Void Evolution System Reload
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Void Evolution System: Chapter 691 Return [1]

Chapter 691 Return [1]

Contrary to the effect Damien’s disappearance had on the Human Domain’s fate, the actual reaction to the event was quite muted.

It was a strange thing, a situation like the boy who cried wolf. Those close to Damien had witnessed him achieve too many miraculous feats to believe anything could kill him before he decided to die.

This didn’t just go for his wives, whose faith in him had reached unholy levels. It also went for those like Tian Yang, Long Chen, Alea, and even the Xue siblings.

With Damien’s presence having left such a profound impact on their hearts, they didn’t have any worries at all.

The ones who felt the most emotion were naturally Rose and Ruyue. Damien’s disappearance irked them, but more than anything it made them hateful of their own weakness.

In a situation where he was taken away by a mysterious force, they weren’t even nearby. They were being evacuated away with everyone else while Damien joined a group of Demigods in a battle that even left a portion of them dead!

And even after the battle, Damien had been sucked into an Abyssal Corridor that could kill even the strongest Demigods. They knew Damien would survive, but they hated that they had no chance to do the same.

No matter how much they worked, they never seemed to be able to support him when it was necessary. It was this realization that led them to train in the most deathly conditions to achieve the best results possible.

Their training, Long Chen’s training, Alea’s training, even Tian Yang’s training, was all motivated partially by him. His deeds that they couldn’t replicate…next time they met, whether as friends, lovers, master and disciple, or even strangers, they’d be there to stand by his side and show him their worth.

They’d make it clear that none of them were side characters in his story.

2 years later when it was time for the Grand Assembly to take place, they’d see him again. And at that time…they would prove their determination while seeing just what unimaginable level he’d reached in the time he was gone.


The atmosphere of Aquazyl was wrapped in silence. With the events at the Tephit Clan having come to a complete conclusion, there wasn’t much else that could bring upheaval to the realm.

In the end, Ria decided to join her clan in the Sanctuary, following her deep conversation and…following night with Maximus.

As for Maximus, he was staying in Aquazyl.

Just as Damien realized before, all people had their own goals and paths. All people had aspirations they worked excruciatingly to achieve.

For Maximus, this was both the safety of his clan and its prosperity. These driving factors and his dedication were the reason the Ruvia Clan could stand tall to this day. He had no doubt that if he entered the Sanctuary like Ria and the Oga Clan, he’d give his clan both of these things. However, he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Maximus had realized something during these past few weeks of interacting with Damien. He realized that even if Damien himself wasn’t the successor of Aquazyl, he wasn’t either. None of the Sea God Clans were for that matter.

Then, what was the point of the Prominence War?

Was it just a stopgap to keep the realm functioning until the true successor came along?

Regardless of the Prominence War’s true purpose, it was true that Maximus gained nothing from remaining in Aquazyl. The reason he decided to stay…
Please visit 𝚒𝓷𝚗𝚛𝚎𝙖𝐝. 𝒄૦𝓂

Was far more selfless.

Maximus looked up at the dark sky. Aquazyl’s sun had set, allowing him time to peacefully think over the past events.

‘Aquazyl will not be peaceful while you’re gone…’ he thought to himself.

‘I don’t know when you’ll return or if you even will. But if you do, then it means you’re truly the one we’ve been waiting for.’

His arm reached out as if wanting to grasp at the invisible strings of fate. He wondered whether or not his life had any proper meaning.

But even if it didn’t, all he had to do was give his life meaning with his own actions. Why would he wait for some unknown force to do it for him?

‘I will take control of Aquazyl and await your return. If that day comes, I will serve you loyally and hand over the throne. If it doesn’t, I will rule Aquazyl for eternity and make sure the Prominence War isn’t allowed to continue destroying our societies.’

Maximus closed his eyes. The face of a woman appeared there. She had beautiful dark skin, beautiful eyes that he could never stop looking away from, a toned and muscular body that showcased the years she spent in battle…

Her rugged exterior and demeanor made anyone believe she was more of a man than a woman. Viewing her as a romantic partner or even as an attractive woman was impossible for most despite her stunning beauty.

But Maximus knew that deep down, she was still a girl who yearned for love and romance. She was someone who was both hard and soft but never had the opportunity to show off her soft side.

If they truly returned one day…

‘I’ll make sure you’ll never have to hide that side of you ever again. From that day until eternity, I will protect you with everything I have.’

His thoughts came to a halt slowly after that sentence. There was so much he needed to do, so many plans he had to execute in order for the future to go perfectly as he wished it.

Therefore, thinking about these idle things wouldn’t do him any good.

Maximus opened his eyes. Something in his mind clicked.

Sirens were beings of hypnosis and charm. Their main attack method used sound as a medium, but their general aptitude in mana usage translated in many more ways than just this.

For instance, mental magic. Sirens were incredibly capable when it came to manipulating thoughts and emotions. This was the method they used to feed and kill when they were young and weak. They’d lure weaker beings with their songs, manipulating their minds so they willingly handed themselves over.

This mental magic was most often used on other targets, but that didn’t mean it was limited to this much.

A Siren’s mental magic could just as easily be used on themselves.

Maximus’ eyes dulled, becoming lifeless. His heart numbed to feel nothing and his mind cleared of unnecessary thought. The only thing he kept was his goal and the methods he would use to reach it.

This version of Maximus was like a robot, a puppet. But it was this version of Maximus that could get work done with utmost efficiency, it was this version of him that could dictatorially rule Aquazyl for as long as he needed to before his task finally came to an end.

Until he was exposed to the trigger that would undo this mental magic, he’d remain in this state.

As for what that trigger was…?

She was currently in the Sanctuary, exploring Theavel’s seas and looking for a place where she and her clan could have a fresh start.