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The Hitting ZoneThe Hitting Zone: Chapter 537 - V2 Ch9

Chapter 537 - V2 Ch9

Chapter 537 V2 ch9

"Where'd you go?" Noah asked as soon as I got to the table. "And don't lie to me again. I asked the twins about your supposed math worksheet and they said they already have your homework to copy."

Embarrassed, I sat down and avoided eye contact. "I wanted to talk to Kaylee for you."

Noah relaxed. "You didn't have to lie about that. She didn't give you a hard time, did she?"

I shook my head. "She said she would think about it." I added. "Alisha was there so she helped me. She said if we can't come up with ten players, she wouldn't mind being an honorary member."

"Awesome!" Noah shouted.

We ate our lunch in a much happier mood.

"Did Jeremy ever text you back?" Noah asked, while munching on chips.

I frowned. I didn't get a reply last night or this morning. I sighed and pulled out my phone, checking for messages. I froze. I had one. From him! "He did."

"What did he say?" Noah asked, leaning over the table.

I placed the phone down so we could read it together.

Jeremy: Got your message, Jake. Can't wait to see you and meet your teammates. Let me know if you and the Atkins want to show up early again to watch batting practice.

"Wow." Noah blinked. "I'll never get over the fact that your brother is Jeremy Patterson."

I looked up at him, not understanding.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm Team Jake, all the way." He grinned. "But it's just so surreal to see you texting a professional baseball player like it's nothing."

I didn't know what to say. Not to Noah and not to Jeremy. I stared at my phone. "Should I tell him it'll be just us?"

"Yea, why not?" Noah said. "We have to show up early before traffic so it'll be cool if we can wait inside the ballpark instead of sitting in the car."

True. I started to type.

Me: Mr. and Mrs. Atkins are busy. Zeke is going to drive us after school so we'll be early again.

I pushed send.

A reply was sent back to me in a minute.

Jeremy: Just go to the Will Call window when you show up. Someone from PR will get you guys to the field. Will any of your teammates show up early? It's okay if you want to invite them all.

I showed Noah his reply. "Should we ask the team..?"

"Of course!" He whipped out his own phone. "I'll tell Zeke to send out a mass text to the team to find out how many will be there early with us." He started to type.

I replied to Jeremy.

Me: I'll ask. Thanks.

Jeremy: No problem. Just send me a text with how many will be there.

Jeremy: Will you wear the jersey I got you?

Jeremy: You don't have to if you don't want to.

Me: I will.

"What were you texting?" Noah asked, looking right at me.

"Nothing." I put my phone away.

"It can't be nothing if it made you smile."

I shrugged. "He asked if I would wear the jersey he got me."


"I will." I repeated to Noah what I had sent to Jeremy.

Noah looked at me thoughtfully. "Looks like it's going well."

I shrugged. "It's not like we're close. It's very...bland."

The bell rung signaling the end of lunch. We packed up our bags and got up from the table. We went our own ways for math.

I walked in and noticed the twins already seated for class it was unusual. I made my way over, sitting at the table we shared.

"I heard you got caught lying to Noah?" Kyle grinned.

"You didn't hear." Dave corrected. "You're the one who sold him out." He mock-whispered to me. "Don't lend him your homework anymore. He didn't hesitate to sell you out."

Kyle looked a little guilty as he shrugged. "How was I to know?" He looked at me. "So why did you lie? Did Noah confront you? Is he mad at you?"

"Noah's not mad. I told him the truth." I answered. "I just wanted to talk to Kaylee for him."

"On your own?" Dave asked, surprised.

I rubbed my nose, feeling awkward. "Yea."

"Awe! Jakey is growing up!" Kyle pounced on me, pulling me into an awkward side hug.

"Let go of him, idiot." Dave slapped Kyle's head, forcing him to move away. Then he looked at me. "Did she yell at you? What did she say about playing in an adult softball league?"

I shook my head. "She said she would talk to Marie." Kyle stiffened up next to me. "Another classmate of ours also offered to be a member if we really need it."

"Good. Sounds like it's going better than yesterday." Dave smiled.

The bell rung again and class was set to begin. I heard a faint buzz, then watched as the twins discreetly pulled out their phones. They checked it simultaneously and then looked down at me with giant grins.

I slumped in my chair a little bit. They must have gotten Zeke's text.

"Jeremy is turning out to be a nice guy." Kyle whispered.

Dave nodded. "Yea. This is too cool. I never thought I would get a second opportunity to be on the A's field within a week."

A glance from the teacher made the two go quiet.

I felt embarrassed from the attention. It was true that Jeremy did nice things for us in the last couple of weeks, and I was trying really hard to appreciate it, but it just felt weird. Like I'm being bought off. Kind of. I don't know. If Zeke became a pro, I think he would do the same for his brothers so maybe I'm just overthinking this.

Math ended and I left the twins to go to Health Class. I met up with Noah in the gymnasium where it was held.

He bounced around excitedly as I reached him. "Guess what?!"

"You found another teammate?" I guessed.

His excitement died a little bit. "Okay, so I was too obvious. But can you guess who?"

I shook my head.

"Mr. Miller!!"

"Does he know that you're signing him up?" I asked. Knowing Noah, he would just make the decision without consent, and then just expect everyone to go with his idea.

Noah stuck his tongue out at me. "Yes! I remember him talking to us about adult softball before. So I sent him a text during class-"

I made a face. "How did you not get in trouble?"

"I did." He laughed. "Mr. Miller wants me to run laps for not paying attention in class. But as I was saying, I asked him if he was already on a team and he said no. So now we have our third official member over the age of 18."

Yea...really over the age of 18.

"With me, you, Zeke, Julian and his brother, and now Mr. Miller, we have six! Kaylee and Alisha would make eight! We really only need two more."

I held back a laugh. "Uhh, Alisha said only if we don't get ten. We shouldn't just count her in right away, should we?"

Noah waved my worries away. "She won't mind. What's more important is finding two more players for our roster list due on Sunday." His face twisted as he tried to think. "This is going to be a little more difficult."

I agreed silently as the class began. Noah was already counting players that haven't even filled out release forms. This will be more than just difficult. It's going to be problematic.