Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World. Reload
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Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.: Chapter 1072 -1071

Chapter 1072 -1071

Chapter 1072 -1071

As the Royal Knight’s Head rolled down on the ground, blood splattered all over the ground and Bernie looked at Anon with a neutral expression.

“Do you know, what you have done ?” Bernie asked as she looked at Anon.

“Welcomed you with Blood ?” Anon replied with a smile.

“You have guts and some power, I give you that… But, you are nowhere near the Us.

I have thousands of Knights still floating In the sky and quite a few standing behind me.

They will gut you out on one command.” Bernie spoke with a neutral expression.

“Let me ask you a question, Queen. I killed this Royal knight of yours, but did you notice the time it took me to kill him ?” Anon asked with a smile.

“About One second or less.” Bernie replied with a neutral expression.

“There are about six thousand soldiers floating in the air and about seventy-five soldiers behind you.

How much time do you think it will take for me to kill them ?” Anon asked with a smile as he looked at Bernie.

“You can’t kill all of them. Even if you used those useless-”

“One second.” Suddenly a voice came from behind, that interrupted Bernie’s voice.

Bernie turned around and noticed that it was Muria.

“Hello, Luv… I was searching for you.” Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at Muria.

“Your Highness, He is the one who destroyed the whole wave by himself in just a matter of seconds.” Muria spoke as she bowed down to Bernie.

“I know…” Bernie spoke with a neutral expression.

“He killed 13 Upper Class Women and plucked out the nails of your Sister-in-law, Your Highness.” Muria informed.

“Is that True… Boy ?” Bernie asked with a neutral expression.

“It is.” Anon replied with a smile.

“You know that Saleks are still monsters… But these knights have Minds and they know how to fight.” Bernie spoke.

“You feel nothing for those who died… Your eyes tell me. You don’t give a single fuck about those who stand by your side or those who stand against you.

It’s disgusting, but I personally like it very much.” Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at Bernie.

“You are right, An empress can’t have emotions, she is built in order to keep her people safe and annihilate the enemy.” Bernie replied.

“What am I to you then, Empress ?” Anon asked with a smile.

“I am still thinking.” Bernie replied with a neutral expression.


Suddenly, A loud noise interrupted the whole conversation.

“Hmm….?” Anon immediately turned his neck around and noticed that the voice was coming from the outside of the walls.

“What is that ?” Bernie asked with a confused expression as she looked at the wall.

“A Gersium.” Salvoka spoke as the expressions on his face turned grim.

‘Gersium is an Elemental monster… A huge monster that carries precious ores on his back, they are very powerful and dangerous… In order to deal with them, certain preprations are done in advance.

These Elemental monsters almost never comes out of the forest. They stay asleep in the forest living off on the body waste of Saleks and other animals.

Since I already wiped out the whole wave of saleks… He must be here to get some food.’ Anon thought in his mind as he readed all of it out of Sylvi’s memories.

“An elemental is here… Do you have any preparations for this ?” Muria asked as she looked at Salvoka.

“N-No, we haven’t seen an Elemental in years.” Salvoka replied with a hesitated expression.

“My Queen, it’s time for you to leave. They can deal with the elemental on their own.” A knight spoke as he walked upto Bernie.

Bernie turned around and started walking towards her unicorn.

“Hmm… Someone said that ‘An empress protects her people.'” Anon spoke with a smile as he mocked Bernie.


Bernie immediately stopped and turned around to look at Anon.

“My Queen… Please-”

“I will personally take care of that Elemental, No one will interfere.” Bernie spoke as she raised her hand and interrupted the soldier.

“But, My Queen-”

“Do you have a death wish ? I never asked for your advice, go and stand in the corner.” Bernie replied.

“Y-Yes, My Queen.” The Knight replied as he immediately walked upto the other side and stood with the other knights.

Bernie Looked at Anon and tossed off her big scarf like thing that she was wearing around her neck, but she kept the sound blockers on.

‘Those headphone like things on her head… They must be blessed with magic in order to stop the excessive sound from entering into her ears.’ Anon thought with a smile as he looked at Bernie jumping over the wall with a serious expression on her face.

Anon did the same and jumped over the wall in order to see the elemental’s size.


It was huge, two legs and two hands… Body was made out of rocks and ores, but on it’s back… He was carrying some very shiny and extremely rare ores.

Anon looked at Bernie and noticed that she was raising her hand towards the Elemental.

“Frost Lance….” As soon as she used this skill, A small spear made out of ice appeared in front of her.


She swinged her fingers and the spear was launched towards the Elemental with full speed.


The spear hitted the elemental in it’s chest, but it did zero damage to it.

“GRRRRWWWWW…?” The elemental immediately noticed her presence and got really angry because of the surprise attack.

“Ooh… It doesn’t look happy.” Anon spoke as he sat down and pulled out a cigar from his inventory.


“Frost Lance… Frost Lance…” This time Bernie casted two spears and launched towards the elemental with more speed.



This time the elemental blocked them with his right hand and got ready for a counter attack.

The elemental raised both of his hands and clashed them together with full force.


As the metallic ores on his hand collided with each other, they created a very high pitched noise that was enough to make cracks in the wall.


As soon as the sound reached into Bernie’s ears, she made a face of discomfort and went down on her knees as she placed both of her hands over her ears.


No knight dared to come near her because of her death threat.

“M-My ears…” Bernie spoke as she pressured the sound blocking things very tightly.

Anon on the other side was sitting on the wall taking puff after puff out of his cigar.

“I-I will not be defeated that easily.” Bernie spoke as she immediately stood up once again regaining her posture and she was ready to use her spell once again, before she got interrupted.




The cracks in the wall caused some of the stones to fall out and the ground underneath her broke down, making her loose the balance.

As soon as she got off-balance… The noise blockers fell down from her head and into a slight crack that was on the other side of the wall.


“No… No… Nonononononno.” She repeated the same thing again and again as voices from every direction started to enter inside her ears.

“What the hell is she doing ?”

“Is she going to stay down like that ?”

“The wall is breaking and she told her knights to stay still.”

“What kind of moron does that ?”

“I should’ve taken Sir Anon’s side last night.”

“We have to save her.” A Royal knight spoke.

“They were her direct orders and I can’t allow myself or any of us to disobey her orders.” Another knight replied.


She placed her hands over her ears and closed her eyes, hoping that someone would bring her the noise blockers.

“No… Stop talking so loudly. Your voice are hurting my ears. Stop your mouths…” Bernie spoke with an angry, irritated, scared and shocked expression as her body started freezing slowly.


“Time to shine.” Anon spoke with a smile as he threw his cigar away and stood up from the wall.

He slowly walked upto her and grabbed both of her shoulders.


“Fuck man… This cold.” Anon spoke as he used his skill.


Suddenly, His whole body started heating up from the insides and outsides.

“Luv, get up.” Anon spoke as he grabbed her and picked her up from the ground.

“N-No… Leave me…. Bring me my Noise blockers, Go and bring-” Before she could’ve completed her sentence, Anon slapped her.


As soon as Bernie felt the warm slap on her cheeks… She opened her eyes and looked at Anon.

“Focus on my voice and try to adjust it’s volume in your mind… Try to listen what and how you want to listen. Don’t let your mind control your hearing.” Anon spoke with a serious expression.

“B-But… It’s impossible…”

“Try to focus, Luv. Impossible word doesn’t exist in this world of magic.” Anon spoke with a neutral expression.

‘Focus on his voice and Silence all the other noises and decrease the volume of his voice.’ Bernie thought as she looked at Anon with a scared expression and removed her hands from her ears.

Suddenly, she noticed that there was no noise coming from around her even though people were speaking continuously.

“How does that feel ?” Anon asked with a smile.