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Suggestion - Posted By Lesnovel Apr 23, 2024

37 0

Apocalypse: Infinite Plunder on webnovel

Vyvymanga Blocking issue - Posted By Unblock me Mar 21, 2024

50 0

Recently vyvymanga has blocked so many accounts on date 20/03/2024.( Mainly from India) The issue is unknown to the blocked account users. My account was also blocked btw. If anyone knows the reason please tell us what is ongoing on and if there is any chance that vyvymanga will be fix.

The number of chapters - Posted By Lwagneth10 Dec 13, 2023

67 0

Is there a possible to inform the number of chapts, so I can see when the novel is complete? Tks

Novel request - Posted By RyuMi Dec 13, 2023

66 0

Could you please upload I'M DIVORCING MY TYRANT HUSBAND please please I couldn't wait for the manhua so I'm looking for novel The original Korean ver is completed but my dummy brain is such a sucker and couldn't understand a thing

The updates - Posted By Sara Nov 07, 2023

81 0

I'm thankful for this site. I can read my favorite novels when ever I want to. The site has like really amazing novels and something they add more but the update has been really slow some novels haven't been updated since January 😭😭 are they dropped? I want to read further. It has been great in this website since It was really new to know where to read novels.

will there be/ is there an app for this like for vyvymanga - Posted By FractaledSoul Oct 29, 2023

85 0

is there an app in the works for vynovel like there is for vyvymanga, if so how do I find it or when will be be created

MXTX and MEATBUN'S work are TAINTED!!!! - Posted By Not.Happy Sep 14, 2023

86 1

MXTX and MEATBUN's novels here either have bad translations or incomplete. I HAVE THEM THO. How do I upload them here? I really want to reach others. Thank youuu

searching novel problems - Posted By [Constructor of Dreams] Aug 22, 2023

96 0

i kept entering titles, even those that are already in my bookmarks and god it always says not found no result??? vy-san :((

SUGGESTION THAT YOU CAN'T SAY NO !! - Posted By MrNotSoCreative Jul 22, 2023

1,114 0

I saw your ranking system and lot of other system related to reader. That's an amazing thing . Thanks for that 🙂 . BTW my suggestion is that you sould add some type of achievement system or rewards system to readers profile . And you can also add popularity ranking leaderboard based on collection and comments or useful report and suggestions. You can also add some type of level system on profile . All i have to say is that give reader some more fun things other than only reading. It will help us to rise the community and activities. You know sometimes only reading is kinda boring and when i see those without chapter novel or same novel multiple time your team uploaded it really piss me off 😑. Thanks, really appreciate your efforts.......💕

Please add - Posted By Koko-koko Jul 21, 2023

102 0

Please add 'heaven officials blessing' novel..

I need help finding this novel - Posted By BIu3 Jul 19, 2023

107 0

I dont know if its on this site but i read this novel and didnt finish it( i totally forgot about it). So its a historical novel and its about this girl thats like a divine/chosen child and shes an orphan and has to decide which noble family will adopt her(shes a baby).She choses a family but there she gets abused and dies.She is bought back in time and she choses another famili but there she gets ignored after another holy child apears and dies as a sacrifice.The 3rd time she runs away but dies on the street. When she is reborn again she choses the afamily of a duke that was supposed to be a really scary and cold person.He has 3 children.Him and the 2 younges sibligs get obsessed with her(in a good way) and give her a lot of love I remember at some point she summons a demon .And she goes to a church where she meets a prince and they become friends.But she tell him she is a maid and uses the name of her brother. Thats all i remember.Please help me find it.

Magic world/magic academy novels - Posted By Daoist9lives Jun 30, 2023

105 0

I need some magic world novels

Pls read the 'Rebirth of the useless waste: number one evil immortal - Posted By oki Jun 06, 2023

119 0

I highly recommend this one! I've been reading this novel in three years and it's never been boring since chapter 1. I almost killed myself because the site where im reading this suddenly disappeared and can't find the novel in other sites. So, Im so thankful vy-san pick this novel! You save my life ps/: im just kidding about killing myself but I really got depressed for a week because of it english is not my first language so im sorry if im grammatically wrong

Writer - Posted By A.P.S. May 31, 2023

402 0

Any chance I can publish my own works here?

Transfer from vyvymanga to vynovel - Posted By Seagull May 24, 2023

125 1

Is there a way for us to transfer our bookmarked novels or our accounts from vyvymanga to here?

I'm back and disappointed :l - Posted By Lainey May 02, 2023

166 1

I've been checking out this website since I first found it months ago. At first I thought it was still new and still having things be added and fixed, which is fine. After being on VyyManga for awhile and seeing is work pretty well I was excited for this website but I saw it wasn't really secure and it had some problems. I decided to wait awhile and come back and see the problems were fixed and see if the website was more functional. Well, I'm back and disappointed. It seems to have all of the same problems and I can't find anything to read without getting a few chapters in only to find I don't like it; because they are all either poorly categorized, don't have a genre, don't have a description or just don't have any chapters at all. I have to say that I will finally be giving up on this website. I have finally run out of patience and I'm done waiting for them to better the website when I know that it's gonna be left the way it is. I'll be on the hunt for a better one and once I find one I'll be sure to post a link to it. Goodbye and good luck. Have a good day.

log in - Posted By hi i exist Apr 20, 2023

141 1

for some reason i keep needing to re-enter my info to log in each time i change tabs :(

No chapters - Posted By Chantalooog Apr 10, 2023

139 0

Most Shonen ai and yaoi novels has no chapters in it. The novels looms good but can't be read.

I AND MY HUSBAND SLEEP IN A COFFIN - Posted By Chantalooog Apr 10, 2023

141 0

I can't see this story on the website. Is it added? The "I AND MY HUSBAND SLEEP IN A Coffin"?

The novel was added to your collection!