As for the Celebrity’s Circumstances (3)
“Thank you for meeting with me today.”
“Not at all. If my president ends up asking you what we talked about, please keep it quiet for my sake.”
“I think that’s something you two will need to work out between yourselves.”
“Ha ha ha. Really Detective! If you need anything else just give me a call. I’ll do my best to help you out.”
DK pushed a card with his personal number onto me.
The card might have been printed out for business purposes as it had tasteless glitter glued all over it.
Is he trying to beg for some mutual help?
If that’s the case, I also had something to ask of him.
“Actually, is there something you could find out for me?”
“What is it?”
“The location of Hae-Soo’s sponsor.”
Considering how small the world of entertainment was, he should be able to find out just by rubbing a few shoulders.
“If it’s too difficult, then forget about it.”
DK was someone who had become stuck with the label of a has-been.
I don’t know if my words had hurt his pride, but the way he snuffed out his cigarette was a bit violent.
“Difficult, as if. It’ll be a piece of cake. But you know what it’ll take, right?”
“Of course.”
In exchange, he wanted me to thoroughly keep everything a secret from the president of his entertainment agency.
That wasn’t a difficult condition for me to accept.
Leaving DK behind, I exited the building.
Now I only had to return to the police station and take care of the remaining backlog of work.
Fortunately, the case was already in its final stages, so I had room to breathe.
The cherry blossoms on the sidewalk swayed in the breeze.
In this kind of weather, do I really need to be shut in an office?
At that moment a single, black car slowly pulled up beside me.
At first I didn’t pay it any attention and kept on walking, but I soon realized that the car was following me.
What was going on?
As soon I stopped walking, the car braked as well.
The dark-tinted window lowered smoothly.
“Are you Detective Go Ji-Hun?”
“Yeah, what’s it to you?”
“It’s so good to meet you. My name is Ma Eun-Tae.”
Ma Eun-Tae.
I hadn’t heard that name before.
He had fierce, snake-like eyes along with an abnormal atmosphere.
Despite the brightly lit outdoors, the inside of the car seemed dark and dim.
From just a casual glance, he didn’t look like someone in an ordinary line of work.
“So what?”
“By any chance, do you have some time to spare?”
“No way. I’m busy. Got lots of stuff to do.”
“It will really only take a moment of your time. It’s just that I have a stake in the Gogo Nightclub.”
Well now. What does he mean by that?
Sticking a hand into my pocket, I bent down to get a better look.
Apart from the two in the driver and passenger’s seats, I couldn’t see anyone else.
Did it mean that, for something like this, he felt that he only needed three people…
Just as this thought passed through my head, I spotted the other black cars ominously idling along the sides of the road.
One, two, three…
That’s right. There’s no way a fucking ganster would want to meet a detective without this much backup.
While keeping calm, I asked Ma Eun-Tae a question.
“Where are you from? Bangmoon? Goomoon?
The Fork Gang or the Guma Gang.
If he had a stake in the Gogo Nightclub, that meant he must be one of the two.
This guy knew what I was really asking.
He replied with a grin.
“I come from Gomoon.”
The Guma Gang.
Just looking at his attitude and behavior, he must be an executive.
I’ve caught a big fish.
Although I don’t know if I’ll be able to reel him for now.
“I’ve heard that you are quite close to the man called Dal-Gon”
“Who told you that?”
“It’s just something that I managed to overhear from here and there.”
Someone must have eavesdropped on the conversation I had with Dal-Gon while I was escorting him.
But why on earth was the Guma Gang here instead of the Fork Gang?
Ma Eun-Tae craned his head out of the window and looked over at the empty lot on the other side of the road.
“Since the weather is so good, why don’t we have a short conversation over there. Over drinks, of course.”
Hah. Just look at this bastard.
He must have rotted away his own liver1 while tending the bar.
For him to fearlessly go looking for a detective on his own accord.
Fine. Let’s get drinks.
As a sign for him to follow me, I lightly kicked his car.
Apart from Ma Eun-Tae, the rest of the Guma Gang bastards reacted with fierce grimaces.
In truth, I was actually a bit nervous….
But there was no way that I was going to lose in the war of nerves.
With a calm look in my eyes, I tossed a one-liner.
“You’re buying the drinks.”
Then as I turned around, I pressed the button on the recorder.
1 In Korean, instead of the heart, the liver is the organ that’s used to describe when someone is afraid. If a man’s liver is shaking, that means he’s afraid. So for Ma Eun-Tae to have rotted away his liver, is a way to say that he must have lost all sense of fear.