The way Life and Death interacted was relatively simple. The two Laws represented polar opposites, and while they shared a symbiotic relationship, it was also common for them to clash at a moment’s notice.
Reincarnation represented the delicate balance in which these two opposites harmonized.
Space and Time were more convoluted in many different ways. For one, there wasn’t a defined boundary between them, and they were always interacting as if they desired to be one. Along with this, space and time didn’t have a middle ground, rather their convergence point was far less of a point and more of a macrocosm in itself.
After all, the convergence of space and time created the “container” in which reality existed.
Now, with these facts in mind, how did space react when it mingled with Life, and what about Death? The same could be said about time. How did these unrelated forces interact?
While they were unrelated on the surface, in reality, they had far more relation than anyone could imagine.
What was space if not a place for life to reside? Where could life exist without space for it to exist within?
And without time, what was the measure of death? The concept of lifespan would disappear, the concept of maturity would disappear, and all the functions of life that allowed death to thrive would cease existing.
In essence, these four forces shared a complex relationship that was represented within the universal law, and it wasn’t just them.
The five elements, creation and destruction, and all other concepts in existence were connected somehow.
‘That connection is being represented here.’
Due to the clash between two different World Core variants, the laws of the universe were wantonly being thrown about the World Core Space.
While it didn’t mean anything to the Saint Emperor, who’d already reached a level where he could touch the universal law with the tips of his fingers, it was everything to Damien.
‘This is it. This is everything. If I can internalize this…’
Damien sunk into comprehension without care for his surroundings. Even if he didn’t put his trust in Park Jinho, the commander was his only hope of survival on the physical plane, and with the World Cores clashing so ferociously, he didn’t have to mediate the battle much either.
As long as he diverted a portion of his consciousness to maintain the world’s stability…
‘Let’s see what I can gain from this unexpected opportunity.’
It had to be remembered that a Demigod stood opposed to Damien. Immersing himself in comprehension at this juncture contained just as much risk as it did reward…
…or at least, that’s what Damien thought.
‘He’s a fast learner. At this rate, I shouldn’t have to wait too long before he reaches “that” level.’
The Saint Emperor watched Damien as he controlled the Infected World Core to retaliate with the bare minimum of required strength to survive.
His consciousness was split in two, with both sides partaking in battle, but neither looked distressed in the slightest.
‘Park Jinho is just average. With time, he too will fade into the annals of history. This boy, however…the change he brings to this universe will be immense, likely more immense than even our advent.’
The Saint Emperor felt something bubbling up in his chest, a feeling he hadn’t experienced so prominently in many years.
A burning anticipation filled his chest as he thought of Damien’s, no, the Seed’s future achievements.
However, nothing was set in stone. Fate was a mysterious force, firm at times yet extremely malleable at others.
When it came to the fate of someone like Damien, there were countless different branching paths that he could possibly take depending on the situation.
‘I want to drive him to despair.’
If so, Damien’s path would be that of an Asura. Watching him destroy the universe with his own hands would be a treat, especially if the Saint Emperor could appear during the aftermath and consume the Seed’s power.
‘That isn’t nearly the most amusing timeline.’
As someone who’d lived for countless hundreds of thousands of years, the Saint Emperor was a being consumed by boredom.
He participated in the war personally for a spark of entertainment, and also to see if he could find someone with the potential to become entertainment in the future.
Instead, he found Damien, someone who far surpassed any expectations he could’ve possibly held.
‘There are so many paths, it is almost euphoric to imagine them playing out. However, only one can come into existence.’
The Saint Emperor smiled.
‘Let us see how his life plays out first. It seems he is already on quite the interesting path.’
The Saint Emperor glanced over at Damien, who was surrounded by willowisps of pitch-black mana that constantly shifted between multiple different concepts. His smile only grew wider and more perverse when he saw it.
His fists clenched, and a trace of murky black mana appeared around it.
But unlike last time, it wasn’t met by heavenly retribution.
The black mana was allowed to swirl freely.
After all, with the source nearby, how could the heavens dare to interfere?
‘Is it another three minutes before the process is over? Shall I entertain this Park Jinho for a bit before I go?’
The Saint Emperor casually parried Park Jinho’s swords with his bare forearms and counterattacked with the ferocity of a tiger.
Right hook, a jab from the left, another straight punch, an uppercut to the jaw; the uppercut lost momentum halfway through as the Saint Emperor impossibly changed its trajectory and slammed the back of his fist into Park Jinho’s nose.
The human commander’s body went flying. Before he could regain his senses, the Saint Emperor was before him again.
He felt like every attack was being forcefully etched into his soul. He could clearly remember every pattern, every slight nuance of the Saint Emperor’s movements as the man utterly decimated him.
‘I must make distance…!’
Park Jinho truly tried his best. He used every tactic in his arsenal. He utilized Water Laws to their utmost, giving way to a mystical showing of water’s properties, however, it was no use.
‘He was toying with me from the beginning.’
The realization struck along with another thunderous fist,
It was inconceivable.
Even when he barely used mana, the Saint Emperor’s precise movements honed over hundreds of thousands of years of training were more than enough to suppress someone of Park Jinho’s level.
Not to mention, the pure comprehensive ability of a Demigod.
As a being who nearly surpassed the universe, the Saint Emperor had an inexplicable ability to deconstruct its laws.
Though it wasn’t absolute, it was an ability that could absolutely suppress those with less understanding of those base concepts than him.
In essence, it was an ability that boiled down to the universal law once again.
Park Jinho gritted his teeth and fought back with everything he had. He swirled through the air like a dreidel, displaying all 63 Faces of Water one after another.
The first phase began gently, but the last phase was a raging tsunami that could consume a planet with its fury.
The ability itself was flawless, but the enemy was too powerful for it to show its worth.
It was a depressing fight.
Park Jinho felt the desire to give up countless times.
But somehow, he managed to persevere past his pessimism.
5 minutes passed.
The world began rumbling once more.