The final portion of Rowan’s consciousness had settled on a vast stretch of seas that covered an area of tens of thousands of miles in radius and yet barely had any continent on it.
During his deathlike slumber, his body would unconsciously attempt to rise and that would bring down tribulation lightning that was so fierce that most of the continents that were in this region had long collapsed into ash and molten rock, and sunk into the sea.
A legend had cropped up around this region for the last million years and this area was called the Sea of Lightning, because for unwary travelers across the seemingly peaceful sea, massive thunderstorms may suddenly appear out of nowhere, and no one caught in the midst of it had ever survived, be it mortal or Ascendant.
There were warning signs of course, such as the waves suddenly rising from the sea when there were no winds as if reaching for the heavens, and then the lightning would inevitably follow, but this was not enough to warn those who ventured this stretch of ocean, and after a while no one passed this region of the sea again, and for nearly five hundred thousand years, this was the first time that this place had seen the gaze of others.
Rowan’s Ascendant body arrived above the area, spat out from the golden line that had blazed across the realm for millions of miles, he could feel the resonance with the final portion of himself, and it was building, like a storm that would never abate and as if that thought brought it to life, massive golden lightning began to emerge from the space around him. They shot out for hundreds of miles and the sounds of the thunder that followed could deafen an immortal. The lightning surrounded him like a cloak, but it was not, Rowan knew it was just a byproduct of the merger that was about to happen as his dimension was beginning to be made whole, and since he was in the middle of it, he was experiencing the entire process first hand.
On the edge of the field of lightning, he heard a pained scream that was cut short and then a gust of wind blew away the ashes of dozens of Ascendants who had approached him in a sneaky manner trying to discover what was happening.
Ascendant Sun Dilos was not a fool, he had seen the direction that the Time Blight was heading and he had sent a forward party to investigate what could be ahead. It was those unlucky investigative parties that had just fallen into the space where a shattered dimension was about to be made whole.
Rowan could also imagine the thoughts going through the minds of every Ascendant who was watching this phenomenon, especially the long trail of gold he had made across the heavens that was beginning to converge on his position.
His golden glow had spread across half the realm, yet what every Ascendant should be sensing was his pure Ascendant Aura, which was voluminous on such a vast scale that only an Ascendant Sun should have the amount of Aura that should be able to affect half the realm, but at the same time they could all sense that Rowan was at the First Dan, merely a fourth- dimensional Ascendant!
His light had spread over half the realm, dispelling the darkness and the light from above and below as they all seemed to bow before it, because it was not a matter of power but quality, like fireflies before the light of the sun, and in the billions of continents that his golden giant had occupied they arose from the ground and looked to the heavens where the light of their creator had shed on all creation, and they marveled at it.
They knew the coming of the Creator would create sweeping changes, but in their wildest imagination, they could never imagine how much these changes would affect reality.
On one of the many lower continents a mortal family comprising three generations, numbering around eighty members gaped at the sky and then were further shaken by the golden giant that broke out from the ground, but no matter how fantastical the sight of the golden giant was, there was something about the sky turning to a beautiful burning gold that drew all their attention.
As if they had stayed under the sun for too long, the bodies of the mortal family began to shrink, their eyes turning yellow and sinking into their heads, this change was happening across every lower continent, and in a short moment, they would have all perished if not for the presence of the golden giants.
Summoning their Natal Treasures which took the form of gigantic golden serpents, they sent it into the sky where it coiled around itself and took the shape of a massive ring, the head of a snake biting its tail.
A pulse radiated from the ring that cut across the thousands of continents under the guardian of the golden giants, and for those golden giants with multiple Natal Treasures, they could cover up more territories.
The pulse from the Natal Treasure blocked the sights of the mortals from perceiving the true state of Rowan’s light. Any moment longer and there would not be a single living mortal under his light.
The reason every single mortal below had not instantly perished when Rowan revealed himself was because of the cloak of Ascendancy he still wore across his being, yet even with this, it was only a thin shell, and it would not last.
From the center of the coiled Natal Treasure, a gateway appeared and the golden giants with a roar unleashed the full extent of their Telekinetic abilities and sent it across the entire continent that they controlled in a massive golden wave that was visible from hundreds of miles in the sky.
At this time the weakest of the golden giants had lit up a fifth star point in their hearts and their telekinetic abilities when unleashed in tandem with their Natal Treasures which had been linked in a massive formation that spread across all the continents that the golden giants were controlling, meant that they could simply pick every single mortal and send them through the ring, their destination Trion.
Everything was carried out smoothly and without any mishaps, the intellect controlling this entire process was extremely powerful, and from the moment Rowan unveiled his light to when he collected most of the mortals in the realm, barely anyone could react quickly enough to stop him.
The main reason for that was their confusion. How could they not be confused, despite all the massive changes happening around the realm, no one was expecting an Ascendant power with this kind of reach, an Ascendant power at the fourth dan. Also since this process began, it had barely been a few short moments. According to the standard timing of mortals, it had only been two seconds.
Not one to wait for opportunities to slip by, Rowan appeared above the last portion of his shattered dimension, during his arrival he had already begun the process of summoning it and when he arrived, he simply had to beckon to it,