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Thank you - Posted By haatati Feb 02, 2023

204 0


SUGGESTION THAT YOU CAN'T SAY NO !! - Posted By MrNotSoCreative Jul 22, 2023

1,116 0

I saw your ranking system and lot of other system related to reader. That's an amazing thing . Thanks for that 🙂 . BTW my suggestion is that you sould add some type of achievement system or rewards system to readers profile . And you can also add popularity ranking leaderboard based on collection and comments or useful report and suggestions. You can also add some type of level system on profile . All i have to say is that give reader some more fun things other than only reading. It will help us to rise the community and activities. You know sometimes only reading is kinda boring and when i see those without chapter novel or same novel multiple time your team uploaded it really piss me off 😑. Thanks, really appreciate your efforts.......💕

Suggestion - Posted By Lesnovel Apr 23, 2024

38 0

Apocalypse: Infinite Plunder on webnovel

finally a novel reading site! - Posted By [Constructor of Dreams] Feb 03, 2023

224 1

uwaa i just decided to check the notifs and saw there's already a novel site ty so much for this! looking forward for me being able to read my favorite novels 🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼

Novel recommendation - Posted By Momo Feb 09, 2023

687 11

I haven't read any novels till now so IDK where and which novel I should start from.. Can somebody give me some recommendations..I'm open to any genre as long as it's interesting

E - Posted By kol. Feb 03, 2023

180 0

woah poggers !!

Anyone know the process to post stuff? - Posted By Noob Mar 01, 2023

234 1

I literally have all the 'Rascal does not dream of' epub+pdf files and would love to post them here, but I don't have a clue how.

Add a Novel - Posted By LuCiFeR Feb 22, 2023

268 1

I wanna add some web novel in this site(if possible). How to do so???????

No comment showing - Posted By Mia♡ Feb 02, 2023

310 4

Is it just me or there isn't any comment on the main page? I can't even see mine😥

Account - Posted By Ledy Feb 02, 2023

819 6

There is a chance of re-enter with the same account of vyvymanga?

Comments issue - Posted By Likhi Feb 02, 2023

248 2

Hii!!! Good to know that a novel website is introduced.... But let me just inform a something that I wanted in this website...... 1. Mangas are fine to read in a mobile version because they show the right size of the letters but novel doesn't do that....... There atleast should be an option for changing font sizes and styles and different modes for reading..... i.e. dark mode is the default now but there should be normal ones too.... 2. I can't press any of the ones that are above the comment box or more like I can access them but when I click on them, it just doesn't appear on the dialogue box

Wanna know some facts - Posted By Whatever! Feb 20, 2023

274 2

Does vy san have discord? And also does Vy san want some uploaders for chapters?

Another v sign - Posted By Sara Mar 03, 2023

155 1

Vyvysan we need a another v sign so when some new people people show up they can visit vyvymanga and vynovel at the same time. We can even read manga and come back to read novels too! And it will be much easy to sign in since we sometimes need to search up

Haha im early - Posted By glamdak Feb 03, 2023

225 0

hello people i will come back to this in march

first discussion - Posted By soly Feb 02, 2023

290 2

trop down ur fav novels folks. and thank u vyvy for those amazing websites ( Heart emoji). nr. one user ig

Comments not loading - Posted By Foureyedwierdo😎 Feb 02, 2023

218 0

Not able to see the comments. Not even my own comments through comment history. Please fix it vy-san.

Commenting issue - Posted By Likhi Feb 02, 2023

208 1


Why this it isn’t secure - Posted By Rheart Feb 02, 2023

408 1

Why a new site when its not secure

Disappointed - Posted By Reader Feb 02, 2023

379 1

This new one - Posted By North Star Feb 03, 2023

223 0

I don't understand anything, still feels like manga site than novel site

The novel was added to your collection!