(A/N- The previous chap ‘First Trial [Sea Overlord]’ is updated. If you can’t see it, clear your cache and refresh the page.)
(Reference Images for leviathans and Face)
-(Present || Daily Records of Nathan the nutcase; Location: [Singularity] 1st Trial)-
Day 19
Four days ago was the day when the last leviathan would’ve vanished.
That day…
Rain poured and all hell broke loose.
The rain can make anything that it touches, weightless. Adding this to the fact rain was flowing from the ground towards the sea, I was also pulled along with it.
When I managed to get a foothold, I fought a battle against the last remaining leviathan. The monster was 150 meters long and had tough scales. Probably due to rain, it managed to get out of the sea and we engaged in a bitter struggle.
(That reminds me, System called the leviathan a ‘Strand’. Does it have to do something with the ‘Face’?)
After killing the leviathan, the other 14 leviathans descended from the sea. The battle… it wasn’t a battle, more like one-sided conquest until I managed to shake off the Face’s ability.
A Face (Sea Overlord?) came out of the sea. The Face had a strange ability, the moment our eyes met my body froze. It wasn’t just my body. My mind, my thoughts, and my soul became rigid.
It was as if I was turned into a stone.
I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think. I couldn’t use my art, let alone fight.
Thankfully, even in that state, I was able to create [Zero]. After all, the process was second nature to me, like how someone unconsciously breathes, so although it took a large toll on my mind, I compounded large amounts of [Zero] without giving it any form.
Cladding myself in [Zero Aura] I was able to nullify the Face’s gaze ability.
God-Killing Spear, Elixir, [Zero], Armory of Eridu, I used everything in the fight and managed to come out on top.
Also, this fight gave a lot of insight into how this trial works. This is what I understood:
1. The Face is the Sea Overlord.
2. The leviathans(Strands) would vanish each day and on the day of the last remaining leviathan, it would rain.
3. This rain was a Stage(a compulsory fight) where I have to battle the monsters, whether I want or not, however, killing the leviathan would summon the rest of the leviathans along with the Face.
4. The leviathans and the Face would return to the sea when the rain stops and the night vanishes.
5. Leviathans can come out of the sea during rain (Will they come out if I kill one of them on a normal day?)
6. After the rain, the remaining leviathans will return and the cycle will begin anew.
I’ll continue to record the data and see how to advance from there.
Constellations: 36 (+1 God-Killing Spear)
Vial of Elixirs: 50 remaining
Cracks: 20
Rations: 165 SHTM packets
Tunnel: Destroyed during rain. Not considering rebuilding it as it seems useless.
PS- That was my first Aerial battle and it was fucking amazing!(No, I’m not a masochist. Thank you for asking.)
Day 20
I’m practicing flying with God-Killing Spear.
The Spear has the ability to accelerate and decelerate at my command. This makes it perfect for flying.
However, there are four problems.
1. It takes 30 seconds to construct the Spear. This is too long once you consider that my enemies can sneeze me to death.
2. If I travel on the Spear, I can’t let it go beyond a certain speed or I’ll die from air resistance and friction.
3. To change the direction of the spear, I first need to stop it, then change the direction, and finally shoot it again.
4. The acceleration and deceleration occur along with the distance covered by the Spear. It isn’t instantaneous.
The 1st problem can be solved by creating the Spear before the battle.
The 2nd problem also isn’t much of an issue. I can change my ride if I’m going to shoot the Spear at a high speed to use it in an attack.
The complications are the 3rd and the 4th problem. In the battle against the leviathans, even a delay of one second can make a difference between victory and loss, let alone lose a dozen seconds while changing directions or accelerating the spear.
Day 21
The leviathans had returned on Day 16.
I was worried that all my efforts of killing one of them went to waste until I noticed only 14 on the sea.
The leviathans are disappearing one by one similar to before. This means I have 8 more days left until the rain returns.
On a good note, these monsters can’t get out of the sea before the stipulated time, otherwise judging from how they keep my every action under scrutiny, they would’ve long come out of the sea and chewed me alive.
Result- Leviathans can’t get out of the sea until the rain comes(They keep their eyes glued on me though. Not with a very kind gaze, of course)
Day 22
I tried going higher into the sky to scout the sea but the leviathans started throwing those colossal water spheres.
[Golden Turtle] can block the attacks and the shockwave doesn’t come inside the shield, nevertheless, it consumes too much ether too quickly to block even one of those spheres.
Result- As long as I don’t fly go higher than 500 meters from the ground the leviathans won’t attack me.
Day 23
I began my preparations.
This time I won’t be waiting for the rain to come, and kill the leviathans before that.
Will the rest of the leviathans under the sea and the Face return if kill a leviathan?
I don’t know, but if I keep waiting for the rain, the result would be no different from the first time.
I’m aiming to wait until 4 leviathans are remaining and kill 2 of them.
If all the leviathans and the Face show up, it’ll be a failed experiment.
But if they don’t come, this would mean I can kill the leviathans earlier. It has its merits and demerits. Killing leviathans will shorten the cycle of rain and normal days, but it will also be easier to kill them on a normal day when they can’t leave the sea.
Day 24
I’m continuing to strengthen the God-Killing Spear non-stop. The last time I slept was 5 days ago.
Normal weapons can’t hurt the leviathans.
Since I’ll be attacking without rain, thus gravity would affect me. Last time, I became weightless however, there was no gravity in the memory world too, thus I was able to adapt to the sudden situation a lot faster.
Fighting under gravity is going to be a lot more difficult, as unlike last time, I will have to make sure I don’t fall to the ground.
If I crashed into the ground like before, I’ll die, no doubt.
Also, although one has 3 lives in this dungeon. Next time, I’ll have to start from here only. Thus, dying here is a no-go. Not to mention, the next Trials will be harder than this, I can’t die here.
Ps- Unlike what I thought before, the Trials are a lot refreshing, if that word fits the context. I was needlessly worried that in this place I’ll feel trapped like in the memory world.
But guess what?
It’s not.
Rather, it’s entirely the opposite.
There is no one forcing me to do this, I came here with my own choice, and I can leave whenever I want.
It feels nothing sort of soothing, even though I have to fight something way above my league because this is a choice I made on my own.
I’m having fun.
Result- The God-Killing Spear is now 55 meters long.
Day 25
I’ll start my attack tomorrow after the 5th leviathan vanishes.
The mission name is: Fish Hunt Decree
Why Decree?
Because it’s my mission and I get to decide the name! I can name it whatever I want!
…Okay that was a bit embarrassing. But, hey! This is my personal diary, it’s not like anyone can read this!
Yes, yes, Eth, I know you can. There is no need to make a jab every time you get a chance.
I’m talking like this because I want to.
That reminds me, you have been awfully quiet these days.
That would explain it. Certainly, it is better if you also learn about the Universe from Caim.
Caim is the most knowledgeable person I know personally, as he was the right-handed man of Beelzebub.
How does Caim’s curse work?
He can split a bit of his soul and use them to take over another’s soul.
Yeah, it isn’t wrong to say that the Caim with us is real, given that he is a piece from the original soul.
You are right. I also don’t think any mind control or memory-reading ability will work on me. Though, given how that being is living inside my soul without permission, I can’t say I’m very thankful for this sort of protection.
Anyway, I’ll stop here today.
Tomorrow, Fish Hunt Decree would be put in motion.
And depending on how it goes, this may be my last diary entry inside this trial.
Result- Forged God-Killing Sphere to almost 58 meters, the unknown power it is releasing has also increased.