As the elders of the Pantheon Of Honor watched the screens in front of them, watching Minos, he faced a new challenge in the illusion created by Wren.
After the mental test, Minos had a few seconds to breathe and prepare for the new test because of how easy he had it to overcome that challenge.
But a new test began when his level 82 was starting to become unstable, showing signs that it would return to level 81.
Several huge puzzle pieces in his surroundings, moving in different directions, suddenly changed their behavior and started flying toward Minos.
Upon noticing this, Minos noticed that the chains were still holding him on his heels, so he promptly considered that now another of his techniques would come under test.
The previous test had been more obvious about what kind of ability was being tested, so he hadn’t been confused about using his mental abilities and powers of darkness. But seeing these moving parts, he didn’t know what was under test and tried to activate one of his attack techniques.
Chaotic Gravity!
It was not yet time for him to show the prowess of his 7th technique, and once again, a gray ring appeared around him, preventing this technique from taking effect.
Noticing this, Minos tried to activate the Spatial Sword without using a weapon since, with his legs bound, it would be difficult for him to ‘dance’ with his weapon.
Techniques that depended on the use of weapons had one weakness in particular—the user’s movement.
As much as they depended a lot on the spiritual level of their users, techniques like this depended on the movement and body freedom, flexibility, in short, characteristics related to the user’s body.
Like a boxing punch would need to ‘pick up’ momentum by changing angles to become stronger, a sword blow, or various other types of weapons, needed to be directed in special ways to have the best effect.
Without the freedom to move, Minos did not pick up his weapon and simply activated his oldest offensive technique with its newest capabilities.
His spiritual movement soon took effect, and he realized that this technique would be tested at this time.
So as several pieces of this giant puzzle flew towards him, Minos created several spiritual blades in the vacuum of space, preparing them to attack these moving targets.
When they entered his range, he immediately moved each of these swords mentally, making them use the advantage of being hidden in the vacuum to suddenly attack these targets.
The first blades appeared, and as soon as they got close enough to their targets, the restrictive effects of the Spatial Sword showed themselves, causing the speed of those great objects to slow down significantly.
They didn’t entirely stop since it was at the limit of Minos’ power. But as they lost much of their speed, each became an easier target for his spiritual blades!
The air was cut by several of these blades until the first of these huge pieces was hit.
At that instant, the blade in question penetrated the center of that piece, and then…
The piece exploded into dozens of smaller pieces as that blade simultaneously disappeared.
Next, several more such explosions would take place within a kilometer of Minos without any of these larger pieces hitting him.
The fragments of them would even continue flying towards him. Still, having lost most of their power, none of them would do any damage to Minos, even if they hit him.
When all these pieces were finished being destroyed, Minos’ level dropped to level 81 and then to level 80 in the blink of an eye.
After three tests in a row, he had reached his limit!
“Hmmm, his ability is obviously temporary.” One of the high-level Demigods watching him commented, not the least bit surprised.
Such an impressive ability had to have its weakness!
“But it’s not bad. He endured tests that could severely injure newly-advanced level 90 Demigods. At least temporarily, his combat proficiency is similar to ordinary people new to our stage.” Another man said.
Julian then added. “Young Minos could still fuse three techniques at once and generate a supreme weapon capable of threatening the lives of even level 93 Demigods.
That’s obviously not something he can count on whenever he wants, but we can’t ignore it. In addition, he can make ordinary fusions and use several of them before exhausting himself.
Let’s not forget that the elder Wren is blocking several of his techniques. This would not happen in ordinary combat, and he could use several of these techniques to weaken his opponents and strengthen himself.”
After his words, those men were silent, pondering this.
Julian took advantage of the silence and suggested. “From what I know, young Minos should have a technique capable of hindering his opponents’ use of free spiritual energy in nature.
Elder Wren, could you test this? Have him encounter several opponents of a similar level to that other one you used early activating techniques against him.”
The other elders accepted Julian’s recommendation, and soon, Wren would do as suggested, testing the Devouring Art of Minos.
After almost a full hour of testing Minos, the high-level Demigods of the Pantheon Of Honor saw enough of Emperor Stuart’s abilities.
In their opinion, Minos had much the better to become like some of that organization’s most talented level 90 members. However, it was a fact that he could fight level 90 opponents without his life being in extreme danger.
At the same time, if he used his fusions, he could go much further, even at only level 80.
Minos had failed when he was tested after the Devouring Art because he was already exhausted, and without being able to rely on all his techniques simultaneously, he had finished the test with his lowest combat proficiency.
But those elders had seen enough of him.
Before Wren brought him back from that illusion, the six council members looked at each other, confident that they had seen enough.
“The boy is really promising. Maybe his potential is as great as Vico Travisani’s.” The oldest in that place commented, remembering this fellow, one of the most talented he had ever seen in his long life.
Vico was not only a monster in the Central Continent, but he was also respected throughout the Spiritual World.
Among the current generation, he was one of the favorites to become the next human God!
“So, what shall we do with him? Minos Stuart has a long way to go, but I believe he can easily overcome his weaknesses in less than a decade.” Aarav commented. “He should not take long to actually reach level 82. When that happens, his combat proficiency will surpass the minimum we require of our members.”