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The Hitting ZoneThe Hitting Zone: Chapter 535 - V2 Ch7

Chapter 535 - V2 Ch7

Chapter 535 V2 ch7

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Noah whispered this time around.

I shrugged. "It's's just a little weird." I scratched my cheek. "I don't want him to think that I'm using him."

"It's not like you're accepting money for a meet and greet." Noah comforted me. "Just text him tonight and say that you're coming to a game. With your team."

"Okay, listen up." Coach spoke over our side conversations. "The game we'll be going to has already been decided. The school won't be providing rides so get together and talk if you need to carpool. Make sure to talk to your parents, because it'll be a school night. Thursday. Game is at 7:05pm." Coach went into the details.

After he answered everyone's questions, we broke up and headed for our own ways. I glanced back at the field, feeling a little sad again. I wouldn't play with this group of guys again.

"Are you really going to ask Jeremy to meet the team when we go on Thursday night?" Dave asked when we were all in the car, heading home.

I shrugged. "It couldn't hurt."

"What are you going to say?" Kyle asked.

"I'll just tell him that we're coming Thursday night, first." I repeated Noah's suggestion. "Then ask if he wants to meet the team."

"Do you think he'll get us the same tickets as last time?" Dave asked, grinning.

"No way." Kyle sighed. "Coach already got the tickets from the organization. There's no way we would get another set of tickets."

"Plus, it'll be the whole team this time." Noah pointed out. "We'd take up that whole section."

"Where do you think we'll sit then?" Dave asked.

"Probably the outfield or nosebleed seats." Kyle snorted.

"Nosebleed..?" I paled.

"It's just a saying for seats that are high up." Noah explained.


The twins and Noah spent the rest of the ride home talking about where we would sit and if their parents would give money for snacks besides a hotdog.

Once we were home, everyone went their own ways. Their parents must be working since neither was home. Without baseball, our focus had to be on homework and upcoming finals. Noah and I had it easy as freshmen though.

In our room, I pulled out my phone and stared at the conversation I had with Jeremy a few days ago. I didn't even say thanks to his last text. I frowned.

"Don't wimp out now." Noah laughed, pulling out his homework and spreading it out on the floor.

I sat on my bed to get out of his way. "I'm not wimping out. I just...I'm thinking, okay?"

I saw Noah smile and look away.

Embarrassed, I hurried up and sent a message.

Me: I'm coming to your game on Thursday night with my team. To celebrate our CIF championship.

I stared at my phone, waiting for a reply. A reply that didn't come immediately. After a minute, Noah spoke up, "You do realize that he's playing an away game today, right? Like right now. He's not going to be able to text you back."

I threw my pillow from my bed at Noah, messing up his papers that he laid out.

Noah laughed. "What? It's not my fault you don't follow what the A's are doing."

"But you knew!" I accused. "You knew I was going to text him. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Just to see what you would look like when he didn't reply right away." Noah grinned. "You were like an eager puppy. If you cared that much, you shouldn't have waited for a reason to message him. Just do it everyday."

I shook my head. "I don't want to bug him."

"I bug my brothers all the time. It's normal."

"We're not normal brothers." I pointed out. I put my phone down and started on my own homework. "Plus, you grew up with your brothers. This is different. We're just strangers that share the same blood."

Noah didn't say anything to that. He knew better than anyone, where I was coming from. We stopped messing around and focused on getting our homework done. We had projects to complete and books to read for an essay due Friday.

Mrs. Atkins was first to come home with pizzas. The smell summoned all five of us. We sat down as she passed out the plates.

"Mom! We get to go to another A's game this week!" Noah announced happily.

She glanced to me. "Did you guys reach out to Jeremy?"

"Yea, but he hasn't replied." Noah told her.

"I think, she thinks, that we asked Jeremy for the tickets, you dope." Dave laughed. "No, Mom, the whole team gets to go. For winning the championship. Thursday night. We get to go on the field and everything."

"Thursday?" She frowned.

"Is that a problem?" Kyle noticed.

She sat down in her seat with her slice of pizza. "Your father and I have some late meetings that afternoon."

"We can go without you." Noah told her. "We definitely can't show up late or we won't get to go on the field."

She looked unsure. "I don't's a long drive." She looked at Zeke. "Do you feel comfortable driving through all that traffic?"

Zeke answered. "I can do it."

"Zeke's an adult, Mom." Noah told her. "Come on! If you're not going to let Zeke take us, then one of you have to miss work."

Mrs. Atkins gave a sad smile. "I would love to go and see my kids out on the field, but these are very important meetings. A developer is looking for local real estate agents to sell his condos that will be ready in the next month. It's a very good opportunity for us." She looked at Zeke. "Are you sure you can handle it? You'll have to drive late at night afterwards too."

Zeke looked her in her eyes. "Yes, Mom."

She relaxed after the reassurance. Then tensed up at the sight of us. "You four. Or should I say three. Noah, Dave, and Kyle." She stared deeply at them. "I don't want you guys distracting Zeke during the drive there or the drive back. Do you understand?"

"We'll do our homework on the way there." Kyle volunteered.

"And sleep on the way back." Dave continued.

"We won't bother Zeke at all." Noah added. "You can trust us, Mom."

She cracked a smile. "Can I? Can I really?" She shook her head. "I'll talk with your dad when he gets home. As long as he thinks Zeke can handle the drive and you guys can handle being good, then we'll allow it."


Everyone ate their pizza in a good mood. Near the end, a buzzing sound could be heard. Zeke pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the caller ID.

"I'm going to go answer this." He got up from his seat and went to the backyard to take the call.

"Who do you think that was?" Dave asked the table.

"Maybe it was Rhys." Noah finished off his pizza.

"No, it was Julian." Kyle said. "I got a look at his phone."

"Why would he call?" Noah asked.

Dave shrugged. "Maybe he needs a ride on Thursday? Or help with an assignment?"

Before anymore speculation could happen, Zeke returned. He looked straight at Noah. "Make sure to bring two release forms to school tomorrow. Julian and his brother will join the team."

"Yes!" Noah jumped up and pumped his fists. "Now we're half way there."

"I thought his brother tried out for the club team..?" I asked, vaguely remembering that he was there when we found out that Noah had missed the tryouts.

"He didn't make it?" Dave asked.

Zeke's lips thinned. "Their parents didn't want to pay for it. They don't mind them playing baseball, but..." He trailed off.

"I thought Julian changed their mind since he got a partial scholarship to go to Fresno State?" Dave asked.

"Julian didn't play club ball to get there." Kyle pointed out. "He only played high school ball. His parents probably think that's good enough." He looked to his mom, looking a little guilty. "Thanks, Mom. For letting me go to all these camps."

She smiled warmly.

"Yea, thanks Mom!" Dave echoed.

"Parents do the best they can-" She stopped. "I mean, everyone has different circumstances. I'm happy to do the best I can for you boys." She looked at me and smiled. "For all of you. I want all five of you to be happy."

"I'm happy!" Noah chirped. "We've got our first teammates. Just need five more names and we've got an official team." He grinned with excitement. Hard to believe he was down and out, earlier in the day with Kaylee's rejection.