His mind drifted outside the palace to the angel’s standing guard, at that moment another angel was being created in front of the Palace of Ice, but only the legs up to the knee were created before it stopped.
It was not difficult to spot the reason for that, it was because the bodies outside had been fully consumed, and it could only create a pair of feet. Besides, Rowan was sure the bulk of its growth was because of the Incarnation State golden beast bodies. 𝙣𝒗.𝒎
Going back to the eyes and the angels and the purple moon, they were all connected.
The knowledge came to him easily. He could open a single eye with 100,000 Soul points, and he could bestow it on a single angel. Bringing it to the first rank.
Angels had nine ranks, and he could choose to upgrade them by adding more eyes to their bodies, or he could passively let them grow by themselves.
From the highest to the lowest rank they were : Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Seraphim’s, Cherubim’s, Powers, Sovereignties, Archangels, and Angels.
What was a significant detail was that the angels would rank up as they grew in power, but the number of eyes they had determined their maximum limit of their growth, and most angels were capable of only holding a single eye.
For an Angel to become an Archangel they needed two eyes.
To become a Sovereign they needed seven eyes.
To become a Power they needed eighty-one eyes.
To become Cherubim they needed 1,008 eyes.
To become a Seraphim they needed 9,999 eyes.
To become a principality they required 100,888 eyes.
To become a Dominion they needed 1,999,999 eyes.
Finally, to become a Throne they needed only a single eye. His own.
What was essential to note was that an Angel was compelling, and a fully grown Angel was as powerful as a Dominator in the fourth Great Circle, otherwise known as Earth gods or the Ancestor of a major family.
Just placing more eyes on a single Angel was not the method of upgrading its rank, he could not push more than a single eye into the body of an Angel, or he would risk its destruction, but rather it was through a process called Origin Fusion.
To create an Archangel from Origin Fusion, he would need to fuse two fully grown Angels, and to make a Sovereign he would need to fuse two fully grown Archangels and a single Angel.
Fusion was still a bit distant for him at the moment because he had to be at the Fourth Great Circle before he could begin fusing and ranking up his Angels.
Yet the importance of having an Angel by his side could not be overemphasized, their powers were literally heaven defying.
From his bloodline knowledge, he knew that the form of these twisted angels now were known as Char. They were empty vessels and the moment he placed an eye inside the Char, it would begin its transformation to an Angel.
Angels had powers that could only be available to them at each rank, but even at the lowest rank, their abilities include: Astral Projection, Dream Walking, Flight, Limited Immortality, Protective Charm, Pyrokinesis, Regeneration, Super Strength, Super Stamina, Super Sense and Spell Casting.
Their abilities were vast and diverse, with seemingly little to no connections linking them, for if they were Dominators, it would appear that they picked abilities from every Pathway.
Their powers were astonishing, and they would receive upgrades to these powers when they got to higher ranks, and even develop new ones. At higher ranks they would begin acquiring unique abilities related to their names.
Notwithstanding the cost needed to create a single Angel, it was also time intensive, if he produced an Angel with his bloodline at the mortal State it would remain at that State until he upgraded his bloodline to the Legendary State.
Also when he was at the Fourth Great Circle, any further Angels he created would naturally upgrade themselves to reach that level, but it would take them a decade to do so.
These were another long-term project for him, with his increasingly long lifespan and more Soul Points, he could spend a few thousand years creating a Legion of Angels, as vast as the sands on a beach.
But for now, Rowan required an Angel for one important reason, which was surveillance.
He had lost Spatial Sight, but a peculiar Ability of the Angel which was Astral Projection could serve as a very discrete method to understand his surroundings.
The way the ability works was that the Angel would project a shadowy form of their wings in various locations. Most times, a single or multiple feathers would serve depending on the size of the location under surveillance.
With these shadowy wings, Rowan would be able to easily keep an eye on different locations discreetly. An Angel could only Astral Project to three locations at most at a time, but this Ability also gets upgraded with an Angels rank up.
Furthermore, Angels could hide themselves in shadows and in that state they were invisible and immaterial, and only the keenest of senses could detect them.
Their utility for him would be endless, he could keep an eye on people of interests, and if he wanted to eliminate them, it would not matter how far they were from him, as long as an Angel was in their shadow, even if they escaped to the furthest parts of the universe.
If Rowan could awaken enough Angels it would be possible to monitor every single event transpiring in an entire planet, and as there was no virtual limit to the number of Angels he could create, it meant he might be able to monitor a solar system or an entire galaxy in the future.
Which was a great idea because Rowan knew in the future he would have to control thousands or even millions of planets, and instead of consuming them like a mindless beast, he could cultivate those worlds, and let them deliver resources to him, and what was a better watchman over all his worlds than Angels.
With the number of resources he would need in the future he might need to control multiple galaxies to feed himself.
It was the proverbial eating the eggs and keeping the chicken, of course he could choose to devour an entire world at once, but at the long scheme of things, that would turn out to be incredibly wasteful.
In the vision he killed countless beings, and had a massive feast, but subsequently, if he needed more Soul points, he would have to go to another universe because there was no one else to produce souls anymore.
If he only devoured the resources from the worlds slowly, Over time, the planet would recoup its losses using the Aether in the universe, and he would have an inexhaustible source of Souls and energy.
A skeleton of his future activities began to be created inside his head, and he grimaced. Rowan considered the incredible amount of work for him in the future, and he was not dauntedin fact, he was getting excited.
With the nature of his powers, he did not expect to become bored in the next thousand years or even a million, as he slowly would shape the universe to cater to his needs.
Because this is how a true Empyrean thinks and plans. Their sights should encompass vast distances and time scales, else he would never live to his full potential.
For him to begin creating and housing Angels, he would need to upgrade his bloodline. At the completed Mortal State he could only hold a single active angel, and at the completed Legendary State he could use four more angels, eight more at the Rift State and another nine at the Incarnation State.
He could only begin making a host of Angels when he had access to his Realm, which was only possible when he ascended to the second Great Circle.