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The Hitting Zone: Chapter 1032 V3 Ch266

Chapter 1032 V3 Ch266

Chapter 1032 V3 Ch266

Friday’s practice was light as Coach spent most of his time with Oscar and a couple of the pitchers. Most of us were sent to the batting cage to take turns getting work in. Noah and I were the exception though. Noah convinced Mr. Miller that we had to practice turning double plays, so we spent almost an hour taking turns diving in the dirt while the other covered second base.

After getting home from practice, Grampa greeted me by handing me a banana. “Mary says I have to make sure you’re eating a fruit or veggie at all times. Watching TV? Have some carrots. Doing homework? Eat some apple slices.” He laughed at my look of defeat. “Don’t worry, kid. We’ll fatten you up in no time. Tonight, we’ll have my homemade pasta. I’ve already started.”

After we all showered and sat down for dinner, Mom and Dad talked more about the plan for next weekend and what to expect. It was mostly for Kyle who was choosing to stay home with Grampa. He was to periodically check in and if anything went wrong, he could expect to be grounded until graduation. Which was only two months away so I don’t know how much of a deterrent that was.

After dinner, we all chose to stay in, watching the A’s game on TV. Jeremy and his team were in Seattle playing the Mariners. It was still early in the season and no one in their division had taken off yet. Not like a Florida team that had already won ten games in a row. That was crazy.

By the time the game ended, with an A’s loss sadly, it was time to go to bed. Our game tomorrow was going to be in the mid morning, meaning a somewhat early bus ride. Quincy was an hour and a half away, but most memorably, it was the away game where Noah and Austin got into it.

After a big breakfast thanks to Mom, we showed up to school and put our bags in storage under the bus, saying ‘hi’ to the other guys. The twins boarded early while Noah and I hung outside of the bus. Noah was put in charge in of watching what I ate, when I ate, and how much I ate. And he took his job seriously, urging me to eat a banana before we boarded even though we legitimately just ate.

“Please tell me you had something else to eat this morning besides a banana?” Alisha showed up with a small backpack.

I looked to Noah since I was still chewing.

Noah explained that we already ate breakfast and that I was just snacking, trying to up my calorie count.

Alisha reached out to hold my shoulder. “I have a feeling you’re going to become a little fat boy.”

“I’m not little.” I told her as soon as I swallowed. I straightened up to emphasize that I was taller than her now. Just barely. But Alisha is taller than most girls in our grade.

Alisha and Noah laughed at my actions. We casually talked about my plan to gain weight so I can gain muscle as we watched the three levels of teams board the bus. Noah had a row reserved as the vice-captain while Alisha sat with the coaches so we weren’t in any hurry.

“Hey, Andy!” Noah called out and waved to our favorite freshman.

Andy said something to his friends and split from them to join us. “Hey guys. Alisha.” He nodded casually.

“You’re sounding kind of tired.” Noah commented. “Did you stay up too late last night?”

“No.” He sighed. “Just feeling a little stressed about today.”

“What? Why? It’s game day!”

Andy looked around before lowering his voice. “You guys know how we’ve had some tough losses, right?”

Noah and I nodded. We’ve heard about a few of them. Especially the ones where we share a bus ride home. I couldn’t really say how they were doing at home games though.

“Well it’s causing some tension within the team. Bad bats versus bad pitching. Everyone’s blaming everyone. It’s starting to feel like everyone is picking sides. Coach Holman hasn’t been happy about it.” Andy sighed again, looking more down than I’ve ever seen him. “I kind of wish I was on the freshman team instead. Even though it’s not much better record wise, they have a better vibe.”

“Yea, because they’re all freshmen.” Noah pointed out. “You’re more likely to get along with the guys you’ve been seeing and playing with for years. JV and Varsity are different. It’s put together based on skill level.”

Andy frowned. “Is there a way to get the team to start acting like a team?”

Noah started to nod then shrugged. “I’m sure there is. But I’m not on your team so I can’t really say what the problem is. Is it just because you guys are losing? Or are there bad apples bringing the morale down? Who’s your captain? Is he taking charge when problems arise?”

“We have two. A Junior, Michael. And a sophomore, Austin.”

I cringed. “Austin? A captain?”

Noah also looked skeptical. “How the heck did your coach pick captains? Two guys that both play shortstop?”

Andy shook his head. “He didn’t pick. It was a vote. Michael won the first spot. Then Austin. We voted after the first tournament we participated in so we knew the guys. And right now they’re taking turns at short.”

“Taking turns?” Noah was astounded while I was confused. “No wonder you guys aren’t doing well.” He shook his head. “I’ll mention something to Coach Wilcox when I get a chance. You should have known that captains with conflicting interests can effect the team cohesion. They’re both fighting for the same spot. Maybe not outright, but I know Austin…” It was Noah’s turn to sigh. “Such an idiot. I bet he’s going around to the sophomores first and just starting shit.”

I nodded in agreement.

Andy raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve never liked him.” Alisha put her two cents in. “Everything is like a popularity contest to him. I don’t know how everyone likes him and his superior attitude. Just a trash human being.”

I nodded in agreement some more.

“You’re pretty good, Andy. Why weren’t you picked as captain?” Noah asked.

Andy cracked a smile. “Who wants a freshman as captain? Don’t worry, I know my place in the outfield. I’m the starting center now and I’m not afraid to assert myself out there.”

“That’s good. Keep it straight out there. Don’t be afraid to speak up in the dugout too.” Noah advised. “Don’t let things get so bad that there’s no saving it. Don’t think that it’s not important because it’s not Varsity. You and your team are the future of the Varsity level. If you all hate one another now, it won’t be much better in the future.”

Andy nodded. We talked a little more before he went to board the bus.

“I don’t know what Holman is thinking.” Noah frowned. “He’s gotta know it’s bad news for captains to be trying to play the same position.”

“Maybe he’s hoping the team could figure it out themselves?” Alisha suggested. “Like one of them has to be the better person and give up their spot and try something new?”

“I bet Michael would…unless he knows he’s playing better at short than Austin.” Noah said. “Makes me dread what next year will look like.”

“You’ll have to take charge.” Alisha smiled. “Shouldn’t the vice-captain become a future captain? You can’t let these idiots mess around when these games matter so much more.” She looked at me. “And you’ll have to be tougher too, Jake. Don’t let those losers bully you.”

I didn’t know how to respond. I wasn’t outright bullied by them last year. Just whenever we crossed paths, sparks would fly. And the few sophomores on my team right now weren’t too bad. Dalton and Logan mostly hung out with one another. And Marshel was constantly with the pitchers so our paths didn’t cross too often.

“Coach would never let Jake be bullied.” Noah stated firmly and confidently. “He’s the real ace on the team.”

“I thought aces were supposed to be pitchers?” Alisha asked.

“Yes, that’s right. Jake’s just that good.” Noah slapped my back. “MVP for sure. Of the team and of the league. No one can compare.”

“We don’t know that.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “Don’t say things like that. It sounds like you’re bragging about me. Or like showing me off like a trophy.”

“Okay, but when it really happens at the end of the season, you can’t complain when I really do brag about you.” Noah told me.

All the coaches started boarding, signaling that it was almost time to go. The three of us headed for the bus and got on, finding our seats. Alisha sat on the aisle next to Mr. Miller. We were just a few rows back, right at the end of the coaches. I went in first for the window seat. Then Noah on the aisle side. He started talking with Garret across the aisle about the expected lineup today.