain.
After struggling to free itself to no avail for a few seconds, the Ice Direwolf aroused all its energy in a bid to cover itself with an ice shield but Akela was one step ahead. Having waited for this exact moment, he made his move.
Akela roared as he activated his Nature Call ability.
The Ice Direwolf was caught off-guard. The hurricane arrived instantly, picking the Ice Direwolf up into the air as the sharp wind energy stored inside it cut dozens of injuries across its body in a mere second.
Akela deactivated the ability before it could finish.
The Ice Direwolf growled weakly as it fell to the ground in defeat.
Akela put one leg on its body before looking straight at its eye.
“Roar!!!” He roared loudly directly at his face.
The Ice Direwolf weakly glared back at Akela for a few seconds, but he finally relented, a Vrka yuddha is a Vrka yuddha, he admitted defeat.
As soon as the Direwolf lowered its head, Akela roared again.
The remaining 2 Direwolves also lowered their heads.
[3 Direwolves have been added to Akela’s Wolf Pack!]